@22 I doubt that you are better off than anybody. If you were, you wouldn't be concerned what everybody else has. Only those without worry that others have more than they do.
You have no idea as to the wealth or lack thereof of anybody that posts here. Until you and Ou812 actually decide to cohabit and reveal to each other your specific financial and personal details, you would look a lot smarter not assuming anything.
I am not poor. I would be willing to bet that I am better off than you. A lot of Republicans think that they are wealthy but very few make the 1%. I am sure that you are nowhere near it. The Republican Party is beholden to the 1%. Do you remember the Bush W administration? Cutting taxes for the wealthy, raising defense spending, resulted in a depression that we still feel the affect from. What you are doing is giving your money to the wealthiest, not the poorest. Are you on the below list:
This is simple. The leftie/socialists spend their day fretting over other peoples money. They are negative and depressed and see no positive outcome unless "free stuff" starts happening. After it happens they will complain because of rising costs. Fortunately most of working America understands there is no such thing as "free Stuff".
@16 I enjoy making the 1% wealthier, I’m getting wealthier too. I rather be r”ruled’ by someone you call a Racist Facist, than washed up lefties any day.
My understanding is the payroll tax pays for social security and medicare. Income tax pays mostly for military. Since when does mom pop business need military. Only the rich do. Thus they should pay more income tax.
What the GOP is trying to do to the ACA is disgusting at best and down right evil at worst. Trying to deny and take insurance from the most vulnearble people in our society is in of itself sick. Being poor isn't a crime and neither is being a child, getting sick or aging and they're trying to punish each one of these groups so that Donald Chump can leave more money to his grandchildren. I work with insurance companies al the time and there is nothing more frustrating than having to discharge someone from my facility knowing full well that they're not ready to go home but the insurance coompany's clinical staff has reviewed their progress and thinks that there's no need to pay for more therapy. Another thing that is extremely frustrating is watching these commercials that try to steer seniors who are eligble for medicare into what's known as HMO. These managed care policies are the abssolute worst because their only concern is to save the company bottom line.
Gee Thom, I thought we covered this before. The Republicans have a surefire, two-pronged, guaranteed, one-size-fits-all, solution for all that ails the USA, and the world for that matter.
Number 1: Make the rich richer. Number 2: Deport all non whites.
There, problem solved. "Better Things Through Chemistry" "I'm Lovin' It" "Where's The Beef?" "Don't Leave Home Without It" "Make America Great Again"….!!!!
As someone who has been "lobbying" for constructive tax reform for nearly four decades, the sad truth is that even those among our elected representatives who have their hearts in the right place do not understand the economics of taxation. As a result, the way government at all levels has always raised revenue has failed to make the most important distinction -- between "earned" and "unearned" income.
Our tax policies have generally taxed unearned income lightly or not at all, while imposing heavy burdens on income earned by producing goods and providing services. These taxes impose what economists refer to as "dead weight losses" on economic output.
The only potential sources of public revenue that impose no dead weight loss are "rents." What are rents? A primary source of rents are income flows (actual or imputed) generated by locational advantages. Every parcel or tract of land has some potential annual rental value. These rental values in rural areas are derived from natural advantages, such as soil fertility, rainfall, topography, and the potential to exploit natural resources. Rental values in town and cities are derived from advantages created by societal investment in infrastructure and other amenities. Then, there are rents associated with less tangible assets that have an inelastic supply. This includes the broadcast spectrum, the paths traveled around the earth by satellites and even take-off and landing slots at airports. Mason Gaffney (emeritus professor of economics at the University of California has identified a much longer list of such rent-generating "natural opportunities" in his writing over the years).
Real tax reform requires a dramatic shift from how revenue is raised today toward the taxation of rents from all sources.
One other example of how upside-down is our tax system is the preferential treatment given to so-called "capital gains" over income from wages and salaries. In the real world, there are no gains on the sale of actual capital goods. Capital goods depreciate over time. Gains on the sale of financial instruments are really gains from speculation and passive investment. If income is to be taxed at all, gains on the sale of financial instruments should be taxed much higher than ordinary income.
To summarize, the ideal tax system would collect rents from all sources. Taxes on earned income, on capital goods and on commerce would be eliminated or at least greatly reduced.
This proposal is neither conservative nor liberal. It is both economically efficient and just, rewarding productive activity while discouraging the hoarding of land and natural resources for speculative gain.
Trump ran as a Democrat but governs as an insane selfish Fascist!
I hear the tax plan will add two trillion to the National debt...so much for Kochpublican fiscal restraint. Remember all that out of control spending talk and Tom Reed's debt clock??? ...LMAO
"Bring back the jobs that have left our country"??? ... Says the guy that sends his own jobs overseas, hires non U.S. citizens to work at his resorts, belongs to the same party that has passed all of our free trade deals, the same party that has filibustered Democratic Party attempts to end tax breaks for companies relocating overseas. I suppose it takes ffnnn morons to believe a fnnn moron.
Wow Saulys, I agree with you....the only part of your statement I question is where the left is called intellectual elite....there not intellectual at all, only a bunch off washed up lefties, with washed up ideas.
@7 them how come you aren't promoting the Democrat plan, instead of tearing down the Republicans plan. I don't hear any Republicans tearing down the Democrats plan, only promoting theirs. The surest way to get anyone interested in a competitors product, is to tear the competitors products down.....Marketing 101.
Don't know how new this is, Warren Harding's administration was completely business captured.
The truth is, though, Democrats and lefties can blame themselves. The spoiled, college brats playing with politics and the corporate takeover of the Democratic Party causes the Left to lose working class people. The first has been happening ever since the New Left of the '60s approptiated Left movements from the workers and made them a plaything of students. The Left is now just an irrelevant intellectual elite that doesn't have the same concerns as workers and so can't speak for them. They are more concerned about gender neutral bathrooms than jobs.
Rust belt workers who voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012 and 51% of union households voted for Trump. In general, workers voted for Trump and big business Republicans deserted the party for Hillary. Trump at least promised - and delivered on - TPP, promised to do something about illegal immigration (which I'm not sure would be such a problem if it wasn't illegal), and last but not least, promised to stop the tyranny of PC culture.
You can appoint yourself leader of the workers but that doesn't mean they're gonna follow you.
Oh, listen. When DJT was on the campaign trail he made all of the champagne promises all the other (liars) are making these days. They promise us the Sun, Moon, and Stars if we only put them in office, and the minute they are sworn in, it's the same old same old.
I thought DJT *might* be different because he hadn't spent his whole career in DC getting pickled in white collar criminal conduct, but I guess we can say he's a fast learner because it only took him a couple of months to change his campaign tune and start shafting anyone who isn't a billionaire bubba. When the reports first started coming regarding his appointments, it didn't take much imagination to know the worm had turned.
Do I think DJT is sculpting the tax structure to suit his own personal wishes and wants??? Make no mistake about it. DJT is a charter member of "Gluttony R Us", and a poster child for self indulgence. (I'm just surprised he hasn't had the whole interior of the WH redecorated in 24k gold!!!)
Yup, DJT is feathering his nest for when he is no longer the POTUS so that he and his family can continue living in the style to which they have become accustomed, and the rest of us can eat cake.
@22 I doubt that you are better off than anybody. If you were, you wouldn't be concerned what everybody else has. Only those without worry that others have more than they do.
Mr. Mindless,baseless facts:
You have no idea as to the wealth or lack thereof of anybody that posts here. Until you and Ou812 actually decide to cohabit and reveal to each other your specific financial and personal details, you would look a lot smarter not assuming anything.
I am not poor. I would be willing to bet that I am better off than you. A lot of Republicans think that they are wealthy but very few make the 1%. I am sure that you are nowhere near it. The Republican Party is beholden to the 1%. Do you remember the Bush W administration? Cutting taxes for the wealthy, raising defense spending, resulted in a depression that we still feel the affect from. What you are doing is giving your money to the wealthiest, not the poorest. Are you on the below list:
@20 Legend, it’s not my fault you’re poor. So what makes you think you have a right to my or anybody else’s money.
Nothing about free stuff in this link.
This is simple. The leftie/socialists spend their day fretting over other peoples money. They are negative and depressed and see no positive outcome unless "free stuff" starts happening. After it happens they will complain because of rising costs. Fortunately most of working America understands there is no such thing as "free Stuff".
@16 I enjoy making the 1% wealthier, I’m getting wealthier too. I rather be r”ruled’ by someone you call a Racist Facist, than washed up lefties any day.
My understanding is the payroll tax pays for social security and medicare. Income tax pays mostly for military. Since when does mom pop business need military. Only the rich do. Thus they should pay more income tax.
Superiority is one of the great illusions of humans .Very seductive very dangerous . In truth nothing is superior to anything else .
What the GOP is trying to do to the ACA is disgusting at best and down right evil at worst. Trying to deny and take insurance from the most vulnearble people in our society is in of itself sick. Being poor isn't a crime and neither is being a child, getting sick or aging and they're trying to punish each one of these groups so that Donald Chump can leave more money to his grandchildren. I work with insurance companies al the time and there is nothing more frustrating than having to discharge someone from my facility knowing full well that they're not ready to go home but the insurance coompany's clinical staff has reviewed their progress and thinks that there's no need to pay for more therapy. Another thing that is extremely frustrating is watching these commercials that try to steer seniors who are eligble for medicare into what's known as HMO. These managed care policies are the abssolute worst because their only concern is to save the company bottom line.
Hope that you enjoy making the 1% wealthier. You obviously like being ruled by a Fascist Party.
@#15 you finally have something right. The Republicans do control the white house and Congress....it's what the ruling class does...Rule. :)
#9 Last I looked Republicans controlled the White House and Congress.
Gee Thom, I thought we covered this before. The Republicans have a surefire, two-pronged, guaranteed, one-size-fits-all, solution for all that ails the USA, and the world for that matter.
Number 1: Make the rich richer.
Number 2: Deport all non whites.
There, problem solved. "Better Things Through Chemistry" "I'm Lovin' It" "Where's The Beef?" "Don't Leave Home Without It" "Make America Great Again"….!!!!
As someone who has been "lobbying" for constructive tax reform for nearly four decades, the sad truth is that even those among our elected representatives who have their hearts in the right place do not understand the economics of taxation. As a result, the way government at all levels has always raised revenue has failed to make the most important distinction -- between "earned" and "unearned" income.
Our tax policies have generally taxed unearned income lightly or not at all, while imposing heavy burdens on income earned by producing goods and providing services. These taxes impose what economists refer to as "dead weight losses" on economic output.
The only potential sources of public revenue that impose no dead weight loss are "rents." What are rents? A primary source of rents are income flows (actual or imputed) generated by locational advantages. Every parcel or tract of land has some potential annual rental value. These rental values in rural areas are derived from natural advantages, such as soil fertility, rainfall, topography, and the potential to exploit natural resources. Rental values in town and cities are derived from advantages created by societal investment in infrastructure and other amenities. Then, there are rents associated with less tangible assets that have an inelastic supply. This includes the broadcast spectrum, the paths traveled around the earth by satellites and even take-off and landing slots at airports. Mason Gaffney (emeritus professor of economics at the University of California has identified a much longer list of such rent-generating "natural opportunities" in his writing over the years).
Real tax reform requires a dramatic shift from how revenue is raised today toward the taxation of rents from all sources.
One other example of how upside-down is our tax system is the preferential treatment given to so-called "capital gains" over income from wages and salaries. In the real world, there are no gains on the sale of actual capital goods. Capital goods depreciate over time. Gains on the sale of financial instruments are really gains from speculation and passive investment. If income is to be taxed at all, gains on the sale of financial instruments should be taxed much higher than ordinary income.
To summarize, the ideal tax system would collect rents from all sources. Taxes on earned income, on capital goods and on commerce would be eliminated or at least greatly reduced.
This proposal is neither conservative nor liberal. It is both economically efficient and just, rewarding productive activity while discouraging the hoarding of land and natural resources for speculative gain.
Edward J. Dodson, Director
School of Cooperative Individualism
Trump ran as a Democrat but governs as an insane selfish Fascist!
I hear the tax plan will add two trillion to the National debt...so much for Kochpublican fiscal restraint. Remember all that out of control spending talk and Tom Reed's debt clock??? ...LMAO
#8 - Seems Founders basically followed the Brits... most were landowners I believe
Please correct if wrong...
Most of our commercial entities nowadays have origins during the reign of british queen elizabeth the first
Moreover, interests of the banking empire ever underlie enormous influence in human events
With notable effect I believe
#1 Sorry - my comment at #15 does not apply to your comment
I have no idea what goes wrong with this blog from time to time
My comment is totally out of context
"Bring back the jobs that have left our country"??? ... Says the guy that sends his own jobs overseas, hires non U.S. citizens to work at his resorts, belongs to the same party that has passed all of our free trade deals, the same party that has filibustered Democratic Party attempts to end tax breaks for companies relocating overseas. I suppose it takes ffnnn morons to believe a fnnn moron.
Wow Saulys, I agree with you....the only part of your statement I question is where the left is called intellectual elite....there not intellectual at all, only a bunch off washed up lefties, with washed up ideas.
#1 - Seems Founders basically followed the Brits... most were landowners I believe
Please correct if wrong...
Most of our commercial entities nowadays have origins during the reign of british queen elizabeth the first
Moreover, interests of the banking empire ever underlie enormous influence in human events
With notable effect I believe
@7 them how come you aren't promoting the Democrat plan, instead of tearing down the Republicans plan. I don't hear any Republicans tearing down the Democrats plan, only promoting theirs. The surest way to get anyone interested in a competitors product, is to tear the competitors products down.....Marketing 101.
Don't know how new this is, Warren Harding's administration was completely business captured.
The truth is, though, Democrats and lefties can blame themselves. The spoiled, college brats playing with politics and the corporate takeover of the Democratic Party causes the Left to lose working class people. The first has been happening ever since the New Left of the '60s approptiated Left movements from the workers and made them a plaything of students. The Left is now just an irrelevant intellectual elite that doesn't have the same concerns as workers and so can't speak for them. They are more concerned about gender neutral bathrooms than jobs.
Rust belt workers who voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012 and 51% of union households voted for Trump. In general, workers voted for Trump and big business Republicans deserted the party for Hillary. Trump at least promised - and delivered on - TPP, promised to do something about illegal immigration (which I'm not sure would be such a problem if it wasn't illegal), and last but not least, promised to stop the tyranny of PC culture.
You can appoint yourself leader of the workers but that doesn't mean they're gonna follow you.
Oh, listen. When DJT was on the campaign trail he made all of the champagne promises all the other (liars) are making these days. They promise us the Sun, Moon, and Stars if we only put them in office, and the minute they are sworn in, it's the same old same old.
I thought DJT *might* be different because he hadn't spent his whole career in DC getting pickled in white collar criminal conduct, but I guess we can say he's a fast learner because it only took him a couple of months to change his campaign tune and start shafting anyone who isn't a billionaire bubba. When the reports first started coming regarding his appointments, it didn't take much imagination to know the worm had turned.
Do I think DJT is sculpting the tax structure to suit his own personal wishes and wants??? Make no mistake about it. DJT is a charter member of "Gluttony R Us", and a poster child for self indulgence. (I'm just surprised he hasn't had the whole interior of the WH redecorated in 24k gold!!!)
Yup, DJT is feathering his nest for when he is no longer the POTUS so that he and his family can continue living in the style to which they have become accustomed, and the rest of us can eat cake.
Because you only watch Faux News.