I love it, all they have to do is "flatter" Trump and then play him like a piano. What better way to get some of the things for the little guy! This in effect will horrify the Republicans as they will need to come out and very verbally oppose these things! Love it! Go Dems!
I think this is a brilliant strategy. The NYT had a great Op-Ed article today ( http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/18/opinion/the-right-way-to-resist-trump.... ) that drew parallels to the rise and entrenchment of Berlusconi in Italy for 17 years in spite of his incredible inability to govern and blatant corruption. The point of the article was no one will ever see or recognize enormous overreaches and incompetence, or worse, if there is a daily cacophony of complaints and finger pointing. Pick your battles Dems to win the war! I support this 100%!
This strategy as Thom described makes perfect sense to me. Get all you can from Trump's populism, fight the hate tooth and nail, and divide the GOP in the process. Maybe build an expanded Democratic coalition in the process. I'm all in favor. Plus, I cannot stand to think of more years of total, unthinking obstruction in congress. I thought that was a violation of oaths of office when GOP did it, and it would be the same if the Dems did. Let's move forward through any crack we can find.
Let me go on the record right now stating that I think following in the Republican footsteps after Obama was elected is just as ridiculous as what the Republicans did in the Caucus Room Conspiracy. I couldn't really care less about what the Democrats feel about the loss of Hillary Clinton. That is all on Hillary Clinton and the Dems. Right now we have an opportunity to do something for the people with a President that is not owned by the establishment. Sure, he is a part of the establishment; however, during his campaign he made some really progressive suggestions of how to go forward, rebuilding our infrastructure, repealing free trade, and negotiating with Russia. To attempt to sabotage these worthy ideas - that were also purposed by Senator Bernie Sanders - would be the height of partisan arrogance. As long as both parties keep stonewalling each other, nothing will ever get done; and, a lot needs to get done. I think, instead of raw vindictiveness, it is time to become the example we would like to see in the Republicans. These opportunities to be an example are rare. If we blow it by emulating the worst of examples, we really have nothing to complain about the next time a Democrat sits in the White House and the Republicans repeat history. The chain must be broken; and, we are the link that can make it happen.
I've never seen bigger sissies than Democrats. It's time to start and build something new. Might as well vote republican given democratic legislators apparent lack of will. Democrats.........way too "nice." Everybody bend over while Paul Ryan rams your future back to the Great Depression.
I wish the Democrats & all the voters who know that Trump did not win would get off their high horses and get to work to convince enough of the electoral college to vote for the person with the most votes to make her president.
I don't want to cooperate with that thieving vermin. In my old age I should not have to sit here and watch another person be sworn in who did not win the majority of the votes. That electoral college should have been dumped at least 50 yrs ago.
Trump isn't even our legitimut President and Karl Rove is still flipping elections, in different STATES! Nothing has changed from the 2000 COUP! Look at everything Palast uncovered!
Malthus warned us that population growth would exceed food and other necessities of human life.
Benjamin Franklin also confirmed Malthus's statement.
Alexander von Humboldt stated that the human destruction of forests and well as varioius species, woiuld destroy the world for humans.
Robert Ardrey warned us of desertification (the same thing that von Humboldt warned us of).
How many other scientists and aruthors have stated the same thing!
We still want more money rather than the necessities of "life, liberty and happiness" as stated in the Declaration of Independence! The concept of life includes the necessities, a job, health, housing, clothing, satisfaction and value in living, security in jobs and government, and future for children as well as retirement. We are not achieving many of these things.
Thom, You've been badly misinforming your listeners this week on the electoral college, yesterday mentioning 6 California electors switching their votes. Hillary won California, if any of Californias electors switch that means they're going from Hillary to Trump. Trump won Wisconsin, meaning his electors won in Wisconsin. They're his hand picked people. For the College to flip it would mean Trump supporters flipping their votes to Hillary. That's not going to happen. You also badly bungled the explanation of how states can call a constitutional convention, saying Congress has to approve, no they don't! Please read your constitution and stop misinforming your listeners.
Many of us understand that we won't adequately address the climate crisis without real significant political/electorial reforms here in the U.S.A. We know we have had elections stolen. You and others have repeatedly asked how can we keep the momentum of our revolution going after the elections.
I have proposed a relatively simple plan how we may better organize and take proactive action in more consistent and persistent ways and posted it here on your site in a member blog titled, Electorial Truth and Consequences. The second half of the blog contains a list of proposed demonstration dates which is the important part. I would love to hear what you, Thom, think about it.
These proposed demonstration dates will need to be promoted by many people and organizations to be effective.
It's hard enough to gain the attention of Thom Hartmann for an average joe, but I'm trying because I've been tagged and now I'm it.
Hillary Clinton, Al Gore and John Kerry all had elections stolen and Bernie had the nomination stolen. They should all champion electoral reforms along with the PDA and every person and organization that cares for the future.
Nine dates spanning from December through July gives us all ample planning time.
And as far as Trump's ego is concerned....we could use that to our advantage and provide him a real opportunity to drain the swamp and become a real hero. You can read about that here too.
Dream on ErinRose. Trump is in so far over his head that he has no clue what is a fact or fiction. His team is busy surrounding him with the most toxic waste that the Republican party can vomit up and Trump and the rest of the world could easily drown in it. It will literally be a miracle if we survive even his first four year term.
In fact, after he is sworn in, the Republican party will no longer have any use for him either. Does he really think that they will tolerate such an uncontrollable, impulsive and unpredictable leader to further their ideological march to an all out, Alt Right Oligarchy? "Beware of the ides of March!"
Trump once said that nothing was set in cement. He was referring to aspects of some deal at the time. Also, in an interview, he said he was willing to listen to anybody as long as they were presenting facts and not just opinion. Once in the WH, I'm sure there will be those who approach him with the statistics and show him the devastation of carbon emissions. I think he may very well re-think his position given the chance and the facts because I thinkhe has a very proactical side to him that will stand us in good stead. He said he wants to be the father of ALL the people in America. I like this because it means if we petition our president that he will give us a fair hearing before he decides. He might also take into consideration letter writing campaigns if the people are that committed to a particular solution. I think this is wonderful and it gives me hope that good things can come from a very Republican administration.
The Dems and Liberals brought all of this on themselves.
They took the side of illegal immigrants over those of unemployed Americans, and taxpayers. Even to the point of an overturned (thank God) executive order that would have allowed employers to hire illegals for any job they wished, throughout the employment spectrum, as long as the illegals were in the country over five years.
They ignored the plight of the tens of millions of middle and upper middle class Americans who are, or would be, harmed by Obamacare, by having to pay the huge bill for insuring others who get huge subsidiesand/or sacrificing the quality of their own health care.
They took the side of criminals rather than the police who are entrusted with protecting the large majority of Americans who are law abiding.
They want to get rid of the coal and oil industry just as we became energy independent from OPEC,, and eliminate hundreds of thousands of good energy jobs without first ensuring that there are ample alternative clean energy sources to enable us to keep our lifestyles the same.
They support multinational trade agreements that hurt US workers and wages, then say they didn't support them.
The Obama Justice Department picked and chose what they wanted to ignore or prosecute, at the behest of the far-left agenda. They allowed sanctuary cities that protected illegals from Federal Law Enforcers ( ICE), while suing Arizona for violating "Federal Preemption" immigration statutes. They did not punish businesses for knowingly hiring illegals over US citizens, but vehemently went after bakers who would not serve gay weddings due to their religious convictions.
They refused to defend the law (Defense of Marriage Act), yet pushed to fight states and towns that did not want seriously confused males from using the ladies rooms in public spaces.
Basically, the Democrats totally showed disrespect for mainstream, middle class America while intensely focusing on specialized grievance groups, and wallowed in identity politics. They took the middle of the country for granted while focusing on groups their intelligentsia deemed "underserved", "underrepresented", or exploited.
This is what happens when you condescendingly try to tell the mainstream what is best for them. And chastise them for "insensitivity", "privilege", "selfishness", and creating "microagressions".
For the Democrats, its simple:"the Chickens have come home to roost".
Every member of Congress gets a lifetime pension and medical benefits, even if they only served one lousy term. Talk about entitlements. Paul Ryan is a lying miserable trust fund brat who cares only for himself and the hell with working Americans. When is father died he made a big fuss of that loss saying how Social Security helped him and his mother as if he were poor. In fact his father was an attorney and probably either had a huge life insurance policy or set up trust funds for his family; his mother didn't go to work upon her husband's death, she went to a four year college and studied interior design. Plus Ryan "forgot" to declare $60,000 in income from a trust fund from his great grandmother; I was amazed that not one reporter ever asked Ryan just how many trust funds he is heir to. I do know his wife inherited something like $11 million and then they want to steal our Medicare and Social Security benefits for those of us who worked all our lives and paid into these programs. And this is what some idiots voted for. As Tom Brokaw stated election night, the GOP had control of the House and Senate for years under Obama and did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR WORKING AMERICANS! Dupes or dopes?
A threat to our national security was the FBI and Putin rigging our election to put Trump in the White House.
I wonder how the Pentagon feels about a President who has enormous financial ties to an expansionist dictator?....what, no national security risk there..lmao.
In the red states the Dems got hacked to beat hell in this election....I realize that no one wants to talk about this, but we won't win another election until the digital machines are banned.
In Karen Shragg's wonderful new little book, "MOVE UPSTREAM, Solving the Overpopulation Problem", she uses the simple metaphor of moving upstream to find the source of a water quality problem. In this case, as in her book, human overpopulation is the source of ALL environmental degradation problems, but is never mentioned by the environmentally concerned. Staying focused on the downstream environemtal effects of human overpopulation must give a warm and fuzzy feeling to all those so preoccupied, but it does absolutely nothing to reduce the impact of too many humans on the planet's resources and ability to handle our ever greater waste production. Like Karen says, move upstream and stop wasting your time on the secondary effects of human overpopulation. Thanks for this opportunity and your terriffic website!
trump will choose the "best people"; The likes of posssibly ...Myron Ebell for EPA .."We have the finalists! tune in for further outrage!!" You can go through the Cabinet list.
Worse part is that trump is running a Reality TV Show; full of "must watch" for latest kerfuffle ...It's not about choices for "good Government."
Definitely! Then after two weeks of getting notherin done, suggest a meeting to change the rules of the House and Senate. Maybe we can get some sensible laws enacted, such as an increase in taxes back to the Eisenhower dayks.
Thom, many partisans, especially republicans never acknowledge or remember the horrendously damaging actions they pass and impose on this nation and its people. Have you or another progressive organization considered keeping a spreadsheet of the those actions. Record the issue, the action, date, and where to find the information, perhaps an organization which is opposing and seeking reversal. Record the good and bad. Lot of speculation on Trump and republican controlled house and senate. From the start we need to record the actions, blow by blow.
Hope you are keeping fine now.Excellently written article, if only all bloggers offered the same level of content as you, the internet would be a much better place. Really great post, Found this while searching through Google lose 15 pounds in 2 weeks
Interesting article on Bloomberg.com today by Brendan Greeley "How Republicans plan to spend like crazy without running up debt" - relates to your commentary on Chuck Schumer.
i posted ~3 months ago that Trump would win and Thom's audience would be disappointed in the results. I was a dem for over 40 years and I voted for Trump. I believe I represent a large portion of the working class. We want the opportunity to work hard and support our families. I believe Hard work and fortitude will Eventually pay off. There is nothing easy about succeeding. There are no short cuts to honoring your family with hard work. This is why the dem's have been loosing over the past 8 years. I hope all dem's take an honest look at the rioters message and even the democratic leaders. They are blinded by their own hate. I wish good things to all of you. Take care of your families. Families are what matters.
I love it, all they have to do is "flatter" Trump and then play him like a piano. What better way to get some of the things for the little guy! This in effect will horrify the Republicans as they will need to come out and very verbally oppose these things! Love it! Go Dems!
I think this is a brilliant strategy. The NYT had a great Op-Ed article today ( http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/18/opinion/the-right-way-to-resist-trump.... ) that drew parallels to the rise and entrenchment of Berlusconi in Italy for 17 years in spite of his incredible inability to govern and blatant corruption. The point of the article was no one will ever see or recognize enormous overreaches and incompetence, or worse, if there is a daily cacophony of complaints and finger pointing. Pick your battles Dems to win the war! I support this 100%!
This strategy as Thom described makes perfect sense to me. Get all you can from Trump's populism, fight the hate tooth and nail, and divide the GOP in the process. Maybe build an expanded Democratic coalition in the process. I'm all in favor. Plus, I cannot stand to think of more years of total, unthinking obstruction in congress. I thought that was a violation of oaths of office when GOP did it, and it would be the same if the Dems did. Let's move forward through any crack we can find.
Let me go on the record right now stating that I think following in the Republican footsteps after Obama was elected is just as ridiculous as what the Republicans did in the Caucus Room Conspiracy. I couldn't really care less about what the Democrats feel about the loss of Hillary Clinton. That is all on Hillary Clinton and the Dems. Right now we have an opportunity to do something for the people with a President that is not owned by the establishment. Sure, he is a part of the establishment; however, during his campaign he made some really progressive suggestions of how to go forward, rebuilding our infrastructure, repealing free trade, and negotiating with Russia. To attempt to sabotage these worthy ideas - that were also purposed by Senator Bernie Sanders - would be the height of partisan arrogance. As long as both parties keep stonewalling each other, nothing will ever get done; and, a lot needs to get done. I think, instead of raw vindictiveness, it is time to become the example we would like to see in the Republicans. These opportunities to be an example are rare. If we blow it by emulating the worst of examples, we really have nothing to complain about the next time a Democrat sits in the White House and the Republicans repeat history. The chain must be broken; and, we are the link that can make it happen.
I've never seen bigger sissies than Democrats. It's time to start and build something new. Might as well vote republican given democratic legislators apparent lack of will. Democrats.........way too "nice." Everybody bend over while Paul Ryan rams your future back to the Great Depression.
I wish the Democrats & all the voters who know that Trump did not win would get off their high horses and get to work to convince enough of the electoral college to vote for the person with the most votes to make her president.
I don't want to cooperate with that thieving vermin. In my old age I should not have to sit here and watch another person be sworn in who did not win the majority of the votes. That electoral college should have been dumped at least 50 yrs ago.
Trump isn't even our legitimut President and Karl Rove is still flipping elections, in different STATES! Nothing has changed from the 2000 COUP! Look at everything Palast uncovered!
This should be the topic of conversations, all over this country!! And END Reaganomics!
Malthus warned us that population growth would exceed food and other necessities of human life.
Benjamin Franklin also confirmed Malthus's statement.
Alexander von Humboldt stated that the human destruction of forests and well as varioius species, woiuld destroy the world for humans.
Robert Ardrey warned us of desertification (the same thing that von Humboldt warned us of).
How many other scientists and aruthors have stated the same thing!
We still want more money rather than the necessities of "life, liberty and happiness" as stated in the Declaration of Independence! The concept of life includes the necessities, a job, health, housing, clothing, satisfaction and value in living, security in jobs and government, and future for children as well as retirement. We are not achieving many of these things.
Thom, You've been badly misinforming your listeners this week on the electoral college, yesterday mentioning 6 California electors switching their votes. Hillary won California, if any of Californias electors switch that means they're going from Hillary to Trump. Trump won Wisconsin, meaning his electors won in Wisconsin. They're his hand picked people. For the College to flip it would mean Trump supporters flipping their votes to Hillary. That's not going to happen. You also badly bungled the explanation of how states can call a constitutional convention, saying Congress has to approve, no they don't! Please read your constitution and stop misinforming your listeners.
A loyal listener.
Many of us understand that we won't adequately address the climate crisis without real significant political/electorial reforms here in the U.S.A. We know we have had elections stolen. You and others have repeatedly asked how can we keep the momentum of our revolution going after the elections.
I have proposed a relatively simple plan how we may better organize and take proactive action in more consistent and persistent ways and posted it here on your site in a member blog titled, Electorial Truth and Consequences. The second half of the blog contains a list of proposed demonstration dates which is the important part. I would love to hear what you, Thom, think about it.
These proposed demonstration dates will need to be promoted by many people and organizations to be effective.
It's hard enough to gain the attention of Thom Hartmann for an average joe, but I'm trying because I've been tagged and now I'm it.
Hillary Clinton, Al Gore and John Kerry all had elections stolen and Bernie had the nomination stolen. They should all champion electoral reforms along with the PDA and every person and organization that cares for the future.
Nine dates spanning from December through July gives us all ample planning time.
And as far as Trump's ego is concerned....we could use that to our advantage and provide him a real opportunity to drain the swamp and become a real hero. You can read about that here too.
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
IGNOMINY {a limerick}
If Trumpism goes un-corrected,
its trajectories not re-directed, -
- Ignominy!!
Disgrace {aplenty} aplenny!!
To oblivion we are subjected.
Dream on ErinRose. Trump is in so far over his head that he has no clue what is a fact or fiction. His team is busy surrounding him with the most toxic waste that the Republican party can vomit up and Trump and the rest of the world could easily drown in it. It will literally be a miracle if we survive even his first four year term.
In fact, after he is sworn in, the Republican party will no longer have any use for him either. Does he really think that they will tolerate such an uncontrollable, impulsive and unpredictable leader to further their ideological march to an all out, Alt Right Oligarchy? "Beware of the ides of March!"
Trump once said that nothing was set in cement. He was referring to aspects of some deal at the time. Also, in an interview, he said he was willing to listen to anybody as long as they were presenting facts and not just opinion. Once in the WH, I'm sure there will be those who approach him with the statistics and show him the devastation of carbon emissions. I think he may very well re-think his position given the chance and the facts because I thinkhe has a very proactical side to him that will stand us in good stead. He said he wants to be the father of ALL the people in America. I like this because it means if we petition our president that he will give us a fair hearing before he decides. He might also take into consideration letter writing campaigns if the people are that committed to a particular solution. I think this is wonderful and it gives me hope that good things can come from a very Republican administration.
The Dems and Liberals brought all of this on themselves.
They took the side of illegal immigrants over those of unemployed Americans, and taxpayers. Even to the point of an overturned (thank God) executive order that would have allowed employers to hire illegals for any job they wished, throughout the employment spectrum, as long as the illegals were in the country over five years.
They ignored the plight of the tens of millions of middle and upper middle class Americans who are, or would be, harmed by Obamacare, by having to pay the huge bill for insuring others who get huge subsidiesand/or sacrificing the quality of their own health care.
They took the side of criminals rather than the police who are entrusted with protecting the large majority of Americans who are law abiding.
They want to get rid of the coal and oil industry just as we became energy independent from OPEC,, and eliminate hundreds of thousands of good energy jobs without first ensuring that there are ample alternative clean energy sources to enable us to keep our lifestyles the same.
They support multinational trade agreements that hurt US workers and wages, then say they didn't support them.
The Obama Justice Department picked and chose what they wanted to ignore or prosecute, at the behest of the far-left agenda. They allowed sanctuary cities that protected illegals from Federal Law Enforcers ( ICE), while suing Arizona for violating "Federal Preemption" immigration statutes. They did not punish businesses for knowingly hiring illegals over US citizens, but vehemently went after bakers who would not serve gay weddings due to their religious convictions.
They refused to defend the law (Defense of Marriage Act), yet pushed to fight states and towns that did not want seriously confused males from using the ladies rooms in public spaces.
Basically, the Democrats totally showed disrespect for mainstream, middle class America while intensely focusing on specialized grievance groups, and wallowed in identity politics. They took the middle of the country for granted while focusing on groups their intelligentsia deemed "underserved", "underrepresented", or exploited.
This is what happens when you condescendingly try to tell the mainstream what is best for them. And chastise them for "insensitivity", "privilege", "selfishness", and creating "microagressions".
For the Democrats, its simple:"the Chickens have come home to roost".
Every member of Congress gets a lifetime pension and medical benefits, even if they only served one lousy term. Talk about entitlements. Paul Ryan is a lying miserable trust fund brat who cares only for himself and the hell with working Americans. When is father died he made a big fuss of that loss saying how Social Security helped him and his mother as if he were poor. In fact his father was an attorney and probably either had a huge life insurance policy or set up trust funds for his family; his mother didn't go to work upon her husband's death, she went to a four year college and studied interior design. Plus Ryan "forgot" to declare $60,000 in income from a trust fund from his great grandmother; I was amazed that not one reporter ever asked Ryan just how many trust funds he is heir to. I do know his wife inherited something like $11 million and then they want to steal our Medicare and Social Security benefits for those of us who worked all our lives and paid into these programs. And this is what some idiots voted for. As Tom Brokaw stated election night, the GOP had control of the House and Senate for years under Obama and did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR WORKING AMERICANS! Dupes or dopes?
A threat to our national security was the FBI and Putin rigging our election to put Trump in the White House.
I wonder how the Pentagon feels about a President who has enormous financial ties to an expansionist dictator?....what, no national security risk there..lmao.
In the red states the Dems got hacked to beat hell in this election....I realize that no one wants to talk about this, but we won't win another election until the digital machines are banned.
In Karen Shragg's wonderful new little book, "MOVE UPSTREAM, Solving the Overpopulation Problem", she uses the simple metaphor of moving upstream to find the source of a water quality problem. In this case, as in her book, human overpopulation is the source of ALL environmental degradation problems, but is never mentioned by the environmentally concerned. Staying focused on the downstream environemtal effects of human overpopulation must give a warm and fuzzy feeling to all those so preoccupied, but it does absolutely nothing to reduce the impact of too many humans on the planet's resources and ability to handle our ever greater waste production. Like Karen says, move upstream and stop wasting your time on the secondary effects of human overpopulation. Thanks for this opportunity and your terriffic website!
Electoral College votes Dec 19 & is it politics or planet? Clinton won the popular vote!
While climate change is real, all these proposed agreements are horse manure.
Focus on energy breakthroughs that make coal and gas cost ineffective.
trump will choose the "best people"; The likes of posssibly ...Myron Ebell for EPA .."We have the finalists! tune in for further outrage!!" You can go through the Cabinet list.
Worse part is that trump is running a Reality TV Show; full of "must watch" for latest kerfuffle ...It's not about choices for "good Government."
Definitely! Then after two weeks of getting notherin done, suggest a meeting to change the rules of the House and Senate. Maybe we can get some sensible laws enacted, such as an increase in taxes back to the Eisenhower dayks.
Thom, many partisans, especially republicans never acknowledge or remember the horrendously damaging actions they pass and impose on this nation and its people. Have you or another progressive organization considered keeping a spreadsheet of the those actions. Record the issue, the action, date, and where to find the information, perhaps an organization which is opposing and seeking reversal. Record the good and bad. Lot of speculation on Trump and republican controlled house and senate. From the start we need to record the actions, blow by blow.
Hope you are keeping fine now.Excellently written article, if only all bloggers offered the same level of content as you, the internet would be a much better place. Really great post, Found this while searching through Google
lose 15 pounds in 2 weeks
Interesting article on Bloomberg.com today by Brendan Greeley "How Republicans plan to spend like crazy without running up debt" - relates to your commentary on Chuck Schumer.
i posted ~3 months ago that Trump would win and Thom's audience would be disappointed in the results. I was a dem for over 40 years and I voted for Trump. I believe I represent a large portion of the working class. We want the opportunity to work hard and support our families. I believe Hard work and fortitude will Eventually pay off. There is nothing easy about succeeding. There are no short cuts to honoring your family with hard work. This is why the dem's have been loosing over the past 8 years. I hope all dem's take an honest look at the rioters message and even the democratic leaders. They are blinded by their own hate. I wish good things to all of you. Take care of your families. Families are what matters.