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  • Conservatives supposedly hate freeloading. So why are they trying to legalize it?   7 years 17 weeks ago

    All "lawyers' lawyers", ErinRose. So much for the Socratic elite.

  • Conservatives supposedly hate freeloading. So why are they trying to legalize it?   7 years 17 weeks ago

    I have lost ALL respect for our SCOTUS. What a pack of thugs and thieves. They don't represent the American people, yet they draw salaries based on taxpayer money. They don't represent the law; they bend it, twist it, and sell it like (blanks). They are an international disgrace and they haven't even got the common sense to realize what a bunch of degenerates they really are. They hold themselves out as pillars of society when the truth is, they are nothing but pillars of rank corruption. If they want to be respected, I have two words for them: "Earn it."

  • Thanks To GOP - 9 Million Children In Danger   7 years 17 weeks ago

    LOL, give it up, ladies; "your" on page "to." Whoosh! AKA Chelsea misses the irony. Hotdog is the irony. Spelling and grammar isn't the point; hypocrisy is. Read the thread. Or not. What's the point?

    "...outsmarted again by President [sic] Trump." This from someone who voted for, ah, "President" Trump. If that is not a classic case of projection, then what the hell is! Like I said, Hotdog is the irony. Keep the hits coming.

    Slán agaibh.

  • Thanks To GOP - 9 Million Children In Danger   7 years 17 weeks ago

    @50 DS in spite of 8 paragraphs of obstreperous behavior, you and the rest of the washed up lefties are outsmarted again by President Trump.

  • Thanks To GOP - 9 Million Children In Danger   7 years 17 weeks ago

    Dear Professor Mr. Ed,

    It is spelled sycophant NOTsychophant. Maybe your grammar teacher was Ou812.

  • The America I Knew Has Almost Disappeared   7 years 17 weeks ago

    So you would consider him a "fine man" for withdrawing his name due to a potential conflict of interest. Thank you. That puts you in the same boat as President Trump. At last we agree.

  • Thanks To GOP - 9 Million Children In Danger   7 years 17 weeks ago

    It's unclear; are you two celebrating that Democrats are trying to save lives, as opposed to Republicans trying to destroy them, or that corp-Dems are fascists like yourselves?

    @#46 & 47: Oh yeah ..."effective communicator" ...uh huh. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." (Dubya: "I'm the decider. No, really!")

    My my, touch a nerve there, did we? In your mind's eye evidently, you're a real tough guy/gal who gladly insults others (nearly every post, every chance); but then, when the favor is happily returned ("Oh, the humanity!"), you're suddenly so sensitive, so needy, so defensive, such a delicate little snowflake! (OMG -- just like all those touchy-feely libtards Fux News told us to hate!) Poor lil' me, me, me ...I feeel your pain!

    Yes, there is no doubt; as cheap entertainment, I do love to challenge ("attack") your pathetic Republican ego, ideas, opinions, positions, your every word and drop of spittle. All is fair in love, war, and politics ...and some things are just fairer than other things, and much more deserving.

    Why (besides for the laughs)? Simple human decency, the arch of history, and glaring outside reality demands that you and every other Trump troll and Republican sychophant be exposed for the big lies and frauds that you perpetrate, the horrendous crimes against not only our own citizens but the people of the world.

    How in hell does one compromise with pure evil?! "Sooo... we will only tolerate that you murder thousands per year rather than tens of thousands. Hail Trump!"

    Daylight and ridicule are the best disinfectants in realpolitik. I'm sorry that it's not the Democrats' fault that Republicans are so wrong, wrong, wrong, and wrong again -- dangerously wrong! -- on almost every issue. And I'm sorry that your fragile ego identifies so closely with all of the right-wing delusions that have captured the gullible minds of the politically naive.

    (BTW, that paragraph sounds a little better now; although, you still got the "to" wrong in the first sentence. Eh, maybe a C+...?)


  • The America I Knew Has Almost Disappeared   7 years 17 weeks ago

    I am for Marino's withdrawel. You might read up on it.

  • Thanks To GOP - 9 Million Children In Danger   7 years 17 weeks ago

    See, HotCoffee was correct. This will drive the malcontents into the fetal position. Democrats working with Republicans and supporting those evil for profit insurance companies. How delightfully ironic.

    Ou812, this is twice Christmas morning.

  • Thanks To GOP - 9 Million Children In Danger   7 years 17 weeks ago

    @42 DS Bipartisan deal reached on Healthcare

    Na nah....(. Tongue sticking way out)

  • The America I Knew Has Almost Disappeared   7 years 17 weeks ago

    Sooo, you support Marino's withdrawal or are you against? Your posted link is relevant to nothing.

  • The America I Knew Has Almost Disappeared   7 years 17 weeks ago

    After being outed Your leader, Diane, still says

    “a fine man and a great Congressman!”

  • The America I Knew Has Almost Disappeared   7 years 17 weeks ago

    ErinRose: If you didn't have a grasp of even that basic level of logic until you did your JD, I'm afraid you'd been cheated, my friend. You have a pretty narrow view of the world if you equate math with rote learning. I have a son (also a lawyer) that eschewed math through high school and college. I'm sure he's a fine lawyer, but there are times I question his logical development. I'm an engineer by training. The skills developed early on through exposure to mathemetics is key to a person's ability to think rationally, in my opinion. Wheather you call it "critical thinking", "logical thinking", "rational thinking", whatever, the exercise and development of the logic processing centers of the brain early on, I believe, is critical to later development. You can sit at the feet of Socrates all your life, but if the subject matter isn't conducive to that early brain development, you've missed something valuable. IMHO ;-)

  • The America I Knew Has Almost Disappeared   7 years 17 weeks ago

    #Outback: I didn't learn it in a math class. I learned it in a law school. Socratic Method is how lawyers are trained to think.

  • The America I Knew Has Almost Disappeared   7 years 17 weeks ago

    Sooo, you support Marino's withdrawal or are you against? Your posted link is relevant to nothing.

  • The America I Knew Has Almost Disappeared   7 years 17 weeks ago
  • The America I Knew Has Almost Disappeared   7 years 17 weeks ago

    I found Thom's admission that he was suffering TURD syndrome very telling. Seems there are a lot of leftie/socialits in that same boat.

  • Thanks To GOP - 9 Million Children In Danger   7 years 17 weeks ago

    @42 DS..You've already proven that you're not to bright. Why do you feel the need to prove it continously?

  • Thanks To GOP - 9 Million Children In Danger   7 years 17 weeks ago

    @45 DS I'm not an English teacher, I've never claimed to be. I am however, an effective communicator. I'm a much better speaker than writer. I'll admit, you are a gifted writer. Your words flow well, there almost poetic. However, your message is void of content (did I say that right, makes no difference, you know what I mean). So if you want to attach my ideas, have at it. Attacking me makes you look dumb, but makes you a hero to the dumb as a doorknob crowd. But it's not about attacking my ideas is it. It's about puffing up yourself so you can remain a hero to the dumb as a doorknob crowd.

  • The America I Knew Has Almost Disappeared   7 years 17 weeks ago

    Fascism is the key word. Its original meaning, as envisioned by Benito Mussolini, seems to reflect our political/economic reality more accurately than words like democracy, republic, socialism (the "commons"), or free enterprise. Runaway capitalism/consumerism and the rapacious greed of transnational super-monopolies run by unaccountable super-predators have now become everyone's patriotic cause, "wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross."

    "Ruthless military empire plundering the world's resources, where the rich thrive and the poor die," are other words that can describe the horrifying reality of modern-day Ameeerkkka.

    "...that all men [and women] are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." --We cannot hold these truths to be self-evident anymore!

  • Thanks To GOP - 9 Million Children In Danger   7 years 17 weeks ago

    changeX: That is the challenge every White House pool reporter faces every day: how to make sense of and place into words the overwhelming stench emanating from the Oval Office. Haha, not sure if "melody" is the right word though.

  • Thanks To GOP - 9 Million Children In Danger   7 years 17 weeks ago

    @43: Snicker... Considering the context, your attempt at condescension would be less amusing and more believable had you conveyed it less incompetently.

    In the first sentence, "your" should be you're and "to" should be too. Splitting the infinitive in the second sentence sounds cumbersome; perhaps place the adverb afterwards. And, do you mean "continually" or continuously, steady but intermittent or constant without letup?

    While this is only a comment thread and internet prose is notoriously informal, those are still fairly sophomoric mistakes that you'd think would jump out at the trained eye of someone who professes to be a teacher. Makes you wonder ...considering the context.

  • Thanks To GOP - 9 Million Children In Danger   7 years 17 weeks ago

    If one were to look up the definitions of shakedown, blackmail, hostage, or even (gasp) extortion what would that teach us and how are they different from each other? Most especially how can they be avoided.

    Incidentally, if one were to hear an extended period of audible flatulence and to be so gifted to that they could put that melody directly into words, i wonder how the wording might be laid out in print and look in a complete paragraph.

  • The America I Knew Has Almost Disappeared   7 years 17 weeks ago

    The drastic change between the Andy Griffith vision of America FDR made possible and the Blade Runner dystopia towards which we sink was foreshadowed by Bob Dylan in his song of a generation ago "Sun Down on the Union". Reagan who first ran for the Republican Presidential nomination in 1968 I believe took advantage of the splintered Democratic Party that never recovered from Viet Nam. The Unions stupidly supported the war and wanted to beat the crap out of the hippies and civil rights protestors. They lost their way and then lost their Union and then lost their jobs and then lost their hope. The white working class is now a shattered mirror of of the 1960's. Generational divides and uninformed opinions based on loyalty and religion not facts have crippled the once great American Working Class.

    Shockingly the institutions of the media which should be the watch dog of the country have drifted into tribalism and corporate anarchy. With horror I read in the Saturday New York Times an editorial that called Trump's miserable decision to try to undo the Iran nuclear disarmament deal "the correct decision for the wrong reason". Bret Stephens who wrote this incredible commentary is a well known successful right wing extremist. He denies climate change, supports the occupation of Palestine by Israel and still claims the Iraq war was justified to "promote Democracy". The right reason? So Israel does not have to engage in war with Iran. Why Israel wants war with Iran is a matter of conjecture. But saying American troops should die for Israel is treason. This is insanity pure and simple. The fact that the New York Times publishes this kind of drivel from David Brooks and others is the mainstreaming of far right extremist Neo Fascist propaganda. That is the greatest danger Americans face. Extreme right wing ideas that used to be the domain of crack pots who hide gold in caves rather than use banks, the John Birch Society and a handful of crazy millionaires now are presented by the Times as main steam if they are seen to benefit Israel or Wall Street. Inundated by propaganda the white working class drifts further and further into the haze of fascism. The corporate Democrats who cooperate with the far right have now created a monster they can't control.

  • The America I Knew Has Almost Disappeared   7 years 17 weeks ago

    In my 20's my husband and I had the pleasure one summer of hosting a man and worman from England, A man fom Germany, two men that had just cossed the border from Mexico and a NY Jew was one of the best summers of my life in San Franciso.

    Soon after I moved to Marin.

    Speaking of Art around the same time my Husband, I and our sons made tapstries that we sold at Harcourts Art Gallery in downtown S.F. It was a hands on family affair!

    Did I also mention it was feast and famine>

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