Recent comments

  • Is Trump's Political Grandstanding Getting To You?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    #15: Not nearly the amount of money, nowhere remotely close, made by war profiteers in perpetuating the policies of this country in selling arms to countries like Saudi Arabia to ensure continuing global strife, not to even mention our own questionable military behavior. Where is your outrage with that? Where is your sense of proportion?

  • Is Trump's Political Grandstanding Getting To You?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    The real question is: How many pieces of murdering trash will conservatives aid and abet before they come to their senses? Based on the evidence seen here and the fact that they prefer not to face facts, they will never stop abetting murderers. After all, there is a lot of money involved

  • Is Trump's Political Grandstanding Getting To You?   7 years 14 weeks ago


    The question is, can a pigeon fly all the way to Australia?


    The only NRA involvement in this shooting was the NRA member , "good guy with a gun" Stephen Willeford, who had the courage to grab his own AR15 and confront this maniac by returning fire, stopping the carnage from continuing, and convincing another citizen to chase down this piece of trash and hold him at gunpoint.

    So much for your "common sense" background checks.

  • Is Trump's Political Grandstanding Getting To You?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Thom, interesting how you drone on and on about the press Trump gets and yet nearly your entire daily three hours of bitter radio is devoted to President Trump or dividing the nation into subgroups and then telling your listeners how President Trump and the Republicans hate each of those groups. Healing? First look inward.

  • What America's Founders Would Say to Alabama's Fundamentalist Hustler Roy Moore   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Door Knobs:

    Since I don't have a time machine, I don't live in the past. Also, since the future never arrives, I don't live in the future. I live in the now! I make the best of whatever comes my way.

    "History is written by the Victors ". Winston Churchill

  • Is Trump's Political Grandstanding Getting To You?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Trump has done it so many times that now he gets away with it. And it does distract from what is actually being done. This tax bill, as expected, is a total give away to the wealthy. Very little protest.

  • Is Trump's Political Grandstanding Getting To You?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Australia is not the USA, and I'm not convinced that their problem compares to ours.

  • Is Trump's Political Grandstanding Getting To You?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Australia got rid of the guns and the problem went away.

  • Is Trump's Political Grandstanding Getting To You?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Stopgap: Trump's right, although this is just a random hapinstance. It is in fact a "mental problem" with this country, not a "GUN NUT" problem. Here, we have a society based on violence from its very inception. Why don't you go off on the "rental truck" problem (harkening back to our previous terrorist act)? You people are so mentally restricted that you can't see past your own symbology. Its GUNS! IT'S GOTTA BE THE GUNS! IF WE COULD ONLY GET RID OF THE THE GUNS THE PROBLEM WOULD GO AWAY! What a crock of shit. Open your eyes. The problem is much deeper than the symbol you choose to represent the much deeper issue.

  • Is Trump's Political Grandstanding Getting To You?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Thom, I think you're giving Trump way too much credit. I think he's just a deranged dumb-ass, blowhard that can never keep his mouth shut. But since a new scandal arrises at least very week, they just happen to parallel the timing of his moronic, outrageous outbursts, making it seem like he's grandstanding, when actually he doesn't have a clue what the hell he's doing.

    He even just admitted that he's crazy when he said about the Texas shooter "this is a mental problem of the highest levels." Namely himself and all his gun-nut buddies at the NRA that have aided and abetted every mass murderer you can think of "…not a gun problem, but a mental problem…" Does he think all these mass murderers just kill with their brains?

  • Is Trump's Political Grandstanding Getting To You?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    I wanted to call in on your show. I am ashamed that the leader of the free world is Donald Trump and each day, he comes out wqith something so totally ridiculous and embarassing to me as an American.

    I don't know if I will be able to keep my sanity if Trump is able to stay in office for the entire 4 years. If I have to say 8 years, I'm movinmg to Canada.

  • Is Trump's Political Grandstanding Getting To You?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    I believe Trump's comments truly reflect who he is. He's a product of the alt right, with Bannon, Alex Jones, Limpball, Foxaganda, etc. forming his reality.

  • Is Trump's Political Grandstanding Getting To You?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Will Crooked Donny get permission from Pootie to bomb Iran?

  • Is Trump's Political Grandstanding Getting To You?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    His whole phony shtick is getting really old really fast with just about everybody in the world except his gullible flock of fools, whom it works on every time.

    With no political future left to protect, at least in the Washington DC Republican caucus, Senators Bob Corker and Jeff Flake finally discovered enough independence and critical thinking skills to speak out honestly, as did Senator McCain. And if Robert Reich's source is taken at his word (a good bet), these conscious-stricken senators aren't the only Republicans freaked out by Trump. Regardless, cold political calculation has them cowering in their foxholes until their signature achievement -- tax cuts for the rich -- can be realized. Not exactly "profiles in courage."

    The biggest thing that still scares the hell out of most members of Republican circles in the Capitol, as it should, is that this unhinged, unpredictable, emotionally unstable madman has the nuclear codes to launch WWIII and the end of civilization in a matter of seconds. "...Trump’s not just a moron. He’s a despicable human being. And he’s getting crazier. Paranoid. Unhinged. Everyone knows it. I mean, we’re in shit up to our eyeballs with this guy." -- Reich's source.

    He's clearly out of his depth but doesn't seriously listen to anyone outside of his inner circle of sycophants. Evidently, he has a very difficult time with outside, independent counsel. Concerned high-level staffers in the West Wing have leaked numerous times that it's a constant challenge for those around this shortsighted goofball to keep America from stumbling into self-made disaster after disaster, as he notoriously resists any perceived threat to his fragile ego or tenuous grip on power with an explosive, profanity-laced, vindictive temper.

    ...And he has the nuclear codes. Let that sink in.

  • What America's Founders Would Say to Alabama's Fundamentalist Hustler Roy Moore   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Bachmann....My mother took off with the next door neighbor while I was still a kid...she didn't raise me. The question remains...what's your excuse for being totally on the wrong side of history?

  • Is Trump's Political Grandstanding Getting To You?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    In 1980 and 81 I worked on a power project near Cairo Egypt. The Egyptian client had one old guy that spoke perfect english. Got to know him and he was the son of a wealthy American stockbroker who went toatlly bust while on vacation in Cairo in 1929. Taught me a lesson.

  • Is Trump's Political Grandstanding Getting To You?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Thom you are exactly on point with Trump Grand Standing and is a perfect demagogue! However, beyond the fact we must eliminate money from politics...we must mandate the FAIRNESS DOCTRINE!

    The drive by media includes Limbaugh. The media is not liberal biased or fake news against Trump. The media treats Trump with kid gloves. Sure they take a pot shot one day and then bend over backwards in the next few days to pander to Trumps family...namely Ivanka.

    The Fairness doctrine needs to be mandated on ALL MEDIA: TV, Nation Wide Radio, Movies, You Tube, Social media....should all be required to report honest facts and give equal time to both sides left and right, but what about inbetween? Independent too! Communism is a dirty word because capitalism owns all the media and writes the text books. Whereas, the early Christians practiced "commune" style living and sharing everything. The fact we have places like Mar-A-Lago only allows select rich people belong is just like a illuminati club that is open and not secret!

    To eliminate grand standing, we must first impliment the FAIRNESS doctrine. Install ethics media wide. Before any candidate can run for political office...there must be strict resume standards.

    1. A Commander in Chief should be ex military and honorable!
    2. No conflicts of interest prior to applying for candidate debates!
    3. No dirty laundry. Master's degree minimum. Proven success.

  • Is Trump's Political Grandstanding Getting To You?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Fading Fast
    CNN-Trumps poll numbers worse all the time

    Most people catch onto fraudulent people sooner or later.
    Thankfully sooner

  • What America's Founders Would Say to Alabama's Fundamentalist Hustler Roy Moore   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Legend #13. Yeah, all those many, many "moments of silence" in Congress don't seem to be solving the scourge of mass slaughter of civilians from easily available weapons of war, the principal common denominator. And sales rise with every senseless killing.

  • What America's Founders Would Say to Alabama's Fundamentalist Hustler Roy Moore   7 years 14 weeks ago

    @26 ---You're welcome. I always try to help the downtrodden, oppressed and those less fortunate then myself. :)))

  • What America's Founders Would Say to Alabama's Fundamentalist Hustler Roy Moore   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Thank you, hotdog. You always make my points vivid color!

  • What America's Founders Would Say to Alabama's Fundamentalist Hustler Roy Moore   7 years 14 weeks ago

    You washed up lefties still can't accept that Clinton lost and President Trump won. Even the truth about what she did to your messiah,Bernie, won't change your mind. President Trump won the election because he knows how to win. Even though you won't admit it even to yourself, we elect presidents in the USA by the electoral college. Bitch, complain, cry, charge election fraud, voter suppression even the sky is falling, but you won't change the results. President Trump is president until 2020, and then he will be elected for 4 more years:)).

    Note to one of the door knobs. Listen to your mother. I'm sure she wonders what mistake she made in raising you.

  • What America's Founders Would Say to Alabama's Fundamentalist Hustler Roy Moore   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Multiple sourcing from reliable investigative journalists and news outlets is really the only way out of this jungle of big lies, little lies, dumb lies, and smart lies. Most of those trails eventually dead end. Corporate media (lies of omission) stalk us day and night; Alex Jones-inspired packs of wild hyenas lurk in the swamps, but the biggest danger is just the constant, background drumbeat of falsehoods preying on our distracted attention spans and leading us astray.

    Easy to get lost, but ultimately the pull of reality is stronger than delusion for most people. After all, a huge majority certainly did not pick this egomaniacal clown to represent the United States of America ...for chrissakes!!! Much to the horror of Trump's big ego and little mind, the People either voted Democratic, third party, or stayed home in disgust at all of the above.

  • What America's Founders Would Say to Alabama's Fundamentalist Hustler Roy Moore   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Keywords "Fundamentalist Hustler" no offense to Larry Flynt.

  • Is John Kelly Encouraging the "Good Nazis" of the Confederacy?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    I like polar bears.

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