So now you're playing the victim card? Ha! Such a snowflake! Can dish it out, but can't take it.
As usual, you have nothing of substance to offer -- just more name-calling, insults, and lies. A quick review of your posts demonstrates quite clearly that "bullying" progressives and liberals is no doubt the principal reason that you and Chelsea are on this blog in the first place, isn't it? (Hint: Neither of you is very good at it.)
Oh, but if someone calls out your bullsh*t, pointing out your despicable falsehoods, shameless hypocrisy, and general right-wing idiocies, well then it's, "Waaah! Mommy, the neighborhood bully is pickin' on poor lil' me again!"
BTW, if you don't like bullies, then why did you vote for Trump?
Bad tardy here but; I just figured it out.... (toungue in cheek ((well perhaps not......)) but; do give this some thought, most of these "Republicans" are bald....... Is that a sign of evil aliens?????
You certainly a Bully deepspace...and nobody likes a Bully, except other bullies....I'm surprised none of the "door knobs" jumped into help you. Only the random brain ChangeX attempted.... I think..who knows what ChangeX is saying, I'm not even sure she knows.
Yes, óinseach, the VA is a wildly successful, originally bipartisan, completely socialized system that most veterans really love and appreciate.
The only complaints arise as a direct consequence of Republicans' habitual failure during the Obama years to sign legislation that would have adequately increased much needed funding for VA infrastructure and provider services -- ergo: a stressed out workforce and long wait times. That's mostly on Teapublican war/budget hawks, who are quick to war and slow to peace. They always seem to find plenty of money to fight and kill and die and destroy but not so much for peace, for rebuilding, for healing.
Obviously, the above quote was referring to our civilian healthcare system in the context of single-payer, Medicare-for-all insurance versus private, for-profit insurance -- not healthcare services and related infrastructure. Access to affordable care for everyone is what America's progressive healthcare debate is all about, even though wingers muddle it badly and try to change the subject. (They know that their give-to-the-rich positions are extremely politically unpopular, so all they have left are big lies, half truths, and last-gasp diversions.)
When problems arise, at least a publicly financed, single-payer insurance system has accountability built into it, thanks to our forefathers. If politicians screw it up, the People can vote them out of power. (That is, when and if we can eliminate persistent Republican election fraud so that all votes are counted!) Try that, you lowly peasants, with the greedy billionaires running a worthless private plan from the 99th floor of their unscalable skyscraper.
Or, do you not appreciate the spirit of democracy and the words of the first Republican president? "...that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
Of all the topics that you think you are an expert, guns is not one of them. You embarrass yourself literally every time you bring up the subject. Especially when you tell people that Geico would be writing million dollar checks to every victim of crimes committed with a firearm. You don't apparently know how to drive but if you did you would understand that there is a cash payout limit on your automobile policy.
BTW, Fully automatic firearms (machine guns to you) are currently, and have been for dozens of years, fully controlled by the Federal government. Those with a class three license have gone through many FBI background checks, paid the fees, and waited for, in some cases years to get permission from the Federal government to own or sell one.
"Progressives in our country are not, nor have they ever, advocated for socializing private providers, hospitals, clinics, medical equipment manufacturers, or any other private-sector business that provides some form of actual medical service -- "
Wrong oat breath.
Ever hear leftie/socialists bring up the success of the VA?
Sure sounds like you are "setting the rules." Since you insist on personal attacks, rather than substance, I offer the following psychoanalysis for free:
You change the meaning of other people's words all the time, as you've done with mine throughout this thread, and then accuse others of your own "tactic." That's called "projection." You even change the meaning of your own words from post to post, sentence to sentence, as you flit around subjects like an annoying mosquito buzzing around the ear. That's called "scatter-brained."
How is it possible to have a meaningful conversation with someone who is both intellectually dishonest and disorganized? In truth, I suspect that in your case, as well as in Hotdog Lady's and Cantankerous Granny's, blind hypocrisy is an unintentional and uncontrollable affliction of chronic right-wingnuttery, caused from too much exposure to big corporate media.
Now go to bed, Honey, before your husband gets suspicious.
I thought you were talking about the Chance of the Apocalypse. The WHO is a great British Rock band "Won't Get Fooled Again" brings back the ol' days full of Bushisms.
HotCoffee #28: "Just a little update on who's really dictating health care...."
You sure are weaving and bobbing and making a lot of false subjective assumptions about my wicked nature and ulterior motives just because one of your beginning points -- IN YOUR OWN WORDS ! -- was simply contested.
I posted the article thinking some of you would see that the fight for Health Care is bigger that just if we have medicare for all or private insurance because either one can easily be manipulated ny the NWO.
I just get the feeling unless you also pay attention to that you won't get what you want either way.
I don't care about the age or race..I posted the article that way because that's the way the writer wrote it. I don't change other peoples words.
It goes to figure and is not all that surprising that anytime you read the word apocalypse Cheney's name is sure to be found somewhere.
Way to go deepspace @29 & @32 & @36 you knocked the ball out of the park.
HotCoffee the only thing that you posted that leaps out of the page is: "93-year-old African". I do not understand why you found this worth describing in your post other than most likely is very memorable and inflammatory to you.
Do you create ideas, or do ideas create you? Is the ego separate from what it thinks? On an anonymous blog, all you are is thought formed into words. In one sentence the ego claims to only challenge ideas; in the next, it attacks the person. Such is the dichotomy revealed in post #39 (which skipped ahead in sequence).
BTW, the fourth paragraph in #36 did not specifically single out HC as a Trump supporter, so I wonder why she so quickly took umbrage? But, if the shoe fits...
Regardless how much she obfuscates, however, when it comes to the single-payer debate in this country, the whole Mugabe sidebar is a non sequitur at best, a false equivalency at worst.
HotCoffee #28: "Just a little update on who's really dictating health care...." -- and then a tirade about Mugabe and WHO. This directly following a discussion about single-payer, i.e. Medicare-for-all.
Your intention in that post (and others) seems pretty damn clear. If you want a reader to take away a different meaning, perhaps you should flesh out your thoughts better, using your own words instead of always relying on a blizzard of cherry-picked quotes and links that each go down their own impossible rabbit holes.
ps: You are telling us what your positions are, not me.
Anyone with eyes can look at my post and see that I never mentioned "universal/single-payer/Medicare-for-all" in any context ....neither for or against.
You show your desperation to argue with deciding their positions for them and then demanding they defend a position because you claim they have it.
Grow up!
Your tactics are obvious...If someone uses a link you complain ..if they don't use a link you original.
If you don't think the WHO has an agenda for our health care then let your fingers do the walking....or not, but don't asume everyone wants to stay in your bubble.
I will post here or not as I please I'm not subject to your rules.
I'm happy to converse with you anytime you stop telling me what my positions are. It's up to you.
I see, HotCoffee. So, it's okay for you to challenge the points made in other posts, but if someone dares to challenge yours, then it's doing "battle." Whatever.
BTW, this isn't a private domain for carpet-bombing right-wing talking points or for planting landmines of wingnut click-bait; expect a barrage of return fire at any time.
When Trump trolls choose to login on a progressive blog, they're agreeing to talk to everyone there, not just a select few, and their posts are fair game for all sides to engage. One should count on serious pushback, especially as a "Third-way Conserva-Dem" (in effect, an "R" in "D" clothing) or as a defender of Trump, the corporate hive mind, and general Republicanism. If ya can't take the heat, get outta the kitchen, little snowflakes.
In the context of this thread, HotCoffee not-so-subtly tried to make a false equivalency case between our universal/single-payer/Medicare-for-all effort and the WHO appointing Mugaba to some post. (WTF ???) I guess merely calling out the obvious fallacy of such a ridiculous, correlation-without-cause argument is conflated in her mind, evidently, to mean a love of Mugabe. That makes no logical sense, either as a sarcastic retort or as an ad hominem attack.
But thanks for enlightening all of us with "updates" and for demonstrating expertise at stroking the Google machine.
Diane, the entire military is a socialist organization. One that you righties praise as efficient and patriotic. And its medical staff is socialistic.
Yah, me "Bully."
So now you're playing the victim card? Ha! Such a snowflake! Can dish it out, but can't take it.
As usual, you have nothing of substance to offer -- just more name-calling, insults, and lies. A quick review of your posts demonstrates quite clearly that "bullying" progressives and liberals is no doubt the principal reason that you and Chelsea are on this blog in the first place, isn't it? (Hint: Neither of you is very good at it.)
Oh, but if someone calls out your bullsh*t, pointing out your despicable falsehoods, shameless hypocrisy, and general right-wing idiocies, well then it's, "Waaah! Mommy, the neighborhood bully is pickin' on poor lil' me again!"
BTW, if you don't like bullies, then why did you vote for Trump?
Bad tardy here but; I just figured it out.... (toungue in cheek ((well perhaps not......)) but; do give this some thought, most of these "Republicans" are bald....... Is that a sign of evil aliens?????
You certainly a Bully deepspace...and nobody likes a Bully, except other bullies....I'm surprised none of the "door knobs" jumped into help you. Only the random brain ChangeX attempted.... I think..who knows what ChangeX is saying, I'm not even sure she knows.
Yes, óinseach, the VA is a wildly successful, originally bipartisan, completely socialized system that most veterans really love and appreciate.
The only complaints arise as a direct consequence of Republicans' habitual failure during the Obama years to sign legislation that would have adequately increased much needed funding for VA infrastructure and provider services -- ergo: a stressed out workforce and long wait times. That's mostly on Teapublican war/budget hawks, who are quick to war and slow to peace. They always seem to find plenty of money to fight and kill and die and destroy but not so much for peace, for rebuilding, for healing.
Obviously, the above quote was referring to our civilian healthcare system in the context of single-payer, Medicare-for-all insurance versus private, for-profit insurance -- not healthcare services and related infrastructure. Access to affordable care for everyone is what America's progressive healthcare debate is all about, even though wingers muddle it badly and try to change the subject. (They know that their give-to-the-rich positions are extremely politically unpopular, so all they have left are big lies, half truths, and last-gasp diversions.)
When problems arise, at least a publicly financed, single-payer insurance system has accountability built into it, thanks to our forefathers. If politicians screw it up, the People can vote them out of power. (That is, when and if we can eliminate persistent Republican election fraud so that all votes are counted!) Try that, you lowly peasants, with the greedy billionaires running a worthless private plan from the 99th floor of their unscalable skyscraper.
Or, do you not appreciate the spirit of democracy and the words of the first Republican president? "...that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
Thom, Stop trolling your listeners.
Of all the topics that you think you are an expert, guns is not one of them. You embarrass yourself literally every time you bring up the subject. Especially when you tell people that Geico would be writing million dollar checks to every victim of crimes committed with a firearm. You don't apparently know how to drive but if you did you would understand that there is a cash payout limit on your automobile policy.
BTW, Fully automatic firearms (machine guns to you) are currently, and have been for dozens of years, fully controlled by the Federal government. Those with a class three license have gone through many FBI background checks, paid the fees, and waited for, in some cases years to get permission from the Federal government to own or sell one.
Quote from Mr. Ed,
"Progressives in our country are not, nor have they ever, advocated for socializing private providers, hospitals, clinics, medical equipment manufacturers, or any other private-sector business that provides some form of actual medical service -- "
Wrong oat breath.
Ever hear leftie/socialists bring up the success of the VA?
Well, I hope so!
So that's the problem, you can't follow more than one topic very narrowly, or you have a brain sprain.
Your last statment was right on though He's a lot more fun that hanging here.
Good nite!
Sure sounds like you are "setting the rules." Since you insist on personal attacks, rather than substance, I offer the following psychoanalysis for free:
You change the meaning of other people's words all the time, as you've done with mine throughout this thread, and then accuse others of your own "tactic." That's called "projection." You even change the meaning of your own words from post to post, sentence to sentence, as you flit around subjects like an annoying mosquito buzzing around the ear. That's called "scatter-brained."
How is it possible to have a meaningful conversation with someone who is both intellectually dishonest and disorganized? In truth, I suspect that in your case, as well as in Hotdog Lady's and Cantankerous Granny's, blind hypocrisy is an unintentional and uncontrollable affliction of chronic right-wingnuttery, caused from too much exposure to big corporate media.
Now go to bed, Honey, before your husband gets suspicious.
If I wanted to start an off topic argument with you I would have posted this
So you can add where the yellow cake goes to your health care woes.
see # 43
If you have a problem with that, it's your problem not mine.
I suspect if ErinRose was reading it I would be having an entirly different conversation.
A conversation as to what solutions can be found. How other systems in the world work.
What aspects could be incorperated and these kind of thoughts ever enter you conversation?
changeX. Yeah, discussing the British rock band WHO would have made just about as much sense ...and would have been much more interesting.
I thought you were talking about the Chance of the Apocalypse. The WHO is a great British Rock band "Won't Get Fooled Again" brings back the ol' days full of Bushisms.
Still so angry and defensive.
HotCoffee #28: "Just a little update on who's really dictating health care...."
You sure are weaving and bobbing and making a lot of false subjective assumptions about my wicked nature and ulterior motives just because one of your beginning points -- IN YOUR OWN WORDS ! -- was simply contested.
I notice you ask a lot of questions but you rarely answer any.
And round nd round in circles we go.
Have it your way DS. I'm talking to people who might care about health care...not someone out to argue about trivia.
I posted the article thinking some of you would see that the fight for Health Care is bigger that just if we have medicare for all or private insurance because either one can easily be manipulated ny the NWO.
I just get the feeling unless you also pay attention to that you won't get what you want either way.
I don't care about the age or race..I posted the article that way because that's the way the writer wrote it. I don't change other peoples words.
And I detest Cheney as much as Hillary.
It goes to figure and is not all that surprising that anytime you read the word apocalypse Cheney's name is sure to be found somewhere.
Way to go deepspace @29 & @32 & @36 you knocked the ball out of the park.
HotCoffee the only thing that you posted that leaps out of the page is: "93-year-old African". I do not understand why you found this worth describing in your post other than most likely is very memorable and inflammatory to you.
Again your wrong,
you flatter yourself...and again wrongly accuse me of being angry and defenive.
So absurd for you to assume you have that power.
Is it because you're are angry and defensive? I've heard the saying we accuse others of what we are ourselves.
When I want to tell you what I think I will flesh it out...even slowly as I have arthritis in my fingers.
However if I'm just relaying info I believe SOME people might want to know and may not have seen I will use links.
You do seem to think you are the rule setter here...why is that?
The link I posted is from the NYT hardly a bastion of the right. If you bothered to read it you would know the left is quite upset about the choice.
Have you never heard of agenda 21 or agenda 2030? Do you really believe the UN or the WHO only effect Europe and Third world countries, not the USA?
To effect the cause you want to accomplish you might want to broaden your horizon.
Do you create ideas, or do ideas create you? Is the ego separate from what it thinks? On an anonymous blog, all you are is thought formed into words. In one sentence the ego claims to only challenge ideas; in the next, it attacks the person. Such is the dichotomy revealed in post #39 (which skipped ahead in sequence).
BTW, the fourth paragraph in #36 did not specifically single out HC as a Trump supporter, so I wonder why she so quickly took umbrage? But, if the shoe fits...
Regardless how much she obfuscates, however, when it comes to the single-payer debate in this country, the whole Mugabe sidebar is a non sequitur at best, a false equivalency at worst.
Also DS,
I have never defended Trump...I have shown my distaste for Hillary.
I don't defend politicians ..I defend ideas and concepts. There is a difference between challenging points and challenging people.
I was just silly enough to think even you wouldn't want Mugabe anywhere near Health Care even for third world countries.
That might be more than you can understand being so entrenched in your left wing bubble.
Some of us look and see what the rest of the world is doing too.
So angry. So defensive.
HotCoffee #28: "Just a little update on who's really dictating health care...." -- and then a tirade about Mugabe and WHO. This directly following a discussion about single-payer, i.e. Medicare-for-all.
Your intention in that post (and others) seems pretty damn clear. If you want a reader to take away a different meaning, perhaps you should flesh out your thoughts better, using your own words instead of always relying on a blizzard of cherry-picked quotes and links that each go down their own impossible rabbit holes.
ps: You are telling us what your positions are, not me.
O please...give it up.
Anyone with eyes can look at my post and see that I never mentioned "universal/single-payer/Medicare-for-all" in any context ....neither for or against.
You show your desperation to argue with deciding their positions for them and then demanding they defend a position because you claim they have it.
Grow up!
Your tactics are obvious...If someone uses a link you complain ..if they don't use a link you original.
If you don't think the WHO has an agenda for our health care then let your fingers do the walking....or not, but don't asume everyone wants to stay in your bubble.
I will post here or not as I please I'm not subject to your rules.
I'm happy to converse with you anytime you stop telling me what my positions are. It's up to you.
I see, HotCoffee. So, it's okay for you to challenge the points made in other posts, but if someone dares to challenge yours, then it's doing "battle." Whatever.
BTW, this isn't a private domain for carpet-bombing right-wing talking points or for planting landmines of wingnut click-bait; expect a barrage of return fire at any time.
When Trump trolls choose to login on a progressive blog, they're agreeing to talk to everyone there, not just a select few, and their posts are fair game for all sides to engage. One should count on serious pushback, especially as a "Third-way Conserva-Dem" (in effect, an "R" in "D" clothing) or as a defender of Trump, the corporate hive mind, and general Republicanism. If ya can't take the heat, get outta the kitchen, little snowflakes.
In the context of this thread, HotCoffee not-so-subtly tried to make a false equivalency case between our universal/single-payer/Medicare-for-all effort and the WHO appointing Mugaba to some post. (WTF ???) I guess merely calling out the obvious fallacy of such a ridiculous, correlation-without-cause argument is conflated in her mind, evidently, to mean a love of Mugabe. That makes no logical sense, either as a sarcastic retort or as an ad hominem attack.
But thanks for enlightening all of us with "updates" and for demonstrating expertise at stroking the Google machine.