I may be wrong but: Maybe Democrats have to get cracked before they wake up. I'm sorry Thom, but most; (Excluding: Warren, Grayson, Sanders, Brown, and more..) are too complacent and quiet. And that does not get you on the news.
ANYONE who grabs big money, are prisoners to the money givers. Hillary was one example. You don't "play money games" with Corporations anymore than you play with a dangerous animal. (I still voted for her because she was.. less evil)
Democrats - I vote for them. They don't work for the pernicuous Ultra rich.. I"m hoping if we choose the better, every chance we get to vote, that a voter will eventually filter out the bad/lethargic/weak ones over time.
Speaking of the "gullible Trump/Republican fringe," my own mother, in her 80's now, has Foxaganda News turned on 24/7....sleeps with it on. Her ubiquitous comment to me, "how do you know you're not the one being lied to?" Thus my certainty that Murdoch's brainwashing weapon is effective on the gullible. I'm surprised no one has mentioned DeVos and Pence being as or more dangerous than Roy Moore, and thanks to Trump they're both currently in postions of power.....with Pence soon to be illegitimate leader of the free world.
Oh how right-wing propagandists and their gullible Trump/Republican fringe audience hate Snopes!
HotCoffee in post #15 cites an opinion piece that was essentially nothing more than a veiled ad hominem attack, albeit by a think-tank scholar (who should know better), against David Mikkelson, the founder of Snopes, and it's employees -- as if Kalev Leetaru's personal opinion (and apparent umbrage at being ignored) in any way detracts from Snopes' professional veracity or debunks Legend's sources in post #12. (It doesn't.) The Clinton/uranium conspiracy theory remains fake news as well as the right-wing's hits on Snopes and other fact-checkers who expose their lies.
Hot Coffee, is it factual that Crooked Donny had a fake university, has had four bankruptcies, has admitted to assaulting women, ships his jobs overseas, hires non citizens to work at his resorts, has lied about Trumpcare being affordable, and is currently lying about middleclass tax breaks? Is it a fact that Kochpublicans hate adding to the deficit when Dems are in power, but could care less when they're in power? The current tax cut for the billionaires sure points to that as a fact.
Is it a fact that McConnell filibustered dems on legislation that would have ended tax breaks for companies shipping jobs overseas? Facts are facts....fake news is the weapon used by Trump and his Fascist owners.
Funny how Second Amendment Extremists have total disregard for the First Amendment. I believe that's what our founders would be most perplexed and outraged about. Crooked Donny's gun-toting God and Guns base ignores what the timeless wisdom of freedom "from" religious tyranny means, but are convinced their right to keep and bear assault weapons was handed down from 1791.
The Kochpublican God and Guns base is fed by outlets like Foxaganda News....remember how Obama was coming for everybody's guns? The war on Christmas!... etc.
So we can thank the corpse media for not only Fascism but also this twisted view of our constitutional rights by gullible citizens.
While there seems to be grave concern about Putin attacking our democracy with disinformation, there seems to be no such outcry about Murdoch and his Foxaganda machine undermining our democracy with the same exact strategy???? Hmmmm?
Thom's article is fantastic...brings to mind all sorts of religious fomented evil.... 30 years war, inquisitions, St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre, Crusades, 1692, supposed conversion of Clovis, constant Eastern Roman Empire violence over orthodox christian interpretations, Muslim conquests, Christian conquests in the New World.....never ends...and that's why we have the First Amendment, the most important words in our constitution.
Interested in 18th century Deism? Read Thomas Paine's "The Age of Reason."
In short, when someone attempted to fact check the fact checker, the response was the equivalent of “it's secret.”
It is impossible to understate how antithetical this is to the fact checking world, in which absolute openness and transparency are necessary prerequisites for trust. How can fact checking organizations like Snopes expect the public to place trust in them if when they themselves are called into question, their response is that they can’t respond.
This is such a sweeping topic for the weekend anyway, I hope the following isn't too far off the subject. Dana Milbank wrote a pretty funny opinion piece Friday about the bald-faced lies the Republicans are trying to slip past the public with their much-touted tax "reform" (hahaha) proposal for the rich, which the rest of us will be paying for one way or the other:
Why thank you, Chelsea. Copying and pasting is the best form of flattery. But your point is ...?
Really? Re-posting a fragment of my past musings is your only retort to honest critiques of resident trolls' obvious right-wing falsehoods? If you are insinuating hypocrisy, then why not do so in your own words and explain why instead of hiding behind someone else's? As it stands, you are lying once again by way of false equivalency and out-of-context mischaracterization. Is it so hard to be honest?
Besides, you're entirely missing the motivation here for merriment and mirth. Albeit exasperating at times -- like shushing a crib full of crybabies -- I love it when brainwashed little trolls reveal the complete idiocy of right-wing dogma, providing easy targets of opportunity on which to sharpen one's teeth. IOW, keep the hits right on a-comin', Granny! What would we do without poor lil' you to pick on all the time? You know, trolling a troll -- it's great fun!
Kend. Well said. Can't disagree for the most part except to add a dash of liberal flavor to a few points.
In our representative democratic republic limited by a constitution, "the" goverment is supposed to reflect the will of the People; so it is more accurately described as "our" government. Psychologically, as well as every other way, that's an important distinction, isn't it?
Also, volunteerism through church and community, while a good thing, simply cannot match the sheer number of human beings in desperate need of life-saving assistance. "The Great Hunger" in Ireland put the lie to British naiveté in that regard. (At the higher echelons of power, it was willful ignorance!)
With a large nationwide population during normal times, it's ludicrous to think local efforts can meet the need; in times of crisis, it's a huge crime against humanity! Not to have in place a well-funded welfare system that adequately and successively serves ALL citizens -- when they are in critical need -- is morally wrong no matter the excuses.
Why else insert "general welfare" in the Constitution, as most democracies do?
Mr. Ed sez, “You're not Mommy the Monitor. This is a free-speech zone, so post as much or as little as your black heart desires. If you can't handle my politically incorrect posts, then don't read them and don't respond.”
"My ear protection is at the ready." In poker that's a tell, a visibly self-conscious admission -- jitters when you know that you are bluffing (lying), and you know that everyone else at the table also knows it.
AKA Chelsea continuously reinforces her credentials as a gullible Trump troll with calorie-free distractions from the larger truths of this Administration and Congress and their penchant for Washington-speak bafflegab.
It's a new take on an old joke: The most contested piece of real estate in America is that five-foot strip of land between a gaggle of Republican lawmakers and a bank of microphones and cameras, as they trip all over each other in their mad dash to lie directly to the American People about healthcare "reform," tax "reform," and just about every other Republican policy initiative. "Oh but, it primarily helps the middle class, not our wealthy donors ...'cross our hearts and hope to die.' [FDR]" -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3RHnKYNvx8
#28 is a classic example. Cantankerous ol' Granny loves to kick sand, throwing out lots of childish insults, false accusations, and subjective psychobabble, but then serves up nothing but thin gruel with no meat, citing a right-wing spin doctor at a right-wing website who engages in selective reporting while ignoring the bigger picture. HOLY COW! HOLD THE PRESS! Some Democratic lawmakers got a minor talking point wrong as they speculated about leaked information on a bill that hadn't even been released yet. "I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!"
And for good measure, she throws into her witch's brew an anecdotal non sequitur in the form of a pithy news item, which does not prove anything, let alone a wider trend of election fraud by the Democratic Party -- and yet, not a word about the very real, widespread, institutionalized, Republican election fraud perpetrated against the entire nation for decades.
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy by Greg Palast.
But enough of dead-end wingerism; for a sunnier day, stick with actual truth tellers. I feel sorry for Trump trolls who think simple truth sounds like a liberal conspiracy. It must be maddening waking up every morning to the false reality of a babbling buffoon making America "great" (again?). (What? Back last century when a younger version of a racist New York real estate mogul, borrowing billions and sticking it to the taxpayers, was an item?)
Anyway, from a Nobel Prize economist, the truth about the lies:
If churches and religions want to have some skin in the game, then at least make them pay taxes like the rest of us. It is insane that we subsidize they very groups that want to bring down our democratic institutions.
Deepspace, These Trolls can't seem to do simple math that would prove to them that Hillary actually won the popular vote by 3 million votes. How many votes do they think a candidate has to win by before they are actually deemed the victor? If they can't do simple math then why do they think that anything else they say should be believed?
I agree Religion has no place in politics. With that said I think we where all much safer when pretty much everyone believed if they did not follow the 10 commandments they would not make it to heaven. But those days are gone and all hell has broken loose. In the past it was the church and community that helped the less fortunate. But the government has taken that role over. The new church is "foundations" like the church they collect massive amounts of money for "charity" well the executives live lavish lifestyles flying in private jets, receiving huge wages. Your founding fathers where very smart. Great read Thom. They tried hard to protect you from corruption but it will always be there in some way
It appears that some leftie/socialists can’t deal with any opposing views. It must bolster their ego to know you are always correct 100% of the time which is why their arrogance following the last election cycle is so delightful to watch and refute. God forbid anything or anyone from the other, or even the same, side throw in their 2¢.
Fox says what they want to hear. It is comforting to them. Does not matter if it is true or not.
I may be wrong but: Maybe Democrats have to get cracked before they wake up. I'm sorry Thom, but most; (Excluding: Warren, Grayson, Sanders, Brown, and more..) are too complacent and quiet. And that does not get you on the news.
ANYONE who grabs big money, are prisoners to the money givers. Hillary was one example. You don't "play money games" with Corporations anymore than you play with a dangerous animal. (I still voted for her because she was.. less evil)
Democrats - I vote for them. They don't work for the pernicuous Ultra rich.. I"m hoping if we choose the better, every chance we get to vote, that a voter will eventually filter out the bad/lethargic/weak ones over time.
Speaking of the "gullible Trump/Republican fringe," my own mother, in her 80's now, has Foxaganda News turned on 24/7....sleeps with it on. Her ubiquitous comment to me, "how do you know you're not the one being lied to?" Thus my certainty that Murdoch's brainwashing weapon is effective on the gullible. I'm surprised no one has mentioned DeVos and Pence being as or more dangerous than Roy Moore, and thanks to Trump they're both currently in postions of power.....with Pence soon to be illegitimate leader of the free world.
Oh how right-wing propagandists and their gullible Trump/Republican fringe audience hate Snopes!
HotCoffee in post #15 cites an opinion piece that was essentially nothing more than a veiled ad hominem attack, albeit by a think-tank scholar (who should know better), against David Mikkelson, the founder of Snopes, and it's employees -- as if Kalev Leetaru's personal opinion (and apparent umbrage at being ignored) in any way detracts from Snopes' professional veracity or debunks Legend's sources in post #12. (It doesn't.) The Clinton/uranium conspiracy theory remains fake news as well as the right-wing's hits on Snopes and other fact-checkers who expose their lies.
Is Alabama still considered an actual State, oopsie doo i mean taker State. Thank you California for socializing Alabama's losses.
And then there is the left that wears halo's and only does good.
Hot Coffee, is it factual that Crooked Donny had a fake university, has had four bankruptcies, has admitted to assaulting women, ships his jobs overseas, hires non citizens to work at his resorts, has lied about Trumpcare being affordable, and is currently lying about middleclass tax breaks? Is it a fact that Kochpublicans hate adding to the deficit when Dems are in power, but could care less when they're in power? The current tax cut for the billionaires sure points to that as a fact.
Is it a fact that McConnell filibustered dems on legislation that would have ended tax breaks for companies shipping jobs overseas? Facts are facts....fake news is the weapon used by Trump and his Fascist owners.
Funny how Second Amendment Extremists have total disregard for the First Amendment. I believe that's what our founders would be most perplexed and outraged about. Crooked Donny's gun-toting God and Guns base ignores what the timeless wisdom of freedom "from" religious tyranny means, but are convinced their right to keep and bear assault weapons was handed down from 1791.
The Kochpublican God and Guns base is fed by outlets like Foxaganda News....remember how Obama was coming for everybody's guns? The war on Christmas!... etc.
So we can thank the corpse media for not only Fascism but also this twisted view of our constitutional rights by gullible citizens.
While there seems to be grave concern about Putin attacking our democracy with disinformation, there seems to be no such outcry about Murdoch and his Foxaganda machine undermining our democracy with the same exact strategy???? Hmmmm?
Thom's article is fantastic...brings to mind all sorts of religious fomented evil.... 30 years war, inquisitions, St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre, Crusades, 1692, supposed conversion of Clovis, constant Eastern Roman Empire violence over orthodox christian interpretations, Muslim conquests, Christian conquests in the New World.....never ends...and that's why we have the First Amendment, the most important words in our constitution.
Interested in 18th century Deism? Read Thomas Paine's "The Age of Reason."
Fact checking the fact checker.
In short, when someone attempted to fact check the fact checker, the response was the equivalent of “it's secret.”
It is impossible to understate how antithetical this is to the fact checking world, in which absolute openness and transparency are necessary prerequisites for trust. How can fact checking organizations like Snopes expect the public to place trust in them if when they themselves are called into question, their response is that they can’t respond.
I won't call anyone a fool until all things have concluded.
This article explains A LOT that I didn't already know about the American founding fathers' views regarding the relationship between church and state.
28 killed in a church in TX. More thoughts and prayers.
HC, Why do you pick fake news. You just make a fool of yourself:
and here's another
URANIUMGATE Explodes: The White Hats Are About To Indict The Black Hats
here is another:
This is such a sweeping topic for the weekend anyway, I hope the following isn't too far off the subject. Dana Milbank wrote a pretty funny opinion piece Friday about the bald-faced lies the Republicans are trying to slip past the public with their much-touted tax "reform" (hahaha) proposal for the rich, which the rest of us will be paying for one way or the other:
Why thank you, Chelsea. Copying and pasting is the best form of flattery. But your point is ...?
Really? Re-posting a fragment of my past musings is your only retort to honest critiques of resident trolls' obvious right-wing falsehoods? If you are insinuating hypocrisy, then why not do so in your own words and explain why instead of hiding behind someone else's? As it stands, you are lying once again by way of false equivalency and out-of-context mischaracterization. Is it so hard to be honest?
Besides, you're entirely missing the motivation here for merriment and mirth. Albeit exasperating at times -- like shushing a crib full of crybabies -- I love it when brainwashed little trolls reveal the complete idiocy of right-wing dogma, providing easy targets of opportunity on which to sharpen one's teeth. IOW, keep the hits right on a-comin', Granny! What would we do without poor lil' you to pick on all the time? You know, trolling a troll -- it's great fun!
Kend. Well said. Can't disagree for the most part except to add a dash of liberal flavor to a few points.
In our representative democratic republic limited by a constitution, "the" goverment is supposed to reflect the will of the People; so it is more accurately described as "our" government. Psychologically, as well as every other way, that's an important distinction, isn't it?
Also, volunteerism through church and community, while a good thing, simply cannot match the sheer number of human beings in desperate need of life-saving assistance. "The Great Hunger" in Ireland put the lie to British naiveté in that regard. (At the higher echelons of power, it was willful ignorance!)
With a large nationwide population during normal times, it's ludicrous to think local efforts can meet the need; in times of crisis, it's a huge crime against humanity! Not to have in place a well-funded welfare system that adequately and successively serves ALL citizens -- when they are in critical need -- is morally wrong no matter the excuses.
Why else insert "general welfare" in the Constitution, as most democracies do?
Mr. Ed sez, “You're not Mommy the Monitor. This is a free-speech zone, so post as much or as little as your black heart desires. If you can't handle my politically incorrect posts, then don't read them and don't respond.”
stopgap. They are revealed by their own words.
"My ear protection is at the ready." In poker that's a tell, a visibly self-conscious admission -- jitters when you know that you are bluffing (lying), and you know that everyone else at the table also knows it.
AKA Chelsea continuously reinforces her credentials as a gullible Trump troll with calorie-free distractions from the larger truths of this Administration and Congress and their penchant for Washington-speak bafflegab.
It's a new take on an old joke: The most contested piece of real estate in America is that five-foot strip of land between a gaggle of Republican lawmakers and a bank of microphones and cameras, as they trip all over each other in their mad dash to lie directly to the American People about healthcare "reform," tax "reform," and just about every other Republican policy initiative. "Oh but, it primarily helps the middle class, not our wealthy donors ...'cross our hearts and hope to die.' [FDR]" -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3RHnKYNvx8
#28 is a classic example. Cantankerous ol' Granny loves to kick sand, throwing out lots of childish insults, false accusations, and subjective psychobabble, but then serves up nothing but thin gruel with no meat, citing a right-wing spin doctor at a right-wing website who engages in selective reporting while ignoring the bigger picture. HOLY COW! HOLD THE PRESS! Some Democratic lawmakers got a minor talking point wrong as they speculated about leaked information on a bill that hadn't even been released yet. "I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!"
And for good measure, she throws into her witch's brew an anecdotal non sequitur in the form of a pithy news item, which does not prove anything, let alone a wider trend of election fraud by the Democratic Party -- and yet, not a word about the very real, widespread, institutionalized, Republican election fraud perpetrated against the entire nation for decades.
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy by Greg Palast.
But enough of dead-end wingerism; for a sunnier day, stick with actual truth tellers. I feel sorry for Trump trolls who think simple truth sounds like a liberal conspiracy. It must be maddening waking up every morning to the false reality of a babbling buffoon making America "great" (again?). (What? Back last century when a younger version of a racist New York real estate mogul, borrowing billions and sticking it to the taxpayers, was an item?)
Anyway, from a Nobel Prize economist, the truth about the lies:
If churches and religions want to have some skin in the game, then at least make them pay taxes like the rest of us. It is insane that we subsidize they very groups that want to bring down our democratic institutions.
Deepspace, These Trolls can't seem to do simple math that would prove to them that Hillary actually won the popular vote by 3 million votes. How many votes do they think a candidate has to win by before they are actually deemed the victor? If they can't do simple math then why do they think that anything else they say should be believed?
I agree Religion has no place in politics. With that said I think we where all much safer when pretty much everyone believed if they did not follow the 10 commandments they would not make it to heaven. But those days are gone and all hell has broken loose. In the past it was the church and community that helped the less fortunate. But the government has taken that role over. The new church is "foundations" like the church they collect massive amounts of money for "charity" well the executives live lavish lifestyles flying in private jets, receiving huge wages. Your founding fathers where very smart. Great read Thom. They tried hard to protect you from corruption but it will always be there in some way
It appears that some leftie/socialists can’t deal with any opposing views. It must bolster their ego to know you are always correct 100% of the time which is why their arrogance following the last election cycle is so delightful to watch and refute. God forbid anything or anyone from the other, or even the same, side throw in their 2¢.
Headlines like this must send them into orbit.
Democrats are lying about Republican tax plan, says Washington Post fact-checker
4 Philadelphia election workers charged with fraud, voter intimidation
Merry Christmas anyway and remember only four more days until your protests can be vocalized in a sensible manner, although I am very concerned that your combined screeching toward the sky could throw an inordinate amount of carbon dioxide into the air resulting in another polar bear going home without dinner.
My ear protection is at the ready.
What will today's DNC going to say?? How much further, right of center, will the DNC need to go to match this?