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  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    "... this whole freedom thing that Republicans are always talking about, what they're talking about is the freedom of billionaire polluters to pollute, the freedom of billionaire banksters to rip us off, the freedom of the fossil fuel industry to poison our planet, perhaps even leading to the death of our species."

    All well and good, but what Mein Trumpfy's followers are concerned with is The Culture War -- if they're not gonna Win it, they'll be more than happy to take the rest of the Planet out ... like they say, ya gotta expect a little collateral damage. The Billionaires, well, they've got their very-well-stocked hollowed-out coal mines....

    Damn. Tricked again.

  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    Google "Medical Tourism Panama" or country of your choice.

  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    To the naysayers, I had a friend that had a stent installed for $40000. Would have cost less than $10000 in most countries. Especially if you are young, stop paying $12000 per year for $5000 deductable insurance. Put the same into a medical savings account (tax benefits) and plan using medical tourism. For those on Medicare dental costs are worth going to Panama. Google it. Let Cuba into the bidding for health care.

  • Would You Ban All Guns If You Could?   7 years 13 weeks ago

    There are too many Dick Cheneys out there for me to even want to hunt anymore! I do own a Rev War period musket most likely connected to the Battle of Yorktown, that's what the experts tell me anyway......I'm happy with that, I don't desire anymore guns.

  • Would You Ban All Guns If You Could?   7 years 13 weeks ago


    "Because the gun industry, just like the fossil fuel industry, is a corrupt industry."

    Where does the corruption lie?

    It is only because our representatives of "we the people" allow them to be so

    Our representatives are "the" corrupt for accepting bribery

  • We have to Talk About the Victims Of Gun Violence   7 years 13 weeks ago

    Yeah right, like I'm going to waste any more time on you and your bullsh*t -- someone who never acknowledges the veracity of the many links provided on this blog by the rest of us to educate your dumb ass. So why would you think anyone would want to follow you down into your delusional far-right hell. After all, look where it got you...

    Gabh transna ort fhéin!

  • Would You Ban All Guns If You Could?   7 years 13 weeks ago

    Republicans have a built-in fear of flying stemming from airplanes having both a left wing and a right wing. The two wings "cooperate" to get the plane to where it needs to go. Instinctively they know that but are in resentment of sorts... that the left wing and right wings work together making the plane fly to higher altitude. When nations have tried to "fly.. reaching new heights" with only right wings they have crashed and burned, leaving only skid marks on the runway to memorialize their flight. Thus America is now flying on only a right wing... with a small First Class section... but it can't reach new altitude.. and can only be in a downward spiral... taking it's Coach Class passengers with it. I thought of this today, seeing a plane crash on TV news... saw it as a metaphor for what "Air America" is all about. So-called "gun rights" have implemneted an "Air America" with only a right wing and thus put it in a downward spiral. Bang bang... as TS Eliot put it: this is the way the world ends... not with abng but a whimper.. at the grave side of a victim of a mass murdering.

  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    I might just do that, Legend. Plus, never have been to Panama. Thanks for the great advice!

  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    Again, nothing but empty-headed nonsense from a brainwashed Trump troll. Poor little snowflake, can't take an opinion about her opinions. Never fear; you are entitled to as many worthless opinions as can spew forth from your hotdog hole. And I am entitled to call bullsh*t. In your dreams, loser; I wouldn't play poker with you, because you have no chips left.

  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    @23 & 25

    I guess only you are entitled to an opinion. You are so easy, I would love to play cards with you, Cowboy. You have more tells than a hooker who hasn't been to confession in 30 years.

    Move to Cuba, what an opportunity. I'm sure your pension is over $19.00 per month. Plus you'd have the government furnished health care that's so important to you. Take the three door knobs with you. With your writing ability you could start a newspaper. Call it La Verdad (Spanish for truth). Legend could be your fact checker. Mother Teresa of the Southern Tier could administer to the those who need it. Maybe even find something for pigeon brain to do. You would live like kings. (I guess you wouldn't want to do that though). It wouldn't be PC. I don't know why you want to stay here. You all seem so angry and hateful of most everyone else who lives in the USA.

  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    DS, I did not mention Cuba's excellence in the medical field because I knew that was way over the head of Dianyworld and her trans friend OU812. Yes Cuba is excellent in the medical field and even has cures for cancer that cannot be sold here. For 60+ years we have isolated Cuba for no real reason. Our isolation has kept their economy low. Medical tourism would be an excellent way to boost their economy and solve our overpriced medical costs.I can see the TV ads and Southwest reduced airfares. If you are young and healthy why spend $1000 per month on crappy insurance. Put the money in a health savings account. If you have medical problems go to Panama (3 hour flight) and spend much less. $12000 per year adds up quick. If this expanded countries like Panama might offer insurance policies at cheap rates. Why is our government protecting the right to import drugs. Totally right wing Republican Fascists. Put pharmaceuticals on an international basis.

  • Would You Ban All Guns If You Could?   7 years 13 weeks ago

    I agree, Thom. As a Cdn., the Gov't spent $2Billion trying to get weapons registered. Cost prohibitive so they dropped it. Guns in Canada are only for target ranges. Rifles for hunting. Strict regulations kept our deaths at 200/year approximately. Most due to suicides. We have plenty of regulations & no one complains and it's worked for a very long time. Lead out of ammo helps keep critters alive, too. It's responsible and babies don't kill babies. I hope Americans decide to regulate b/c just going to a gas station around here is a risk and it shouldn't be that way. Where is peaceful enjoyment of life when everyone & everywhere you go, you see everyone armed? People want security, peace, and to know that their kids will return home safely.

  • Would You Ban All Guns If You Could?   7 years 13 weeks ago


  • Would You Ban All Guns If You Could?   7 years 13 weeks ago

    Stopgap, sometimes I do generate text in a local editor and paste it in, but then I get these annoying formatting characters. I wrote the following in such an editor and perhaps it will paste in without the extraneous characters. Here it is:

    p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%;

    On assault rifles versus “more reasonable” firearms: This issue of whether or not it's appropriate for average citizens to own “military grade” weapons has been blown way out of proportion in my estimation. For any who care to listen, here are a couple of facts. First off, every type of firearm, regardless of configuration, can be used to kill people. Period. So let's take the 12 gauge shotgun as an example. These weapons, commonly used for bird hunting, can be loaded with 00 Buckshot, each pellet, roughly equivalent to a .38 or 9mm round (don't recall if it's 12 or 16 per round, and it doesn't really matter) can put more lead in the air per unit time, by far, than an AR-15 firing on full automatic. True, they are typically limited in magazine capacity to five or six rounds. But there are techniques to reload almost as fast as you can pump the action, available on youtube. So which is more dangerous in the hands of a lunatic? A garden variety shotgun or an AR-15?. If the guy owns a hacksaw, I claim the shotgun is a far more deadly weapon in a theater or crowded nightclub than the AR-15. But if your thing is to knock somebody off at 300 yards, would you choose an AR-15 or a garden variety bolt action .270 or 30-06 with a 10 power scope? I think Kennedy's assassin answered that question. Yet these are considered “benign” hunting implements by most people. My point here is that there is some kind of visceral response to “military assault weapons” that is both popular and unfounded. Assault rifles are good at what they were designed to do. Other weapons can be more damaging in the wrong hands. And of course, there is an entirely valid construct that could be stated here that has to do with the availability of HumVee's, nitrate fertilizer, gasoline, etc.etc. So please, let's get off this kick of villainizing assault rifles (along with anyone who happens to own one for less than homicidal purposes) and focus on the issues that are really at the center of the issue. Sensible regulation of firearms, as Thom has stated, restricting their use by those shown to be a risk factor (can't pass the test, history of violence, felony convictions, etc.) and let go of this hysteria about “assault weapons”.

  • Would You Ban All Guns If You Could?   7 years 13 weeks ago

    It's a brilliant idea that has been proven to work already.

  • Would You Ban All Guns If You Could?   7 years 13 weeks ago

    Couldn’t agree more Thom on your rationale on guns. Growing up in Michigan, guns are apart of life. Most people I know follow the firearm laws perfectly as they do not want to lose the privilege of owning and using their guns.

    Probably the most affective way to lower crime and reduce gun violence is a good economy. So many crimes are for money, food and basic necessities. My wife and I watched a documentary in Trenton New Jersey and a young man said the only reason he was stealing cars was for the money.

    Another way to reduce gun violence is a Gun Law reform. Keep the laws that work, throw out the laws that don’t and collectively create new laws. It might sound overly simplified, but our law makers sure haven’t made any laws that have helped. Matter a fact, they haven’t helped at all!!

  • Would You Ban All Guns If You Could?   7 years 13 weeks ago

    Yes, disarming fools is a wise move.

  • Would You Ban All Guns If You Could?   7 years 13 weeks ago

    I would ban all firearms for Republicans. With the election of Trump, they have already proven themselves to be mentally incompetent.

    Outback, If you can't spell a damn thing, like myself; do what I do. I type it out in the "TextEdit" feature of my Mac, then paste it into the box. I'm sure you have a similar program on your computer. After all, if you are a "birdbrain" like me, you have to at least put up some kinda front to make people at least think you know what the hell you are talking about.

    Don't tell the trolls though! I wouldn't want to ruin my intellectual creditability.

  • Tuesday 7 November '17 show notes   7 years 13 weeks ago


    I was listening to the discussion on Wednesday about the election and the strides the Democrats made during this election. I just wanted to add a view point from Tacoma, WA where a Women of Color was elected with the full support of the democratic politian in the area and state. The problem is shes not a progressive democrat and ran to the right of the other democrat in the race. She was backed by Big Oil and Petro Chemical companies in the Port of Tacoma, the Chamber of Commerce and local Republicans. She is for Charter Schools and a large PSE gas facility at the port apposed by the local tribes and the Sierra Club and local scientist. She even lied about her education in the past but was given a pass by the local conservative newspaper. Due to her support by local PAC she easily out spent her opponent 2 to 1 and put our negative aid suggesting a link to Trump by the progressive canidate. Her supporter are the same group that pushed hard for Clinton even though the rank and file went for Bernie.

    The Election was not all roses, at least not here it looks like we are suck again with the status quo pro developer democratic party of the 27th dems.

    sorry for the fake name, anyone who spoke out against this candidate was instantly labeled a raciest thru Facebook and its go most of use scared to speak up without retaliation by our own City.

    Thanks for listening.

  • Would You Ban All Guns If You Could?   7 years 13 weeks ago

    Haha, those 45 points haven't hurt you a bit, and I bet you're a damn good shot. At least we have smokeless powder nowadays, so as not to give away our position come the revolution.

  • Would You Ban All Guns If You Could?   7 years 13 weeks ago

    Thom, as a gun owner I can't disagree with a single thing you've said here. Thank you for your rational position on an issue that has become highly emotional. (Did I spell everything right? I'm down about 45 IQ points due to lead poisoning sustained in target shooting over the years, and I repeat my request to add a spell checker to your site).

  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    Jaysus! A moldy turd is smarter than you two focking idiots! Don't put yourselves in the "everyone else" category.

    Do you ever have anything important to say?

  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago
  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    Nice try, hotdog, but you're as thick as your buddy, granny. The little blizzard of bullsh*t you're huffing and puffing has zilch to do with what I just said. Clean the sh*t out of your ears and take the dick out of your mouth.

  • You Are Not Free If You Can't Afford Healthcare   7 years 13 weeks ago

    @21 Dumb Shit

    So this is what you washed up lefties want for the USA

    Cuban Salaries raise to $19.00 per month

    In 1956, (when Cuba was a capitalist country) a worker at Bacardi made an average of $163.15 / month

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