Then of course, there is the old fashioned conservative method that takes a retroactive approach to birth control. Allow the fetus to come to term and then a few years later, if the child that results doesn't die of famine or is slaughtered by religious fanatics or is bombed by drones, etc., then in the case of the US, the born baby can be shipped off to some ungodly hell hole to fight for the right of the filthy rich to be even richer.
In fact, this plan insures that the rich will become richer by manufacturing the weapons for this endless war cycle that relies on cheap labor, a steady supply of cannon fodder and desperately poor souls around the world that feel they have nothing to lose.
Definitely a lot more fun than scientific forms of birth control, think…marching in parades…fourth of July…bumper stickers that prove your patriotism and support of the troops. It always feels great to be part of something truly American! And what has become more American, than war. The ultimate form of birth control.
I don't how much tax money actually ends up subsidizing birth control, but it has to be a tiny fraction of what it would cost taxpayers for the millions of unwanted children dumped into the system because of unwanted pregnancies.
As far as allowing religious exemptions to paying taxes for individual items in a budget proposal, worked out through a supposedly democratic negotiating process involving many people of many different religious persuasions, where do you draw the line?
There are millions of taxpayers who have their religious sensibilities offended by being forced to pour billions every year into subsidizing private defense contractors, who export arms to dictators and war-mongering nations, and who lobby Congress for the tools of endless warfare because we taxpayers make it so damn profitable.
Our money subsidizing needless death and the destruction of civilization:
What about the millions who strongly object on religious grounds to subsidizing the fossil-fuel industry to the tune of billions, if not trillions, every year?
Our money subsidizing needless death and the destruction of the environment:
Deepspace I do agree it is a lot cheaper to provide free birth control for everyone but if it's against their religion they should not be forced to pay for it. These poor children who are born into these horrible neighbors because their mother is left to try and raise children alone when they can't afford is truly tragic. What chance to they have. Maybe we need a charity that focuses solely on birth control for those who can't afford it
Kend. In the long run, if there were not easy and affordable access to and widespread use of prophylactics and other forms of birth control, would not an ocean of even more hard-earned tax dollars then have to pay for the rapid, inevitable expansion of already under-funded welfare programs, which would now be dealing with millions of more unwanted children? Would there not also be a spike in abortions, confounding a fundamental tenet of right-wing religious fanaticism?
Haha... Bring back the chastity belt, shaped like Trump's little hand!
Wow! It's uncanny how a leaked memo so accurately reflects the long-held personal views of Pence -- uncanny, that is, if the memo wasn't the real thing.
The old joke is as true as ever: Do you know what they call a Catholic who practices the rhythm method? A very busy parent.
I really don't see the problem. Our fearless leader has shown us the solution: If you simply grab them at the appropriate anatomical location and don't let go, the whole thing is a non-issue!
The thing here is some tax payers don't want their hard earned dollars going to pay for birth control for others. Whether for financial or religious reasons I believe it is a far request. I am pretty sure if you asked all the movie stars and wealthy lefties they could come up with enough money for free condoms for all.
Who here except Diane is talking about how to "figure out another way to do" Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution? Unless mistaken, I believe the original context in this latest sub-discussion was not about whether or not to have a national standing military but about right-wing hypocrisy.
A chronic use (verbal tic?) of the general term socialism as a political label with a negative connotation, which in reality has a kaleidoscope of different meanings and flavors to satisfy just about any ideological palate, is a meaningless qualifier unless one is very specific as to what type of socialism.
One person's Godly socialism is another's seed of Satan.
A God with a vengeful spirit? Hmmm, must be the same God Pat Robertson thinks he has. He linked the Las Vegas attack to disrespect for Trump. I never realized how completely bat sht crazy people can be.
Hear ye, hear ye, read all about it! Trump is a loser! Shocking news!
In just the last 24 hours, it has been breathlessly reported out that two more Republican senators broke ranks with their Party by again stating the simple truth in plain English -- an extremely rare, headline-grabbing event:
"When his term is over, the debasing of our nation, the constant non-truth-telling, just the name-calling, I think the debasement of our nation will be what he'll be remembered most for and that's regretful. ... His governing model is to divide and to attempt to bully and to use untruths." -- Sen. Bob Corker, R-TN.
"We must never regard as 'normal' the regular and casual undermining of our democratic norms and ideals. We must never meekly accept the daily sundering of our country — the personal attacks, the threats against principles, freedoms, and institutions, the flagrant disregard for truth or decency, the reckless provocations, most often for the pettiest and most personal reasons, reasons having nothing whatsoever to do with the fortunes of the people that we have all been elected to serve. None of these appalling features of our current politics should ever be regarded as normal." -- Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz.
That's because there is no good retort; socialism serves the right as well as the left. Even more so, when considering that publicly-financed military and police forces are neoliberalism/neoconservativism's dominate sub-themes in the Republican culture of one-party rule and full-spectrum dominance, based on fear and intimidation, i.e., fascism. Guns and bombs, killing and war, and authoritarian daddy figures ("my generals") are the stuff of rightie/socialist, pussy-grabbing wet dreams.
I swear on the grave of me sin-seanáthair (great grandpappy) that it's only oats! But when it comes to swallyin with that crew, the oats being well fermented won't need forgivin' Sunday mornin'. God understands.
Tommy guns were banned in the '30s because they were the gun of choice of gangsters so why can't assault rifles be banned at some future date should the GOP ever lose their majority.
a·poc·a·lypse: the complete final destruction of the world, especially as described in the biblical book of Revelation.
Is this what the evangelicals and other have been evangelizing about all their lives? Eagerly awaiting Jesus to come again, their excitement seems to build each year they grow older.
There was a great interwiew on Rachel Madow with a woman named Sarah Chayes who has written a book Thieves of State. She talks about corruption in countries changing the culture, and in some cases changing the government for the worse. She makes the comment that among the industries universally involved in all of the countries she studied: Energy, Banking and High End Real Estate!
Then of course, there is the old fashioned conservative method that takes a retroactive approach to birth control. Allow the fetus to come to term and then a few years later, if the child that results doesn't die of famine or is slaughtered by religious fanatics or is bombed by drones, etc., then in the case of the US, the born baby can be shipped off to some ungodly hell hole to fight for the right of the filthy rich to be even richer.
In fact, this plan insures that the rich will become richer by manufacturing the weapons for this endless war cycle that relies on cheap labor, a steady supply of cannon fodder and desperately poor souls around the world that feel they have nothing to lose.
Definitely a lot more fun than scientific forms of birth control, think…marching in parades…fourth of July…bumper stickers that prove your patriotism and support of the troops. It always feels great to be part of something truly American! And what has become more American, than war. The ultimate form of birth control.
I don't how much tax money actually ends up subsidizing birth control, but it has to be a tiny fraction of what it would cost taxpayers for the millions of unwanted children dumped into the system because of unwanted pregnancies.
As far as allowing religious exemptions to paying taxes for individual items in a budget proposal, worked out through a supposedly democratic negotiating process involving many people of many different religious persuasions, where do you draw the line?
There are millions of taxpayers who have their religious sensibilities offended by being forced to pour billions every year into subsidizing private defense contractors, who export arms to dictators and war-mongering nations, and who lobby Congress for the tools of endless warfare because we taxpayers make it so damn profitable.
Our money subsidizing needless death and the destruction of civilization:
What about the millions who strongly object on religious grounds to subsidizing the fossil-fuel industry to the tune of billions, if not trillions, every year?
Our money subsidizing needless death and the destruction of the environment:
Deepspace I do agree it is a lot cheaper to provide free birth control for everyone but if it's against their religion they should not be forced to pay for it. These poor children who are born into these horrible neighbors because their mother is left to try and raise children alone when they can't afford is truly tragic. What chance to they have. Maybe we need a charity that focuses solely on birth control for those who can't afford it
What women need to do is let the republicans that there is no sex for republican men for the next 200 years.
Kend. In the long run, if there were not easy and affordable access to and widespread use of prophylactics and other forms of birth control, would not an ocean of even more hard-earned tax dollars then have to pay for the rapid, inevitable expansion of already under-funded welfare programs, which would now be dealing with millions of more unwanted children? Would there not also be a spike in abortions, confounding a fundamental tenet of right-wing religious fanaticism?
Haha... Bring back the chastity belt, shaped like Trump's little hand!
Wow! It's uncanny how a leaked memo so accurately reflects the long-held personal views of Pence -- uncanny, that is, if the memo wasn't the real thing.
The old joke is as true as ever: Do you know what they call a Catholic who practices the rhythm method? A very busy parent.
I really don't see the problem. Our fearless leader has shown us the solution: If you simply grab them at the appropriate anatomical location and don't let go, the whole thing is a non-issue!
There have been aprox. 1 million abortions a year in the us per wiki or 51,888,303
between 1970 and 2013.
There are 12 types of birth control according to,,20354669,00.html
Very few people talk about being accountable for their own actions.
Some abortions are nessasary but 1 million a year?
Thanks, changeX. Here's a link to the PBS video:
The thing here is some tax payers don't want their hard earned dollars going to pay for birth control for others. Whether for financial or religious reasons I believe it is a far request. I am pretty sure if you asked all the movie stars and wealthy lefties they could come up with enough money for free condoms for all.
Aaand... STRIKE! Another point missed...
Who here except Diane is talking about how to "figure out another way to do" Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution? Unless mistaken, I believe the original context in this latest sub-discussion was not about whether or not to have a national standing military but about right-wing hypocrisy.
A chronic use (verbal tic?) of the general term socialism as a political label with a negative connotation, which in reality has a kaleidoscope of different meanings and flavors to satisfy just about any ideological palate, is a meaningless qualifier unless one is very specific as to what type of socialism.
One person's Godly socialism is another's seed of Satan.
A God with a vengeful spirit? Hmmm, must be the same God Pat Robertson thinks he has. He linked the Las Vegas attack to disrespect for Trump. I never realized how completely bat sht crazy people can be.
After watching American Experience on Richard Nixon a while back I have a better understanding of why trump trolls are in such despair all the time.
Ahhhh! another leaked memo which must have far better creditability than the usual anonymous or undisclosed source.
Struggling a bit aren't we?
Please God, let Mike Pence be the final revenge.
Sorry, I was hunting ducks but get Hartmann on your nonsense, he likes to twist the constitution to his way of thinking.
"Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution provides Congress authority to raise and support Armies and to provide and maintain a Navy."
When you figure out another way to do this get back to me.
Then you can work on that pesky second amendment that drives you malcontent leftie/socialists to become even more unhinged..
Hear ye, hear ye, read all about it! Trump is a loser! Shocking news!
In just the last 24 hours, it has been breathlessly reported out that two more Republican senators broke ranks with their Party by again stating the simple truth in plain English -- an extremely rare, headline-grabbing event:
"When his term is over, the debasing of our nation, the constant non-truth-telling, just the name-calling, I think the debasement of our nation will be what he'll be remembered most for and that's regretful. ... His governing model is to divide and to attempt to bully and to use untruths." -- Sen. Bob Corker, R-TN.
"We must never regard as 'normal' the regular and casual undermining of our democratic norms and ideals. We must never meekly accept the daily sundering of our country — the personal attacks, the threats against principles, freedoms, and institutions, the flagrant disregard for truth or decency, the reckless provocations, most often for the pettiest and most personal reasons, reasons having nothing whatsoever to do with the fortunes of the people that we have all been elected to serve. None of these appalling features of our current politics should ever be regarded as normal." -- Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz.
That's because there is no good retort; socialism serves the right as well as the left. Even more so, when considering that publicly-financed military and police forces are neoliberalism/neoconservativism's dominate sub-themes in the Republican culture of one-party rule and full-spectrum dominance, based on fear and intimidation, i.e., fascism. Guns and bombs, killing and war, and authoritarian daddy figures ("my generals") are the stuff of rightie/socialist, pussy-grabbing wet dreams.
Notice that hit and run Diane does not respond about her Righty/socialist military.
I swear on the grave of me sin-seanáthair (great grandpappy) that it's only oats! But when it comes to swallyin with that crew, the oats being well fermented won't need forgivin' Sunday mornin'. God understands.
Tommy guns were banned in the '30s because they were the gun of choice of gangsters so why can't assault rifles be banned at some future date should the GOP ever lose their majority.
Deepspace, I hope that those are irish oats on your breath you bully.
Listen missy @6, go back to watching your Tricky *ick Nixon re-runs reminiscing your golden years.
@5 don't forget about The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives (IHS).
a·poc·a·lypse: the complete final destruction of the world, especially as described in the biblical book of Revelation.
Is this what the evangelicals and other have been evangelizing about all their lives? Eagerly awaiting Jesus to come again, their excitement seems to build each year they grow older.
#29 deepspace - you are sooo right
Those mothers are desperate to destroy the UK health system and move in
Lobbying should and needs to be abolished
Money and influence should and must be removed from those who represent "we the people"
There was a great interwiew on Rachel Madow with a woman named Sarah Chayes who has written a book Thieves of State. She talks about corruption in countries changing the culture, and in some cases changing the government for the worse. She makes the comment that among the industries universally involved in all of the countries she studied: Energy, Banking and High End Real Estate!