Recent comments

  • How Reaganomics Are Turning America into a Third World Country   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Many facets of life in America do indeed already reflect situations found in third world countries

    Crumbling highways, bridge work failing, communication disruption, electrical power failure, public transport lacking, drinking water contamination etc., etc

    Rising violent crime and murder

    Health and wellbeing systems failing or non-existent

    Huge numbers of the populace without access to healthcare

    Rising heart disease, stroke, cancer, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and arthritis

  • How Reaganomics Are Turning America into a Third World Country   7 years 14 weeks ago

    EASY to figure out WHY. They WANT it that way! If RE prices drop again, after they raise interest rates ( they got rid of Yellen today I think ) then they come in with their foreign money (tax haven funds) and BUY America back cheap. It's even why they want Puerto Rico to get cheap.

    This IS how these billionaires survive without work or contributing to our common good.

    Keep exposing them. But let it be known. We are becoming a 3rd world country because we allow money to buy politics. It MUST stop. It starts in 2018 - or we lose. Its a 20 year plan. After 20 years, the old guard dies off - and they have it all. They want our citizens our be cattle to feed.

    Our kids have be amply warned. But I see them playing video games and largely wasting their youth advanatges. All rides on 2018. All.

    VOTE OUT ALL TRUMP REPUBLICANS IN 2018 - ALL worth investigating my blog .. or following

    really is ,,., i went to school with DT ... i know first-hand what a scoundrel he is

  • The Soul Of The Trump Administration   7 years 14 weeks ago

    #8 - Sorry Kend! America is not the only country in the world "that allows foreigners to break the law and enter and stay in the country illegally"

    The rest of your comment is unworthy

    Are you an accountant?

  • The Soul Of The Trump Administration   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Those ICE agents apparently decided to act inhumanely (and unconstitutionally) in order to meet some kind quota. Such quota-based actions are themselves UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

  • Is this the America You wanted?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    No Child left behind was a winner?

    CA ranked 28th. Red states mostly ranked very low.

    You can pick other links:

  • The Soul Of The Trump Administration   7 years 14 weeks ago

    This only happens in America because America is the only country in the world that allows foreigners to break the law and enter and stay in the country illegally. Now because this child has no healthcare you, "assuming you pay taxes" pick up the tab. Only in America. Every other country in the world would have found that family and deported them years ago and this wouldn't be a problem.

  • Is this the America You wanted?   7 years 14 weeks ago


    Rick Steves,

    Trump? You think the education system has just started going down the tubes in the last 9 months? Apparently leftie/socialist tax dodgers sit around and just type the letters T R U M P into anything and everything negative.

    You obviously did not look at my four links that showed you the system was screwed up long before President Trump ever considered running for office, or Obama, or Bush, or Clinton, or Bush, etc. Let's lay much of the blame on Lyndon Johnson's war on poverty where under his rules a father living in the home deeply reduced the amount of welfare money paid which pushed us into a nation of "baby momma's".

    Good luck over the next seven years.

  • Is this the America You wanted?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    @27 Legend:

    Nothing in the link says President Trump is helping you. If he is, than you have a chance. President Trump knows how to get stuff done.

  • Is this the America You wanted?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    California is not a Republican State yet our schools are in the toilet...

    California's school system ranked 9th worst in the nation.

    Not a republican paper.

  • At Nordeck   7 years 14 weeks ago

    thanks, its interesting

  • The Soul Of The Trump Administration   7 years 14 weeks ago

    From Democracy Now! :

    ‘’Trump Administration Continues Threats & Provocations Against North Korea, Laying Groundwork For Nuclear War.’’

    “What we don’t often hear in the media, though, is that the U.S. has sent three nuclear aircraft carriers to be docked on the Korean Peninsula. They have been conducting very provocative joint war exercises with South Korea, included Navy SEALs that took out Osama bin Laden. They do include the decapitation strikes.

    And so, you know, it’s one thing to say, “We don’t want war with North Korea,” and another to actually be laying the grounds for that. And it’s not just the provocative military actions that are underway, but the threats. I mean, we continue to hear threats from throughout the Trump Cabinet. Mike Pompeo, the CIA director, stated at a Defense Forum Foundation this past week that assassination plots were underway for Kim Jong-un.

    H.R. McMaster has said, you know, acceptance and deterrence is not an option. And Tillerson has said that, you know, we’re going to talk until the first bomb drops. So, you know, this is not really inviting North Korea to engage in dialogue, which is urgently what is needed.” --Christine Ahn, founder and executive director of Women Cross DMZ, a global movement of women mobilizing to end the Korean War.

  • Is this the America You wanted?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    #25 you obviously did not look at my link. #26 Trump and the current Republican Congress are certainly helping us.

  • The Soul Of The Trump Administration   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Welkkkome to Corporate America

    Better get used to it.....

    And now, Mein Trumpfy wants to bomb bomb bomb North Korea.

    Syonara, South Korea. (Ya gotta expect a little Collateral Damage....)

    There's only like what 20 million souls.....

    Remind me -- who would Jesus bomb?

  • The Soul Of The Trump Administration   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Trump has broken seven of the 10 Commandment

    2 Thou shalt not take the name of the thy God in vain.

    He breaks marriage vows all the time

    3 Remember thou keep the holy Sabbath day.

    He rarely goes to church

    6 Thou shalt not commit adultery

    He displays Impure actions - Grabbing p***ies
    He has had numerous wives
    He has participated in golden showers

    7 Thou shalt not steal -

    He doesn't respect the rights of others.
    He doesn't pay just debts.
    He doesn't pay just wages to employees
    He has no integrity
    He uses bribery
    He supports graft and corruption
    He commits fraud

    8 Thou shalt not bear false witness

    He lies
    He doesn't respect the good name of others
    He uses contemptuous speech
    He violates secrecy
    He slanders others
    He slandered Pope Francis

    9 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors wife.

    He has impure thoughts and desires, i.e. grabbing p***ies

    10 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors goods

    He has no respect for the rights of others
    He keeps the property of others and doesn't pay for them How can any of these phony christians support Trump after learning how many of God's commandments he has broken. He is a phony christian and I defy him to dispute his record of violating the 10 Commandments.

  • The Soul Of The Trump Administration   7 years 14 weeks ago

    On Facebook there are numerous posts that Trump will ask god at the wailing wall for an update on the ten commandments. This is a forewarning of what Trump will bring back to the United States on two stones carved by the finger of god. The Ten Commandments:
    1.Thou shalt be allowed to grab thy neighbor’s wife’s pussy if you are famous.
    2. Never accept wrong doing. Fight it in court forever until the accuser goes broke.
    3. Thou shalt lie. The best lies are repeated often until believed.
    4. thou shalt bear false witness against anyone who says anything wrong about you.
    5. Thou shalt not kill so learn how to dodge the draft and have others kill for you.
    6. Remember the Sabbath day to play a round of golf.
    7. Thou shalt honor your father and mother if they give advice on how to screw others.
    8. Do not make a carved image unless it is of me.
    9. Put no other presidents before me.
    10 Do not take the name of the president in vain and you will be rewarded by being worn out by all his successes.

  • The Soul Of The Trump Administration   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Ayn Rand wrote about 'rational selfishness' and described at length in justification

    However, 'irrational selfishness' appears nowadays all over the place

    The intentional dumbing down of our populace seems to have this result

    Adults have the responses of children

    And they have no idea that their children are equally influenced by their behaviour

    We are getting dumber and dumber

    These effects can not be accidental

  • The Soul Of The Trump Administration   7 years 14 weeks ago

    What kind of system will ignore and ill treat a poorly human with disability?

    Only in America!

    An extremely wealthy third world country with massive numbers of rich people who have no heart

    Is it any wonder America is hated?

  • The Soul Of The Trump Administration   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Thom... you grace evil with a soul

    There is no soul in GOP... with or without Trumpty Dumpty

    They all been sold out to the devil

    How many of the 7 deadly sins?

    Greed is a mighty one!

  • Is this the America You wanted?   7 years 14 weeks ago


    Considering the success you had in electing Bernie, & Hillary, getting single payer installed as the Healthcare system and eliminating fossil fuels. I'm sure the school board members are shaking with fear, knowing you are working to get them out:).

  • Is this the America You wanted?   7 years 14 weeks ago


    Sorry Rick Steves. The Republicans ate my homework bullshit won't cut it and you know it.

    You can try all day but the education or lack thereof in this country is NOT a fault of the republicans. It is the greedy over staffed, overpaid administrators, the lack of discipline in the classroom, and the everybody gets a trophy mentality that the leftie/socialists brought to us. That is the problem.

  • Is this the America You wanted?   7 years 14 weeks ago

    Last refuge.

    There is the saying, "patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." Not said is that it's tied with religion; and more often than not they are the first refuge of scoundrels. And BTW, the resorting to patriotism and religion as get out of jail free cards, has resulted in overexposure, with the consequence being the cheapening of both. For example the playing of the national anthem at sporting events has largely made it a trite ritual; I once heard a joke that the last words to the lyrics of the Star Spangled Banner were, "play ball." The overexposure and cheapening is far more detrimental than players kneeling.

  • Is this the America You wanted?   7 years 15 weeks ago

    I can tell you why in the school district that I live in. Republicans took over the school board. Heavily financed by the Koch Brothers. They ignore the public schools and invest money in new charter schools that teach "Conservative Values". We are working to get them voted out.

  • Is this the America You wanted?   7 years 15 weeks ago
  • Is this the America You wanted?   7 years 15 weeks ago

    OU812, I believe that you claim to work in the education system.

    Are you proud of the job that you are doing?

    Numerous others.

  • Is this the America You wanted?   7 years 15 weeks ago

    Governments and Organised Religion have always wanted to control education .

    The world would be wise to halt this as it encourages life to be viewed through the prism of particular religious doctrines and cultural prejudices- the result of this is the inbreeding of incredibly negative behaviours reflecting extraordinary mistaken beliefs .

    You teach your children to believe in an angry god ,and thus condone them for them their own behaviours of anger.

    You teach your children to believe in a-vengeful god ,and thus condone for them their own behaviours of vengeance .

    The word education means to bring out . Better let kids to critically think and come up with their own ideas about the world ,give them all the information from all sources . Heck they might even create a world we all would be proud living on one that’s sustainable and where violence is never used to solve problems. Organised religion gets to waste life with impunity as it it believes god has a greater interest than human life .But the greatest interest is life as life is just another name for god.

    Pure humanism would never allow you to destroy life sanctimoniously.Only organised religion could justify such a travesty .

    The problems in our world are not created by human beings doing other than what they say “God wants them to do,” our problems are created by people doing exactly what they say “God wants them to do .” Have you noticed that . Another example of organised religion trying to control the thoughts of our children . Are we turning into a theocracy as well as a Corporatocracy .

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