Yeah, I too think it's just pure bullsh-t, a way to manipulate the people and the media to distract them from the cabinet of demons he's beckoning forth and from his massive conflict of interest building to an historic crescendo.
(D.Trump) "If I were to run, I'd run as a Republican. They're the dumbest group,of voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and they'd still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific. Donald Trump. (People Magazine - 1998)
I'm inclined to go with 'feet to the fire.' Then again, we might find this is what it takes to "drain the swamp" ..., then again, what does that mean for so many who find no place to stand in the well manicured world to come? After all, life does begin in the swamp.
Thom, today, the last caller was trying to suggest something in all sincerity ... not sure what, because you cut him off. That's unfortunate. He may have had a good idea - even if it has no merit in your view, why not let him put it out there before you shoot it down?
More than a full three quarters of the eligible voting population did not, I repeat, did not vote for Trump. There will be unrelenting blow back on crooked Donny's insane clown posse cabinet picks. He's surrounding himself with a business aristocracy which is a classic characteristic of Fascism. That and control of the media.
This country is about to be thrown into utter chaos. I don't think Trump voters get it yet.....the amount of fury that's building up in the informed segment of the population is unprecedented in the history of this country. I'm sure the corpse media is also oblivious to amount of anger which much of the populous has for it right now. Countless friends have commented about completely giving up watching network news. Noboby wants to even see Trump's big orange face, much less hear him bloviate.
Just wait until all the Skeeters figure out they've been hoodwinked by Fox News. The Republican's billionaire agenda will finally get full exposure. The Paul Ryan's are about to hang themselves..... This time there will be no Obama to blame, and no place to hide.
We need a national network bold enough to expose the truth behind the massive billionaire overreach that's about to would see record numbers of viewers.
If you haven't already done so, get your money out of the market, we're in for a rough ride...unless the election fraud is detected. That is still a very real possibility, but one the media doesn't want to talk about.
I'm of the 'hold their feet to the fire' school of politicking. No reason to allow them 100 days to put everything in place...too difficult to get it removed once installed.
Trump's comment is red meat material for the masses. I doubt he really cares one way or the other about jailing flag burners. The democrats nominated someone who supports jailing flag burning as mentioned above. Apparently, this is an issue that finds non-partisan support. Who would have thought it? See....already the two parties may have found common ground.
Unbelievable! One conflates flag-burning to money-is-speech -- a childish non-sequitur. And the other cites Hillary, who, according to right-wing conspiracy-theory conventional wisdom, is dishonest, untrustworthy, and corrupt; yet now, she is magically transformed into a paragon of patriotic purity to demonstrate the hypocrisy of others -- a laughable logic that is equally childish.
Besides, if you tout the flag as sacrosanct, you then must uphold the system of government it represents, which includes abiding by Supreme Court rulings, no matter how odious. (Thank God Antonin Scalia is dead!) Otherwise, you come across as the sophomoric hypocrites you appear to be.
The statistical list below should once and for all answer any troubling dilemmas regarding the existence of the Electoral College. “There are 3,141 counties in the United States. Trump won 3,084 of them. Clinton won 57. There are 62 counties in New York State. Trump won 46 of them. Clinton won 16. Clinton won the popular vote by approx. 2.5 million votes. In the 5 counties that encompass NYC, (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Richmond & Queens) Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump. (Clinton only won 4 of these counties; Trump won Richmond) Therefore these 5 counties alone, more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country. These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles. The United States is comprised of 3, 797,000 square miles. When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those who inhabit a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election.
Before you rant, maybe a little homework before you pee down your own leg?
Hillary Clinton Co-Sponsored Bill In 2005 To Jail Flag Burners
"The Flag Protection Act of 2005 was a proposed United States federal law introduced by Senator Bob Bennett (R-Utah), with original co-sponsor Senator Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.). The law would have prohibited burning or otherwise destroying and damaging the US flag with the primary purpose of intimidation or inciting immediate violence or for the act of terrorism. It called for a punishment of no more than one year in prison and a fine of no more than $100,000; unless that flag was property of the United States Government, in which case the penalty would be a fine of not more than $250,000, not more than two years in prison, or both."
I'm not dead wrong. SCOTUS in this country gets more wrong than they do right. Roe V Wade is one example. The why SCOTUS said flag burning is protected speech has more to do with Citizens United vs FEC than it does with anything else Mitch McConnell himself appeared before the court to ensure that money = free speech so when asked does burning the flag constitute protected free speech he replied yes. In order for win the office no matter the cost McConnell had to throw the flag under the bus. Mr IM Jussayin I guess you agree with SCOTUS that money is protected speech.
It is a shame that there isn't a draft anymore people who have served and are serving are patriotic and respect the flag and will protect it to thier last breath. At last check there are more veterans and current service members than 9 some time unwise judges. They should listen to us and throw McConnell under the bus and overturn Citizens United v FEC and agree with us that flag burning during a protest is treason during the Revolutionary War when the British burned our flag it was viewed as an act of war.
I agree. A national flag is nothing but a visual symbol of a nation's founding principles. What significance does a brightly colored piece of cloth have when representatives, elected to uphold those principles, violate them so wholeheartedly, and half the nation doesn't even care? Does waving the flag then lend support to such violations when so many have lost sight of its true meaning? The desecration of principles is much worse than the desecration of a mere flag. Protest is not supposed to be comforting to those at whom the protest is directed. Perhaps burning an effigy of T-rump wrapped in a flag would drive the point home. Dissent is the highest form of patriotism ... especially from this gang of reprobates!
The Supreme Court has ruled that burning the flag is not treason but political protest protected by the first amendment. No less a constitutionalist than Antonin Scalia conurred with the majority in his own written opinion that Mr. Tarheel is dead wrong.
Soldiers fighting for this country have never fought for "Old Glory," but for the principles it represents. To say otherwise is jingoistic, not patriotic. Boo Ya! Unretired U.S. Citizen.
Who told the corpse media outlets to report that the recount is a total waste of time?...ABC characterized the recount not only as a "hail mary pass, but a replay of a hail mary pass" !!!! What info do they have that we don't have? Is the recount rigged too? All the evidence clearly points to election fraud. Control of the message is everything in a dictatorship, and whoever started that message is most likely connected to the fraud itself.
Skeeter still fears that "they're gonna take my guns away." Little does Skeeter know that he's about to lose way more than his guns. He better pray that the forlorn senate hope can save his sorry misinformed ass....god bless him.
Burning the flag is treason! The only time to burn the flag is when it touches the ground or is worn out and needs to be retired. Soldiers from the Revolutionary war to Operation Enduring Freedom have bled and died for Old Glory. To descreate the flag is spitting on the veterans who bled and died so there is a flag. Long may it wave! Ooh Rah Retired MGySgt US Marine.
It's time for the Powers that (still) be to take away his Twitter Account before he's sworn-in. Or, just declare Trump a threat to all human security and let the Law take it's course. But then, when a mad man tweets, we at least can know who he is going to target... next.
Lighten up. He doesn't know the Constitution at all, he's a businessman, and he tries to think like he thinks Joe Sixpak thinks. He's playing at a new role. He may actually surprise us, sometimes. Look: I have as negative a point of view as YOU, most certainly. There IS a human being under the skinsuit, and a clever, very pragmatic one.
Constant media comparison between the overwhelming support for Obama's inauguration in the freezing cold and the overwhelming condemnation on Pennsylvania avenue when t rump is inaugurated. Keep answering evey lie with the verifiable truth. Keep laughing at their stupid S&M actions and ideas. T rump doesn't get that he's the butt of most jokes. Fascists have no sense of humor and don't understand satire or irony. Besides S&M, what do these nazis do for fun,??? Come to think of it...I don't want to know.
When hitler started naming the things the nazis were planning, no one thought they would....until it was too late. We need to see this as a nazi invasion of America. One thing they've figured out is how to use the openness of Democracy to their own ends. But then, so did the nazis.
I agree, Trump is a master of the politics of distraction. See my post following yours--impeachment is not the answer, we have to find a way to keep him from ever assuming office.
When--as Hitler came to power in the time of the Weimar Republic--should the good and reasonable Germans who opposed him have acted? When and what can Americans do to prevent a fascist dictator from seizing control of our country and it's government? If the Cubs can get 5 million out to celebrate their victory what prevents at least that number from mobilizing to save our Republic? How can we mount an appeal to the consciences of 50 members of the Electoral College to take the "last clear chance" to save us by switching their votes to Clinton?
Haha, good one, Coalage1!
Yeah, I too think it's just pure bullsh-t, a way to manipulate the people and the media to distract them from the cabinet of demons he's beckoning forth and from his massive conflict of interest building to an historic crescendo.
Is this what we call a 'tipping point' ...?
I'm inclined to go with 'feet to the fire.' Then again, we might find this is what it takes to "drain the swamp" ..., then again, what does that mean for so many who find no place to stand in the well manicured world to come? After all, life does begin in the swamp.
Thom, today, the last caller was trying to suggest something in all sincerity ... not sure what, because you cut him off. That's unfortunate. He may have had a good idea - even if it has no merit in your view, why not let him put it out there before you shoot it down?
More than a full three quarters of the eligible voting population did not, I repeat, did not vote for Trump. There will be unrelenting blow back on crooked Donny's insane clown posse cabinet picks. He's surrounding himself with a business aristocracy which is a classic characteristic of Fascism. That and control of the media.
This country is about to be thrown into utter chaos. I don't think Trump voters get it yet.....the amount of fury that's building up in the informed segment of the population is unprecedented in the history of this country. I'm sure the corpse media is also oblivious to amount of anger which much of the populous has for it right now. Countless friends have commented about completely giving up watching network news. Noboby wants to even see Trump's big orange face, much less hear him bloviate.
Just wait until all the Skeeters figure out they've been hoodwinked by Fox News. The Republican's billionaire agenda will finally get full exposure. The Paul Ryan's are about to hang themselves..... This time there will be no Obama to blame, and no place to hide.
We need a national network bold enough to expose the truth behind the massive billionaire overreach that's about to would see record numbers of viewers.
If you haven't already done so, get your money out of the market, we're in for a rough ride...unless the election fraud is detected. That is still a very real possibility, but one the media doesn't want to talk about.
I'm of the 'hold their feet to the fire' school of politicking. No reason to allow them 100 days to put everything in place...too difficult to get it removed once installed.
Hold off on the liberal rant till Trump has been in office 6 monthes.
Then we can see what has been done as opposed to what might be.
Trump's comment is red meat material for the masses. I doubt he really cares one way or the other about jailing flag burners. The democrats nominated someone who supports jailing flag burning as mentioned above. Apparently, this is an issue that finds non-partisan support. Who would have thought it? See....already the two parties may have found common ground.
Unbelievable! One conflates flag-burning to money-is-speech -- a childish non-sequitur. And the other cites Hillary, who, according to right-wing conspiracy-theory conventional wisdom, is dishonest, untrustworthy, and corrupt; yet now, she is magically transformed into a paragon of patriotic purity to demonstrate the hypocrisy of others -- a laughable logic that is equally childish.
Besides, if you tout the flag as sacrosanct, you then must uphold the system of government it represents, which includes abiding by Supreme Court rulings, no matter how odious. (Thank God Antonin Scalia is dead!) Otherwise, you come across as the sophomoric hypocrites you appear to be.
Sobering facts:
The statistical list below should once and for all answer any troubling dilemmas regarding the existence of the Electoral College.
“There are 3,141 counties in the United States.
Trump won 3,084 of them.
Clinton won 57.
There are 62 counties in New York State.
Trump won 46 of them.
Clinton won 16.
Clinton won the popular vote by approx. 2.5 million votes.
In the 5 counties that encompass NYC, (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Richmond & Queens) Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump. (Clinton only won 4 of these counties; Trump won Richmond)
Therefore these 5 counties alone, more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country.
These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles.
The United States is comprised of 3, 797,000 square miles.
When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those who inhabit a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election.
These statistics could change but only slightly.
Having a bad week guys?
Before you rant, maybe a little homework before you pee down your own leg?
Hillary Clinton Co-Sponsored Bill In 2005 To Jail Flag Burners
"The Flag Protection Act of 2005 was a proposed United States federal law introduced by Senator Bob Bennett (R-Utah), with original co-sponsor Senator Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.). The law would have prohibited burning or otherwise destroying and damaging the US flag with the primary purpose of intimidation or inciting immediate violence or for the act of terrorism. It called for a punishment of no more than one year in prison and a fine of no more than $100,000; unless that flag was property of the United States Government, in which case the penalty would be a fine of not more than $250,000, not more than two years in prison, or both."
I'm not dead wrong. SCOTUS in this country gets more wrong than they do right. Roe V Wade is one example. The why SCOTUS said flag burning is protected speech has more to do with Citizens United vs FEC than it does with anything else Mitch McConnell himself appeared before the court to ensure that money = free speech so when asked does burning the flag constitute protected free speech he replied yes. In order for win the office no matter the cost McConnell had to throw the flag under the bus. Mr IM Jussayin I guess you agree with SCOTUS that money is protected speech.
It is a shame that there isn't a draft anymore people who have served and are serving are patriotic and respect the flag and will protect it to thier last breath. At last check there are more veterans and current service members than 9 some time unwise judges. They should listen to us and throw McConnell under the bus and overturn Citizens United v FEC and agree with us that flag burning during a protest is treason during the Revolutionary War when the British burned our flag it was viewed as an act of war.
No, it's time for the electors to vote for Hillary. (It will be time on December 19th.)
I agree. A national flag is nothing but a visual symbol of a nation's founding principles. What significance does a brightly colored piece of cloth have when representatives, elected to uphold those principles, violate them so wholeheartedly, and half the nation doesn't even care? Does waving the flag then lend support to such violations when so many have lost sight of its true meaning? The desecration of principles is much worse than the desecration of a mere flag. Protest is not supposed to be comforting to those at whom the protest is directed. Perhaps burning an effigy of T-rump wrapped in a flag would drive the point home. Dissent is the highest form of patriotism ... especially from this gang of reprobates!
The Supreme Court has ruled that burning the flag is not treason but political protest protected by the first amendment. No less a constitutionalist than Antonin Scalia conurred with the majority in his own written opinion that Mr. Tarheel is dead wrong.
Soldiers fighting for this country have never fought for "Old Glory," but for the principles it represents. To say otherwise is jingoistic, not patriotic. Boo Ya! Unretired U.S. Citizen.
Trump will be impeached or assassinated; it's just a question of when, and by whom.
Trump has a lot to learn in a short time
See my comment at
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 13.0px Helvetica; color: #0173aa; -webkit-text-stroke: #0173aa}
span.s1 {text-decoration: underline ; font-kerning: none}
Who told the corpse media outlets to report that the recount is a total waste of time?...ABC characterized the recount not only as a "hail mary pass, but a replay of a hail mary pass" !!!! What info do they have that we don't have? Is the recount rigged too? All the evidence clearly points to election fraud. Control of the message is everything in a dictatorship, and whoever started that message is most likely connected to the fraud itself.
Skeeter still fears that "they're gonna take my guns away." Little does Skeeter know that he's about to lose way more than his guns. He better pray that the forlorn senate hope can save his sorry misinformed ass....god bless him.
Burning the flag is treason! The only time to burn the flag is when it touches the ground or is worn out and needs to be retired. Soldiers from the Revolutionary war to Operation Enduring Freedom have bled and died for Old Glory. To descreate the flag is spitting on the veterans who bled and died so there is a flag. Long may it wave! Ooh Rah Retired MGySgt US Marine.
It's time for the Powers that (still) be to take away his Twitter Account before he's sworn-in. Or, just declare Trump a threat to all human security and let the Law take it's course. But then, when a mad man tweets, we at least can know who he is going to target... next.
Lighten up. He doesn't know the Constitution at all, he's a businessman, and he tries to think like he thinks Joe Sixpak thinks. He's playing at a new role. He may actually surprise us, sometimes. Look: I have as negative a point of view as YOU, most certainly. There IS a human being under the skinsuit, and a clever, very pragmatic one.
Constant media comparison between the overwhelming support for Obama's inauguration in the freezing cold and the overwhelming condemnation on Pennsylvania avenue when t rump is inaugurated. Keep answering evey lie with the verifiable truth. Keep laughing at their stupid S&M actions and ideas. T rump doesn't get that he's the butt of most jokes. Fascists have no sense of humor and don't understand satire or irony. Besides S&M, what do these nazis do for fun,??? Come to think of it...I don't want to know.
I completely agree. What do you think of my post?
When hitler started naming the things the nazis were planning, no one thought they would....until it was too late. We need to see this as a nazi invasion of America. One thing they've figured out is how to use the openness of Democracy to their own ends. But then, so did the nazis.
I agree, Trump is a master of the politics of distraction. See my post following yours--impeachment is not the answer, we have to find a way to keep him from ever assuming office.
When--as Hitler came to power in the time of the Weimar Republic--should the good and reasonable Germans who opposed him have acted? When and what can Americans do to prevent a fascist dictator from seizing control of our country and it's government? If the Cubs can get 5 million out to celebrate their victory what prevents at least that number from mobilizing to save our Republic? How can we mount an appeal to the consciences of 50 members of the Electoral College to take the "last clear chance" to save us by switching their votes to Clinton?