Recent comments

  • Obama Betrays Standing Rock   8 years 15 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    Romp in the Swamp

    {… a rhyme …}


    Trump won’t be draining the swamp.


    Lobbyists will evermore romp

    and by election-funding they’ll stomp

    all resistance

    to their persistence.

    Dominant too under President {Trump} Tromp.


  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    I think it's WRONG to take Cuba out of the mix. I've always wanted to visit Cuba, and many people are now getting to go. WHY stop this transition now? The Castro Brothers aren't going to live forever, and the people there can benefit from our Americans visiting Cuba before the culture changes forever. If I EVER fly again, it would be to see Cuba before our American dollars change it forever. I may not get to go now, but I'm hoping in the Spring, now that I finally have access to portable oxygen and a wheel chair, I really CAN go there for a few days. My mother was there before we placed the embargo, and she absolutely loved it! I've only got her memories now to remind me of how it used to be; I'd love to be well enough to make my own trip before Americans ruin it. Please don't stop all the good progress we've been able to make in just a few months. After all, we welcome them here without the same discrimination we give to people who are a lot closer to our culture than Cuba is. Can't we extend common courtesy to them after all these years? Harboring grudges that hurt so many people are ridiculous, and Vietnam is now our friend; why not Cuba? Think about that, please, before you ruin what has already begun to be a better world of relations.

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    stecoop01 - Did you read Thom's comment earlier that since Trump has no experience whatsoever, and isn't inclined to "work with others", a Trump administration actually WOULD be a Pence administration? That's why Pence is on the ticket - because he's actually been in Congress and knows something about the process. Donald will be the "Great and Terrible Oz" head on a screen that appears to make all decisions. But Pence will the one working all the levers.

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    Janet Cruz - I've been doing such things for years. As a single person, I have even moved to apartments near where I work so I can commute by foot.

    Another couple of things: Look into meet-ups (usually in more urban areas) and find groups that are into earthen buildings - cob, strawbale, adobe, earth-bermed, earth-ship etc. The use of thermal mass makes these buildings hold a very stable temperature of about 55 to 60 degrees. When thermal mass is warmed, it holds that heat for a long time, and often these buildings can be warmed by a south-facing window. The incoming sunlight warms the interior which is then radiated back during the night. Such buildings often need no air-conditioning. They are made of earth and need little wood in their construction, and there is no off-gassing.

    There are often local clubs or meet-ups around permaculture, which should be the way we raise all our food - getting rid of the factory farming that uses so much petroleum. For inspiration, I recommend finding the YouTube documentary "How Cuba Survived Peak Oil", which is how the Cuban people completely revolutionized their agriculture into a permaculture system after the Soviet Union fell and US embargos closed in. I don't know how much the Communist government in Cuba helped with this, but it looks like it was primarily a people-instigated change.

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    This is what I witnessed as a pol worker (inspector) in Torrance, California. I personaly saw eight and heard from roughly eighty of my over 500 voters that they had been put on the "Vote by Mail" list without requesting it. The disturbing thing about this is that they recieved their envelopes at their address with someone elses name on it. This means that when it is counted at the county clerk, it will be rejected because the signature will not jive with the name on the envelope. I have reported this to the registrar recorder, who replied that I would hear from some executive. I also reported it to the local newspaper, which responded by saying they will alert an editor to look into the issue. This anomalie looks to me like an intentional thing rather than a simple mistake.

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    Amen on that last suggestion

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    I don't know why you guys are so worried. Eight years ago the Republicans where scared poopless that the community organizer and new president would put the country in debt a trillion of dollars a year and with all that money spent would accomplish nothing. Oh poop. Ya you should be worried. They where right and you probably are to.

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    Wait a minute, Thom. There may be a reason why this is such a shock. We saw how the Repbulicans stole the election for W. - both against Al Gore and John Kerry. This time they have control of the Presidency, the House, AND the Senate. Funny, just what they always wanted. And voter suppression and countless other GOP tricks were rampant. They're getting much better at ways to subvert democracy and we can't ignore the real possibility that this time is another one of their coups. As much as they disliked Trump, they would do anything to avoid Hillary.

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    The U.S. has become a great refuge for hypocrisy. The people that voted for Trump have just flushed the last little bit of democracy we had left down the toilet and seemed to enjoy it.

    Now we are supposed to support this fascist for a better America? If you ever wondered how Nazi Germany got started-wonder no more.

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    ikebertlersen: Thousands did not come out right after Obama's election. They did not claim he was not "their" president. Thousands did not take to the streets after he was inaugurated. ( Where did you get that information?).

    Political factions that oppose presidents are not thousands of people screaming "he's not our president".

    Sorry, but I feel this contrived hysteria is more about those throwing fits that they did not get the coronation of Hillary and the far left, than any legitimate fear or concern about the future of this country.

    It seems that the strange fringe elements of this country are simply upset that the mainstream backbone finally got their say.

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    The most dangerous thing (besides possible nuclear war) that Trump probably can do is stop any efforts to mitigate climate change, making a global catastrophe even more likely. So, we progressives must carry on. We must be the change we want. There are many things we can do, things that the government cannot bring about but which are necessary if we are to ever bring an end to global warming. These things are hard, and we will have to make sacrifices, but we can show the world that it is possible.

    A. Stop driving gasmobiles except when absolutely necessary. Walk and bicycle to local events, take public transportation.

    B. Install solar or wind power and buy an electric vehicle. Get off the grid if it comes from coal or oil energy.

    C. Stop using plastic. Try to find items not enclased in plastic, shop at stores where you can buy in bulk and bring your own container.

    D. Buy food produced locally, not food that has been trucked for hundreds or thousands of miles. Grow more of your own food, buy organic (agribusiness is the biggest producer of greenhouse gases, even more than automobiles.)

    E. Form cooperatives to make and sell products; avoid buying from large corporations whenever possible.

    F. Take part in and support local entertainment and sports leagues, instead of traveling great distances to see the big ticket entertainers. Poetry readings, local drama groups, dances, all were once popular ways to enjoy life.

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    Merely Wistful?

    {a rhyme}

    May Bernie-ite thinking be more than just wistful

    that we might succeed in our efforts resistful, -

    - that Trumpism’s thrusts can be constrained

    before these errors become engrained.

    May resistance be Real, and not merely wishful.


  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    TomDorr - thousands did take to the streets after Obama was inaugurated. They called him a monkey, they carried guns to their rallies, they disrupted town hall meetings of their representatives. It was called the Tea Party. Remember? Then there was the Republican coalition that met on the day of his inauguration and agreed to obstruct him on everything, because party was more important than country. It's been eight years of Obama Derangement Syndrome, promoted by the RNC's chief mouthpiece, Fox News, during which time Obama has been vilified and blamed for just about everything. Did that slip down the memory hole also? As for the outcry over eight years of obstruction, shutdowns, and demonization - it certainly didn't stop the Republicans.

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    After Donald Trump became the Republican candidate I took it upon myself to learn about this person, his business history, his personality, his character. I found that he was not the business empire builder that he promoted himself to be, but a duplicitous con artist whose real talent was in baffling others with BS, as he walked away from the wreckage of his business ventures with a large chunk of change while leaving investors out of their money, pleading bankruptcy and gaming the tax system . Most of his businesses have been abject failures, a result of his hubris and incompetence. This is a man who stiffed his contractors, working people who trusted him to live up to his end of a bargain, then pitched himself to the working class as a savior who will bring back jobs to America. The clothing that he sold was made in China. His university was an outright fraud, scamming people out of their savings. Not only is their no bottom to his dishonesty and unethical business dealings, I simply can't find any evidence that he has any redeeming qualities. What has he ever done that contributes to a better world? What little charitable giving Trump has done has always had strings attached. There is absolutely nothing in this man's past that gives any indication that he will serve the public as president.

    Trump has said a number of things that I agree with - bad trade policies, Wall Street greed, the carried interest loophole. There is absolutely nothing in his past that would lead me to believe that Mr. Trump will do anything to fix the problems he brought up. He does not have the interest, the focus, the will, the competence, or the empathy to fix any of this. He is a total fraud with a talent for pressing people's buttons. He will not accomplish any of the things he said he would do. He won the election by lying constantly, degrading others, ginning up hate, all with a pass from the media. Expect buyer's remorse within a short time. He may be the president, but he's not my president.

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    Well said, TomDorr.


  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    My wonder is why only half of us voted...almost guarantees another half-assed four years. I pray for peace for us all.

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    I'm going to take the lighter side and hope that Trump proves to be as big a disappointment for the conservatives as Obama proved to be for the liberals.

    And to anyone contemplating a presidential assassination take this advice: Shoot Pence first!

    Take it from a Hoosier, you do not want Pence to become president.

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    One can just imagine the outcry if tens of thousands of Americans took to the streets after Obama was elected and they chanted "not my president".

    The fact is, like it or not, Donald Trump will be the President of the United States.

    This Chicken Little hysteria is unwarranted. I think it is just a tantrum over the fact that the Hillary coronation was derailed.

    There will be immediate good to come from Trumps victory, if we can hold him to the fire. Rather than building a wall to keep out illegals, the use of a comprehensive and mandatory e-Verify program, combined with draconian penalties on employers who hire illegals in the construction and manufacturing trades, to start, would be of great benefit to the American worker and taxpayer.

    Also, revamping the ACA to make it economically sustainable and less burdensome on middle class taxpayers would also be of great benefit to the mainstream.

    Third, reversing the efforts to establish the economic ties with Cuba that would enable the murderous Castro regime to stay in power, and keeping the effective embargo in place, would hasten Castro's demise and protect American workers from having a cheap labor "China" 90 miles off shore.

    If nothing else, this election should clearly show that mainstream, middle class Americans have grown tired of the Democrats ignoring their needs in favor of smaller, but louder special interest groups that have become the favorites of Democratic Elites more interesting in social engineering than beneficial change for the mainstream.

    If the above changes can take place in terms of illegal immigration, the ACA, and Cuba, and the Democrats learn who actually butters their bread, than the country will benefit greatly.

    Also, I believe strongly that the demise of Hillary Clinton and the end of her lifelong quest for self-aggrandizement, is one that should be applauded, not mourned.

    Buckle up, we're in for an exciting, unpredictable ride. But one that should not frighten or "terrify" the majority of Americans.

  • Daily Topics - Friday November 11th, 2016   8 years 15 weeks ago

    Mr. Hartmann, could you explain how the DNC elects its officers. Thank you.

  • Eli Lilly Feels The Bern   8 years 15 weeks ago

    Big Pharma wins, Joe and Jane Average get screwed, get more sick and die. The latest Epi-Pen and insulin scandals prove conclusively that Big Pharma only cares about money, not human beings and their health / lives. Joe Manchan's daughter, CEO of the company that makes the Epi-Pen, got a raise from about $2 million a year to over $20 million after they raised the price of the Epi-Pen 600%. And, Joe Manchan's history is being a DINO big-time.

  • Eli Lilly Feels The Bern   8 years 15 weeks ago

    GREG PALAST's investigative report, "Bush Family Fortunes" aired on the BBC in the summer of 2003. Palast proved conclusively that Jeb Bush, Florida Sec. State Harris and Clayton Roberts rigged the 2000 presidential election with the phony felons list. Those people used $4.5 million of taxpayer money to pay DBT Choicepoint to create a felons list that could be used in Florida to exclude convicted felons from voting. But the matches on the list were 95% wrong! So in the 2000 election in Florida, at least 50,000 people, who went to vote, were turned away with the claim that they were convicted felons. But, they weren't. So the official vote count gave the Florida election to G.W. Bush with just 537 more votes than Gore. AND, Harris was Bush's Florida campaign chairman! I called the BBC in London after watching "Bush Family Fortunes." I was able to talk to the director, Steve Grandison, and told him I believed that if millions of Americans watched "Bush Family Fortunes", G.W. Bush would be defeated in the 2004 election. He immediately told me he would send me a VHS tape of the program. I told him I would make copies and send them to the Ohio Democratic Party and the national Democratic Party. I received the tape, made copies and mailed them to both Democratic Party locations. I included a letter telling them how I received the program and that I believed the truth in the Palast investigation would turn a lot of voters against G.W. Bush and the Bush family. I asked them to use the program in the 2004 presidential campaign to make sure that the American voter had the information of the 2000 election fraud and how Jeb Bush, Harris and Roberts rigged the election. I NEVER GOT A REPLY FROM EITHER THE OHIO PARTY OR THE NATIONAL PARTY! Then, G.W. Bush got re-elected in another questionable election. I have been a life-long Democrat, but getting NO reply to my letter and tape made me start to question just who controls the Democratic Party. What happened to Bernie Sanders in the 2016 Primary makes me even more suspicious. So, Thom, why don't you have me on your show to tell your viewers my story from 2003? Whenever I try calling the 202 number, I get a busy signal. You have my email address, so send me an email and I will call a phone number you give me. Thank You for the work you do to get the TRUTH out to the American People. BTW, I am a disabled Vietnam War veteran.

  • Americans Wanted a Revolution, and Clinton's Campaign Only Offered Them Obama 2.0   8 years 15 weeks ago

    It's to some extent a matter of degree but to a large extent Trump can be expected to be significantly less corporatist. He appears better on workers' issues, particularly on free trade. He is by far the more believable - and the more believed - in promising to scuttle TPP and reverse the other trade agreements and this apparently genuine sympathy and support of the blue collar worker alone is what got him elected.
    Now, Bernie would've done all that without incorporating all the working class, "man in the street" prejudices but Clinton was rejected as she was mostly because of her clear corporatism and of her moving of the Democrats in the decidedly corporatist direction while Trump was moving the Republicans in the opposite direction. The traditional, big business Republican base was deserting the party for Clinton in this election while the traditional Democratic base was deserting the Democratic Party for Trump and the Republicans.
    The wine and cheese lefties here (I won't name any names) are so out of touch with the American blue collar worker - whom they pretend to support - or so look down on them as to not ever listen to them or take them seriously that they were completely blind sided by this election and are in dumb, numbed shock, clueless as to what happened.

  • What do you think should be the priority of the new president?   8 years 15 weeks ago

    Trump played the entire nation. Unlike the buffoon borax salesman whose campaign he copied, Trump is a SUPERB character actor. He PLAYED buffoon, but he's no buffoon. Fooling his base was easy, but more important, he completely fooled Democratic voters that he was impossible to elect. I smelled a rat when Trump and the trumpettes all admitted they'd lost on the day before voting. His character would never do that. Trump singlehandedly convinced 135 million Democratic voters to stay home. I'll leave with one memory. When Trump started, he said that it was ridiculous that the USA didn't have single payer health care and that war that accomplished nothing was idiotic. The reaction from the Repug leadership was so strong that Trump never mentioned either again. I remember because I seriously considered changing from Bernie to Trump, except he put on his brown shirt within a week.

  • What do you think should be the priority of the new president?   8 years 15 weeks ago

    The Repug(nants) are salivating to "run the Govt". Liberals are saying "now let's see them run the Govt". Pull your heads out people, they have been running the Govt, horribly, for 35 years. President is an executive position, the Repug(nants) have dominated econimic policy and paid the SCOTUS to fabricate laws for 35 years. Also, the Repug(nants) have dominated state govt, which is FAR larger than the feds. Violent overthrow is NOT a viable option, but I think we may well end up trying it. I participated in a 5,000 person anti-war march on the courthouse in Houston, that received absolutely ZERO media coverage. Nobody knows that we marched and peacably occupied the town square for 24 hours. I wasn't surprised, the media is own by war corporations, but many young folks in the crowd were calling for violence, so they could no longer ignore us.

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    To Canada We Skedaddle

    {… a rhyme …}

    We voted for Hillary more,

    but Katy, Bar the Door: -

    - The Electoral College re-tallied,

    so the Other candidate rallied


    to stuff

    his butt into the saddle.

    To Canada we now skedaddle.


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