Recent comments

  • They Thought They Were Free   8 years 14 weeks ago

    Thom, please update this great piece and promote to the front of your blog.

  • Trump's Cabinet of Deplorables   8 years 14 weeks ago

    Herr Drumpf. Ameerkkka. Coming to a theater near you. The greatest show on Earth!
    Actually, the last show on Earth. we know it.

  • Tribal Rights & the Dakota Access Pipeline   8 years 14 weeks ago

    This is also a person to contact... The police being used are local police and controlled by the state... The current state governor is a Republican.

    United Nations investigating...

  • Trump's Cabinet of Deplorables   8 years 14 weeks ago

    In my 80 years, I have never seen the fear that has eruped in this country. Haters have been empowered by this man and not a day goes by that we don't hear of one of their escapades. On the migration issue, I blame the Republicans who refused to do anything to resolve the problems, they used this as political propaganda to divide the people of this country. In our paper today is an article on the Dreamers who are not re-enlisting for school for fear of broadcasting the addresses and information on their illegal parents and they are living in fear of deportation. These children represent an investment that this country has made in providing education of 1-12 grades. Because of the executive order from President Obama, they were given relief to go on with their educations, be able to work and contribute and become an asset to help make this country great. Now they are all living in fear. We should all do the things needed to protect our families as we progress through this period of a President who is establishing an all white cabinet of old men who will do anything that he wants. God help our country. I for one do not expect anything meaningful to happen for the people, but Trump and family will become VERY rich!

  • Trump's Cabinet of Deplorables   8 years 14 weeks ago

    I suggest many of you at least wait a few months into the new administration before you try to divide and destroy before Trump is even in office. You may be pleasantly surprised. To those that claim Trump is a Republican, you couldn't be more wrong. Trump is a pragmatist. His announced beliefs got him excoriated by the Democrats as well as the Republicans. Mainstream America who was fed up with all the BS both parties put forth elected Trump. Nobody stole the election, many just got a good dose of reality.

  • The Big Trump Media Story: Bannon and a Crew of Dangerous Propagandists Are in the Cockpit of National Power   8 years 14 weeks ago

    We are all in shock at the outcome of the presidential election, however when I awoke from my shock this morning, I realized this election was a corporate coup-de 'etat. The hate and racism is a distraction from the larger demise of our democracy. The presidency was taken through several mechanisms of fraud including Russian meddling, widespread voter purges and closing of 986 polling stations and media distortions. After 4 years of this party in power and with both houses, I believe election systems and voting rules, district redraws and media control will ensure more voters purged and disenfranchised so that never again will we have a democratic election. Trump and cabinet believes in fascism and they are well on their way to install it. Now is the time to fight, if we wait, it will require all-out bloody, decade-long revolution.

  • Is This The Bigotry "Making America Great Again" Is About?   8 years 14 weeks ago

    It is interesting, Sir, if not downright ironick that this conversation, at the very same time it goes from lamenting the lack of education in the new CIA director, then moves on to lauding what America is, it is presumed, to become (White-Minority) all the while decrying the 'bigotry' of the the new cabinet appointments, for their racial preoccupations.

    Is it possible that no amount of Ivy, in the education, can help form a man's mind in such a way as he finds himself possesst of the capacity to realize his own intellectual duplicity?; or does it merely augment his resources for it?

  • Trump's Cabinet of Deplorables   8 years 14 weeks ago

    I saw a speech in which Trump promised all sorts of good things for the country. He especially said that he "promised" to be the father of ALL Americans. But this is turning out to be a lie. Are We, the People, being saddled with yet another (blatant) liar??? I'm getting really sick of this and we need to find a way to vet out these pathological liars.

    I just heard online that Trump is going to deport all Muslims from America and replace them with Christians from other countries. He plans to locate these new immigrants in California, Oregon, and Washington State. His reasoning is so that it will destroy these states as Blue States, and thereby (once again) rig things in the Republican favor.

    When will this country stand up and reject all of this corruption. Have we become so thoroughly onboard or desensitized to corruption that this is the new norm? If I could think of another place on Earth that had peace and prosperity, I'd gladly move there. (Actually, I mentioned online moving out of America, and was quickly informed by the Obama administration that if I left this country, I would permanently forfeit any and all of my (earned) Social Security benefits. Nothing like being threatened by your government to put a note of reality on things.)

  • Will Tulsi Gabbard Go From Bernie to Trump?   8 years 14 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    MANDATE [NOT] … {a rhyme}

    “We’ve a mandate,” the Rs pretend, -

    - while the Public’s wishes they seek to amend.

    Repugnantans simply won’t let themselves blend

    into the voting majority’s trend:

    “THIS-not-THAT," we recommend, -

    - but to THAT is where Repugnantans wend.


  • Will Tulsi Gabbard Go From Bernie to Trump?   8 years 14 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    That political liars so often succeed: This is in large part explained by social-science scholarship I’ve studied over many decades, - much of which focuses on people’s non-rationality {which wicked politicians exploit}.

    FOLKS FALL for POLs’ FIBS {a limerick}

    Scholars have long since treated

    how people’s minds are defeated

    by pols who are ruthless

    in pronouncements truthless, -

    - such as those which Trump has tweeted.


  • Trump's Cabinet of Deplorables   8 years 14 weeks ago

    Here is a copy of an email I just received from my brother (Phd in Ag Econ from OK State):

    Subject: Trump & Other People's Money

    For decades we’ve heard of “Other People’s Money,” particularly in the context of mortgages and other investments in real estate and startup companies. OPM became a common acronym during real estate busts and in the 2016 election with Donald Trump’s business tactics. The basic idea is to get wealthy on the money of others, while assuming little or no risk.

    The notion of OPM is not new. In fact, Louis D. Brandeis wrote a book titled Other People’s Money: And How the Banks Use It. It was first published in 1914. At that time as a progressive attorney commonly referred to as the “People’s Lawyer,” Brandeis outlines in his book ways to curb the power of large banks. Brandeis later became an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1916-1939).

    Brandeis’ book was reissued in 1933, during the Great Depression. It should be reissued again, particularly in light of Wall Street and multi-national corporations. In essence, Brandeis attacks consolidation of money that is controlled to benefit a few. Much of that money comes from middle-class people who pay others to crush their small businesses and their opportunities for creative innovations and jobs. Brandeis’ book is relatively long and available online (link is below) but well worth a read (if you just avoid his many details).

    A century after Brandeis wrote Other People’s Money a President is elected by enough Americans that helped cause their problems. To me this is Trump’s ultimate swindle; “the fox that ate the chickens” was elected by enough of the flock to get elected. Now that flock expects him and other foxes to curb their OPM appetites. We can understand why Trump said he likes the uneducated who vote for [last accessed 11/20/2016].

  • Trump's Cabinet of Deplorables   8 years 14 weeks ago

    Hey flyguy and TomDorr, I thought you might enjoy this link regarding Trump's first week of transitioning as recounted by Elizabeth Warren

    Still think we should give him a chance?

  • Trump's Cabinet of Deplorables   8 years 14 weeks ago

    Dear flyguy, I suggest you listen to todays broadcast of Democracy now and hear Jeremy Scahill's accounting of your pal Jefferson Beauregard Sessions lll and how he championed voter suppression and made life miserable for those that tried to exercise their right to vote. Doesn't seem like a champion of civil rights to me.

    "Couldn't be any worse than it is now…" Where were you 8 years ago when the American economy was in total free-fall, the American auto industry was on the verge of total collapse (f.y.i., the Republicans were ready to completely abandon the auto industry), mortgage scams were leading to millions being evicted from their homes, property values were turned upside-down, the economy was shedding 800,000 jobs a month, the stock market lost half its value, we were lied into a war that was costing 10 billion a month, and on, and on.

    I guess, those were the good ole days!

    I just drove from Phoenix to Santa Fe, N.M. and back. The highways and railroads were crowed with trucks and trains hauling tons and tons of merchandise. Many of the trucks had signs on the back advertising for drivers.

    Donald Trump just payed out on a 25 million dollar lawsuit regarding his fraudulent Trump University. Of course, he didn't have to admit any wrongdoing, so I guess that makes it right. This is his idea of ethical business.

    And please! If you are going to criticize "kids as dysfunctional illiturets" at least learn to spell illiterates. And also, I think you meant, border is key, not "boarder is key"

    We've been down this road before during the "W" years and the results were disastrous. This time it's the Alt Right on steroids. Trump actually lost the popular vote by 1.5 million votes. We true progressives are tired of seeing elections stolen by voter suppression and other Republican election shenanigans. I guess its just a coincidence that since we started counting votes with electronic voting machines that Republicans seem to win in the states where it counts most.

    Before we get involved, I think we should get involved with facts. I have my problems with both Hillary and Obama. But Trump? Lets be real!!!

  • Trump's Cabinet of Deplorables   8 years 14 weeks ago

    Trump has admitted that he's a billionaire who has participated in government to the highest bidder. Thus he ran for president representing the party that is totally on board with this Fascist form of governance. This makes Trump an establishment republican.

    If this isn't obvious to anybody with an average ability to connect a couple dots, I'm sorry for you. He's not bringing jobs back and he's not cutting your taxes. Trump is an establishment trickle down republican....more of the same old crap that has destroyed the working class for over three decades. He's going to line his own pockets behind the scenes while we're all busy being pissed off at his "cabinet of deplorables". This is the same tactic Fox News employs....distract the public with a bunch of crap so the billionaires can rip us off.

    Putin has ripped off Russia for untold billions and shipped the money out of the country, I'm sure Trump has an identical agenda. Trump is distracting us by appointing controversial nut jobs with the hopes we'll take our eye off his self serving schemes for enrichment.

    Dick Cheney pulled it off, only a few hundred thousand had to die for his self enrichment. Why do I have this awful feeling a few million may die in a Crooked Donny scheme?

  • Trump's Cabinet of Deplorables   8 years 14 weeks ago

    Flyguy 8650: Good analysis. Hopefully, this election and aftermath will force the focus back on what is good for the mainstream and middle class. Not on appeasing the illegals and greasing the squeaky wheels of the fringes of society.

    If the middle class in this country is strengthened significantly, everything else in this country will fall in place.

    Straighten the backbone of America and worry about the fingernails and toenails and earlobes later. If we can get a return to common sense, we will get through these four years in great shape.

    I think this election shook up both parties, and I hope the resultant introspection benefits the majority in this country.

  • Trump's Cabinet of Deplorables   8 years 14 weeks ago

    This is the time for reflection by the progressives and most importantly, the DNC and Progressive Caucaus's. We LOST and the messages are clear. Refocus on the middle class working people. Get a good solid left-center economic plan to pursue. Forget about the past! For example, Jeff Sessions. He is no bigot by anymeans. This is good man who is a fighter for Constitutional Based legal action. He was an agressive prosecutor for civil rights. Next, DJT's selection are right leaning for sure. AND, he is NOT yet POTUS! Obama's 8 years did nothing for the African-American or anyone but those who suck off of our tax money.

    545 human beings make all the decisions for 300 million citizens. The problems are the Federal Gov's $$$ based focus. Give the Donald the benefit of the doubt and lets all work to see what happens in the first year. I suspect it will not be as bad as we thought. Having a lose cannon at top of the Federal Food Chain may verywell be exactly the wake up call we need. He can only screw up a few times with relatively few areas that he can truly effect at first.

    I look forward to his tenure with a slight degree of cauious optimizim. Heck, it can't worse than it is. If he can stop TPP, repair ACA, re-negociate the horrible trade agreements like we have now, maybe we can find the common ground. Infrastructure is key, boarder is key, the stupid shit that goes on with foreign policy and the $$$ spent on wars that can be put to better use domestically are all good progressive goals. We are divided for sure but the reality is we are ALL Americans! Too many women and men have given their lives for our way of living. Look at our future.....have you had any deep discussions with the kids that come out or our schools!!! Most are disfunctional illiturets and that is the future for my grand kids. Frightening to me. We can stand to make real intelligent changes and stop waisting time on past hyperbole by politicians who in my book are lower than scum! That said - Thom has it right....get involved in activities that will produce Change We Can Make!!

  • Trump's Cabinet of Deplorables   8 years 14 weeks ago

    Hillary should have chosen Bernie as vice president and we would NOT be dealing with this mess.

  • Trump's Cabinet of Deplorables   8 years 14 weeks ago

    As all the above is intentional by Team Oligarch to distract, may I add here what seems a solution to acclerating warming in the Arctic, it'll require hiring all those Arctic People and field workers off the tar-sands to do this job:

    After researching a while I came up with something worth doing !! thermally, globally worth it ... so, the first step of a solution to forestall the inevitable is damming Bering Straits to 1/100 its volume flow to create a year-round sea-ice refuge.

    To do this using modified Dutch levee & dam methods for deeper water learning and refining the machines & technique by raising and restoring villages being lost, we are gaining 95,000-Terawatt-hours/year from sea-ice loss versus the 1980-2010 area average, 5-times what the USA uses a year, 2-1/2 times more heat that all the steam plants emit as waste-heat a year.

    We need to specifically save the sea-ice, it's a foreseen tipping point, the math above showing it can double and this year the ice stalled freeze-up to far below the 2012 minimum some 800,000-km² less for the day of the year, i.e. rotten ice and warm ocean.

    When ready to then build a weir dam & shipping locks at St. Lawrence Island, then with reduced flow to build ice-polders protecting sections to allow the bottom to refreeze, that allowing the chance to remain all year in some areas.

    Then to build atolls around the methane flares to refreeze them, this may be fairly fast as the bubbles create an up-flow pulling in colder water at the sides all winter.

    Using the ice-polders and larger areas calmed by levee sections and shoals to then corral and sustain ice much longer if not year-round in half the Bering Sea, all of the Chukchi Sea and extend into the Beaufort on the Alaska side, to levee & shoal the entire Arctic Basin the goal.

    It's time to get serious and try to stop the early melt-out by the ice each spring to-sea from the shoreline, it's all heat-transfer, we must stall and pond the runoff from permafrost melting inland until 2070 then it slows down, all the glaciers in Alaska and globally are gone by then for being late-season water supplies.

    This idea is from knowing why and what to do, think of Arctic Amplification stalled by having a cold-forcing going on in the eastern Arctic Basin, it's never been modelled, talking to Cray soon.

    There is this geographically small gap to throttle that heat & current flow and the Dutch have closed 20-miles, plans are on the table to dam the Mediterranean for only $275bn and it's 1,200ft/365m deep and this only 165ft/50m.

    The reduction in volume into the Arctic Basin reduces the volume of warmer Atlantic water drawn almost 1-sverdrup of 3 coming in, the North Atlantic Overturning Current is about 15-sverdrups total.

    This counters the Gulf Stream disruption of the AOC by 30%, not trivial, and prevents 30-Terawatt-hours a year of heat coming in as fresher water staying on top, melting sea-ice from below, these facts are part of why it can have a large effect globally.

    All it takes is recognition of this needing to be done, emission reductions are too slow to matter now to the accelerating feedbacks including ocean acidification.

    I want to ship the brine from California's new desalination plants to Alaskan waters to dispense there to counter acidification, a fairly new shellfish farm can't grow 4-5 months of the year ... get it?

    .. not a quitter so all I can do is light the fire and hope somebody sees it ?

  • The Big Trump Media Story: Bannon and a Crew of Dangerous Propagandists Are in the Cockpit of National Power   8 years 14 weeks ago

    Dear Mr. Hartmann, thank you for years of interesting programs, on RT-TV. On your recent program, entitled, 'Why Trump’s Cabinet is a Basket of Deplorables', I would like to respond to a comment of yours...

    'The Department of Justice was created in 1870, in order to enforce - out of desperation (because the 15th Amendment was in place) black people were supposet to be able to vote, and the Southern States were blocking it. So, the federal government created the justice department to enforce civil rights.'

    #1. The Department of Justice is more aptly titled, 'The Department of White Southron Suppression', as it's fundamental mission was to usurp the sovereign rights of the White Majority of The South.

    #2. The 15th Amendment was not 'in place', as that would imply a legal adoptation of said measure. No, Sir, 'the 15th Amendment' was a bastardization of The Constitution, placet there by the illegal and tyrannical usupatious New England Government, in Washington D.C, after having bludgeoned Dixie for wishing to exercise her God-given inalienable right of secession.

    #3. Yes, it was placet there out of desperation, because our Confederate veterans, once they came home and saw what was being done to our social order and lands, donned white and scarlet sheets and warned those Union League members, rabble-rousers, and carpetbaggers to cease and desist. When the admonitions were not heeded, the appropriate measures were taken; actions which led to the snapping from the jaws of defeat a resumption of Southern Soveriegnty, until it was undermined by the illegal activist overreach of Yankee Courts, in the mid part of the previous century.

    The desperation to which you refer is a realization, on the part of the Yankee Government, that it's victories leading up to Appomattox had been effectively voided.

    And so it continues, today, Sir, (pursuant to your recriminations on the Sessions nomination)with you and your like continuing to presume that we owe it to y'all to adopt y'all's laws, perspectives, and values; and where we do not, we are to be excoriated, demonized, and arrested.

    'Civil Rights', Sir, is a pathetick failure, when compared to Jim Crow; - most assuredly, above all, for the negro community, which, currently, unlike any time in it's history in Dixie, lives in broken welfare, drug violent neighbourhoods, that offer principally 4 exit routes : athleticks, military service, death, or prison, the last which the Yankee Government has built an industry out of the mass incarceration of the negro.

    It's a great unreported crime against humanity, and yet, Sir - I can only note that you have yet to comprehend it, or the entire folly, in general, of your New England Government.

    I pray that, one day, that great noodle of yours comprehends how utterly biaset it is, in it's assumptions, and how incorrect it is in assuming that we are 'one nation'.

    'A union', Mr. Hartmann, can only exist where it is voluntary.

    God bless you and yours, and thank you for your time.

  • The Democrats' New Strategy Against Donald Trump   8 years 14 weeks ago

    A President like the new one will want some legislative accomplishments. But here we have an obstructionist right-wing in control of Congress. Dems working as a minority with Trump wont accomplish anything more than Dems trying to do so with Obama. The direction in which Trump goes on climate change and other key issues will determine how much room there is to work with Dems, but all early indications are that Trump has no intention to move policies in a direction that would garner broad support. If this continues we will witness one of the most divisive and difficult periods ever in American politics, and Trump's will certainly be a failed Presidency.

    That's not to say that it isn't good media strategy for Dems to continue to press to indtroduce measures supported by Trump in his campaign. Its going to be critical to get some bills or other focued issues in front of people to show that Trump can't and won't be able to do what he said (since, at the core, he came in as a Republican with Republican money behind his campaign) or otherwise be a champion of the little guy. The ability to inform and focus people on the complete billionaire control of GOP is so important.

    Let's face it (as discussed by yours truly in a separate post pending review today), its the billionaires, especially Hedge Fund money, who will control GOP's congressional agenda and caucus, and those interests are dead set against any popular reforms.

    When Trump speaks out against the influence of the API, or Robert Mercer and Paul Singer, within the GOP, that will be the moment progressive Dems will have an opportunity to work with him. Its important to note the neffarious character of some of the big players in the Hedge Fund industry and its domination of the financial services industry and GOP politics. Someone like Mercer backed Cruz and is on the far right side of the GOP. And the big picture of the GOP is of a party fairly dominated by people like these, now that any pretention at placing the religious right's agenda first is pretty much over. Since this is alternative media, we are allowed to suspend the belief that Republicans are decision makers who control their own agenda and aren't just shills of some of the most potent economic forces on the planet.

    The issue Thom raises is an important and difficult one for Dems. Do the Dems want to accomplish an infrastructure bill under circumstances where it means they lose some political ground on climate change, school shootings and gun regulation, discrimination, etc. etc. etc....

    Why doesn't Obama and every powerful Dem go on record NOW saying that they want to work on x but only if Trump disavows KKK, etc etc etc. ? It just doesnt seem plausible that any true majority party should give up such important core values just to get an infrastructure bill done. Thanks to Bernie we have a good head start at articulating core values to the electorate, and this has to continue to be a focus.

  • The Big Trump Media Story: Bannon and a Crew of Dangerous Propagandists Are in the Cockpit of National Power   8 years 14 weeks ago

    Anybody else smell a rat?

    We have an omnipresent commercial media owned by the 1% trumpeting inflammatory and misleading takes on statistical data on police shootings, an antigovernment controlled congress and developing cabinet, Bannon as Dump's right hand man with godlike status to an omnipresent underground well armed and organized alt-right militia, Dump's narcissistic hate of protesters or criticism of any kind or degree. And now we are supposed to believe that suddenly white men are just spontaneously disgruntled and ambushing police because they feel neglected and ignored?

    Homeland security? Martial law?

  • The Democrats' New Strategy Against Donald Trump   8 years 14 weeks ago

    It is one thing to stand up for what you believe - speak truth to power - to honestly challenge dynamics that offend your values, to represent the needs, and rights of your constituents (the real job of public service.)

    That is pro-active.

    It is quite another to oppose - across the board, blatant obstruction - "even the things that they otherwise would have agreed with" just to undermine their opponent's success and effectiveness, regardless of cost or consequence to others.

    That is a low bar - no Happy Hour.

    And yes, it comes from all quarters ... amazing! Human integrity is far from guaranteed!! Maybe that's why we go through these cycles of change - a testing of sorts ... with today's outcomes, we have more proof of institutional inequities, and more incentives to do something about them.

    I want to see creative imagination and responsible innovation on all sides of all the aisles ... it seems more possible with conscientious people challenging the static quo, regardless of political affiliation ... it could happen ... only, less likely if we can't get past the petty back stabbing and personal insults we have seen so far ... not to mention the fundamental lack of respect for human worth in others whose views differ from our own ( as if wee people think with one mind.)

    People survive such overwhelming challenges. We may be 'about to get run over before we know we're in the road.' Still, I see no need for a$$ki$$ing. You don't have to demean yourself, just because others do.

    Of course, the incoming admin endorses extreme rendition so, choice in the free world could whittle down to a sliver:

    Live or die ... truth or lie ...?

    Truly, this is a defining moment.

    Once again (as always) what we project will influence our experience as the universe gives back what we give to it, and so much more ...

    I ask that appetites fueling heartless contention, hatred, deceit, murder, rape - in short, a degradation nation - will subside, as truth, love, and respect for life win the day.

    I ask for humility to know nobody knows it all, and sensitivity to perceive what others feel, to respond in ways that open minds and hearts ... so we can heal.

    It might help to recognize that life is a blessing (however mixed) - not a property to be possessed and controlled, bought or sold ... a gift to be embraced, and appreciated, with awareness, and gratitude - as it comes and goes - one breath at a time ... let's not throw it away.

    ..., or blow it away ....

  • The Democrats' New Strategy Against Donald Trump   8 years 14 weeks ago

    I agree with D'AnneMark (#3):

    " ... following in the Republican footsteps after Obama was elected is just as ridiculous as what the Republicans did in the Caucus Room Conspiracy."

    "Right now we have an opportunity to do something for the people with a President that is not owned by the establishment. Sure, he is a part of the establishment; however, during his campaign he made some really progressive suggestions of how to go forward, rebuilding our infrastructure, repealing free trade, and negotiating with Russia."

    "To attempt to sabotage these worthy ideas - that were also purposed by Senator Bernie Sanders - would be the height of partisan arrogance."

    "As long as both parties keep stonewalling each other, nothing will ever get done; and, a lot needs to get done."

    "..., instead of raw vindictiveness, it is time to become the example we would like to see in the Republicans."

    "These opportunities to be an example are rare. If we blow it by emulating the worst of examples, we really have nothing to complain about the next time a Democrat sits in the White House and the Republicans repeat history."

    "The chain must be broken; and, we are the link that can make it happen."
  • Will Trump Stand Up To Big Business, The GOP & China & Roll Back "Free Trade?"   8 years 14 weeks ago

    DumpTrump will be nothing more tomorrow than he was yesterday. It is impossible to make a silk purse of a sows ear. Just mules in horse harnesses. An empty shell. Zip. Nada. Even having been given this gift to be able to make a real and meaningful positive difference in this world he will remain the robber baron that he is. And as long as he can keep the veins of our treasuries open for the 1% he has as his personal PR spin doctor the COMPLICIT COMMERCIAL MEDIA CIRCUS.

    And that COMMERCIAL MEDIA REPUBLICAN / TRUMP PUBLIC RELATIONS CIRCUS SMOKE SCREEN is the most dangerous threat our nation has ever faced. Every drama designed to justify and distract us from actions of the congress. We need to stay focused because it's here. I just cannot bear to watch one minute of Network News for myself but I have been told by friends, and in a panic voice, that stories are all over the news that "Oh My! Thousands and thousands of illegal Mexicans are just walking across the border in advance of his inauguration!! And nobody is even stopping them!!" My BS detector is telling me it's anotherCOMMERCIAL MEDIA RUSE! I say Trumps and his cronie, the criminal Mexican president, have orchestrated the show at Trump's request! And the wall to wall coverage by his COMMERCIAL MEDIA PR MACHINE is designed to enrage the right and inflame public sentiment to support anti immigrant policies and encourage the call to "lock them up"! So the for-profit prison system looks like the first-pick pocket tactic. At a cost of $100.00 per day, per prisoner, of tax payer money they'll have them sleeping 3 or 4 to a cot and building more and more prisons . We could feed house and send them to school for that kind of money but instead we will incarcerate them in, already deemed by the government to be unfit, for-profit prison facilities, that he and his cronies own stock in, so they can make huge personal profits. That is why despite our federal government's announcement that they would no longer use these private prissons, their stock value jumped on November 9. Brilliant. And he hasn't even been sworn in yet.

  • The Democrats' New Strategy Against Donald Trump   8 years 14 weeks ago

    There are many things the DEMS can do to help the mainstream, middle class worker.

    They should strongly support eliminating DACA and DAPA and work to deport illegals and get them out of the job market.

    They should redo the ACA to make it less expensive to middle/upper middle class workers who have very good health care but don't want to pay thru the nose to pay for the over-generous subsidies of others, or to pay for superfluous things like fertility drugs, gender confusion therapy or sex change procedures, late term abortions, etc.

    Eliminate funding for sanctuary cities, and use that money for more ICE officers and seportation judges.

    Cut ties to Cuba.

    Redo trade agreements and create new ones that support American manufacturing and workers.

    Provide reliable body cameras for all police officers.

    Increase the penalties for resisting arrest and trying to evade arrest.

    Increase the earned income tax credit significant, but keep the minimum wage increases at no mkore than inflation.

    I think all of these actions could find great bi-partisan support, and help American workers.

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