Recent comments

  • Eli Lilly Feels The Bern   8 years 16 weeks ago

    On the downside, we did everything we could against big pharma in CA trying to pass prop 61. Big Phama spent at least $109 million and we lost. Prop 61 would have forced big pharma to sell drugs to people on Medical etc to pay the same price as the VA pays.

  • Eli Lilly Feels The Bern   8 years 16 weeks ago

    Pharma has evil intention... nothing to do do with the "hippocratic oath"

  • Americans Wanted a Revolution, and Clinton's Campaign Only Offered Them Obama 2.0   8 years 16 weeks ago

    rickyepp: It's not racism or white supremacy. If that was the case, how did Obama get elected for two terms by large numbers?

    The DEMS lost because they lost the middle class with the ACA, immigration policies, and ignoring their needs. Plus, they decided their candidate for president by coronation.

    The DEMS need to stop pandering to the fringes of our society and start focusing on the mainstream, working and middle class backbone of this country.

    Stop wasting political capital on who can get married and instead focus on how to strengthen American workers.

    Its very simple. Represent and advocate for the mainstream, and the mainstream will support you.

  • Eli Lilly Feels The Bern   8 years 16 weeks ago

    Not a Clinton dynasty fan by any means... however, hoping Trump can retain his balls against the BLOODY establishment

    Stock price is an irrellevance when you can't get food for your family because your job has been farmed out to suit some blasted shareholder in a bloody company thats only objective is dividends

  • Eli Lilly Feels The Bern   8 years 16 weeks ago

    These swine, the CEO's of big pharma in particular, are of a certain caste. It will be interesting to see how willing our new President Elect is in reining them in on behalf to the poor, disenfranchised white masses that just handed him the election (Hillary might have performed just marginally better, but only to maintain the illusion of a difference). Are you paying attention, Trump voters? Do you have the mental horsepower to realize what's happening to us? When the FRACK will this country wake UP ??? !!!

  • Americans Wanted a Revolution, and Clinton's Campaign Only Offered Them Obama 2.0   8 years 16 weeks ago

    It was hard to sleep thinking about all the horrible things that now can occur - not only with this absolute incompetent in the top position, but having the Republicans in control of congress to support anything he wants.
    I had this same feeling of dread after Bush was installed back in 2000. I remember saying to a co-worker .. "I just hope he doesn't get us into a damn war." Bush started the ball rolling downhill to this. Obama slowed the descent and actually improved many things dramatically in spite of the constant obstruction of the Republican congress. The people who voted for these republican politicians have a very short memory or they hate Obama so much, or they are flat out stupid racists - or a combination of all -
    Then there is the real possibility that in some key states - election fraud took place. I tend to believe that election fraud in key areas of key states put Trump on top. I truly believe that is how Bush got in - both times.
    So here we are. What to do now? We still have to live our lives and do what we believe is right.
    Support those people who represent those beliefs.
    There are a number of civil charges and law suits against Trump and his businesses already in process.
    An impeachment could be in the offing.

    Let's hope that's what happens sooner than later.

  • How Do We Protect Our Vote?   8 years 16 weeks ago

    Voter turnout in Oregon was 75%. Why? Maybe vote by mail and motor voter. I'm sure there are still holes and disparities that need to be corrected. But we have a good start, and other states should follow suit!

  • Eli Lilly Feels The Bern   8 years 16 weeks ago

    The increase of the stock prices for drug companies would seem to indicate the belief ultra-capitalist Trump will allow them to price gouge, no questions asked !

  • Americans Wanted a Revolution, and Clinton's Campaign Only Offered Them Obama 2.0   8 years 16 weeks ago

    Hopefully, America will not have to wait another 240 years for a woman at the top of the ticket.

  • Americans Wanted a Revolution, and Clinton's Campaign Only Offered Them Obama 2.0   8 years 16 weeks ago

    Harry Reid started the 'nuclear option' and GOPers will finish it. The only question is whether to do it immediately or wait till 2018.

  • Americans Wanted a Revolution, and Clinton's Campaign Only Offered Them Obama 2.0   8 years 16 weeks ago

    I often hear prominent progressive voices citing Trump's speaking to bitter working class economic woes as the main reason democrats lost the White House. Until Democratic leadership recognizes racism as THE MAIN issue, and not just a factor, we'll continue to lose. Why do liberal whites especially, fail to recognize this? Whites have been voting en mass for republicans since the 1960's. The minorities in the rust belt and Midwest have been hit even harder than whites and yet vote democratic over 80% of the time while those same whites are voting republican nearly 70% of the time (in rustbelt/midwest). We continue to excuse the bigotry and white resentment of black advancement/equality as simply cultural. NO MORE!! We must call it for what it is and don't let them run and hide from it. It is white supremacy pure and simple, either conscious or subconscious. They must begin to face these facts and be shown how their bigotry and racism has been used against them and their economic interests. And until progressive leadership prioritizes an effort to confront and address racism, most progressive issues will be left unresolved because the political opposition to these issues are supported by white voters.

  • Americans Wanted a Revolution, and Clinton's Campaign Only Offered Them Obama 2.0   8 years 16 weeks ago

    Stubbornly supporting the idea that illegal immigrants must be allowed to work and live in this country and even get drivers licenses, as well as the idea that the ACA, as flawed as it is , must remain in a way that continues to hurt middle/upper middle class people who had good or excellent insurance, doomed the Democratic Party.

    The DEMs abandoned the middle/upper middle class a while ago, joining the Republicans.

    While focusing on who can use what bathroom, who can serve on submarines, who can get married, and appeasing every little "oppressed" interest group at the expense of the discontented majority, the DEMs lost their way. As well as votes. Coronating Hillary was the final nail in the coffin.

    Don't blame the voter for wanting change, even if it comes with risks. Many people who are deathly afraid of skydiving will parachute from a doomed plane.

  • Americans Wanted a Revolution, and Clinton's Campaign Only Offered Them Obama 2.0   8 years 16 weeks ago

    We can slow the GOP agenda with the Filibuster. We must let our representatives know, very loudly, that they must use the Filibuster against the GOP as they used it against President Obama!

  • Americans Wanted a Revolution, and Clinton's Campaign Only Offered Them Obama 2.0   8 years 16 weeks ago

    Thom I have one word to say, FILIBUSTER! It's the only hope of slowing down the GOP agenda. After all "Turnabout is Fair Play!"


  • Daily Topics - Thursday November 10th, 2016   8 years 16 weeks ago

    100 million people who are elegible to vote did not partake in this last election. We need to talking about how to get more people involved, because not voting is a vote for the winning candidate.

    I suggest the following:

    TAX BREAKS FOR VOTING!!!! I want a law passed that provides a tax breaks for registered voters, when we file our taxes. Meaning every year I am registered I get some kind of tax break, and when I vote there is an additional tax break. People would demand that poles are not closed, moved, or messed with. Also every person would be checking to make sure their names are still on the county's voter registration rolls. This would benefit everyone, republicans, democrats, and independents too. We also need to abolish the electoral college.

  • Americans Wanted a Revolution, and Clinton's Campaign Only Offered Them Obama 2.0   8 years 16 weeks ago

    Sorry for my rant, I'm just stressed out, shell shocked and confused. I hope you know what your doing Mr. Trump. 325,000,000 are now depending on your no political, or military experience having ass. Creator above help us if your wrong......

  • Americans Wanted a Revolution, and Clinton's Campaign Only Offered Them Obama 2.0   8 years 16 weeks ago

    I'm reading all your posts, and I'm troubled. All of you are into what's going on now, and your all trying to rationalize and in good faith hope that its not going to be as bad as it could be. So let's start with what paul Ryan said yesterday. Putting the coal miners back to work, the timber cutters back to work. That is a recision of the climate change act that Barack and over 180 country's around the world agreed to this last September. A repealing of the affordable health care act, dropping 20 million people from healthcare. Saying that he will bomb the shit out of Isis with nukes. Or anyone else that gets in his way. Punishing women for there right to chose. Making the top 1% tax rate 15%,and raising taxes on everyone else.

    Is no one getting this. Has no one paid attention to our new president elect. Do any of you see the disaster we are in for.

    He has congress, a full republican congress. They are going to change everything. And by there law its OK. President Obamas choise as his right as president chose a new judge to the supreme court and they blocked it. Now they can get another conservative in there.

    Are you all seeing?? Its a conservative take over, a new prodistant

    reformation, only this time they aren't getting kicked out of a continent, (Europe in the 15th century for all you non history paying attention dumb fucks). They are taking over a new one. Its us. America. And aside from the 200,000 plus popular vote, victory, all you back word ass redneck gods gays and guns, bible bashing ignorant fucks made this happen.

    The american great depression of 2017 , is all on you ignorant uneducated fucks. Just hope that ww3 isn't on you ignorant fucks to!!!!

    The last president elect republican that had a standing GOP senate and GOP House of reps. Was president hoover in 1928, it took less than a year for the great depression of 1929 to happen. I hope all you dumb ass backward ass bible thumping fucks are happy cause its coming to your back yard to. God won't save you from what you made happen.


  • Americans Wanted a Revolution, and Clinton's Campaign Only Offered Them Obama 2.0   8 years 16 weeks ago

    Can someone tell me the name of the group that the previous person from NYC was referencing to organize? Thanks!

  • Americans Wanted a Revolution, and Clinton's Campaign Only Offered Them Obama 2.0   8 years 16 weeks ago

    "Thom, I left you when you abandoned Bernie and started shilling for Clinton, the pathological liar, war hawk, moral and fiscally corrupt and yes, incompetent.
    You are no progressive, just an opportunist
    There is now a revolution th an can succeed. Control of two legs of the Government and soon SCOTUS too, the 3rd leg
    You SHIT in your mess kit Thom."


  • Americans Wanted a Revolution, and Clinton's Campaign Only Offered Them Obama 2.0   8 years 16 weeks ago

    Trumps victory, in my opinion, is a political revolution. One for which America was hungry. Bernie, could have won, but he was thrown "under the bus" by the Democrats, and "washed up lefties". You have no one but your self to blame for Trumps victory. Nothing, including revolutions, are not won by giving up.

    There is a bright side for you WUL. You now have four more years to play the victim, and complain about how bad things are. Good Luck:):).

  • Americans Wanted a Revolution, and Clinton's Campaign Only Offered Them Obama 2.0   8 years 16 weeks ago

    I recommend this article: Donald Trump will be President. This is what we do next.

    From The Intercept

  • You Can Officially Call Him Mr. Brexit: Trump Elected President   8 years 16 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    Are my rhymes of any value to your outfit and to your readers?

  • You Can Officially Call Him Mr. Brexit: Trump Elected President   8 years 16 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    Trump’s Gunners Strafe

    {a limerick}

    America is less and less safe

    as Trumpsters continue to strafe.

    We hide and cringe;

    this Trumpian binge

    causes our nation to chafe.


  • You Can Officially Call Him Mr. Brexit: Trump Elected President   8 years 16 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    Buyer’s Remorse

    {… a rhyme …}

    Many a Trump-promoter

    and many a deluded Trump-voter

    will have Buyer’s Remorse

    that the arse of a horse

    sits on the throne.

    It’s just like the Sisyphus story:

    things don’t go hunky-dory

    when voters push up a yuuge stone.


  • You Can Officially Call Him Mr. Brexit: Trump Elected President   8 years 16 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}


    {a limerick}

    We’ll soon cry in lamentation

    that damage is done to our nation: -

    - The vote-day was spent

    in expressing dissent

    in ways which give chaos gestation.


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