Recent comments

  • How the Republican Party Has Conned America for Over 30 Years   7 years 17 weeks ago

    Calm down. Thom's replacement seems to be a rational individual that actually looks at both sides of an issue and presents his points in a logical manner. I am not missing the twisting of history, repetitive rants, or the constant negativity. We made it through an entire day without blaming the worlds woe's on Ronald Reagan.

    I like this new guy, quite a refreshing change.

  • How the Republican Party Has Conned America for Over 30 Years   7 years 18 weeks ago

    I wonder when the podcasts start again. Been on "Best of" for 3 days. None posted today. Nothing new on Thom's Blog. Is it over?

  • How the Republican Party Has Conned America for Over 30 Years   7 years 18 weeks ago

    Wishful thinking.

  • How the Republican Party Has Conned America for Over 30 Years   7 years 18 weeks ago

    For a VP to leave a National Football game just after the National Anthem had been sung is so much more disrespectful to the Nation than anything. The song portrays ability to withstand in the face of all odds without retreat. He cut and run? Did he sing the National Anthem all the way to his "fundraiser".

    Oddly enough, while the National Anthem is played on the boob tube, millions of Americans sit at home planted to the couch eating yellow orange colored potato chips and double cheese crust meat lover pizza while guzzling carmel colored carbonated sugar.

    By the way, wouldn't it be patriotic for wall street get paid to sing the National Anthem each morning before opening bell?

  • How the Republican Party Has Conned America for Over 30 Years   7 years 18 weeks ago

    And, how the hell were the players supposed to know that Pence was leaving early to attend a fundraiser? You mean to tell me he just dropped in to catch the national anthem? Doesn't make any sense.

    But that's beside the point anyway. The players are protesting the fact that a cult of racist cops shoot first then ask questions later when it comes to blacks and get off with taxpayers footing the bill. How much integrity would the players have shown if they directed their attention away from their protest just to make the vice president look awkward.

    Considering that the Black Caucus were about the only ones that stood up to the lying, dumb-ass Bush when he rushed the country into the Iraq war, maybe it would pay to listen to them for a change? We probably wouldn't be in the mess we are in in the middle east and their certainly wouldn't be Isis, which was a direct result of the Iraq occupation.

    By the way, Willie W. How are things down at the chocolate factory?

  • How the Republican Party Has Conned America for Over 30 Years   7 years 18 weeks ago

    It cost the taxpayers a cool million for Pense to fly out to the game and stage his little protest for big boss man. At least we won't get a bill from football players for exercising their right to freedom of speech.

  • How the Republican Party Has Conned America for Over 30 Years   7 years 18 weeks ago

    #45 The players should have stood in respect for our National Anthem. Pence had already planed to leave right away to make it to some fund raiser. Had all the players stood in respect, it would have made it awkward for him to walk out early.

  • How the Republican Party Has Conned America for Over 30 Years   7 years 18 weeks ago

    The ability to con' the masses exponentially increased in effectiveness and efficiency after the creation of the television aka 'boob tube'. Great minds used the invention wisely hoping to make the world better, while many others had a different goal.

    It is odd how unpatriotic some were, almost day to day, while President Obama was in office but now want to paint themselves in the flag.

  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   7 years 18 weeks ago

    Trump is gonna do something wrong...


  • How the Republican Party Has Conned America for Over 30 Years   7 years 18 weeks ago

    "Quiet before the storm!" Congratulations righties, you may get a chance to offer up you sons, daughters, grandchildren, nieces and nephews as bullet-stoppers pretty soon now for President "Fucking Moron."

    Gee, I heard Pence walked out on a NFL game because some players took a knee during the national anthem. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out you treasonous bastard! I didn't hear about the stadium emptying out to follow your lead. I guess not everyone is a bigot asshole. But you were a good little boy and did what President "Fucking Moron" told you to do. You may now kiss his ring.

  • So Few Americans Understand What the Second Amendment Is Really About—or Its Dark History   7 years 18 weeks ago

    False police reports should be taken seriously.

  • Berniecare finally arrives   7 years 18 weeks ago

    Private insurance is more prominent here, but it does not provide better care than single payer. Not by a long shot. Our healthcare program is profit based AND private insurance companies can, and do, deny covergage. My physician diagnosed my need for a hysterectomy. The insurance company said no. So he did a D&C which proved the need. Instead of being out of work for 4 weeks, I was out of work for 8 and had two surgeries instead of the one. My routine colonoscopy, 1.5 hours total, resulted in a bill over $6000. My mother's physician claimed "I didn't see the lab results" 3 months later she ended up having a colon resection requiring a colostomy. With single payer, maladies can be detected earlier because people won't wait until symptoms get really bad. I have lived abroad in 2 countries with universal healthcare and found no fault in them.

  • Berniecare finally arrives   7 years 18 weeks ago

    With all due respect, I am missing the point.

  • Would You Rather Have Healthcare Or A New F-35?   7 years 18 weeks ago

    @ Legend- I agree that the neighbouring Mexico should have first grabs on SNAP and Planned Parenthood Funds among many others! About how the government is choosing to rally in numb games with their ‘fr-enemies’ over providing healthcare benefits, I do not see this to be surprising at all- If Trump wanted to play the ‘good nurse’ he’d join the United Nations and not the US Government. If he were to actually do something that were to benefit the people directly, I guess he wouldn’t enjoy his job as much anymore. Who else thinks he gets a kick out of picking a new fight every quarter?


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  • We Have To Regulate Them Like Cars (w/Guest Julio Rivera)   7 years 18 weeks ago

    Wherever there is open carry, more blacks and minorities need to purchase and display their automatic guns in public. That's it.

    Gun regulation would pass in a month

  • How the Republican Party Has Conned America for Over 30 Years   7 years 18 weeks ago

    Sounds like Thom is moving back to Portland. Is this the beginning of retirement?

  • So Few Americans Understand What the Second Amendment Is Really About—or Its Dark History   7 years 18 weeks ago

    Whoa, trolls poppin' up everywhere! Fetch Negan's "Lucille!" YES! "I feeel your hatred! Let it flow through you, boy!"

    Haha -- no really, you guys & gals did a pretty good job this time around doin' the same 'ol song and dance routine. Good reads, insults and all. Hey, c'mon, it's fun, right? Animated true believers who go gun crazy and express anger so eloquently are a hoot!

    And what better issue to get real sh*t from the heart instead of programmed sh*t from the head. One can respect honest feelings, if not slippery-slope mental gymnastics and false assumptions based on nothing but pure, fact-free opinions.

    I've already said my piece for what it's worth -- obviously not much in a troll brain (which is cool; the sentiment is reciprocal). Can't really add much else, other than to clarify the record a bit ...if anyone really cares.

    First, I've never said that owning legal firearms is bad or that it should not be a right for law-abiding, responsible citizens, who deserve the freedom to shoot stuff to their heart's content, as long as it isn't hurting anyone or anything.

    Nor do I think that the Second Amendment, however misinterpreted, should be abolished. I thought that was pretty clear -- what part of "it's a bridge too far" do you not get?

    I grew up in the mountains in a rural area and have been around guns all of my life. Right now, I own three, try to keep proficient, and enjoy doing so. Never have I equivocated about that.

    BTW, picking your butt in public reveals your inner self, Killasquid. Not everyone thinks like you -- thank God! Your knee-jerk insinuations are easy-to-read tells. Evidently, you believe profiting on death is normal behavior. I hate to be the one to break this to you, but you're in a psychopathic minority, and such attitudes disgust normal people.

    Sorry, my Ar-15 was never about money; it was just a stupid toy that lost its allure after Sandy Hook and became bad mojo. In fact, I did take a substantial loss, but it was still a good deal in my mind, because I got rid of the damn thing, and my buddy was glad to use it for training, which was a good thing for him. Did I ever say anyone else must feel or act like me? No. That's just more of your own self-projection.

    But to deny, in so many words, that this country has a grave, very serious problem with the weakly regulated proliferation of military-grade weapons, where almost any crazy bastard has easy access to commit mass murder, is just plain stupid! And, puh-lease; the NRA is nothing but a lobbyist and toady, raising money to bribe and blackmail politicians, and spreading lies for an unconscionable industry that seeks profit above all else.

    Sure, all the hyperbolic outrage is entertaining on one level; but then, you realize that in all of the loud indignation about the SUPPOSED lost rights of gun-totin', middle-aged, mostly white guys with beer guts (Oh cry me a f*cking river!) the ACTUAL lost rights of hapless victims mowed down in their own streets is hardly ever mentioned? Another glaring tell.

    In fact you'd be hard pressed to pick out of the troll droppings above any sympathy at all for the shocking carnage that just happened right in front of us. Instead, It's all: "OMG, the Democrats are gonna take our guns!" Please demonstrate when exactly the Democratic Party has ever introduced legislation to do that in their entire history.

    They've done nothing but try to inject some sanity into the process, especially when it comes to these rapid-fire instruments of terror and death. Republicans bitterly oppose sanity ...because they're f*cking nuts!

    Wake up! Fix the goddamn broken links in the chain! Jaysus, why is that such a hard concept to fathom for Fux heads?!

  • Will the GOP Be Able To Bribe AZ, KY, AK, & ME Politicians to Repeal Healthcare?   7 years 18 weeks ago

    They can try to bribe, but perhaps still (no thanks to Diebold aka 'Premier Election Solutions') we can vote our reps' inflated egos out of office, if they bite. I think the atmosphere is such, they know that! So, count me optimistic for "Not So Bribable."

    (PS Notice the growing number of Republican apologists, these days? Or is it just me?)

  • How the Republican Party Has Conned America for Over 30 Years   7 years 18 weeks ago

    I have a question for DianeR. Are the links you gave us in support of deepspace and Thom?

    Speaking of minutes wasted, the variety article somehow equates a corporation making decisions based on profit as an attack on free speech. We on the left wish that suppressing information could be overcome by claiming freedom of speech; especially, when they stopped talking about global warming for so many years.

  • How the Republican Party Has Conned America for Over 30 Years   7 years 18 weeks ago
  • So Few Americans Understand What the Second Amendment Is Really About—or Its Dark History   7 years 18 weeks ago

    Thanks Diane,

    Honestly I have never listend to Hartmann on the radio. I do visit his website from time to time to keep up with the usual left wing nonsense. All the democrat talking points straight from the democrat political playbook can be found here. They offer nothing new. Society's problems are never their fault. Yet liberals are a significant reason for society's ills. Liberals scream at the top of their lungs everytime a mass shooting takes place but are totally silent when millions of unborn babies are aborted each year. In fact they cheer it. Then they wonder why someone commits mass murder. They are the biggest hypocrites of all.

    Oh they will come after me for equating a woman's "right to choose" with a mass murderer. Let them. There is more blood on their hands than anyone else. The NRA had nothing to do with the Las Vegas shooter. The NRA was not in his room. The NRA did not supply the shooter with guns and ammo. The Las Vegas shooter violated numerous laws, including modifying a semi-auto rifle into an automatic rifle and cold-blooded murder. Now the liberals want us to believe that more guns laws are needed to stop these atrocities. And they say we conservatives are stupid???


  • How the Republican Party Has Conned America for Over 30 Years   7 years 18 weeks ago

    The mainstream media is owned and operated by the 1%. You hear what they want you to hear. You do not hear what they do not want you to hear.

  • So Few Americans Understand What the Second Amendment Is Really About—or Its Dark History   7 years 18 weeks ago


    1. The horse is actually full of bull. I seriously doubt he/she has ever touched a firearm.

    2. Hartmann has slipped up more than once and stated on the air that if he had his way all guns would be taken and destroyed.

    3. Who gives a bag of rancid oats what a few malcontent leftie/socialists think, it ain't gonna happen anyway.

  • How the Republican Party Has Conned America for Over 30 Years   7 years 18 weeks ago

    Some facts for the bore assed woman hater. There is 2-1/2 minutes of my life that I will never get back but worth it considering I am reading these posts and guess what? Thanks to butthurt malcontent leftie/socialists, It is Christmas again.

  • So Few Americans Understand What the Second Amendment Is Really About—or Its Dark History   7 years 18 weeks ago

    Oh deepspace.

    I never said Thom advocated banning the private ownership of firearms. But he did advocate in his blog the "repeal of the 2nd Amendment". Now why would anyone want to do that other than to create a path to the banning the private ownership of firearms. There simply is no other reason.

    You use the phrase "outdated 2nd Amendment". That is your opinion. It is neither outdated nor misinterpreted. In fact it is more relevant now than ever before.

    Here is a "factually incorrect" statement from Thom. He states that the republicans do not know the "real" history of the 2nd Amendment. That is demonstrably false. However, I guess you and him feel that the only correct version of the history of the 2nd Amendment is the left wing version. Sorry, that dog don't hunt.

    So you built an AR-15 from scratch? With all the advanced bells and whistles available at that time? I sincerely hope you sold it for a loss because otherwise you are as much of a hypocrite as others here who are outraged that the firearms manufacturers, who sell their products for a profit.

    Finally, here is a sumation of all you lefties who claim:


    Except we want you to register your guns.

    Restrict transfers.

    Ban certain guns.

    Limit magazine capacity.

    Prohibit the carrying of firearms.

    Limit or ban ammunition.

    Make arbitrary laws covering cosmetic features.

    And if we catch you violating any of the above, we will throw you in prison;

    at which point we will take your guns.


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