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  • There's a 1 in 20 Chance of the Apocalypse. Shouldn't We Act Now?   7 years 16 weeks ago

    After Making Mugabe a ‘Good-Will Ambassador,’ W.H.O. Chief Is ‘Rethinking’ It

    The World Health Organization’s decision to name President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe a “good-will ambassador” has provoked outrage from medical professionals, rights groups, opposition leaders and others who took to social media to call it an “insult” and “a sick joke.”

    The 93-year-old African leader, who has long faced United States sanctions over his government’s human rights violations, received the title in Montevideo, Uruguay, this past week from the W.H.O.’s director general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

    and more

  • There's a 1 in 20 Chance of the Apocalypse. Shouldn't We Act Now?   7 years 16 weeks ago

    OK DS I get it you like Mugabe.

    I posted info for those who may not have seen go do battle with someone else.

  • There's a 1 in 20 Chance of the Apocalypse. Shouldn't We Act Now?   7 years 16 weeks ago

    Legend. Yea! F*ck the revolution! Bring on the apocalypse! Trump! Trump! Trump! USA! USA! USA!

  • There's a 1 in 20 Chance of the Apocalypse. Shouldn't We Act Now?   7 years 16 weeks ago

    Good for them! Most of the WHO impact in the world is very positive, by way of coordinating much needed help in the poverty-stricken areas of under-developed countries that have nowhere else to turn.

    Again, where is the connection, other than to draw false parallels and cast aspersions on our Medicare-for-all movement?

  • There's a 1 in 20 Chance of the Apocalypse. Shouldn't We Act Now?   7 years 16 weeks ago

    The World Health Organization has a big impact on Health Care in every country.

  • There's a 1 in 20 Chance of the Apocalypse. Shouldn't We Act Now?   7 years 16 weeks ago

    Change of subject: With very little publicity Trump signed an executive order yesterday to recall 1500 retired Air Force Pilots. Is this a buildup to war?

  • There's a 1 in 20 Chance of the Apocalypse. Shouldn't We Act Now?   7 years 16 weeks ago

    Except in the corporate-conditioned mindset of Medicare-for-all naysayers, there is no connection whatsoever between WHO picking Mugabe of Zimbabwe and the Medicare-for-all grassroots movement by the people of America. Nor is there any connection to the British healthcare system, which is totally socialized, whereby the providers work for, and the facilities are owned by, their government.

    Progressives in our country are not, nor have they ever, advocated for socializing private providers, hospitals, clinics, medical equipment manufacturers, or any other private-sector business that provides some form of actual medical service -- unlike an insurance company, whose only function is to skim off the top of premiums.

    These bloated leaches suck blood out of people by denying claims in order to fill fat-cat investment portfolios in the shadow banking system and to lavish riches on the CEOs, board members, top managers, and lobbyists, who live and work in golden palaces, fly around in private jets, and big-ass around DC handing out bags of cash to their captive audience in Congress.

    Thus, any healthcare solution that is made to work in the United States (Not England, Zimbabwe, or any other nation that is NOT us!) must also entail fundamental political reform. That basically means to get money out of politics, so that our politicians are beholden to the ordinary people on Main Street rather than to the fat bastards on Wall Street.

  • There's a 1 in 20 Chance of the Apocalypse. Shouldn't We Act Now?   7 years 16 weeks ago

    Just a little update on who's really dictating health care....

    The World Health Organization, an agency of the United Nations, has a new “Goodwill Ambassador.” Brace yourselves:

    Shock and condemnation continues after Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe named WHO 'goodwill ambassador'

    — The Associated Press (@AP) October 21, 2017

    Not the Onion: New @WHO head Tedros names Zimbabwe's tyrannical Mugabe, of all people, as a "Goodwill Ambassador."

  • There's a 1 in 20 Chance of the Apocalypse. Shouldn't We Act Now?   7 years 16 weeks ago

    You are right ou812. I would rather be paying $1000 per month for health insurance with a $5000 deductible. Making insurance executives billionaires. Rather than paying $121 per month for a plan that cover 80% of a procedure, where the procedure costs 5 times more than it would in another country.

  • There's a 1 in 20 Chance of the Apocalypse. Shouldn't We Act Now?   7 years 16 weeks ago

    Scare tactic after scare tactic. Well, at least the ones in control are bringing the death panels to life by taking away healthcare. Don't worry it might take an apocalypse to get the opposition brain cells stimulated and pass the evolutionary stage of being human.

    I guess one of the opposing viewpoints of a single payer healthcare system is that whoever controls the government controls the access to Healthcare. They want whoever controls Private Corporations to control the access to Healthcare! They hate government so so much they must control it. Since they like the idea of totally controlling they worry what if power ever completely transfers out of their grasp. Gasp!! They don't want the people in control of Government because when they are we will get single payer healthcare and they will have to pay taxes similar to every other working person. FDR told this group of aristocratic Americans something to the effect that they are going to either pay the taxes necessary or they can go elsewhere and when they leave to not let the door hit them on their way out. Oddly enough they stayed in this country because there was nowhere else to go better.

    They demand that government controls the Uterus of all Woman and of course your entire bedroom and don't' forget free speech zones, which by the way president Bush should have found before he went out and whined. His little biddy brudder lost. Get in a free speech zone why don't you George you have to be in a free speech zone.

  • GOP Tax Myth & Junk Economics   7 years 16 weeks ago

    If this was truly a tax for those on the bottom, those in need, those in dire straits; then why is no one talking about removing taxes on SSI? Are those who collect Social Security not deserving? Have they not paid enough that even their last line of defense needs to be taxed? Yet it is necessary to grant subsidies to banks in their time of need. It was to help those who lost their homes from the last recession correct? I think we all saw just how well "Trickle Down Economics" worked for everyone then. Money went to the banks so the banks could then help us with our mortgages. Politics get people, countries, and races into wars, crisis', and extinctions.

    Governance, and Government are what it takes to thrive. Trump, and those who support said actions support "His" politics. Yet no one there is governing our country, our democracy, or our lives. Our government is America. To try and "De-Regulate, De-Construct, or Destroy" our government is an attack on our constitutionality. It is; in my opinion, treasonous. They used to call such actions a "Coo" back in history. Today they call it just "Politics."

  • There's a 1 in 20 Chance of the Apocalypse. Shouldn't We Act Now?   7 years 16 weeks ago

    Subject seems to have morphed into health care here

    About which there appears to be some extreme ignorance, bordering on fear and paranoa on the subject of single payer

    #21 - total misreading of the article (if read certainly not comprehended)

    #23 - single payer should and aught to eradicate this issue

    #24 - the foolishness of single payer is what?

    The point of single payer is that TREATMENT is available as and when required

    NOT rationed by ability to pay

    Why is this not comprehended???

  • There's a 1 in 20 Chance of the Apocalypse. Shouldn't We Act Now?   7 years 16 weeks ago

    @23 You still don't see the foolishness in Single Payer do you? Whoever controls the government controls the access to Healthcare. What other alternatives are available? Check out the link Diane provided. It's about single payer in The United Kingdom.

  • There's a 1 in 20 Chance of the Apocalypse. Shouldn't We Act Now?   7 years 16 weeks ago

    #20 I believe that you are still working and paying into Medicare. Diane is on Medicare. Either way you are losing what you paid for.

  • There's a 1 in 20 Chance of the Apocalypse. Shouldn't We Act Now?   7 years 16 weeks ago

    @#17, aka Chelsea: It's called science, Granny. Try it sometimes. Put away that old gramophone and join the modern world.

    You'll be amazed at how ignorant most Republicans are, especially the dummies hooked on fascist media propaganda, such as Fux News and affiliates, spread across the land far and wide. A deluge of hate radio also floods our socialized airways for the benefit of the rich, with a 95% heavy, right-wing, corporate bias.

    And of course, with ubiquitous Republican internet lies always at our fingertips day and night, the good citizens are kept in line with cookie-cutter thought patterns based on corporate group-think rather than science, common sense, intellectual honesty, empathy, and compassion -- affording people the dignity of their lives, no matter who they are, over the wont of more and more material things.

    IOW, we are in the grips of an insane economic system, based on deregulated greed and selfishness, that is ravaging the planet and destroying life, all for the exclusive pleasure of a relatively few, obscenely wealthy individuals.

    On the great chessboard, they sit behind us on the first rank. Our job as pawns is to sacrifice ourselves for their benefit. Now, how did Trump put it? "He knew what he signed up for." (Whoops.)

    Time to wake up and shake the cobwebs out. It's a new day.

  • There's a 1 in 20 Chance of the Apocalypse. Shouldn't We Act Now?   7 years 16 weeks ago

    @#20 Government healthcontrrol is a great idea. Surely this idea will be embraced by the leftie/socialists.

    "NHS under fire after announcing obese patients will not get non-urgent surgery until they lose weight."

  • There's a 1 in 20 Chance of the Apocalypse. Shouldn't We Act Now?   7 years 16 weeks ago

    @19 Legend. Yup, that's what happens with monopolistic health care. Still want that Single Payer Healthcare?

  • There's a 1 in 20 Chance of the Apocalypse. Shouldn't We Act Now?   7 years 16 weeks ago

    #17 The Senate just voted 51 to 49 to take 500 billion out of your Medicare Diane. Among other cuts that affect the middle class and poor.

  • Will Machine Guns Ever Get Regulated?   7 years 16 weeks ago

    Here's another idea. Since they have the right to carry and conceal weapons. Why aren't we allowed to carry non-gun/rifle weapons? Things will change when they pull out their weapons and see stars.

  • There's a 1 in 20 Chance of the Apocalypse. Shouldn't We Act Now?   7 years 16 weeks ago

    "ecological Armageddon' after dramatic plunge in insect numbers"

    Hopefully this won't curtail participation from any Dear Bloggers posting here.

  • There's a 1 in 20 Chance of the Apocalypse. Shouldn't We Act Now?   7 years 16 weeks ago

    Jesus. Do leftie socialists see anything positive anywhere? How depressing it must be to live in your world being pumped full of leftie hate radio then running from your therapist to the drug store to pick up your prescriptions returning to your bunker just in time to catch Mr. tingle up his leg, or Rachel Maddow's uplifting rant.

    Put down your Geiger counter, kick off your Birkenstocks, stop thinking all your hateful thoughts and enjoy to few minutes you have left before you are nuked by No. Korea or Iran, one of Buffett's trains derail covering you in oil, swallowed up by an earthquake, drowned due to rising ocean levels, poisoned by all the GMO's, burned my the sun, choked by smog, wildfires to your left and right, run over by an electric car, hurricane blowing you away, lead in the drinking water, an astroid landing on your house, or Yellowstone deciding it's time to go boom.

    We are a pimple on Mother Natures ass,

    holy s**t, calm down.

    Have a nice day!

  • There's a 1 in 20 Chance of the Apocalypse. Shouldn't We Act Now?   7 years 16 weeks ago

    I think what will be will be. We as human beings are not so swift about dealing with things as they come up. So far, we haven't responded appropriately to the MIC threat that has been 30 years in the making. In the last General Election, everyone should have voted Green Party. This would have swept the slate clean and we'd not be facing ANY of the insanity we have piled on our plates with spades. We indulge voter fraud, elect people on the basis of their looks (when was the last time we had a bald POTUS?) or pleasing personality (instead of record) and celebrity status instead of common sense; theirs and ours. We are going to get exactly what we deserve for being such idiots. The only ones among us who seem to have any common sense are our indigenous Indians and we have sequestered them on poverty stricken reservations and basically ignore them altogether. I just read tonight that Germany is embarking on an "Insect Armageddon" as something insane like 75% of the insects in Germany have now gone extinct. I think we should all park our cars and get horses for transportation; this may sound silly but whatever works, outlaw all fossil fuels, and have solar panel costs drop to cost only and free installation. But the narcissistic kooks running things have been playing with weather as their new toy and I'm convinced they think they can control things (not). The fact that we are trusting ourselves and the future of the whole planet to the people currently in DC is an earmark of our own insanity. You really think Dianne Feinstein, or Chuck Schumer, or Nancy Pelosi, or anyone you can name from the other side of the aisle are going to do anything intelligent to change our current trajectory???

  • There's a 1 in 20 Chance of the Apocalypse. Shouldn't We Act Now?   7 years 16 weeks ago

    Hooray, a Biblcal prediction! Yes bollivar, with eternal life and having God on your side, who needs to spend six out of every ten dollars on weapons of war when you could be following your saviors teachings and demanding others do the same, including our glorious Christian corporations. Why fear this miraculous transcendence into eternal life.

    Jesus was supposed to make his appearance sometime between 50 and 490 AD, according to them at the time since they claimed the whole world had gong to hell by then. What in the world happened?

  • There's a 1 in 20 Chance of the Apocalypse. Shouldn't We Act Now?   7 years 16 weeks ago

    2950-10K summed it up succinctly, "Winning a war requires the will to fight!" In this day and age, that means voting -- in droves big enough to overcome Republican election fraud!

    Two categories of the electorate who don't deserve democracy are DUMBocrats who don't vote and RepubliCONS who do.

  • There's a 1 in 20 Chance of the Apocalypse. Shouldn't We Act Now?   7 years 16 weeks ago

    Truly that would be a miracle, bollivar, as no species has ever come back from extinction. There's just as much evidence as not, however, that eternal life is achieved through a never-ending cycle of death and rebirth, as the soul continually reincarnates into new mortal bodies on its evolutionary journey.

    Sadly, the bad karma of greedy, gullible, global-warming deniers will have them devolving into Trumpatized troglodytes crouching in caves to escape a hell on Earth of their own making.

    Hopefully, the good karma of conscientious human beings will have them evolving on other paradise planets, like Earth used to be "... a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away."

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