LOL Door me the angry words you speak of. BTW: I realize I'm just playing your game. Do one thing for me, tell me how you think Trump is making America Great again. Try to contribute something we all can respond to for real.
HotCoffee: Most Democratic public employees do in fact represent the will of the people...but they get filibustered by the Koch machine, by guys like McConnell, a truly self serving dweeb. Kentucky has blocked radio free America in favor of only fascist speak. Economic truth is non-existent there.
stopgap: I've long thought that a very important consideration often overlooked in politics is what I call the propaganda warp. To truly represent the will of the constituents, one first must calibrate the amount of twisting and damage that has been done to truth.
Two geat recent examples are Trumpcare "make health insurance affordable" and Crooked Donny's tax reform, "the supossed tax break for the middle class." You and I are both aware of the lies. Because of brainwashing, Door Knob is not aware of the truth. Thus as a politician I would simply take that into consideration and do what is best for Door NO on both items and be able to sleep at night knowing I did my patriotic duty in fighting Fascism.
So it looks the accusation of one being "angry" is the current passive aggressive strategy being used by the Foxmerized trolls. #29Worn out Knob: Patriotic Citizen descibes me much better than angry.
Suppression and manipulation of truth by extreme money and power via the mass media always leads to collapse of Democracy and a very ugly ending for the 99%.
Actually, the politicians do what the voters compel them to do. They are the very personification of the voters just as the Nazi party was the personification of the voters in Germany. This is exemplified by Trump's grasp on the Republican voters and only those Republicans that choose not to run again such as Corker and Flake are willing to stand up to him. All of Trump's power is derived from the voters that put him into office and unconditionally support his fascist, bigoted, line of bullshit as the true American way.
Still, Trump lost the election of the voters, but won on the technicality of the electoral college. But enough Trump voters have the Republican party by the balls to enforce Trump's will because the rest are to cowardly to face the wrath of his supporters.
This bullshit that the people are superior thinkers to the politicians and have the perfect solutions is pure nonsense. The politicians are nothing more than the will of the people they represent. No better, no worse. Politicians will always be what the voters make them to be.
That is an interesting take on your thought process, Projecting your thoughts as though they were mine doesn't work.
Looking at the World over the last few years if you can't see that "they" are trying to start a "American Spring" like the "Arab Spring" then I guess you will keep a narrow foucus.
Remember the saying United We Stand Divided We Fall?
You objected to my post because you didn't see how it fit with Thoms post, yet all I've read of your posts are nasty replies to other posts. Nothing regarding the subject.
Republicans ignore the voters for the same reasons the Democrates do. They talk the talk and then walk away and do whats best for themselves.
In my opinion the whole point of Democacy is to have tools with which, "We the People," can legislate against greed. Obviously the Fascists had their Supreme Court put those tools up for sale to the highest Fascist bidder.
The Kochpublican Party, what a bunch of sweaty tools...! LOL
And that's exactly your problem. You taste a dish of vanilla ice-cream and a dish of chocolate ice-cream, but only taste one flavor. Therefore, to you, they are both the same…both have sugar and cream, so what does it matter which one you eat. Humans have two eyes, two arms, two legs and one mouth, therefore: males and females are the same. I have a bank account, retirement funds and part of my taxes go to fund the military, therefore: I'm a warmongering greedy fascist.
Never mind that "your thinking" is exactly what fascists oligarchs want you to think. "Divide and conquerer." And they are more than eager to supply the internet and book stores with distorted, quasi-factual studies, propaganda and spurious articles to promote the thinking of those that are most inclined to believe what they want to believe. It's really the easiest form of marketing in the world.
That is not to say that there are not far too many commonalities between Democratic and Republican politicians. But thinking that having some hero who will ride in on a white horse and solve all of the problems of the world or that only some perfect ideal is the only solution, is naive at best.
The one thing the Tea Party has proven is, that you can work within the system and affect change. Now its time for liberals and progressives to do the same.
Oh, and by the way, what does this report about Catherine Austin Fitts have to do with the topic here regarding "Why Republicans Ignore The Interests of Voters?"
Hot Coffee, thanks for the warning about Catherine Austin Fitts. Another rightwing demagogue to be wary of…Wallstreeter…Bushie…investment advisor? Nothing in your post about verified facts or verified specifics. Statements like 21trillion stolen from the Pentagon and HUD, for all I know, could mean 20 trillion, 999billion, 999million, 999thousand, 999dollars stolen from the Pentagon and one dollar stolen from HUD. Need specifics.
And why do they need to steal money covertly when they are quite adept at doing it legally, right in front of our faces? They just amend the laws to accommodate the theft. And conservatives are more than willing to give them all the support they need.
She (Catherine Austin Fitts) has said that before George W Bush became President she decided to meet clandestinely with a man who also managed large funds. Catherine Austin Fitts had been the Managing Partner at Dillon Read Investment Bank before she became Housing Commissioner in the first Bush administration. She had concluded that so much money had been stolen from pension funds that TPTB must be planning genocide rather than to make restitution for the retirement funds of tens of millions of Americans they had pilfered. She met a friend who had a similar financial background to discuss these disturbing facts. He agreed with her interpretation of events. Genocide of Americans was definitely on the agenda.
Background on the large family fortunes that run the world which Catherine referred to in her above interview with Stacy Herbert.
The New World Order means One Bank One Vote will replace One Man One Vote.
David Rothkopf was the CEO of Kissinger Associates. He wrote the book Superclass in which he said that the world was run by 30 Families and their 6,000 Minions. The NWO merely replaces their authority within dozens of separate nations with their Absolute Power wielded through One World government while removing the facade of democracy.
The trade treaties TPP and TTIP take authority away from sovereign nations and turn it over to corporations. A Swiss study found that 147 corporations controlled 20% of world trade. The 30 Families and their 6,000 Minions allow these companies to be above the law and to exploit consumers in all nations. These treaties are stepping stones to a One World government.
American government as a criminal enterprise. Catherine Austin Fitts has long campaigned to expose the theft of taxpayer funds which is stolen by the trillions. Recently, Professor Mark Skidmore and his graduate students had determined that at least $21 trillion had gone missing since 1988 from just two federal departments – HUD and the Pentagon. The lack of discussion by the media and both political parties tells you all you need to know. There is precious little resistance to massive and systematic corruption from inside Washington.
References: The reference to the coming genocide of Americans was quoted from this:
Catherine Austin Fitts: Greed And Incompetent Leadership Will Soon Crash The Economy
Merry Christmas Diane, you hit it out of the park again:)
Note to Pigeon brain....I'm thankful every day, that a bunch of "washed up lefties" don't take me seriously.....means I'm still correct in my thinking.:))
Au contrarie mon chéri, Dianereynolds, We are fully aware that about 1/3 third of the American populous are hopelessly addicted poodles of the fascist rich, incapable of shaking off their evangelical adoration of their dear leader D. J. Trump, which some express by cramming their heads fully up their dear leader's rancid, evil, rotten, pathological lying, fascist, treasonous, sexist, conman ass and coming on this site with a face full of shit, expecting to be taken seriously.
Maybe what most of you do not understand, President Trump is right on track with what the people who voted for him want him to do. He fights the democrats, republicans, media, the constantly whining malcontent leftie/socialists that spend their entire day being bitter, and he is still getting things done. The rest of us just sit back and enjoy another Christmas morning.
Those little things my friends will start to move the country away from the direction Obama pushed us toward. Like it, who cares? Come up with a candidate that is electable or start spending your money on a life support system for Ginsburg.
LOL Door me the angry words you speak of. BTW: I realize I'm just playing your game. Do one thing for me, tell me how you think Trump is making America Great again. Try to contribute something we all can respond to for real.
Good videos showing the malcontent leftie/socialists suffering post election TURD syndrome.
My friend, why do you say mean words to me? I wouldn't say them to you. I think you are very angry.
This is a good article on why the right wing trolls Watch Fox and like Trump. Because it comforts them.
HotCoffee: Most Democratic public employees do in fact represent the will of the people...but they get filibustered by the Koch machine, by guys like McConnell, a truly self serving dweeb. Kentucky has blocked radio free America in favor of only fascist speak. Economic truth is non-existent there.
stopgap: I've long thought that a very important consideration often overlooked in politics is what I call the propaganda warp. To truly represent the will of the constituents, one first must calibrate the amount of twisting and damage that has been done to truth.
Two geat recent examples are Trumpcare "make health insurance affordable" and Crooked Donny's tax reform, "the supossed tax break for the middle class." You and I are both aware of the lies. Because of brainwashing, Door Knob is not aware of the truth. Thus as a politician I would simply take that into consideration and do what is best for Door NO on both items and be able to sleep at night knowing I did my patriotic duty in fighting Fascism.
So it looks the accusation of one being "angry" is the current passive aggressive strategy being used by the Foxmerized trolls. #29 Worn out Knob: Patriotic Citizen descibes me much better than angry.
Suppression and manipulation of truth by extreme money and power via the mass media always leads to collapse of Democracy and a very ugly ending for the 99%.
@#19 Christmas has been ruduced to express a single moment of selfish pleasure resulting in blasphemy. Sad!
Actually, the politicians do what the voters compel them to do. They are the very personification of the voters just as the Nazi party was the personification of the voters in Germany. This is exemplified by Trump's grasp on the Republican voters and only those Republicans that choose not to run again such as Corker and Flake are willing to stand up to him. All of Trump's power is derived from the voters that put him into office and unconditionally support his fascist, bigoted, line of bullshit as the true American way.
Still, Trump lost the election of the voters, but won on the technicality of the electoral college. But enough Trump voters have the Republican party by the balls to enforce Trump's will because the rest are to cowardly to face the wrath of his supporters.
This bullshit that the people are superior thinkers to the politicians and have the perfect solutions is pure nonsense. The politicians are nothing more than the will of the people they represent. No better, no worse. Politicians will always be what the voters make them to be.
My friends stopgap, and 2950-10K,
Why are you so angry? I don't understand I thought you were the good guys.
That is an interesting take on your thought process, Projecting your thoughts as though they were mine doesn't work.
Looking at the World over the last few years if you can't see that "they" are trying to start a "American Spring" like the "Arab Spring" then I guess you will keep a narrow foucus.
Remember the saying United We Stand Divided We Fall?
You objected to my post because you didn't see how it fit with Thoms post, yet all I've read of your posts are nasty replies to other posts. Nothing regarding the subject.
Republicans ignore the voters for the same reasons the Democrates do. They talk the talk and then walk away and do whats best for themselves.
In my opinion the whole point of Democacy is to have tools with which, "We the People," can legislate against greed. Obviously the Fascists had their Supreme Court put those tools up for sale to the highest Fascist bidder.
The Kochpublican Party, what a bunch of sweaty tools...! LOL
And that's exactly your problem. You taste a dish of vanilla ice-cream and a dish of chocolate ice-cream, but only taste one flavor. Therefore, to you, they are both the same…both have sugar and cream, so what does it matter which one you eat. Humans have two eyes, two arms, two legs and one mouth, therefore: males and females are the same. I have a bank account, retirement funds and part of my taxes go to fund the military, therefore: I'm a warmongering greedy fascist.
Never mind that "your thinking" is exactly what fascists oligarchs want you to think. "Divide and conquerer." And they are more than eager to supply the internet and book stores with distorted, quasi-factual studies, propaganda and spurious articles to promote the thinking of those that are most inclined to believe what they want to believe. It's really the easiest form of marketing in the world.
That is not to say that there are not far too many commonalities between Democratic and Republican politicians. But thinking that having some hero who will ride in on a white horse and solve all of the problems of the world or that only some perfect ideal is the only solution, is naive at best.
The one thing the Tea Party has proven is, that you can work within the system and affect change. Now its time for liberals and progressives to do the same.
The difference between your thinking and mine is I think the Bushes, Clintons, Obamas,
Soros, Kissinger....etc. are really on the same side...and the people are on the other side.
Oh, and by the way, what does this report about Catherine Austin Fitts have to do with the topic here regarding "Why Republicans Ignore The Interests of Voters?"
Hot Coffee, thanks for the warning about Catherine Austin Fitts. Another rightwing demagogue to be wary of…Wallstreeter…Bushie…investment advisor? Nothing in your post about verified facts or verified specifics. Statements like 21trillion stolen from the Pentagon and HUD, for all I know, could mean 20 trillion, 999billion, 999million, 999thousand, 999dollars stolen from the Pentagon and one dollar stolen from HUD. Need specifics.
And why do they need to steal money covertly when they are quite adept at doing it legally, right in front of our faces? They just amend the laws to accommodate the theft. And conservatives are more than willing to give them all the support they need.
Catherine Austin Fitts: Real Danger Of The Deep State
She (Catherine Austin Fitts) has said that before George W Bush became President she decided to meet clandestinely with a man who also managed large funds. Catherine Austin Fitts had been the Managing Partner at Dillon Read Investment Bank before she became Housing Commissioner in the first Bush administration. She had concluded that so much money had been stolen from pension funds that TPTB must be planning genocide rather than to make restitution for the retirement funds of tens of millions of Americans they had pilfered. She met a friend who had a similar financial background to discuss these disturbing facts. He agreed with her interpretation of events. Genocide of Americans was definitely on the agenda.
Background on the large family fortunes that run the world which Catherine referred to in her above interview with Stacy Herbert.
The New World Order means One Bank One Vote will replace One Man One Vote.
David Rothkopf was the CEO of Kissinger Associates. He wrote the book Superclass in which he said that the world was run by 30 Families and their 6,000 Minions. The NWO merely replaces their authority within dozens of separate nations with their Absolute Power wielded through One World government while removing the facade of democracy.
The trade treaties TPP and TTIP take authority away from sovereign nations and turn it over to corporations. A Swiss study found that 147 corporations controlled 20% of world trade. The 30 Families and their 6,000 Minions allow these companies to be above the law and to exploit consumers in all nations. These treaties are stepping stones to a One World government.
American government as a criminal enterprise. Catherine Austin Fitts has long campaigned to expose the theft of taxpayer funds which is stolen by the trillions. Recently, Professor Mark Skidmore and his graduate students had determined that at least $21 trillion had gone missing since 1988 from just two federal departments – HUD and the Pentagon. The lack of discussion by the media and both political parties tells you all you need to know. There is precious little resistance to massive and systematic corruption from inside Washington.
References: The reference to the coming genocide of Americans was quoted from this:
Catherine Austin Fitts: Greed And Incompetent Leadership Will Soon Crash The Economy
Look what the cat dragged in.
I see the trolls are out for recess, "are too! bird brain!"
Please don't tell you're daddy one me.
Merry Christmas Diane, you hit it out of the park again:)
Note to Pigeon brain....I'm thankful every day, that a bunch of "washed up lefties" don't take me seriously.....means I'm still correct in my thinking.:))
Is there any attempt to save the postal service now that President Trump is in office?
@ Miami Party Bus Rentals
Au contrarie mon chéri, Dianereynolds, We are fully aware that about 1/3 third of the American populous are hopelessly addicted poodles of the fascist rich, incapable of shaking off their evangelical adoration of their dear leader D. J. Trump, which some express by cramming their heads fully up their dear leader's rancid, evil, rotten, pathological lying, fascist, treasonous, sexist, conman ass and coming on this site with a face full of shit, expecting to be taken seriously.
Trumpie, yer doin' a heckuva job!
Maybe what most of you do not understand, President Trump is right on track with what the people who voted for him want him to do. He fights the democrats, republicans, media, the constantly whining malcontent leftie/socialists that spend their entire day being bitter, and he is still getting things done. The rest of us just sit back and enjoy another Christmas morning.
Those little things my friends will start to move the country away from the direction Obama pushed us toward. Like it, who cares? Come up with a candidate that is electable or start spending your money on a life support system for Ginsburg.
Can't wait for Nov. 8th
BTW pigeon brain, Michelle Bachmann eating a corn dog is classic but I can see to your puritan upbringing it may be offensive. You forgot racist in your tirade as it is a "brown" corndog. Gotta get on that important shit ya know!
Maybe Michelle just spent too much time in the oval office in the 1990's. My God you people are snowflakes.
This is like Reagan, Bush, and Bush wrapped up in one monster.