And there you have it. For a good example of the tangled up thoughts and opinions of your typical Trump troll, look no further than #35: Stir in snippets of quotes from others with your own borrowed phrases to make a thick, lumpy mush; squeeze it all through a cone-head strainer (Free at a Fux News outlet near you!); burn it to a crisp; and -- voilà! -- a delicacy of delightful disinformation!
No. Funding teachers does not mean de-funding students. That's a false, zero-sum choice. Fund both teachers and students; de-fund the f*cking wars! (I know, I know -- what a crazy concept.)
No. The problem is not "...a huge money sucking bureaucracy before anything gets to teachers and students." Our government runs our programs much more efficiently than the private sector, primarily because there is no profit motive.
The whole "waste, fraud, and abuse" argument is nothing but another right-wing canard, because government agencies have much better and more open oversight than do the moguls of monopolies, and because the one to two percent waste, fraud, and abuse is no worse, in fact is far more commendable, than the sorry record of most large organizations in the private sector. A lot more CEOs and their board members should be locked up than should government bearueacrats.
The main problem with education in America is that Republicans are constantly looking for ways to "starve the beast" and to profitize public interests so that more and more tax money ends up in the pockets of Rich Uncle Pennybags instead of going to students, their teachers, their buildings, their equipment, their programs, their future.
One minute you crying in your beer cause 9 million children won't have heath care and the next minute you throw those..." TV-addled, snot-nosed little brats " under the bus for teachers.....and that's a normal human being.
Teachers could be paid well have pensions and schools would have plenty if there wasn't
a huge money sucking bureaucracy before anything gets to teachers and students.
Out of the two choices we had to vote for who was going to fix that.....
Trump trolls are oblivious to how foolish they appear to normal humans. It is most entertaining when their gibberish becomes so incoherent that they feel compelled to "splash the pot" with a blizzard of links (like little blue snowflakes), as if the thoughts and opinions of others can somehow untangle their own.
Well, I see the trolls have been rummaging around in the Foxaganda trash bin. You might want to wear gloves when you're digging around in there. Don't want to get that crap on you're hands. Look what it did to Trump.
Pretty funny thinking that we are going to waste our time reading links posted by anyone that actually supports Trump. But go ahead and put'm up there if that's what it takes to make you feel better. You know that old saying about insanity…doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Just like Republicans thinking that just making the rich richer will make everything fine, even though time after time it only screws up the economy and makes everyone less richer.
That's right, 2950-10K: "A signed contract means something" ... "to the honest citizen, a promise is a promise."
Teachers' pensions, like all pensions, public or private, are legally binding documents negotiated by skilled representatives for each signatory. That a program can't pay out as promised because it is underfunded means that its managers failed to perform their primary duty. Is that a matter of gross mismanagement, deliberate fraud, or, worse, political malfeance?
Whatever the reason, state taxpayers are on the hook to make up the difference by either raising taxes, robbing other programs, or both. The terms of a contract must be honored and fulfilled.
Otherwise, good luck ever finding qualified and dedicated teachers in the future who are willing to babysit America's TV-addled, snot-nosed little brats for low pay, sickly benefits, and a trailer-trash retirement. Who wants to beat their brains out for a super-expensive degree, go into hopeless debt, and then throw it all away on a thankless, dead-end teaching career a step or two away from the janitor's closet?
Which brings up a more fundamental question: Why would underfunding public pensions be allowed to happen in the first place? The answer is a Gordian knot of political hypocrisy, bankrupt ideologies, and misplaced priorities. More than anything, it's a failure of leadership to understand and respect what most motivates a nation's citizenry: family; jobs; pensions; healthcare; education -- in a word: prosperity.
Paying teachers well, giving them all the tools modern society can muster, and ensuring that they have worthwhile pensions are integral components in that economic equation, are they not? After all, they are teaching our kids, who must learn to correct our mistakes and hopefully create a better future for their kids.
We are the richest nation on Earth and can easily afford a modern, state-of-the-art, publicly financed education infrastructure as well as a modern, state-of-the-art, publicly financed healthcare infrastructure -- all around with good pensions galore!
How do we pay for it? I dunno -- how 'bout the same way we pay for war? Life or death? Our choice.
#29 Wrong site for your propaganda bull! Well maybe Kend and the three trolls posting recently will eat it up...the rest of us know what time it is.
If only you knew how foolish your posts look to those of us who know the truth....My god you knuckle draggers along with help from Kobach and Putin put Trump in the White House. Are you proud of yourself? LMAO!
Your arrogance like most foxmerized right-wingers is ridiculous. Keep drinking the Kool Aid.
As Crooked Donny already's the calm before the storm. So good luck with that ....the secret groups you allude to already know what he's about to do. Welcome to hell Diane!
Stop your bullshit and go back to your secret group of rabble rousers.
Maybe if the state and unions had not all been listening to Thom's investment advice all this could have been cut in half in just the past few years. That would not would have pulled them out of total bankruptcy but at least they would be half as bad off as they are now.
Much of the problem is earners that refuse to pay California's high state income taxes and move to say, Colorado. Any tax dodgers here on this forum? I can think of at least one.
#23...Just like the unfunded Social Security lie, unfunded teacher pensions are one of the many lies spread by anti-union Fascists. Last time I checked there was 183 billion in the Calif. Teacher Retirement Fund. A signed contract means something, well maybe not to guys like Crooked Donny, he stiffs most of his contractors, but to the honest citizen, a promise is a promise. Heaven forbid the non-union fat capitalist's wage slaves would get any crazy ideas about pensions because members of unions get them.
As far as retiree's skyrocketing for- profit health insurance rates, Thom's blog already gave you that answer ...medicare for all. So 40 years of zero reaganomic wage growth still isn't enough for the fatcats?
How about all of those who profit from the hard work of others be required to disclose that profit to the general public? Then we can all decide whether or not it might be appropriate to provide pensions.
Unfortunately unfunded public worker pensions and healthcare for life are not a lie and as you well know. Cities across the country have already taken action to ameliorate the problem in the form of reduced payouts. It is the single most burdensom debt on the books for most large cities across America. Thousands of links but you are aware of the problem.
Your point is well taken The top political talk shows are conservative, in fact there appears to be little demand for leftie radio. If there was and it was profitable it would have been sponsored by a billionaire leftie or certainly a major left leaning network years ago. Fact is, no one wants to listen the the constant whining and repetitiveness that is leftie/socialist talk shows. Listenership is tiny and leftie sponsors show no interest in paying for ads.
Now on the major television networks. Again you are correct. Your agenda is not spoken of on the national news. Instead, they spend most of their time bashing Trump or the Republicans and your agenda "We the People," things the vast majority already want such as single-payer, raise the cap, green energy, assault weapons control, tax the extremely rich, labor union support, bankster regulations, environmental regulations, you name it. ... gets shoved under the rug.
Who is at fault? It is your own people. Your bitch is not with Fox, it is with everyone else but Fox. Take your case to them and if you get a negative response, you have your answer. The average Joe and Mary don't have time for your tripe, they just want to live their lives. At that point perhaps it is best to consider other options where the population has no use for a Republic.
All good questions but don't hold your breath waiting for an answer. In many states the cost per student is exceeding $20,000/student/year while the test scores have steadily declined. Their answer? Lower the acceptable standards. Remember one of the leftie/socialists primary tenets, everybody gets a trophy.
As for the unfunded liability issue, the left coast just puts on blinders and assumes they will be irradiated by waste from Fukushima or drowned by rising ocean levels in which case the problem become self correcting.
With six million kids attending California public schools, one would think Rolling Stone would ask the state’s governor who oversees those schools how schoolchildren are faring. After all, K-12 is the largest expenditure made by the state General Fund and the governor and state legislature write the Education Code.
More than half of California students can’t read at grade level and less than 40 percent meet math standards despite a doubling in spending per student.
Had I been the reporter, I would’ve asked these questions of Governor Brown:
Why did you oppose the Vergaralawsuit filed by poor and minority students in the Los Angeles Unified School District alleging that their civil rights were being violated by California’s teacher tenure and dismissal rules? Will you work with the legislature in your final year to reform those rules?
This year San Francisco Unified School District will devote only 29 percent of its budget to teacher salaries because of exploding spending on unfunded pensions and retiree health care. That’s the principal reason classrooms are understaffed and salaries are inadequate despite a big tax increase and big revenue gains. What steps are you and the legislature going to take to address that problem?
California raised income taxes 30 percent and state revenues are up sharply from a bull market that has accompanied your entire tenure in office yet the Los Angeles Unified School District — the second largest in the country with 640,000 students — doesn’t qualify for a Positive Certification from your Department of Education because of worries that it cannot meet its financial obligations. What steps are you and the legislature taking to address that problem?
An interviewer not asking a California governor how kids are performing in the schools that governor oversees is the equivalent of not asking the president of Boeing about aircraft production.
Riverplunge is right; the Dems need to scream danger at the news. The corporate media has gone right back to providing distraction --- like the way some of them covered the Pence stunt walking out of the football game. The media, we, and the Dems, should call it what it is, "wag the dog."
As long as we can be wise and courageous enough to stop making and manufacturing these weapons! We have to begin this journey from the gut-wrenching source ... stop making theses weapons and stop allowing them to fall into the hands of those folks existing just outside of reality! We CAN DO this ....
I just found out that one in ten kids in this country are going to school but are homeless.
This is a national disaster. This government is by Elitists for Elitists and has turned its back on all of us. At what point do we wake up? This country's children are paying the prices for no-adults-in-the-room. Between the pedophilia, snuff films, homeless school kids, and now no CHIPS, this administration is a complete failure.
If you are in reasonable health, quit buying health insurance at ridiculous rates. Set up a healthcare savings account and invest the same amount in it. Google Medical Tourism. Plan on using other countries for you medical needs. Panama is an excellent one with many Doctors and Dentists trained in America. Savings pays for the roundtrip ticket and hotel. Relax on the beach. Medicare does not cover Dental and this is my plan. 1 trip per year.
In reference to the above "Thanks To GOP - 9 Million Children in danger".
GOP Math:
9 Million Children + everyone else on Planet Earth = People In Danger thanks to the gallant old party.
And there you have it. For a good example of the tangled up thoughts and opinions of your typical Trump troll, look no further than #35: Stir in snippets of quotes from others with your own borrowed phrases to make a thick, lumpy mush; squeeze it all through a cone-head strainer (Free at a Fux News outlet near you!); burn it to a crisp; and -- voilà! -- a delicacy of delightful disinformation!
No. Funding teachers does not mean de-funding students. That's a false, zero-sum choice. Fund both teachers and students; de-fund the f*cking wars! (I know, I know -- what a crazy concept.)
No. The problem is not "...a huge money sucking bureaucracy before anything gets to teachers and students." Our government runs our programs much more efficiently than the private sector, primarily because there is no profit motive.
The whole "waste, fraud, and abuse" argument is nothing but another right-wing canard, because government agencies have much better and more open oversight than do the moguls of monopolies, and because the one to two percent waste, fraud, and abuse is no worse, in fact is far more commendable, than the sorry record of most large organizations in the private sector. A lot more CEOs and their board members should be locked up than should government bearueacrats.
The main problem with education in America is that Republicans are constantly looking for ways to "starve the beast" and to profitize public interests so that more and more tax money ends up in the pockets of Rich Uncle Pennybags instead of going to students, their teachers, their buildings, their equipment, their programs, their future.
Pay any attention to the golden parachutes that CEO's get?
One minute you crying in your beer cause 9 million children won't have heath care and the next minute you throw those..." TV-addled, snot-nosed little brats " under the bus for teachers.....and that's a normal human being.
Teachers could be paid well have pensions and schools would have plenty if there wasn't
a huge money sucking bureaucracy before anything gets to teachers and students.
Out of the two choices we had to vote for who was going to fix that.....
never mind lets not go there.
Trump trolls are oblivious to how foolish they appear to normal humans. It is most entertaining when their gibberish becomes so incoherent that they feel compelled to "splash the pot" with a blizzard of links (like little blue snowflakes), as if the thoughts and opinions of others can somehow untangle their own.
Well, I see the trolls have been rummaging around in the Foxaganda trash bin. You might want to wear gloves when you're digging around in there. Don't want to get that crap on you're hands. Look what it did to Trump.
Pretty funny thinking that we are going to waste our time reading links posted by anyone that actually supports Trump. But go ahead and put'm up there if that's what it takes to make you feel better. You know that old saying about insanity…doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Just like Republicans thinking that just making the rich richer will make everything fine, even though time after time it only screws up the economy and makes everyone less richer.
That's right, 2950-10K: "A signed contract means something" ... "to the honest citizen, a promise is a promise."
Teachers' pensions, like all pensions, public or private, are legally binding documents negotiated by skilled representatives for each signatory. That a program can't pay out as promised because it is underfunded means that its managers failed to perform their primary duty. Is that a matter of gross mismanagement, deliberate fraud, or, worse, political malfeance?
Whatever the reason, state taxpayers are on the hook to make up the difference by either raising taxes, robbing other programs, or both. The terms of a contract must be honored and fulfilled.
Otherwise, good luck ever finding qualified and dedicated teachers in the future who are willing to babysit America's TV-addled, snot-nosed little brats for low pay, sickly benefits, and a trailer-trash retirement. Who wants to beat their brains out for a super-expensive degree, go into hopeless debt, and then throw it all away on a thankless, dead-end teaching career a step or two away from the janitor's closet?
Which brings up a more fundamental question: Why would underfunding public pensions be allowed to happen in the first place? The answer is a Gordian knot of political hypocrisy, bankrupt ideologies, and misplaced priorities. More than anything, it's a failure of leadership to understand and respect what most motivates a nation's citizenry: family; jobs; pensions; healthcare; education -- in a word: prosperity.
Paying teachers well, giving them all the tools modern society can muster, and ensuring that they have worthwhile pensions are integral components in that economic equation, are they not? After all, they are teaching our kids, who must learn to correct our mistakes and hopefully create a better future for their kids.
We are the richest nation on Earth and can easily afford a modern, state-of-the-art, publicly financed education infrastructure as well as a modern, state-of-the-art, publicly financed healthcare infrastructure -- all around with good pensions galore!
How do we pay for it? I dunno -- how 'bout the same way we pay for war? Life or death? Our choice.
I'm new here, I would like to say Hi to my friends 2950-10K, Stopgap, and Legend...Thanks for your posts, you make me look brilliant
#29 Wrong site for your propaganda bull! Well maybe Kend and the three trolls posting recently will eat it up...the rest of us know what time it is.
If only you knew how foolish your posts look to those of us who know the truth....My god you knuckle draggers along with help from Kobach and Putin put Trump in the White House. Are you proud of yourself? LMAO!
Your arrogance like most foxmerized right-wingers is ridiculous. Keep drinking the Kool Aid.
As Crooked Donny already's the calm before the storm. So good luck with that ....the secret groups you allude to already know what he's about to do. Welcome to hell Diane!
Stop your bullshit and go back to your secret group of rabble rousers.
Maybe if the state and unions had not all been listening to Thom's investment advice all this could have been cut in half in just the past few years. That would not would have pulled them out of total bankruptcy but at least they would be half as bad off as they are now.
Much of the problem is earners that refuse to pay California's high state income taxes and move to say, Colorado. Any tax dodgers here on this forum? I can think of at least one.
Hundreds more if you need them.
#23...Just like the unfunded Social Security lie, unfunded teacher pensions are one of the many lies spread by anti-union Fascists. Last time I checked there was 183 billion in the Calif. Teacher Retirement Fund. A signed contract means something, well maybe not to guys like Crooked Donny, he stiffs most of his contractors, but to the honest citizen, a promise is a promise. Heaven forbid the non-union fat capitalist's wage slaves would get any crazy ideas about pensions because members of unions get them.
As far as retiree's skyrocketing for- profit health insurance rates, Thom's blog already gave you that answer ...medicare for all. So 40 years of zero reaganomic wage growth still isn't enough for the fatcats?
How about all of those who profit from the hard work of others be required to disclose that profit to the general public? Then we can all decide whether or not it might be appropriate to provide pensions.
Unfortunately unfunded public worker pensions and healthcare for life are not a lie and as you well know. Cities across the country have already taken action to ameliorate the problem in the form of reduced payouts. It is the single most burdensom debt on the books for most large cities across America. Thousands of links but you are aware of the problem.
Your point is well taken The top political talk shows are conservative, in fact there appears to be little demand for leftie radio. If there was and it was profitable it would have been sponsored by a billionaire leftie or certainly a major left leaning network years ago. Fact is, no one wants to listen the the constant whining and repetitiveness that is leftie/socialist talk shows. Listenership is tiny and leftie sponsors show no interest in paying for ads.
Now on the major television networks. Again you are correct. Your agenda is not spoken of on the national news. Instead, they spend most of their time bashing Trump or the Republicans and your agenda "We the People," things the vast majority already want such as single-payer, raise the cap, green energy, assault weapons control, tax the extremely rich, labor union support, bankster regulations, environmental regulations, you name it. ... gets shoved under the rug.
Who is at fault? It is your own people. Your bitch is not with Fox, it is with everyone else but Fox. Take your case to them and if you get a negative response, you have your answer. The average Joe and Mary don't have time for your tripe, they just want to live their lives. At that point perhaps it is best to consider other options where the population has no use for a Republic.
All good questions but don't hold your breath waiting for an answer. In many states the cost per student is exceeding $20,000/student/year while the test scores have steadily declined. Their answer? Lower the acceptable standards. Remember one of the leftie/socialists primary tenets, everybody gets a trophy.
As for the unfunded liability issue, the left coast just puts on blinders and assumes they will be irradiated by waste from Fukushima or drowned by rising ocean levels in which case the problem become self correcting.
It's beginning to look a lot like Shitmess, everywhere Trump goes. Ho Ho Ho...
speaking of kids
With six million kids attending California public schools, one would think Rolling Stone would ask the state’s governor who oversees those schools how schoolchildren are faring. After all, K-12 is the largest expenditure made by the state General Fund and the governor and state legislature write the Education Code.
More than half of California students can’t read at grade level and less than 40 percent meet math standards despite a doubling in spending per student.
Had I been the reporter, I would’ve asked these questions of Governor Brown:
An interviewer not asking a California governor how kids are performing in the schools that governor oversees is the equivalent of not asking the president of Boeing about aircraft production.
Kindly realize what kind of heath care is relavent.
#19 - Kindly comprehend the story
Ban lobbyists... get money out of politics
Just a couple of ideas!
Wag the dog.
Riverplunge is right; the Dems need to scream danger at the news. The corporate media has gone right back to providing distraction --- like the way some of them covered the Pence stunt walking out of the football game. The media, we, and the Dems, should call it what it is, "wag the dog."
Is this Government health care?
Mother jailed for a week for not vaccinating her son, 9, is 'outraged and devastated' he has been given the shots while she was behind bars
Where you have no say over your own body? Or your childs...scary...if you believe in vaccinations or not.
As long as we can be wise and courageous enough to stop making and manufacturing these weapons! We have to begin this journey from the gut-wrenching source ... stop making theses weapons and stop allowing them to fall into the hands of those folks existing just outside of reality! We CAN DO this ....
In my book #thejudgesoath., I speak about the 2nd Amendment regarding one woman
I just found out that one in ten kids in this country are going to school but are homeless.
This is a national disaster. This government is by Elitists for Elitists and has turned its back on all of us. At what point do we wake up? This country's children are paying the prices for no-adults-in-the-room. Between the pedophilia, snuff films, homeless school kids, and now no CHIPS, this administration is a complete failure.
If you are in reasonable health, quit buying health insurance at ridiculous rates. Set up a healthcare savings account and invest the same amount in it. Google Medical Tourism. Plan on using other countries for you medical needs. Panama is an excellent one with many Doctors and Dentists trained in America. Savings pays for the roundtrip ticket and hotel. Relax on the beach. Medicare does not cover Dental and this is my plan. 1 trip per year.