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  • The Big Trump Media Story: Bannon and a Crew of Dangerous Propagandists Are in the Cockpit of National Power   8 years 15 weeks ago

    The corpse media has been by far the most important tool utilized by the Fascists in their rise to power. Control of the message is everything! They've used this control to misinform and confuse voters.

    When the message is a lie, and the populous believes that lie, that's not a populist movement, it's just a bunch of citizens falling for lies. Truth is not a matter of opinion, but thanks to Teapublican voters we have all now become the tragic victims of a few out of control Fascists. Their lies have fostered the most extreme concentration of wealth since just before the Great Depression. Guess what's next?

    Everyone would do well to take Thom's word for it...we're heading for another giant crash. Get your money out of those 401k's asap. Buy gold and silver instead.

    Spearheaded by Ayn Rand devotee Paul Ryan, the Teapublicans are about to do the biggest overreach in the history of politics, and they have no escape plan, not even Fox News will be able to pass it off on the Democratic party this time. McConnell knows they're about to go off the overreach cliff....he's even cautioned against it , but it's too late, you can see it in Ryan's giddy face.

    I've got news for you Red Staters, Trump and his Teapublicans are the very establishment that you thought you were voting against. Crooked Donny lied to you, he isn't bringing your jobs back, and he's not giving you any tax breaks.

    Bernie was the real change candidate. He was in the right place at the right time...but the god damn media barons couldn't stand the idea of Citizens United getting repealed....and of course Fascists like the Koch's agreed, so Bernie's message of economic and social justice got as little coverage as possible. It was Trump coverage around the clock.

  • The Big Trump Media Story: Bannon and a Crew of Dangerous Propagandists Are in the Cockpit of National Power   8 years 15 weeks ago

    The difference is this is America.
    It will take a disaster to wake everyone up

  • The Big Trump Media Story: Bannon and a Crew of Dangerous Propagandists Are in the Cockpit of National Power   8 years 15 weeks ago

    10K. I think you are way off with the Russians. Trump had nothing to do with. Yes it helped Trump but Hillary did this to herself, sucks when truth comes out in a election. Yes our economy is directly attached to yours but the US economy will do just fine. Would have no matter who was elected. Where I live in Alberta it will be booming if Keystone gets approved. We will have to produce 700,000 (at today's price about $31 million dollars a day) more barrels of oil a day. Nigeria, Venezuela, and Saudi Arabia are going to be the big losers. Can you imagine America buys oil from these countries who have no environmental or human rights standards at all instead of Canada. It will be nice to have some common sense and logic in the White House.

  • The Big Trump Media Story: Bannon and a Crew of Dangerous Propagandists Are in the Cockpit of National Power   8 years 15 weeks ago

    Not that it will matter to you Kend, but Trump owes boatloads of money to Putin and his Russian oligarchs....which is why Trump refuses to release his taxes. Our CIA was going to launch a counter cyber attack after Russia's interference in out election, interference that helped get Trump seemingly elected. I'm sure that's been cancelled now...lmao. Don't worry Kend, your Canadian economy will collapse right along with ours.

  • The Big Trump Media Story: Bannon and a Crew of Dangerous Propagandists Are in the Cockpit of National Power   8 years 15 weeks ago

    What I love about Trump winning the most is the thought that all of those corporations that gave Hillary millions for her campaign are not getting anything in return. Not to mention all of those celebrities who did all those commercials for her thinking thy where going to be hanging out at the whitehouse with the President. All of the talk show hosts who will probably never see a President on their shows for at least four years. Just the thought of the hundreds of millions the Clintons are not going to make for political favours.. I love it. So what will happen with a President who doesn't owe anyone anything. Going to be interesting.

  • The Big Trump Media Story: Bannon and a Crew of Dangerous Propagandists Are in the Cockpit of National Power   8 years 15 weeks ago

    Your article doesn't explain what role Michael Savage and Alex Jones have been given in the Trump Administration. Are we to assume that they are to be Paranoid Nitwit Advisors Wthout Portfolio?

  • The Big Trump Media Story: Bannon and a Crew of Dangerous Propagandists Are in the Cockpit of National Power   8 years 15 weeks ago

    Yes, there are a lot of similarities between what is happening now and 1939. The Left have a new team of Brown Shirts (except they do not dress as neatly as they did in 1939) but like the young people then on the Fascist Left, the young people today on the Fascist Left are attacking people who do not agree with them, breaking store windows and enforcing political correctness .... and their Fascist leaders like Hillary believes that they are above the law ... They get their support from the Big Banks, Big Business, Big Government Unions, and work against the interest of Small Business, and the poor ... like in Mass. they are trying to close down schools that are not under their complete control .... Yes, we have to be careful of the Left, and the know - nothing students!

  • The Big Trump Media Story: Bannon and a Crew of Dangerous Propagandists Are in the Cockpit of National Power   8 years 15 weeks ago

    Does anyone else see the similarities between what is happening in America now and what happened in Germany in the 1920's and 1930's?

  • Should Democrats have a “Caucus Room Conspiracy" Just like the GOP?   8 years 15 weeks ago

    Erin: I did not say people would be upset, I said progressives would be upset. There is a big difference. As Thom said yesterday, "I do not want Trump to be successful" or words to that same end. That perfectly sums up the attitude of those on the far extremes of either party.

  • Should Democrats have a “Caucus Room Conspiracy" Just like the GOP?   8 years 15 weeks ago

    #Dianereynolds: I'm having trouble with your conclusion that people would be upset if Trump were wildly successful. Why would that be? The only reason for upset would be if Trump's wildly successfulness pivots around an agenda guaranteed to do irreparable damage to the environment or take us deeper and deeper into the New World Order. You have to be out of your mind to want either and all that it stands for; pure insanity on the part of short-sighted, conscienciousless zombies.

  • Should Democrats have a “Caucus Room Conspiracy" Just like the GOP?   8 years 15 weeks ago

    Donald Trump is doing exactly what Barack Obama did: Promised all sorts of We, the People, friendly messages and things, then once elected, is all over the field promising XYZ but then back-peddling on it and every issue until everyone is totally confused as to what he is really all about. If he follows this Obama pattern, the next thing is to start implementing some of our worst fears come true, but occasionally doing something (crumbs from the table) that will make the citizenry happy in general. The big issues, no matter how unpopular, but those that serve the elite, he will put into place.

    This makes DJT no different from Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama/ or what HRC would have done. It is obvious that DJT is being coached and handled from above. DJT has traditionally only been interested in the money. I guess they promised to make him excessively rich if he goes along with their agenda. But I don't think we are going to see the maverick we saw on the campaign trail in the coming months, and possibly years.

    I would also say, that any political figure of great importance in modern times who has tried to benefit the common citizen has been assassinated: JFK, RFK, MLK, M-X. These are the sacrificial lambs who died for our sins (just like JC, another sacrificial lamb.) It could be, if Trump tries to break rank and run his own people friendly agenda, he will face the wrath of the powers that be (or HRC, should DJT actually imprison her; did we not see an attempt by HRC stop the WikiLeaks dumps with the man climbing the Ecuadorian Embassey wall?)

    However, the truth of DJT is in his choice of VP (Pence; an attorney, a FAR Right Tea Partyier, birther, and Christian Fundamentalist, who is pro TPP, pro NDPL, pro anti-abortion, pro police state, pro corptocracy, etc.,) and now his cabinet. Who Trump is surrounding himself with pretty much says it all. Our only relief will come in the Mid-Terms if a truly Progressive Congress is put in place to slow down the devastation.

  • Should Democrats have a “Caucus Room Conspiracy" Just like the GOP?   8 years 15 weeks ago

    All of Trump's appeal will look rather thin in short order. He is already surrounding himself with some of the lowest forms of life on the planet. Looks like your 'great economy' will be built with telecom monopolies, eternal petro-chemical dominance, and the ultimate and expedited destruction of all aspects of the environment you, I, and our children need to live in. Add an exponential growth of our 'for profit' prison systems, the inevitable back alley abortions that will follow reversal of Roe vs. Wade, and the continued seperation of those able to afford a college education and those who can not (regardless of their intellectual potential) and you have what those of us who can 'think' and 'chew' at the same time knew from the beginning. Trump represents the straw that breaks this planet's back. Good luck finding (and keeping) a decent paying job Kend.

  • Daily Topics - Monday November 14th, 2016   8 years 15 weeks ago

    John Oliver's contribution and support list of organizations that require our charitable giving (instead of Xmas gifts for family give a donation in their name) and our financial support through subcriptions to keep a free media --

    Planned Parenthood

    Center for Reproductive Rights

    Natural resources defense Council

    The international Refugee assistance project

    NAACP legal defense fund

    The Trevor Project

    Mexican American legal defense and educational fund

    New York Times

    Washington Post

    Propublica Investigative journalism

  • Daily Topics - Monday November 14th, 2016   8 years 15 weeks ago

    Thom, I hope you are reading this. I am not good at social networking, and I am hopeful that you will use my posts to help those that are important go viral. You are one of the few who understand and see the problems. Please let me know if I should stop writing, or if you do not read my blogs, as it is time consuming and I need to find a forum where people will listen and connect the dots and act. My posts to Hillary went nowhere, as she never spoke about how she could help Americans without jobs, never educated Americans and citizens, something that you have to continue to shoulder.

    FYI, I am a CPA, tax attorney, and have sufficient degrees and success in analytic analysis, and a good understanding of the nightmare we are living. Trump turned the election in to a reality show, and now we are all players in his reality show, where many of us are trying not to get thrown off the island, and others of us have to change the rules of the contest, and WakeUpAmerica!

  • Daily Topics - Monday November 14th, 2016   8 years 15 weeks ago

    Nine years ago Richard Dreyfus shared on Bill Maher that the loss of civics in grade schools would result in the loss of critical thinking among our electorate and citizenry, and be a factor in the dumbification of Americans. We now have it spades. Americans cannot think, cannot connect the dots. Hillary refused to spend her time and money educate them as to how she would CHANGE, create jobs, thinking that her website discussions were enough. Well that did not work. We all need to educate Americans who have been brought up with a lack of critical thinking. Dreyfus said that democracy is a fragile thing that will go away if we are not actively involved and knowledgeable. We are there with Trump/Bannon and Pence (who wants to impose their form of Christian Sharia law on all Americans), and who can and will change our SCOTUS to accomplish these erosons and illusions of democracy.

    See Richard Dreyfus from 2006 at:

  • Should Democrats have a “Caucus Room Conspiracy" Just like the GOP?   8 years 15 weeks ago

    I love the title of this thread. Although a part time listener, I have listened to Thom rehash the Caucus Room conspiracy at least a hundred times over the last eight years. It always begins with, "while Louise and I were dancing at the inaugural ball". As he reads the names of the attendees, his voice would rise and begin to shake. He loudly condemned the event as treasonous and the participants should be prosecuted.

    If that action was treasonous as he suggested, is not his support for the exact same response to a Trump presidency any different?

    How ironic Thoms words continue to be when speaking to a president elect Trump "he will not be MY president"

    I suggest the progressives greatest fear is that Trump will be wildly successful.

    Small mined people on the right and left leave me in awe.

  • Daily Topics - Monday November 14th, 2016   8 years 15 weeks ago

    It will be frightening and chaotic, if Republicans eliminate the filabuster rule, or Democrats do not use it to stop the policies that will disenfranchise Americans, and as these Alt Right White Supremists start to redefine the SOCTUS, eliminate health care, disable coverage for pre-existing illness with the Paul Ryan pool of money that will run out and not be available to all. They will be selling us on policies that give our Treasury to the Corporate interests, and take it from the people, as they reshape American into the John Birch Society mantra.

    Democrats must be vocal and unite and must be knowledgeable about the deceptions that will steal our civil liberties and rights, and steal our Treasury, as they attempt to privitize social security, medicare, national parks, and prisons, for a start. Black water will become our military, that will be used against the citizens internally, if we are too loud in our protests.

    Americans must hear and understand that we are the closest to authoritarianism and fascism, at the brink, with the election of a con-man, whose personality disorders are so serious that he cannot even think clearly to help if he wanted. This all comes as global warming will be starting water wars, and the solution will be for Trump to divide up the world with Putin and other autocrats, who will each take away their own sphere of influence.

    George Orwell's 1984 is almost here 30+ years a little late, but now we are on that brink, and technology, gun control and the internet will be used to deny us rights, unless we take back the Senate, Congress, SOCTUS and Presidency so it is for the people, and for all religions, and for world peace, not domination or profit-sharing with Russia.

  • Daily Topics - Monday November 14th, 2016   8 years 15 weeks ago

    The network media reporters have re-defined anti-semitism and racism, where the reporters have to see the soul of the person, Bannon, Trump, et. al., and under their new definition Hitler was not a racist nor an anti-semite, because no reporter could look into his soul. He merely spewed the siren call of hate for political advancement.

    Apparently rascism and anti-semitism, according to CNN and NBC and Mike Pence and many Republicans, when used to promote a political cause or win is not rascism nor anti-semitism, as only God can see their soul, and of course they can be forgiven if they repent. The media is attempting to normalize this white wash horrific hatred and coup that has taken over our country. they all must be called out, boycotted and themselves called rascists and anti-semites, even if they use these sirens to get them votes or viewers. Mike Pence and the Christian Right are both racists, anti-semites and now hypocrites, as they advance the Trump/Pence/Bannon point of view at the side of the KKK.

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    The network media reporters have re-defined anti-semitism and racism, where the reporters have to see the soul of the person, Bannon, Trump, et. al., and under their new definition Hitler was not a racist nor an anti-semite, because no reporter could look into his soul. He merely spewed the siren call of hate for political advancement.

    Apparently rascism and anti-semitism, according to CNN and NBC and Mike Pence and many Republicans, when used to promote a political cause or win is not rascism nor anti-semitism, as only God can see their soul, and of course they can be forgiven if they repent. The media is attempting to normalize this white wash horrific hatred and coup that has taken over our country. they all must be called out, boycotted and themselves called rascists and anti-semites, even if they use these sirens to get them votes or viewers. Mike Pence and the Christian Right are both racists, anti-semites and now hypocrites, as they advance the Trump/Pence/Bannon point of view at the side of the KKK.

  • China Threatens Trump with Trade War   8 years 15 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    How Long can Trump be Endured?

    {… a 2-verse limerick …}

    Groggy on Monday he rises

    to face what this week comprises:

    “Well,” he surmises,

    “there’ll be no surprises

    whatEVER the tricks Trump {tries} trieses.”

    … … …

    He’s long since become inured

    to whatEVER the orangely-coiffured


    might {inflict} inflect.

    Yet: - How long can Trump be endured?


  • China Threatens Trump with Trade War   8 years 15 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    A Schizoid Presidency

    {… a rhyme …}

    An odd array of his own odd traits,

    mixed with the ways of his Alt-Right mates

    and further mixed with Establishment types: -

    - Is THIS the Presidency which The Donald hypes?

    Lord, please help us. Egad.

    It’s a cockamamy scene;

    I’d call it {schizophrenic} schizophrene.

    Not even a Tad

    of coherency.

    It’ll be quite Bad;

    much errancy.


  • China Threatens Trump with Trade War   8 years 15 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    Will We Just Impotently Yell?

    {… a rhyme …}

    Time will tell

    {after we sit a spell},

    whether the election has sped us to hell.

    Whither America? Have we dun fell?

    Have we heard the death-knelling bell?

    Are we sinking fast-paced and pell mell?

    Will we Progressives just impotently yell?


  • Will Trump Stand Up To Big Business, The GOP & China & Roll Back "Free Trade?"   8 years 15 weeks ago

    No he won't stand up for anyone except trump enterprises. He's in a unique position of enriching himself and his family. No blind trust and giving his children security clearance (the ones who are running his business) so they can profit to the likes we have never seen before. Talk about the ultimate insider trading. Some republicans railed against special interests and yet they decided to cut out the middleman and elected the special interest directly to the white house.

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    Clinton lost because she, unlike Trump, was the establishment candidate of her party.
    If the Democrats are ever to be a worthy party again they must not be rewarded for the bad behavior of corruption and corporatism and must lose lections when they deserve to.
    Any "resistance" to Trump had better not be like recent lefty resistances. They'd better try to build a movement of workers and not appoint themselves a wine and cheese vanguard presuming to speak for workers while having too much contempt for them to even ask them what they think.
    They need to LISTEN, not just talk all the time.

  • Americans Wanted a Revolution, and Clinton's Campaign Only Offered Them Obama 2.0   8 years 15 weeks ago

    I had a friend from Tennessee who was a military veteran of two services and a blue collar worker all of his life who once said to me, in all seriousness, "The Republicans are the party of the working man and the Democrats are the party of the rich.".
    Now, I suspect he listened to some Fox News but observing Clinton and Trump I can't disagree.
    Since the '60s and the New Left, the Left has been peopled by bourgeouis academics, students and their professors, and not workers as it was in the Great Depression.
    The SDS came from the student arm of the League of Industrial Democracy, a project of the UAW in Detroit. It was well known for its disconnect from the common people - which was relatively innocuous until those kids graduated and came into positions of influence, many of them becoming neocons.
    Currently, the bourgeois left has a strong and deep, unacknowledged class chauvinism and feels entitled to dictate to the blue collar worker what they are to think and feel and want because the blue collar worker is, presumedly by the academics, too stupid to run and lead their own movement and their own society.
    The fact is, the reason the bourgeois academic feels that way is because they are at least as stupid as the blue collar worker. Accumulated academic knowledge is meanngless without worldly understanding - which the blue colar worker has plenty more of than the sheltered, pampered academic.
    This election was a coming home to roost of that stupidity of that bourgeois Left and their willful obtuseness on these issues.
    This article says it well, if little Stalin will allow,

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