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  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    Legend. Excellent comeback. People overseas think we are nuts ...because we ARE!

    And thanks for the valuable info -- been paying for my own dental. Yeah, even Cuba, that much maligned nation, at least has universal single-payer, plenty of quality healthcare providers, and some of the best highly trained physicians in the world, who are exported in times of crisis to less-advantaged nations in South America and elsewhere. If we would normalize diplomatic relations, as we have done with much more brutal regimes like Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Egypt, Russia, China, and the Philippines, then perhaps Cuba would magnanimously export the concept of medical morality to the U.S. where it is sorely needed.

    Radical. Haha, please add! I love hearing what you have to say. We're in a live shooting war with an evil empire and need every able-bodied soldier in the trenches on the front line, especially with the moniker "Radical." Thumbs up!

    DianeyWorld. Thumbs down!!! A Trump troll is a Trump troll is a Trump troll...

    Post #'s 15 &17: Good God, what a train wreck! Move on, folks, nothing to see here but the same slow-motion disaster unfolding everyday in the headlines, brought to you by the Pussy-grabber in Chief, twittering on the toilet, and by those infatuated with his Big Daddy abusive persona.

    The buzz words of his legacy (the short list): embarrassing ignorance of virtually every important issue, immature vindictiveness to the nth degree, shameless bragging about very serious sexual crimes against women, clinical malignant pathologies, and general all-around complete f*cking idiocy -- not the least of which is over-the-top, in-your-face, bald-face dishonesty entwined with every fiber of his worthless being and exuding out of every pore. Lickspittle dummies who voted for him aren't much better. Go figure.

    LMAO! Someone so obviously politically dysfunctional as to defend this low-brow, back-alley pervert has the temerity to judge the FDR administration?! Franklin's failings clearly do not outweigh his wild successes, not by any stretch of Republican delusional imagination.

    Clean out your sh*t-stuffed ears, granny, the bigger the stick the better. Didn't I mention FDR's government was far from ideal? But please list all the modern-age Republican presidents without sin who could cast the first stone. Warren G. Harding? Calvin Coolidge? Herbert Hoover? Eisenhower? Nixon? Ford? Reagan? The two birdbrains in the Bush? ...Trump?!!! (Hahahahahaha ...puh-lease!) Other than Eisenhower (the last legitimately elected Republican), what a motley crew of fools and pirates!

    But to cast aspersions on the man who defeated the worldwide fascistic movements of last century and to ignore his many progressive accomplishments, which the American people are still enjoying today -- including ol' granny the hypocrite -- is not only hugely disingenuous but is the height of right-wing hyper-partisanship in its most imbecilic and laughable expression. Granny's posts are always the same: the epitome of self-righteous arrogance -- a mental tick common to every mush-brain mesmerized by Fux News and all the other "re-education" camps dotting the corporate "news" landscape.

    BTW, you historically ignorant person with a qwerty keyboard, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Repeat his name three times and tap your red-ruby slippers.) passed The Wagner Act, (National Labor Relations Act) in 1935 as an integral part of the New Deal. Ask union members about its significance in the private sector, which Republicans have eviscerated in just the last 30 years or so. Now they're going after the public-sector unions, the last redoubt of organized labor and a big voting block for Democrats (who just ain't supposed to vote).

    Also, notice that none of shoot-em-up "AR" Granny's meaningless double-talk betrays the slightest bit of empathy or sympathy for the uncountable victims of gun violence (the worst in the world of civilized nations not embroiled in endless, American-sponsored wars) -- not even for the babies, "big beautiful babies." (Where is the orange baboon's "heartfelt" -- my ass! -- concern for American babies, who are no different than Syrian babies other than the method of their slaughter?)

    There's no way around it; Ameerkkka's obscene, NRA-enlightened obsession and proliferation of high-tech weapons of war on our streets and in our neighborhoods where our children play, shop, go to school, go to church, is the essence of a violent and petty mindset -- second nature to far-right wingers, such as goofy ol' granny.

    Vote! Elections have consequences. New Jersey and Virginia are showing the rest of America the way out of this Republican quagmire short of armed revolution (for which there is certainly enough weaponry). Make America Truly Great Again (MATGA) -- Throw The Goddamn F*cking Republican Bums Out! (TTGFRBO). Next year, put non-corporatized Democrats and/or progressive independents in Congress. De-nut the chest-thumping baboon and his smarmy misogynistic veep -- losers whom most women (as well as most men) would sorely love to politically castrate ...some more literally.

  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    Dear Deep Space Thank You fot the fantasic comments. Time after time you make great comments. I am hesitant to add anything to what you said

  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    #17. You are obviously proud to live in a country where 58 are killed and 500+ wounded by a maniac who had an arsenal and semi-auto weapons legally converted to shoot like a fully automatic weapon, at a country concert. I am not. But I can see changes that would help this country. I have been overseas when these frequent mass killings happen and seen the reaction of the people. They think that we are nuts. This reflects on their opinion of this country and affects our trade, tourism and relations. I was in South Korea when one of their citizens was murdered in a VA mass murder. They (and I) value life and you obviously do not.

    As far as medical tourism. Medicare does not cover dental. A friend of mine recently flew to Panama and had 2 root canals spent 2 nights in a hotel all for way less than it would have cost him here. He also got to relax on the beach. The Dentist had received his dental training at the University of Southern California. I think as medical tourism grows it will help to lower costs here. I wish that Panama would start advertising medical tourism on TV. That would open the AMA eyes. Medicare covers 80% of a procedure that costs 5 times more than it would in another country. And you have to pay for Medicare. And that is the good socialistic plan. Just like you get. The average working stiff pays $1000 per month for $5000 deductible.

  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    Very well stated, Thom! Thank you again!

  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    Good for you Rick Steves. Your examples are why I choose to live here. If you fear guns so much why not live in one of the other 10 countries you lived in? You tell us we should go out of the US to get cheap healthcare. Why your attraction to this country? Lots of safe spaces and free healthcare in Mid-east countries.

  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    I have worked and lived in 10 other countries and have traveled through many others. The ones that I visited I would call free. Never went to Saudia Arabia etc. South Korea every male has served 2 years minimum in the military and have been extensively trained with guns. Yet know one owns a gun and one of the first questions they will ask you is "do you won a gun". They think is crazy to own something that is meant for killing. In Sweden I knew a collector of antique military rifles. All were stored at a licensed rifle range.

  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    I guess for leftie/socialists basking the glow of winning landslide election victories lasts only a few hours. Return to bitter hate radio and screeching at the sky.

    Speaking of good old FDR,

    putting 120,000 Japaneese in concentration camps


    his stand on public employee unions

  • We have to Talk About the Victims Of Gun Violence   7 years 13 weeks ago


    I think classifying Trump with the likes of FDR, James Buchanan, George Washington, Grover Cleveland, Lyndon Johnson, George H.W. Bush, James Garfield, Woodrow Wilson, Warren G. Harding, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and the greatest philander of them all William Jefferson Clinton is a bit much isn’t it. Oh well, at least Trump appears to be in good company. Love youTube don't you?

  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    Good point, Randolph. Although under FDR, the government, while far from ideal, stole quite a bit less from us. He really did try to turn things around after the horrible governance under Republican rich-man-rule. His list of accomplishments that have benefited the common man and woman -- and still are -- is impressive. Bernie Sanders modeled his politics on FDR, calling it "Democratic socialism." Here's some highlights from his Nov 19, 2015 address at Georgetown University with commentary from a TYT panel:

    Hephaestus. Astute observation. We fought world wars against fascism only to succumb meekly here at home.

  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    America has become a fascist nation without a shout or shot being fired

    Dumbing down has become a national 'sport'

    This is intentional

    Were world wars fought to prevent the spread of fascism?

  • We have to Talk About the Victims Of Gun Violence   7 years 13 weeks ago

    Here, granny, sweet dreams with Big Daddy:

  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    Americans have never really been free, not from day 1. We were less controlled because there were less people to control us. The government has always stolen from us, the rich have always taken from us, it is just gotten so obvious they cannot hide it anymore.

  • We have to Talk About the Victims Of Gun Violence   7 years 13 weeks ago

    Haha, good one! They certainly are aiding and abetting mass murder, which also makes them No-good Rotten Assholes.

  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    You say it very well, a voice shouting into the wind. Never stop. The truth of what this once great People's democracy has become under our fascist masters is beyond sad.

  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    deepspace: You say it far better than I can...your words ring with the sad truth.

  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    Brenda made another very important point...globally we rank only 47th in freedom of the press. We're looking at third world territory here.

  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    It's socialism for the rich. A civilized country wouldn't wage endless war for profit to benefit the few, sapping the health and wealth of its own citizens to do so.

    The US is a predatory military empire run by oligarchs raping the worlds' resources and exploiting its people to enrich themselves. Those who enable them are trapped by right-wing ideology, fear, hate, and anger. They aren't free in their minds, so their idea of freedom is just that -- a mere idea.

  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    It's also important to note that when you add up property tax, sales tax, fees, State tax, Federal tax, etc. most of us pay as much or more than the citizens in the countries that provide cradle to grave healthcare, old age "living amount pensions," higher education, and in general a very strong social safety net. The difference is that we pay for an out of control military industrial spy complex.

    The Kochpublicans have no problem with this massive Socialism benefits their Fascist masters. As I've said before, this Kochpublican funding is why our CIA didn't step in and stop the the Russian interference in the 2016 election...They sure as hell would have if it had been the Dems getting the help from Putin.

  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    The way things are going I wouldn't even consider the US a civilized country.

  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    You’re not free because the press isn’t free. It’s owned by corporate interests.

  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    I assume the question that tomcalwriter1 asks about unregulated drug prices is rhetorical. The obvious answer is that Big Pharma has too much money.

    When Big Pharma spent $120 million in California to defeat Prop 61 (regulate drug prices for those having their drugs paid for by the state), my ulcerative colitis became active after remaining dormant for 20 years.

  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    When it comes to health care, even if you have it, your choices are limited. If you want to go to a holistic practitioner or use medical cannabis (the professionals in that field don't like the term marijuana because it connotes the suppression of it in the 1930s), you can't get insurance coverage. So, our health care is really being controlled in the U.S.

    I don't want to go into detail about this, but it's certainly worthy of many blogs or books. A good blog would be asking the question why the U.S. is the only developed country in the world where the price of pharmaceutical drugs IS NOT regulated!

  • We have to Talk About the Victims Of Gun Violence   7 years 13 weeks ago

    Perhaps the NRA should be referred to as the "National Recurring Advocates for mass murderer wannabes."

  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    Good points! And we are not free if some of our police can clearly commit murder and get away with it.

  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    To add to the damage of the "New Health" bill. Brace yourselves for closing hospitals! And emergency rooms! No clients. No money. No money. No Doctors. Get ready to drive 50 to 100 miles to the "nearest" hospital. Maybe THEY are open.

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