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  • What America's Founders Would Say to Alabama's Fundamentalist Hustler Roy Moore   7 years 14 weeks ago

    My eighth great grandfather had to leave France with his children because Louis and the Catholics were going to kill them. I don't recommend letting other people's religion run your life.

  • Is John Kelly Encouraging the "Good Nazis" of the Confederacy?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    "Trump troll" is exactly the right label for right-wingers who post on liberal blogs primarily to insult "lefties/socialists" (nearly every opening line), spread debunked Republican lies (nearly every post), consistently defend Trump despite his malignant personality disorder, vindictive pettiness, and pathological lies, cite right-wing garbage sites, promote fascism, deny basic reality, and otherwise engage in general displays of winger dumbassery. So if the shoe fits...

    And amateur-cum-pro political pundits think that compromising with all of the above is a way for Democrats to win in 2018? Never take strategic advice from the enemy ...or from turncoats.

  • What America's Founders Would Say to Alabama's Fundamentalist Hustler Roy Moore   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Great in-depth article, Thom -- rich in the history and quotes of our nation's founding. It's pure music to hear key moral principles expounded upon by the original scholars and patriots who put their lives on the line to form a government based on them.

    We should all pause for a moment to contemplate the incredible depth of their commitment and sacrifice to protect those principles...

    ...and how far we've strayed in the name of Jesus Christ, Ayn Rand-inspired commercialism/unfettered greed, and worldwide militarism. Religious, economic, military -- all three outside powers our Founders worried most would be wedded to political power -- are now the greatest forces arrayed against the will of the People.

    Eisenhower's dire warning also went unheeded: his prophetic "military-industrial-congressional*-complex." (*included in the rough draft of his Farewell Address.)

    Was Thomas Hobbes right; are humans too selfish and nasty to govern themselves? Have we deserved fascism in all of its various incarnations down through the ages?

    Irja Orav's puzzle pieces aren't just "missing or turned upside-down" -- the whole damn table has been kicked over and the pieces scattered!

  • What America's Founders Would Say to Alabama's Fundamentalist Hustler Roy Moore   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Power of influence is key

    A very much missed by or ignored power

    Lobby needs to get out of politics

    Why and how it was ever allowed is open to question

    Who has the BALLS?

    Past Presidents have been assassinated I would counter in their effort to defeat

  • Is John Kelly Encouraging the "Good Nazis" of the Confederacy?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    deepspace #18 you beat me to it. "What does any of it have to do with the topic of this thread". Respond to the topic blunder twin!

    With this new information, i am beginning to like Hillary even more. What other useful information do you have for us?

  • What America's Founders Would Say to Alabama's Fundamentalist Hustler Roy Moore   7 years 14 weeks ago

    This country right now is like a puzzle where many of the pieces are either missing or turned upside down.

  • Is John Kelly Encouraging the "Good Nazis" of the Confederacy?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Tulsi Gabbard is the best person the DNC had to offer and DWS made sure to get her out of the DNC...too bad....if the left was smart they would run Tulsi next time, but it won't happen. Kamala is out there being anointed by the Hillary purse strings. can yell Trump Trolls until the cows come doesn't fix a thing.

    There are more elections comming up in case you didn't know.

  • Is John Kelly Encouraging the "Good Nazis" of the Confederacy?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    DianeyWorld: Is that why you are honoring Chelsea Clinton by adopting her alias as your moniker -- because her mother knows how to cuss? Imitation is the highest form of flattery.

    BTW, citing rumor and innuendo from disgruntled Hillary haters populating the Hate Clinton Industry, cranking out endless Bill and Hillary hate books, shows the paucity of your research.

    What does Hillary bashing (most of it meaningless drivel, unsubstantiated lies, or both) have to do with the much bigger sins and slapstick incompetency of Trump in the White House (Shudder!) and Republicans in Congress (LMAO!)? Not a goddamn thing!

    Deflecting from the important issues of the day -- the huge problems that are being exacerbated by Trump and his party on a daily basis -- is not fooling anyone on this blog except yourself and your fellow Trump trolls.

  • Is John Kelly Encouraging the "Good Nazis" of the Confederacy?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    I don't know why all the Secret Service men Diane posted...Donna Brazille and Elizabeth Waren, Bernie Sanders too, would lie about Hillary.. And why the FBI would lie about DWS, Becerra and Awan.

    Maybe you can explain it to me?

  • Is John Kelly Encouraging the "Good Nazis" of the Confederacy?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Oh bullsh*t! Classic false equivalency: " really won't hurt the left to hear or see a little news from the right, no need to stay in a bubble."

    "A little news?!" Right-wing lies have been carpet-bombing America nonstop for decades. Only the gullible and the naive would call heavy brainwash and propaganda "news." That's why so many goddamn fools voted for Trump the Liar. Yes, it absolutely does hurt -- everybody in this failing democracy! And no, it is not necessary to "hear or see" lies to understand truth.


  • Is John Kelly Encouraging the "Good Nazis" of the Confederacy?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Good job Diane r,

    So much truth some people don't want to hear.

  • Is John Kelly Encouraging the "Good Nazis" of the Confederacy?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Sorry Mr. Ed, the topic is absurd comments.



    I always liked this list of documented quotes from the wannabee first lady better. I will let Rick Steves do the fact checking for you.

    "1) “Where is the God damn flag? I want the God damn fucking flag up every morning at fucking sunrise”. Hillary to staff at the Arkansas Governor’s mansion on Labor Day 1991. From the book “Inside the White House” by Ronald Kessler, p. 244

    (2) “Fuck off! It’s enough I have to see you shit-kickers every day! I’m not going to talk to you, too! Just do your Goddamn job and keep your mouth shut.” Hillary to her State Trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with “Good Morning.” From the book “America Evita” by Christopher Anderson, p.90

    (3) “If you want to remain on this detail, get your fucking ass over here and grab those bags!” Hillary to a Secret Service Agent who was reluctant to carry her luggage because he wanted to keep his hands free in case of an incident. From the book “The First Partner” p. 25

    (4) “Stay the fuck back, stay the fuck back away from me! Don’t come within ten yards of me, or else! Just fucking do as I say, Okay!!?” Hillary screaming at her Secret Service detail. From the book “Unlimited Access” by Clinton ‘s FBI Agent-in-Charge, Gary Aldridge, p.139

    (5) “Where’s the miserable cock sucker?” (otherwise known as “Bill Clinton”) Hillary shouting at a Secret Service officer. From the book “The Truth about Hillary” by Edward Klein, p. 5

    (6) “You fucking idiot” Hillary to a State Trooper who was driving her to an event. From the book “Crossfire” ~pg. 84

    (7) “Put this on the ground! I left my sunglasses in the limo. I need those fucking sunglasses! We need to go back!” Hillary to Marine One helicopter pilot to turn back while in route to Air Force One. From the book ” Dereliction of Duty” p. 71-72

    (8) “Come on Bill, put your dick up! You can’t fuck her here!!” Hillary to Gov. Bill Clinton when she spots him talking with an attractive female. From the book “Inside the White House” by Ronald Kessler, p. 243

  • Is John Kelly Encouraging the "Good Nazis" of the Confederacy?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    So anything the left has done or is doing is fine with you? Just hide all that because Donna and Elizabeth are sooo right wing?

    Or hide head in sand and just bash the right no matter what. Whenever CNN starts to report the news I'll be glad to link to them. Talk about deflecting.

    I read Thom, listen to Amy Goodman and NPR, it really won't hurt the left to hear or see a little news from the right, no need to stay in a bubble.

    The corporate hive mind has been doing just fine the last 50 years or so. They didn't start in 2016.

    Does Hillary still have an iron grip on the DNC finances or has that contract been canceled?

    Momma said to clean up my own house before I go help clean someone elses.

  • Is John Kelly Encouraging the "Good Nazis" of the Confederacy?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Classic deflection from the catastrophe that is the Trump and Republican clown show. Circle jerk references, using right-wing sources who cite other right-wing sources in the same delusional bubble (i.e., "...according to the Daily Caller ... to Circa Judicial Watch whatever..."). What does any of it have to do with the topic of this thread or with speaking truth to power -- you know, those who actually have power in Washington DC and are actively in the process of finalizing fascism in America and the rule of the corporate hive mind?

  • Is John Kelly Encouraging the "Good Nazis" of the Confederacy?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Thank you DR and thanks ou812 for your comment a couple days ago.

    and sg this is for you...

    Referring to Donald Trump, Clinton said:
    “If that f – – – ing bastard wins, we all hang from nooses! Lauer’s finished…and if I lose it’s all on your heads for screwing this up.”
    So, Crooked Hillary fears the gallows, eh? Interesting.

    Hillary’s face during Matt Lauer’s unscripted question on emails. Isn’t she lovely?


    Did Donna Brazile throw Hillary under the bus in revenge for being called a ‘brain dead buffalo?’

    or you might like this one better...

    California’s Attorney General Xavier Becerra And The Awan Scandal

  • Is John Kelly Encouraging the "Good Nazis" of the Confederacy?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    stopgap. Yes, how is it possible to compromise with shameless liars and thieves who seek to rob the poor and the middle class, with those who would deny sick people treatment, with institutional rascism that looks the other way while cops gun down blacks and Hispanics disproportionately, with widespread, long-term vote-stealing -- with pure evil on a grand scale?

    You can't and you shouldn't! Mealy-mouthed compromise ("I have returned from Germany with peace for our time." -- Neville Chamberlain) has proven to be the most critical strategic error of the Democratic Party in the aftermath of all the disastrous, 5-4, right-wing Supreme Court giveaways to Fascist Meeerkkka. Now, the modern-day corporate wage-slavers, the "Masters of the Universe" and Wall Street, control our destiny with their Walmart-wannabe system of nonunion sweat houses and predatory plantations, like Amazon, sprawled across the land of the working poor.

    changeX, Legend: good points all. If only honest Republicans (Are there any left?) had assessed Trump's moral fiber with the same, crawl-up-yo-ass scrutiny that dishonest Republicans (the vast majority) had reserved exclusively for "Hellary" then our nation would not now be the butt of jokes by allies and enemies alike.

    Other than just more of their stock delusions, deflections, and dishonesty, pissant Republican propagandists -- and popular-vote losers -- cannot come up with any rational explanation for their double-standard, blind hypocrisy. Though never let it be said that it's not for lack of trying.

  • Is John Kelly Encouraging the "Good Nazis" of the Confederacy?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Hilary won because every Democratic woman wanted the first female POTUS. They picked a flawed candidate that was hated by every blue collar American male for reasons like "they did not like her cackle". It was known for quite awhile that the Party had shoved Bernie under the bus.Tulsi Gabbard resigned very early in the campaign over it. Hard to stop the Clinton machine. Yes, I went on to support Hillary after Bernie lost as an anyone other than Trump candidate. She was the only one that stood a chance. Now because of low IQ voters we are seeing the country systematically destroyed. It is like watching a rerun of the Bush administration only worse.

  • Is John Kelly Encouraging the "Good Nazis" of the Confederacy?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Hotcoffee, Nice writeup and spot on concerning the 2016 Democrat party's debacle.

    It was clear from the start that Clinton was never going to allow Sanders into the race and watching the bumbling vacillations from the on again/off again media talking heads was hysterical. The current comments from Brazille, Pocahontas, and the rest of the Hillary you can now officially go away crowd, is even more telling.

    Listening to them now piss and moan over anything President Trump is doing all could have been avoided if they had picked a horse and ran with it from the start. The malcontent leftie/socialists mocked the 16 Republican candidates yet totally ignored the fact the "free stuff" socialist in the room was never going to get closer than arm's length to the nomination.

    Once Clinton had her knife was firmly planted in Sanders back, their sudden attempt at shifting support from a socialist to a crook was comical to say the least and yet they still wonder how President Trump got elected.

    Oh yea, I forgot it was "the Russians".


    Thom, the Civil War is over. You can officially go back to referencing Hitler in every one of your rants against the Republicans.

  • Is John Kelly Encouraging the "Good Nazis" of the Confederacy?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    It makes you wonder what the conservatives are trying to preserve, or conserve, from our National heritage.

    They cannot admit that the Confederate States of America lost the Civil War and that the government of the United States (the Union) won the Civil War. Each Confederate slave State, unwilling to compromise, declared its secession from the United States leading to war - unacceptable.

    Some interesting historical maps and how states swayed through this period are available in encyclopedias under listed under "Slave states and free states".

    It looks like the blunder twin trolls can't come up with something intelligible once again.

  • Is John Kelly Encouraging the "Good Nazis" of the Confederacy?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Hey Deepspace, Birdbrain here, The classic example of Hot Coffee's contradictory thinking is:

    "Individuals are responsible for their own behavior!"

    "When we generalize about people we are usually wrong."

    It cracks me up when I hear that Democrats are not willing to compromise with Republicans. In other words, they want fact to compromise with fiction or truth to compromise with lies. And that will somehow move us forward?

  • Is John Kelly Encouraging the "Good Nazis" of the Confederacy?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    HotCoffee: "When we generalize about people we are usually wrong."

    Haha, what an oxymoronic statement! You're joking, right?

    So then, are you usually wrong when you generalize about "Dems," like you just did in post #8, and in numerous other posts, or when you repeatedly generalize about hating Hillary? Or does your general rule of thumb generally not apply to yourself?

    These are generally rhetorical, as I'm generally not interested in hearing an explanation for double standards or incongruous statements.

  • How Reaganomics Are Turning America into a Third World Country   7 years 14 weeks ago

    ...And, predictably, Hotdog raises both hands. Another useless exercise responding to a Trump troll...

    What the hell are you even talking about? Is there ever any truth in anything you say, at least something that might occasionally slip into your little trolliposts?

    Right in character, you leveled a knee-jerk personal attack based on a lie. Alhough the following response may be, shall we say, less than polite and less than politically correct (as Trump wingers love to preach), it is well deserved: By twisting my words into yours, you are not just "less than honest," you are a GODDAMN F*CKING LIAR!

    No weasel words there. Think Samuel Leroy Jackson's big white eyeballs staring at your worthless self from an inch away! No sense sugar coatin' it, eh Bachmann, suckin' the big one?

    Let's be perfectly clear. There is absolutely nothing wrong with offering legitimate commentary on anyone else's published work, especially prescient work that is meant for everybody because it is about everybody -- a book title, by the way, properly attributed and plainly isolated from my own statements by paragraph! I would never intentionally mischaracterize a truth teller.

    In fact it would become immediately apparent to anyone who has ever read and understood Dr. Michio Kaku or who has ever listened to his lectures that he would be quite pleased if as many people as possible were to discuss the future, in all of its varied aspects, distinct posibilities (dire or not), and, yes, even the so-called "reality checks" that HC referenced above. That is how the future happens.

    The question becomes: What kind of future? Everything listed in post #15 is the outward reality of our society as a whole as it exists today, with which most scientists, historians, and other objective observers agree. The resource-sucking effects of anthropogenic climate disruption alone would be enough to dash the dreams of even the most optimistic futurist.

    Obviously it is you (puppeting everything Trump and far right) who is trying to politicize (stupidly at that) critical issues, deeply concerning to nearly everyone on the planet, by subtly (and lamely) suggesting that Kaku himself would not be equally concerned over the impediments to scientific progress.

    ...Shoo! ...Back to the swamp!

  • Is John Kelly Encouraging the "Good Nazis" of the Confederacy?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    I drove past the fires in California yesterday and I saw signs of praise to the firefighters,

    police, and signs from the people telling other people where they could get help, craigslist offering items for free to help and nobody asked if anyone was republican or Democrat, nobody seem to care what color anyone is.

    I wonder if it's like that in Florida and Texas?

  • Is John Kelly Encouraging the "Good Nazis" of the Confederacy?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    I'm old enough to have heard Martin Luther King when he said It's not the color of your skin but the contentof your Character that matters. He was right then and he's right now.

    The poor of every color have suffered.

    There are poor on the left & poor on the right, poor in the city & the countryside.

    The people in the City and the people in the Country see things differently because they live in different enviornments.

    I was raised in the City and moved to the Country...after 20 years I'm a city woman to folks in the country and a country woman to folks in the city.

    My nature is to want to feed wild turkeys and nature is to hunt them during the season and put them up in the freezer for food security in the winter.

    In my life I find it hard not to like people I know...maybe we all need to know more people. It's easy to find reasons to hate people we don't know.

    There are some very bad people in this world ...yet most of us aren't one of them.

  • Is John Kelly Encouraging the "Good Nazis" of the Confederacy?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    While Thom rehashes the civil war....the Dems won't have to discuss Donna Brazille and

    Elizabeth Warren finally telling the truth about Hillary. Bernnie knew and still tried to get

    his supporters to vote for her...sad! I think CNN even had to mention it.

    As for was is will always be wrong. Except for a few holdouts in the South ( most old and won't be around much longer ) everyone knows it's wrong.

    Tearing down monuments doesn't change the is just a way to pretend it didn't happen, or to anger people by denying them their history. Changing hearts takes a desire for both sides to try to understand each other.


    A Muslim just killed 8 people in New York are all dems responsible for that? Dems want to let everyone into the Country.

    BOTH Dems & Repubs had a very good reason not to vote for the other side.

    Individuals are responsible for their own behavior!

    When we generalize about people we are usally wrong.

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