The Soul Of The Trump Administration

Every now and then something happens that just gives you a glimpse into essentially the soul of another party or a politician and I think the story of Rosa Maria Hernandez is just such a glimpse into the soul of the Trump administration.

This is a ten year old girl who has cerebral palsy. This is the condition that that causes people to end up with very limited motion abilities and their hands kind of distorted and twisted. This is an incredibly challenging disease.

And this little ten-year-old girl was having surgery on her gallbladder. I don't know if that's related to the disease or not, but if your gall bladder's causing pain it's one of the most insane pains that you'll ever experience. It's right up there with kidney stones. People when they get gallbladder attacks most commonly think that they're having a heart attack, that they're dying.

And so Rosa Maria Hernandez is a 10 year old kid with cerebral palsy who was brought to the United States when she was 3 months old and has never known any country other than the United States as her home. The ICE, the Immigration Service, discovered as she was being taken to the hospital - she apparently had to go through a checkpoint - you know, your papers, please - that she was not a legal resident of the United States. I mean, this is just nuts.

They forced their way into the operating room. They wanted to refuse to let the surgeon close the door in the operating room so that the police could keep an eye on this ten-year-old girl, unconscious and sedated for her surgery. I mean, this is bizarre.

The Independent reports:

"Citing flight-risk concerns for a young girl with a degenerative muscle disease, agents involved themselves in every step of the medical process, according to the family's lawyer. During surgery, agents were nearby. In follow up medical procedures, agents were in the room. They eventually allowed for the hospital room door to be closed only after the lawyer showed up and argued attorney-client confidentiality - a discussion between attorney and Border Patrol agent that took over half an hour to resolve."

The little girl, her only request after her surgery was she wants to see her mom, but we took her away and put her in a detention facility.

You know, Jesus talked about the least among us, right?

In Matthew 25 the disciples came to him and said, "how do we know that we can hang out with you when we're all dead and gone to heaven? We're putting our lives on the line for you every day here, but how do we know that we're gonna make it?"

And Jesus said, "in the last days the Son of Man (Jesus) will be sitting at the throne, judging, separating the sheep from the goats". And he said that he would say to the sheep, "when I was hungry you fed me, when I was thirsty you gave me water, when I was naked you clothed me, when I was in prison you came to visit me, when I was sick you healed me. So come with me, you sheep, to heaven".

And then he would turn to the goats and he'd say, "you didn't feed me when I was hungry, you didn't give me water when I was thirsty, you didn't visit me when I was in prison, you didn't heal me when I was sick, and so off to hell with you."

And at that point the disciples freaked out. "They're like, "whoa, wait a minute, we've never seen you hungry, we've never seen you thirsty, we've never seen you sick, we've never seen you in prison. How can we get to heaven if this is what you have to do?"

And he said, "as you have done to the least among us, you have done to me."

And I don't mean to be preaching Christianity here at you. This is the core of every religion on Earth. It is also the core of every culture. Every society that has had any kind of meaningful and lasting impact on the human race throughout history has had this core idea that we take care of the least among us.

And here's this little ten-year-old girl with cerebral palsy and what is the instinct of the Trump administration?

To imprison her, a ten-year-old girl with cerebral palsy.

This is a full-out look into this dark heart of this party, or the lack of a heart, the missing heart of the Republican Party, and it should be so evident to everybody.

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