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  • Trump Wants Dissent To Be A Crime...   8 years 13 weeks ago

    How's this for a solution, we burn confederate flags?
    Still gets the job done of p1ssing off the rigtht and yet, no law has been broken.

    The Supreme Court ruling, got it right when they basically said "Freedom of Speech against the Goverment takes a higher precedent that the symbol of the nation that supports freedom of speech."
    Tell you the truth, I am more angry seeing the flag, dirty or ratted, like on a car antenna, or left flying in the rain.

    I really don't know if this guy realizes what he is suppose to symbolize.
    He is not a former reality show host.
    He represents the United States of America.

    (I've gone through this is Mn when Jessie Ventura was Governor, What a mess that was, the only laws he pass, benefited Jessie.)

    I hope there will be enough Republican Senators who will realize what serious damage this guy can do and will look out for the nation, but stopping laws from being passed when needed.
    Even if impeachment started, yea I know House and Senate, we still have Pence and Ryan, we're jammed no matter what.

    The biggest question is, what is Trump trying to distract the US from this time?

    Done with the rant.


  • Trump Wants Dissent To Be A Crime...   8 years 13 weeks ago

    It's beyond time to start worrying. We have to figure out how to deal with the reality of an authoritarian takeover. Look at the history of authoritarian takeovers by Mussolini and Hitler.

    There is a pattern we have seen before. How we fight it, I’m not sure, but fight we must if we are to save our constitutional democracy. 1.The muddling of thinking by attacking parts of the media to discredit them — see attacks on NY Times — diminishing the press is what authoritarians do. Put out lies and fake news, which are easy for some to believe while denigrating honest sources of information, which today are carried by talk radio and many web sites. (NY Times is not infallible, think Judith Miller, but they are the best we’ve got and Trump and his minions are in full assault on them.) Without trusted sources for information fake news becomes credible as it preys on confirmation bias. Watch for post-truth disinformation, e.g., millions of illegal voters.There is, and will be, a war on reality. 2. Scapegoating of certain groups — Muslims, immigrants, and I’m afraid anti-semitism is already on the way. African-Americans and women are also under attack as our civil liberties. 3. Say those who oppose the dictator are thugs, paid demonstrators, and to come I am sure, un-American, even a cancer on society. 4. Mass rallies — like the campaign but more so (the "thank you tour"?) 5. Changing the laws and attempting to change the constitution. If the pattern holds this will come. 6. Stay in power by controlling the elections — voter suppression in all its forms, gerrymandering, repealing the Voting Rights Act, prevent voter registration drives by outside groups. 7. Distorting or eliminating standard government information on what is really going on, Bureau of Labor Statistics, NOAA, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Census Bureau.

  • Trump Wants Dissent To Be A Crime...   8 years 13 weeks ago

    Isn't he creating an enemy list targeting people within his own party who challenge him? Pretty obvious and scary where this is heading.

  • Here's How We Can Really Protect America   8 years 13 weeks ago

    Changes have to be made in the human heart ,you can't legislate morality . Conscience has to be brought into commerce an understanding that any buisness decisions can affect large amounts of people and have consequences.

    Consciousness will be raised and awareness will increase around the issue of multiple impact .Buisnesses have to understand they are communities of people that have environmental and global responsibility.

  • Here's How We Can Really Protect America   8 years 13 weeks ago

    Whether a political party wins or loses, its focus is always on the next election ... and the next ... and the next. That's just politics 101. The trouble this time around is the Democratic Party lost so badly on all major fronts for every reason imaginable that it could be decades before it can claw its way back into the hearts and minds of the electorate enough to overcome right-wing propaganda and Republican manipulation of the electoral process.

    In the interim, the damage done to (small "d") democratic institutions and principles could be so devastating as to be insurmountable in any realistic sense, even in the long run, without a widespread revolution -- not violent resistance, which would be supremely unwise, especially in this day and age, but a revolution in the very mind and soul of each individual, whereby outward insanity must be questioned and rejected at every level.

    Unfortunately, it's looking more and more likely that humankind is simply running out of time for such a revolution of consciousness to change the paradigm of devastation. The short span of 10,000 years of escalating violent human thought patterns has only resulted in a very real possibility of reaching a point of no return. In other words, the primary edict of evolution is proving true: if a species does not adapt to outside reality, it will go extinct.

    In 300 million years, or so, Earth will no doubt re-balance itself and once again be a paradise. Perhaps, a different species will evolve enough to survive the long run.

    So that's the big, BIG picture!

  • Daily Topics - Wednesday November 30th, 2016   8 years 13 weeks ago

    Republicans love simple solutions. Think if they could skip right past poverty and slavery and just sell all the land to a handful of people and give them OWNERSHIP of anyone who isn't nobility on THEIR land. We could call it feudalism. Oh, has that been tried? From the point of view of the ultra rich, feudalism is the good old days.

  • Daily Topics - Wednesday November 30th, 2016   8 years 13 weeks ago

    The conversion of USA 2017 to Germany 1932 is underway. My unofficial research, talking to people in cities and rural, finds about 60% of Americans have no idea this is happening. I'm moving to France. After they've taken the blacks, jews, hispanics, women, gays, and lovers of freedom, I won't be here.

  • Daily Topics - Wednesday November 30th, 2016   8 years 13 weeks ago

    The Republicans, including Orange Hitler, have repeatedly said that the USA must lower wages to compete. They are right. When Americans work for $2 a day, no company will send fabric to Haiti to sew into clothes. What they never mention is at $2 a day, Americans will have the same standard of living as Haitians. Why not pay $1 a day, then Americans can make clothes for Haiti.

  • Daily Topics - Wednesday November 30th, 2016   8 years 13 weeks ago

    Ask these clowns if they would support privatized schools where anyone is allowed to attend any school, including tranporation to/from, at zero cost.

  • Daily Topics - Wednesday November 30th, 2016   8 years 13 weeks ago

    We don't need to TRY privatized schools, we ALMOST NOTHING BUT privatized schools for over a century, very low literacy, and government for the governors. (like Cuba pre-Castro.)

  • Daily Topics - Wednesday November 30th, 2016   8 years 13 weeks ago

    Missouri used to be WELL educated and progressive. We've been forced to destroy the commons by Republicans and this year we will see Unions made illegal. I'm selling and moving, probably to France, but if California secedes......... BTW I bought Evloution, and LOVE it. We plan to play with Orange Hitler fans in FL over XMAS

  • Daily Topics - Wednesday November 30th, 2016   8 years 13 weeks ago

    I live in Missouri, and public schoool funding was SLASHED by our increasing move towards Fascism, and ONLY THEN performance declined

  • Daily Topics - Wednesday November 30th, 2016   8 years 13 weeks ago

    You mean man, telling the truth to a low knowledge fooled person

  • Here's How We Can Really Protect America   8 years 13 weeks ago

    We export our slavery.

  • Here's How We Can Really Protect America   8 years 13 weeks ago

    70% of what is sold in Germany is made in Germany. They still make friggin' pencils in Germany (see Michael Moore's "Where To Invade Next"). In Germany the working class German counts for something. In the US, every other consideration is eclipsed by enrichment of the oligarchy; we---as a country---just don't care about anything else. I was afraid Hillary would lose because she just had too much history with NAFTA and was gung-ho for the TPP (until she had to tone it down to slip past the Bernie bros just long enough to get elected). The ruination of the Rust Belt was 80% of what this last election was about and the Dems, especially the goddam DNC, just didn't get it. Hillary was a center-right Republican in progressive liberal clothing and nobody bought it. The votes she did get were those of people horrified at the prospect of a Trump presidency. I suppose there were a few people who voted for Hillary, but I don't know any of them. Lets run a democrat next time, somebody like, oh, I don't know . . . Bernie Sanders?

  • Here's How We Can Really Protect America   8 years 13 weeks ago

    Trade has its place, but only after a country has fully employed its own work force.

    Screw the GDP arguments of economists supporting "free trade".

    Big trouble when a countriy uses cheap labor, a lowball currency exchange, and no pollution laws to invade markets of another country.

    Lets give Trump a chance to try his approach.

    If it fails or unleashes too much pollution, then vote him out.


  • Daily Topics - Tuesday November 29th, 2016   8 years 13 weeks ago

    I called in to the show to push for economic pluralism and understanding of real economics over junk monetarism.

    Had I gotten a moment longer to speak, I would have stated lowering the top rate will just create more private debt. The top's (the 1%) savings have to be be balanced with debt by the rest of us, otherwise you have negative interest rates.

    & in PDF

    Here's my calculation in Excel. payments-private-debt (Excel)

    ​& in PDF: payments-private-debt (PDF)

  • Pat McCrory is Trying to Steal the DC Governorship!   8 years 13 weeks ago

    Provisional Ballots are cast electronically, at least in some jurisdictions. I have been an election "judge" (just the lead volunteer election worker at a poling location) for years in Travis County, Texas. Provisional ballots are cast electronically, but they are "tagged" electronically such that the decision to count them can be made later. If you would like the training manual which gives some insight into how the gears work I will be happy to send you mine. (Yeah, photo voter id is largely a joke. Even banks rarely try to confirm that that id you are holding actually belongs to you or is valid).

  • Pat McCrory is Trying to Steal the DC Governorship!   8 years 13 weeks ago

    Not a single informed citizen would ever vote for a Republican. An informed public would never ever support this Republican Party's shenanigans designed to dismantle and loot the remnants of our democracy. The entire Main Stream Media has become the Republican party's version of Tokoyo Rose. All our news outlets have been monopolized by a hand full of Coroprations who despense a consistent correlated propaganda through their quietly acquired web of established and trusted newspapers, tv, radio, Internet, billboards, and 'for-rent' talking heads. The most important thing we can do to counter this is to get the message out that main stream media ownership is a monolopy with a common agenda and teach them the math. Most people don't understand the gravity of the danger this situation has become. I am terrified.

    HONEST people in the Main Stream Media? AVERAGE REPORTERS in the Main Stream Media MUZZLED???!!

    Any "Honest Believers" working in Main Stream Media as "News Anchors", "Reporters", "Political Analists", "News Correspondents", "fill-in-blank Experts", "Talk Show Hosts", etc... promoting this decades long propaganda campaign against our democracy at the expense of the working and poor, are bigots themselves or lack basic critical thinking skills or both. The rest of them, those who deplorably use their position of great influence to willfully and knowingly perpetuate this campaign of manipulation, misinformation and omission of facts with enthusiastic proclamations or rational calm, are not "MUZZLED", they just have their fat checkbooks caught in their throats. I view every Main Stream Media outlet as a "Republican Rose". Follow the money. If you've never seen any of the "fake news" I base my conspiracy theory on here are a couple of links you might want to look at:

    Mitt Romney's Bain Capital, which owns iheartmedia which is a Republican right wing Rush, Hanity, Beck, Fox propaganda powerhouse, has a thousand radio stations. Go to their link and use the drop down box to see all the cities they cover.

    Google the fcc list of radio stations in your state or area then arrange the list by ownership and follow the application links. Then Google the stations to see if they are Fox one Rush Limpball outlets and who the owners are and what else they own.

  • Pat McCrory is Trying to Steal the DC Governorship!   8 years 13 weeks ago

    It looks like McCrory is hoping to run the clock until Trump is president and the DoJ will not likely do anything when the NC Republican legislature steals the win and gives it to McCrory. If the Republicans can get away with outright stealing an election from the clear winner then what's left of democracy in this country is toast. Game over.

  • Pat McCrory is Trying to Steal the DC Governorship!   8 years 13 weeks ago

    Republicans steal presidential elections all the time, why would they pass up a governorship? A party that has kicked sand in the face of weaker men by blocking the appointment of a supreme court justice will stop at nothing....that's how Fascism works.

    All the major networks are claiming there is no evidence of election fraud...let me correct them: #1 Exit Polls matter! The polls indicate clear election fraud. #2 Clinton consistently received 7% fewer votes in areas where electronic voting machines were used as compared to paper ballots. #3 There has been overwhelming evidence of fraud and manipulation of digital voting machines for many years. These machines are manufactured by staunch Fascists, and they guard the secrets of manipulation closely. #4 Interstate cross check is a fact ....more clear massive election fraud. Not a mention of this evidence either. I said many times that we needed NATO to oversee our election...I was dead serious.

    The corpse media is protecting the continuation of its Citizens United profits at the expense of our democracy. The presidential election alone brought in 5 billion!

    Hardly a word about crooked Donny's crimes...that after hearing about god damn Benghazi and emails over and over and over and over and over....anybody that voted for Clinton needs to boycott ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox propaganda, MSNBC, all of the shiftless bastards. Harass Fox reporters anytime you see them. Refuse to purchase products advertised on these networks...Let red state Skeeter buy all the sht! Good luck with that!

  • Pat McCrory is Trying to Steal the DC Governorship!   8 years 13 weeks ago

    Correction needed in the headline.

    DC doesn't even have a Governor, but NC does.

  • Tuesday 22 November '16 show notes   8 years 13 weeks ago

    Just joined your site, trying to find that song parody you play on your show, to the tune of I'm So In Love With you Honey, can't get the tune out of my head since the election. The only version I can find is an old one, but the one on your show has the most biting lyrics about a hole Trump voters. How can I get a copy of it to soothe me to sleep at night?? Part of it goes "and even though we ain't got money, we voted for Trump he said he'd make everything alright...and in the morning when we rose...". Can you point to where to get that song? Thank you, Sleepless in California.

  • Pat McCrory is Trying to Steal the DC Governorship!   8 years 13 weeks ago

    First Hillary steals the election from Bernie, then Donald steals the election from Hillary, and then because of the attention this is drawing we see that this has been going on for quite some time, and I don't mean just in isolated places like Chicago in 1960. This has become the norm. Not only do they try to brainwash us into voting for their candidate with decisions like Citizens United but then they rig the election when it doesn't go their way. What has become of our democracy? Can't we simply find some honest people in the MSM to report what is going on -- and I don't mean the average reporters out there because they are basically muzzled.

  • Pat McCrory is Trying to Steal the DC Governorship!   8 years 13 weeks ago

    While Republicans worry about disinfranchising voters, the Democratic party members are worried about counting the votes and looking for cases where Republicans are blocking the vote. Seems like a good demonstration of what party it is that's trying to steal elections.

    Trump, trying to say that there were millions of illegal votes is so foolhearty on the face of it that I can't believe that this country is actually considering putting the idiot in our highest office. Anyone with any sense at all knows that the voter fraud BS is a total fraud in itself.

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