Well; just decided to log in and in my defence I have not read any comments. Unfortunately though; when I turned on MSNBC the ex president "War Criminal" was talking. I listened. Then I figured out just how deep the trouble we are in really is. When the one who enabled (well, Chaney/Haliburton / a failing corporation) used 911 for a military takeover and endless war is sounding like the adult in the room? Really? People/citizens for the real God's sake! I know I am preaching to the choir but; again really? I started to buy Haliburton stock just after their "selection" by the stacked Supreme court, but I have mirrors in my house and I look every day in them. They done got a Deranged Sociapathic/Hedonistic Tiger by the tail. Serves them correctly. 911 was an Interpol issue (international crime that was a law inforcement issue and certainlly a tradegy). The entire world grieved, and at that point on our side. The FBI warned all of them in positions of responsibility of people in filght school that didn't want to learn the landing proceedure; Bush/ Chaney/ Colin Powell __________________ (fill in the blanks) ...............Go figure. Or at the very least THINK DAMMIT! Side note: I'd be well off had I bought the "failing Haliburton stock". Mirrors do get in the way though. Try it. I sleep well.
By the year 3000, Jesus will have made His appearance and returned all species of life killed off by man's greed. All signs of man's existance will be wiped off the face of the Earth. I am 66 years old, a real Chritian person and have no worries. Is there something about eternal life you do not understand?
Regarding a climate change war...Imagine where would we be right now had there been a President Gore, Kerry, and most recently Clinton? ...not to mention all of the Senate and House members that aren't seated because of election fraud. We let this slide every god damn election...look where this tolerance for election fraud has got us. It's 1929 again.
Yes, all the critical issues of survival are coming to a head, and we as a society are simply running out of time and resources to keep consuming at ever-increasing levels, which supply-side marketing ideology has conditioned everyone to expect as the natural order of things. What a complete disaster!
Thank you for the condolences, deepspace. I agree with you that gmiklashek950 has it right. Overpopulation has a way of handling that particular problem in any species. But the Chinese played with that for generations. Now they face a shortage of labor, with their aging population. We need to change our entire Weltanschhauung, world view, as a Species or face extinction. Retreat to an agrarian exixtence? Not as long as Apple, Google and the rest are lusting after expanding markets. By the time it sinks in, we will be around the bend, I'm affraid....
Fascinating! Thanks for that, gmiklashek950. Nuclear war and climate change will certainly reduce overpopulation. In the end, Mother Nature wins and stupidity goes extinct, especially a species that can't even adapt to the product of its own mind.
I'm a retired clinical psychiatrist and have conducted extensive research to determine what was the underlying cause of my patients anxiety, depression, and neuro-developmental spectrum disorders. The common cause is population density stress and our resulting chronically over-active stress response, which no-one else has put together under a single name, although reports on increasing anxiety in college students, increasing depression, etc., and marked increases in every other "disease of civilization" abound. Mother Nature long ago installed a population regulation mechanism in our DNA and it is increasingly active, resulting in ALL the diseases afflicting us modern humans. A key biomarker is infertility: 100% increase in 34 years: 8% in 1982, but now 16.7%. The report recently published by Israeli researchers noting a 50-60% decline in sperm counts was so alarming that the lead author warned of an oncoming extinction of the human species. He was correct. He predicted us reaching universal (in the develpoed nations included in the study) "low" sperm counts within 23 years! My predictions, drawn from published animal models, give a 2,125 AD (CE) date for the total irreversible loss of all human fertility due to population density stress. In any case, we will die out as a species from some cataclysmic result of human overpopulation, including the obvious secondary climate change. We need to voluntarily restrict our reproduction to one-child families or perish from the earth.
We also have to remember over population. My own state scares me how fast it is growing. But I have worked in China and seen what real population density is.
#28 Look at any chart of the Dow or Nasdaq and you do not see a big jump last January until now. It is a fairly straight line for the last 7 years. This is a continuation of the Obama boom. I say 7 years because of the Bush depression which you and OU812 like to ignor.
This is the "human condition". As individuals we always seem to put off the things that in retrospect should have been handled while there was still time. Yesterday my oldest remaining friend died. I saw him a year ago and knew he wasn't in good health. I spoke to him three weeks ago by phone and knew he had declined. It was my best intention to visit him by the end of this month. Too late. So it's no surprise that collectively we find it hard to face the inevitable. I have little hope for a major paradigm shift on climate change, though intellectually we, and I believe even the oil barrons, understand that we are fouling our only nest. Our epitaph will read "we had a good run, but our species fell at the feet of our own denial".
@#28: Is it your point that we are still enjoying the economic glow from a Democratic administration, which shepherded us out of the doldrums of the last Republican administration -- despite total obstruction, bordering on treason, from the Teapublican congress that arose after 2010 -- or is it that you, on behalf of your pussy grabber, is trying to take credit for a recovery that Republican leadership did everything to thwart?
Regardless of your point, it is beside the point. To cite the good times during an expanding bubble, while ignoring the fundamentals that will inevitably cause it to burst, is like trying to detect the whole movement of climate change by looking out the window in the morning to see if it's a sunny day.
see, she/he got his in life on the backs of others. those who fought for the good of the people, not against it. Probably as a teacher in a public school system. now that he has his, now it is penny pinching time and you can all go get yours. the less you have the more the little pittance that he has will seem to be worth to him. in a state of delusion he yearns to be recognized as being part of the wealth class. he gives himself credit for making the wealth class wealthier? i could go without everything and have more energy and self worth than he could with millions in the bank. Another example of how sad and pathetic some can people be.
No matter what they say, Republican politicians everywhere, from the local level to the national, primarily work for millionaires and billionaires to fulfill the two main goals of their biggest donors and mentors, at the expense of their poorer constituencies: tax cuts for the wealthy; deregulation of their monopolistic empires -- so that their so-called "free" market can go about freely polluting and poisoning our environment, free of restraint and accountability, while freely cheating workers, taxpayers, and consumers out of their hard-earned money.
The lion's share of welfare (i.e., the taxpayers' teat) flows to the top of society -- not to the bottom -- in the form of huge subsidies to private industry, with a wink and a nod from well-greased politicians, on both sides, under an entrenched system of crony capitalism, which has enabled a massive redistribution of wealth from a struggling middle class to a pampered class ensconced in golden palaces dotting the kingdom.
Society's tiniest class, a ruling elite of the greediest, most ruthless sociopaths on the planet, are busily gobbling up every last morsel of prosperity left in our cobwebbed cupboards. To mix and paraphrase their favorite false metaphors, once the fat bastards have "trickled down" on us, and their "rising tide" has sunk our boats, we may lick the crumbs off their plates.
Anyone who believes the garbage economic theories of fascistic economic predators is a goddamn fool!
Bachmann commented... "Legend, it's not my fault you're poor" Sounds like something Feudal lords would say to their serfs, slave owners to their slaves, Crooked Donny to contractors he stiffed, Neo- fascists to immigrants....etc. Bachmann, I'm more than well off financially, and still care...where's your god damn soul?
Haha, good one, oldskoold. Glad I'm not the only one who found W. (Warmonger) Bush's moralizing laughably ironic. Really?
BTW, me pappy used to say that when ya git older ya buy blinds for the mirrors as well as the windows.
Well; just decided to log in and in my defence I have not read any comments. Unfortunately though; when I turned on MSNBC the ex president "War Criminal" was talking. I listened. Then I figured out just how deep the trouble we are in really is. When the one who enabled (well, Chaney/Haliburton / a failing corporation) used 911 for a military takeover and endless war is sounding like the adult in the room? Really? People/citizens for the real God's sake! I know I am preaching to the choir but; again really? I started to buy Haliburton stock just after their "selection" by the stacked Supreme court, but I have mirrors in my house and I look every day in them. They done got a Deranged Sociapathic/Hedonistic Tiger by the tail. Serves them correctly. 911 was an Interpol issue (international crime that was a law inforcement issue and certainlly a tradegy). The entire world grieved, and at that point on our side. The FBI warned all of them in positions of responsibility of people in filght school that didn't want to learn the landing proceedure; Bush/ Chaney/ Colin Powell __________________ (fill in the blanks) ...............Go figure. Or at the very least THINK DAMMIT! Side note: I'd be well off had I bought the "failing Haliburton stock". Mirrors do get in the way though. Try it. I sleep well.
By the year 3000, Jesus will have made His appearance and returned all species of life killed off by man's greed. All signs of man's existance will be wiped off the face of the Earth. I am 66 years old, a real Chritian person and have no worries. Is there something about eternal life you do not understand?
Regarding a climate change war...Imagine where would we be right now had there been a President Gore, Kerry, and most recently Clinton? ...not to mention all of the Senate and House members that aren't seated because of election fraud. We let this slide every god damn election...look where this tolerance for election fraud has got us. It's 1929 again.
Winning a war requires the will to fight!
Yes, all the critical issues of survival are coming to a head, and we as a society are simply running out of time and resources to keep consuming at ever-increasing levels, which supply-side marketing ideology has conditioned everyone to expect as the natural order of things. What a complete disaster!
Thank you for the condolences, deepspace. I agree with you that gmiklashek950 has it right. Overpopulation has a way of handling that particular problem in any species. But the Chinese played with that for generations. Now they face a shortage of labor, with their aging population. We need to change our entire Weltanschhauung, world view, as a Species or face extinction. Retreat to an agrarian exixtence? Not as long as Apple, Google and the rest are lusting after expanding markets. By the time it sinks in, we will be around the bend, I'm affraid....
I'm sorry for the loss of your old friend, Outback. Death leaves a hole that can't be filled.
Virtually every thread lately has proven the futility of debating Foxmerized Trump trolls.
Now we're on the right track. A nuclear winter will negate global warming and reduce overpopulation all in one fell swoop.
Fascinating! Thanks for that, gmiklashek950. Nuclear war and climate change will certainly reduce overpopulation. In the end, Mother Nature wins and stupidity goes extinct, especially a species that can't even adapt to the product of its own mind.
#23 OU812 assumed that I was poor and you said nothing. Right wing trolls seem to have a double standard.
I didn't realize that you care so much...The Mother Theresa of the Southern Tier...How many poor families do you care for?
I'm a retired clinical psychiatrist and have conducted extensive research to determine what was the underlying cause of my patients anxiety, depression, and neuro-developmental spectrum disorders. The common cause is population density stress and our resulting chronically over-active stress response, which no-one else has put together under a single name, although reports on increasing anxiety in college students, increasing depression, etc., and marked increases in every other "disease of civilization" abound. Mother Nature long ago installed a population regulation mechanism in our DNA and it is increasingly active, resulting in ALL the diseases afflicting us modern humans. A key biomarker is infertility: 100% increase in 34 years: 8% in 1982, but now 16.7%. The report recently published by Israeli researchers noting a 50-60% decline in sperm counts was so alarming that the lead author warned of an oncoming extinction of the human species. He was correct. He predicted us reaching universal (in the develpoed nations included in the study) "low" sperm counts within 23 years! My predictions, drawn from published animal models, give a 2,125 AD (CE) date for the total irreversible loss of all human fertility due to population density stress. In any case, we will die out as a species from some cataclysmic result of human overpopulation, including the obvious secondary climate change. We need to voluntarily restrict our reproduction to one-child families or perish from the earth.
We also have to remember over population. My own state scares me how fast it is growing. But I have worked in China and seen what real population density is.
#28 Look at any chart of the Dow or Nasdaq and you do not see a big jump last January until now. It is a fairly straight line for the last 7 years. This is a continuation of the Obama boom. I say 7 years because of the Bush depression which you and OU812 like to ignor.
This is the "human condition". As individuals we always seem to put off the things that in retrospect should have been handled while there was still time. Yesterday my oldest remaining friend died. I saw him a year ago and knew he wasn't in good health. I spoke to him three weeks ago by phone and knew he had declined. It was my best intention to visit him by the end of this month. Too late. So it's no surprise that collectively we find it hard to face the inevitable. I have little hope for a major paradigm shift on climate change, though intellectually we, and I believe even the oil barrons, understand that we are fouling our only nest. Our epitaph will read "we had a good run, but our species fell at the feet of our own denial".
@#28: Is it your point that we are still enjoying the economic glow from a Democratic administration, which shepherded us out of the doldrums of the last Republican administration -- despite total obstruction, bordering on treason, from the Teapublican congress that arose after 2010 -- or is it that you, on behalf of your pussy grabber, is trying to take credit for a recovery that Republican leadership did everything to thwart?
Regardless of your point, it is beside the point. To cite the good times during an expanding bubble, while ignoring the fundamentals that will inevitably cause it to burst, is like trying to detect the whole movement of climate change by looking out the window in the morning to see if it's a sunny day.
The malcontent butthurt leftie/socialists are loose again.
Merry Christmas Ou812
2950-10K it seems that OU812 is worse than having no soul. "Bachmann" seems to think that no one else has a soul.
@#25: Then how do you live with yourself?
keywords: gop myth junk
see, she/he got his in life on the backs of others. those who fought for the good of the people, not against it. Probably as a teacher in a public school system. now that he has his, now it is penny pinching time and you can all go get yours. the less you have the more the little pittance that he has will seem to be worth to him. in a state of delusion he yearns to be recognized as being part of the wealth class. he gives himself credit for making the wealth class wealthier? i could go without everything and have more energy and self worth than he could with millions in the bank. Another example of how sad and pathetic some can people be.
More terrible news on the jobs front.
"Fewest Jobless Claims Since 1973 Show Firm U.S. Job Market"
"Amazon, IBM, and 8 other big companies hiring for high-paying jobs like crazy right now"
Great blog, SueN! Thanks for stepping in.
No matter what they say, Republican politicians everywhere, from the local level to the national, primarily work for millionaires and billionaires to fulfill the two main goals of their biggest donors and mentors, at the expense of their poorer constituencies: tax cuts for the wealthy; deregulation of their monopolistic empires -- so that their so-called "free" market can go about freely polluting and poisoning our environment, free of restraint and accountability, while freely cheating workers, taxpayers, and consumers out of their hard-earned money.
The lion's share of welfare (i.e., the taxpayers' teat) flows to the top of society -- not to the bottom -- in the form of huge subsidies to private industry, with a wink and a nod from well-greased politicians, on both sides, under an entrenched system of crony capitalism, which has enabled a massive redistribution of wealth from a struggling middle class to a pampered class ensconced in golden palaces dotting the kingdom.
Society's tiniest class, a ruling elite of the greediest, most ruthless sociopaths on the planet, are busily gobbling up every last morsel of prosperity left in our cobwebbed cupboards. To mix and paraphrase their favorite false metaphors, once the fat bastards have "trickled down" on us, and their "rising tide" has sunk our boats, we may lick the crumbs off their plates.
Anyone who believes the garbage economic theories of fascistic economic predators is a goddamn fool!
Bachmann commented... "Legend, it's not my fault you're poor" Sounds like something Feudal lords would say to their serfs, slave owners to their slaves, Crooked Donny to contractors he stiffed, Neo- fascists to immigrants....etc. Bachmann, I'm more than well off financially, and still care...where's your god damn soul?
@23 Diane, you make me laugh....cohabit:)) I don't do well with stupid people, especially stupid people who think they are smart.