Actually, Republican voters have conned themselves. All the Republican politicians have to do is throw out a trail of bigot-crumbs or greed-crumbs or Christian extremist-crumbs that lead back to the Republican party and Republican voters obediently drag their asses into the polls and pull the lever…and bang!! The trap is sprung until a few years later when Democrats un-spring the traps.
But like goldfish with no memory, Republicans fall for it over and over. Of course, the Republican politicians have to sweeten the bait a bit more each time. But not much!
@11 You're a fool. Have you ever lived under single payer? I have and these type of budget issues happen all the time under single payer. Also tell me where people in this country are dying because they have no money....Facts please not some washed up lefty BS
Simple solution to end 2nd Amendment debate: The Government would provide every citizen age 16 and up with a handgun. Thus, America's meets the 2nd Amendment objective of having an armed citizen's militia. Citizens could then mete out justice with impunity. All such shootings would be "justifiable" homicide in self defense. Since all citizens equally armed would provide "prima facie" evidence of acting in self defense by shooting first. This would be in keeping with our devotion to guns and shooting those that deserve it. That would minimize NRA and it's surrogates.. like The Rev Jerry Falwell and Rev Jonathan Falwell in their attempt to make guns a "religious" obligation... Of course this sounds absurd, but so is a nation that allows the proliferation of weapons that kill.
“Besides, I really don't like giving advice to anyone (not my place) -- hey, just describing what I see and throwing out opinions for what it's worth, like anyone else. As Dirty Harry said, "Opinions are like assholes; everyone's got one."
“You're not Mommy the Monitor. This is a free-speech zone, so post as much or as little as your black heart desires. If you can't handle my politically incorrect posts, then don't read them and don't respond.”
Why don't you two get a room; you have so much in common: paranoid, deluded liars so brainwashed by far-right propaganda that you can't think clearly and evidently have no capacity for self reflection. The main reason that some of us here ridicule most of your positions and statements is that they are not based on any reality whatsoever. That blunt assessment is a self-evident fact, not an opinion.
Above are glaring examples of this irrefutable fact -- typical of virtually every programmed "thought" you regurgitate on this blog. Nothing in either post is even remotely true. Nothing!
Thom has never -- not once on this blog, on his programs, or in his many books -- advocated banning the "private ownership of firearms." That is a direct lie.
Advocating the banning of the widely misinterpreted and outdated Second Amendment, however, is a constitutional issue on a different level altogether. His contention, as is the majority of Americans, is that using the amendment as an excuse for the proliferation of weapons of war on our streets is simply wrong in so many ways. Instead of falsely generalizing to promote your worthless opinions, please name one point he made about the actual history of the Second Amendment that is factually incorrect.
And no one here is "blaming an inanimate object" or "completely ignoring the guilt of the perp." That is an artificial separation and, at the same time, a false equivalency argument that you are having with yourself in your own little Fuxed-up "mind." It is obvious the two aspects of these types of atrocities are inseparable in outside reality.
Furthermore, to any normal thinking human being anyway, it is obvious that Thom took down the photo out of a commitment to his own personal, evolving feelings and principles (It is his website, after all.), and as a powerful statement in line with those principles -- the very antithesis of hypocrisy. Of course that would completely escape the small mind of a real hypocrite, now wouldn't it?
Similarly, after Sandy Hook, I could no longer bear looking at the AR-15 that I had built from scratch, with all of the most advanced bells and whistles available on the market at the time, so I sold it to a dear friend of mine -- a cop who uses it for target practice. Is that also considered hypocrisy in your Fux News alternate universe?
As far as a proper stance, etc., is concerned, Thom was merely posing for a likely impromptu snapshot on his brother's property, who is an avid target shooter, where Thom has frequently practiced himself. He also went through formal training at a Georgia (I believe it was.) police academy as part of background research for one of his books.
Although I didn't bother to look closely enough to see if he was holding the automatic pistol exactly correctly as he posed for his brother's picture, rest assured that he absolutely does know how to fire it correctly. Your shameful insinuation otherwise is just another made-up lie that you pulled out of your old bony ass.
Finally, your whole "good guy with a gun" despicable lie (yet again) is disproven by your own linked article. Yes, the church usher is absolutely a hero, but he never stopped the perp with a gun -- he tackled him, a fight pursued, and the bad guy shot himself. After he was subdued and disabled, THEN the good guy went to his car to get a gun and hold the bad guy until the police arrived.
So you two congenital liars should get a room -- preferably a padded cell in a psych ward.
I suspect it was a posed photo to show he is a manly man. Anybody that has ever shot a semi auto handgun would ever hold a gun like that while firing. Shooting with your thumb behind the moving slide is a mistake you make only once. I doubt anyone in the vacinity of that photo would have allowed him to make a rookie mistake like that.
Side note to Thom stammering at the "good guy with a gun" comment yesterday,
Tennessee church usher who stopped gunman is hailed as 'hero'
I see that Thom has scrubbed his website of the photo of him shooting a handgun. A .40 cal I believe but then I did not give the photo much thought. What's the matter Thom? Embarrassed now by the pic? Afraid that it demonstrated your hypocrisy on the issue of private ownership of firearms?
People posting here are so quick to blame the inanimate object (the weapon(s)) and completely ignore the guilt of the perp.
I regret changing the subject here but; Legend is correct I think. And the brainwashing was what I had composed earlier. "Your Freedome will bury you Krusev said". ( Spelling ain't my strong suit) But, I'm old enough to remember it. Now; add social media and the "wild west of freedom: (internet); to use for psychological warfare? Well; appears they did, since you add in the KGB agent Putin as an (organized crime leader of a country with oil and friends of many American thugs such as Mannifort and the rest of the 1%r's???? Add in the assualt since 1986 of AM radio imbedding in the minds of southern white males that government is bad and "them brown people are a takin' yo money?
Now: to my first thought. I have attempted to get into the Paddock guys psyche and; I (operating on no terrorist contact reported), I have a hypothisis. Could it be that a successful millionaire went crazy as a loon to make a statement about white supremacy? I have labored with exposing my thoughts and hope im incorrect. However; could it be that the reason he took on a (virtually caucasian venue of a good time and music) to say he was ashamed? Yes; a damn crazy idea but without anything else to go on I merely proffer this. The authorities havent yet. The reason I even had that thought was that I heard (on progressive media several days ago that it was now up to us White males and Women to stop this racial idiocy we are suffering. Again, perhaps he was just crazy but; a damn millionaire? I could have been there if I were wealthy, love Country music and play it also in personal situations. I greive with all that lost loved ones and were shot and injured but please understand, I'm attempting to figure this atrocity out and it's unimajinable what these poor souls endured and the survivors will live with forever. Not the first tears as I wrote this.
A third Republick Party colossal idiocy: Bubble markets!.... Recently Yellon commented that she doesn't want to spook the current house of cards. Well guess what, it's her job to curb the irrational whip silly exurberance by raising interest rates. When the orange numbnut filled the swamp with Goldman Sachs crooks, he created the impression of a bankster fraud friendly government.
As Thom has pointed out many times , the Fascist buy back of shares with borrowed money at almost zero interest is part of the manipulation, but there is also a massive amount of illegal activity going on as well.....this from anonymous insiders!
Tax reform is the justification for the massive inflation of stocks, and that's already beyond baked in to the record setting numbers. Also as Thom already pointed out, trickle down never works, and the Fascists know it.
There won't be a correction, it will be a crash, and the rates are too low to be of any help in restarting the economy, not to mention the Kochbaggers will block any govt. welfare for the banksters this time around, we're headed for 1929 again. Colossal Idiocy once again!
The crash might do crooked Donny in well before the treason charges.
No, Hephaestus, there isn't. Although Thom's article, as usual, is a wonderful and very accurate history lesson, the catch-22 is revealed in one of his pollyannaish (bless him) statements at the end:
"Hopefully, though, reality will continue to sink in with the American people and the massive fraud perpetrated by Wanniski, Reagan, Graham, Bush(s), and all their "conservative" enablers will be seen for what it was and is."
The herd mentality of the American people suck at nuance when it comes to politics; they're as trusting as kittens and as gullible as, well, Trump voters.
I sincerely hope Thom's optimism comes to fruition, but the gambler in me calculates long odds -- at least before we avoid a total meltdown on all fronts. Then, the American people might finally wake up -- too feckin' late!
With the influence of brainwashing media such as Fox News they have sold this to a large portion of low educated Americans. I should add that the mainstream media is owned and operated by the 1%.
One eyed people can only see 1/2 of the equation = my side does nothing wrong!
It's all your fault...geez where have I heard that before???
Actually, Republican voters have conned themselves. All the Republican politicians have to do is throw out a trail of bigot-crumbs or greed-crumbs or Christian extremist-crumbs that lead back to the Republican party and Republican voters obediently drag their asses into the polls and pull the lever…and bang!! The trap is sprung until a few years later when Democrats un-spring the traps.
But like goldfish with no memory, Republicans fall for it over and over. Of course, the Republican politicians have to sweeten the bait a bit more each time. But not much!
#12 - Your avatar suits you well
Sucking something
You evade the question
You display your lack of understnding by calling me a fool
@11 You're a fool. Have you ever lived under single payer? I have and these type of budget issues happen all the time under single payer. Also tell me where people in this country are dying because they have no money....Facts please not some washed up lefty BS
#10 - You might be just evil
Have you ever been in a country where people die because they have no money?
Simple solution to end 2nd Amendment debate: The Government would provide every citizen age 16 and up with a handgun. Thus, America's meets the 2nd Amendment objective of having an armed citizen's militia. Citizens could then mete out justice with impunity. All such shootings would be "justifiable" homicide in self defense. Since all citizens equally armed would provide "prima facie" evidence of acting in self defense by shooting first. This would be in keeping with our devotion to guns and shooting those that deserve it. That would minimize NRA and it's surrogates.. like The Rev Jerry Falwell and Rev Jonathan Falwell in their attempt to make guns a "religious" obligation... Of course this sounds absurd, but so is a nation that allows the proliferation of weapons that kill.
Legend you are learning a valuable lesson about what happens when there is only one payer. Still want that single payer?
Here comes the cuts to Medicare. Diane should be glad of that.
Here is Thom with with Bro's .40 cal gun.
Could the timing be any better?
deepspace •
“Besides, I really don't like giving advice to anyone (not my place) -- hey, just describing what I see and throwing out opinions for what it's worth, like anyone else. As Dirty Harry said, "Opinions are like assholes; everyone's got one."
“You're not Mommy the Monitor. This is a free-speech zone, so post as much or as little as your black heart desires. If you can't handle my politically incorrect posts, then don't read them and don't respond.”
Why don't you two get a room; you have so much in common: paranoid, deluded liars so brainwashed by far-right propaganda that you can't think clearly and evidently have no capacity for self reflection. The main reason that some of us here ridicule most of your positions and statements is that they are not based on any reality whatsoever. That blunt assessment is a self-evident fact, not an opinion.
Above are glaring examples of this irrefutable fact -- typical of virtually every programmed "thought" you regurgitate on this blog. Nothing in either post is even remotely true. Nothing!
Thom has never -- not once on this blog, on his programs, or in his many books -- advocated banning the "private ownership of firearms." That is a direct lie.
Advocating the banning of the widely misinterpreted and outdated Second Amendment, however, is a constitutional issue on a different level altogether. His contention, as is the majority of Americans, is that using the amendment as an excuse for the proliferation of weapons of war on our streets is simply wrong in so many ways. Instead of falsely generalizing to promote your worthless opinions, please name one point he made about the actual history of the Second Amendment that is factually incorrect.
And no one here is "blaming an inanimate object" or "completely ignoring the guilt of the perp." That is an artificial separation and, at the same time, a false equivalency argument that you are having with yourself in your own little Fuxed-up "mind." It is obvious the two aspects of these types of atrocities are inseparable in outside reality.
Furthermore, to any normal thinking human being anyway, it is obvious that Thom took down the photo out of a commitment to his own personal, evolving feelings and principles (It is his website, after all.), and as a powerful statement in line with those principles -- the very antithesis of hypocrisy. Of course that would completely escape the small mind of a real hypocrite, now wouldn't it?
Similarly, after Sandy Hook, I could no longer bear looking at the AR-15 that I had built from scratch, with all of the most advanced bells and whistles available on the market at the time, so I sold it to a dear friend of mine -- a cop who uses it for target practice. Is that also considered hypocrisy in your Fux News alternate universe?
As far as a proper stance, etc., is concerned, Thom was merely posing for a likely impromptu snapshot on his brother's property, who is an avid target shooter, where Thom has frequently practiced himself. He also went through formal training at a Georgia (I believe it was.) police academy as part of background research for one of his books.
Although I didn't bother to look closely enough to see if he was holding the automatic pistol exactly correctly as he posed for his brother's picture, rest assured that he absolutely does know how to fire it correctly. Your shameful insinuation otherwise is just another made-up lie that you pulled out of your old bony ass.
Finally, your whole "good guy with a gun" despicable lie (yet again) is disproven by your own linked article. Yes, the church usher is absolutely a hero, but he never stopped the perp with a gun -- he tackled him, a fight pursued, and the bad guy shot himself. After he was subdued and disabled, THEN the good guy went to his car to get a gun and hold the bad guy until the police arrived.
So you two congenital liars should get a room -- preferably a padded cell in a psych ward.
@ #46
Reminiscent of Obama shooting a shotgun.
I suspect it was a posed photo to show he is a manly man. Anybody that has ever shot a semi auto handgun would ever hold a gun like that while firing. Shooting with your thumb behind the moving slide is a mistake you make only once. I doubt anyone in the vacinity of that photo would have allowed him to make a rookie mistake like that.
Side note to Thom stammering at the "good guy with a gun" comment yesterday,
Tennessee church usher who stopped gunman is hailed as 'hero'
I see that Thom has scrubbed his website of the photo of him shooting a handgun. A .40 cal I believe but then I did not give the photo much thought. What's the matter Thom? Embarrassed now by the pic? Afraid that it demonstrated your hypocrisy on the issue of private ownership of firearms?
People posting here are so quick to blame the inanimate object (the weapon(s)) and completely ignore the guilt of the perp.
Thom? You ask how do they get away with lies? Simple. They own the NEWS! They can say , omit, delete or not cover anything.
I regret changing the subject here but; Legend is correct I think. And the brainwashing was what I had composed earlier. "Your Freedome will bury you Krusev said". ( Spelling ain't my strong suit) But, I'm old enough to remember it. Now; add social media and the "wild west of freedom: (internet); to use for psychological warfare? Well; appears they did, since you add in the KGB agent Putin as an (organized crime leader of a country with oil and friends of many American thugs such as Mannifort and the rest of the 1%r's???? Add in the assualt since 1986 of AM radio imbedding in the minds of southern white males that government is bad and "them brown people are a takin' yo money?
Now: to my first thought. I have attempted to get into the Paddock guys psyche and; I (operating on no terrorist contact reported), I have a hypothisis. Could it be that a successful millionaire went crazy as a loon to make a statement about white supremacy? I have labored with exposing my thoughts and hope im incorrect. However; could it be that the reason he took on a (virtually caucasian venue of a good time and music) to say he was ashamed? Yes; a damn crazy idea but without anything else to go on I merely proffer this. The authorities havent yet. The reason I even had that thought was that I heard (on progressive media several days ago that it was now up to us White males and Women to stop this racial idiocy we are suffering. Again, perhaps he was just crazy but; a damn millionaire? I could have been there if I were wealthy, love Country music and play it also in personal situations. I greive with all that lost loved ones and were shot and injured but please understand, I'm attempting to figure this atrocity out and it's unimajinable what these poor souls endured and the survivors will live with forever. Not the first tears as I wrote this.
Show me where Roy Moore is any different than a Stephen Paddock...actually Moore's profile would be worse than Paddocks.
The saddest part of bubble markets: The fascist elites end up just fine...the 99% pay the awful price of disaster economics.
A third Republick Party colossal idiocy: Bubble markets!.... Recently Yellon commented that she doesn't want to spook the current house of cards. Well guess what, it's her job to curb the irrational whip silly exurberance by raising interest rates. When the orange numbnut filled the swamp with Goldman Sachs crooks, he created the impression of a bankster fraud friendly government.
As Thom has pointed out many times , the Fascist buy back of shares with borrowed money at almost zero interest is part of the manipulation, but there is also a massive amount of illegal activity going on as well.....this from anonymous insiders!
Tax reform is the justification for the massive inflation of stocks, and that's already beyond baked in to the record setting numbers. Also as Thom already pointed out, trickle down never works, and the Fascists know it.
There won't be a correction, it will be a crash, and the rates are too low to be of any help in restarting the economy, not to mention the Kochbaggers will block any govt. welfare for the banksters this time around, we're headed for 1929 again. Colossal Idiocy once again!
The crash might do crooked Donny in well before the treason charges.
No, Hephaestus, there isn't. Although Thom's article, as usual, is a wonderful and very accurate history lesson, the catch-22 is revealed in one of his pollyannaish (bless him) statements at the end:
"Hopefully, though, reality will continue to sink in with the American people and the massive fraud perpetrated by Wanniski, Reagan, Graham, Bush(s), and all their "conservative" enablers will be seen for what it was and is."
The herd mentality of the American people suck at nuance when it comes to politics; they're as trusting as kittens and as gullible as, well, Trump voters.
I sincerely hope Thom's optimism comes to fruition, but the gambler in me calculates long odds -- at least before we avoid a total meltdown on all fronts. Then, the American people might finally wake up -- too feckin' late!
Maybe you can explain why this is good for you DianeReynolds?
With the influence of brainwashing media such as Fox News they have sold this to a large portion of low educated Americans. I should add that the mainstream media is owned and operated by the 1%.
of course they can!
Is there any reason to believe that "common sense" might prevail?
Where are the Romans when we need them?