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  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    Shy Trump supporters not wanting to admit to voting for him, given adverse coverage can be counterbalanced by shy Hillary supporters not wanting to admit to voting for her because of pressure from spouse or church or community, etc. advocating strongly for Trump.

    There was also plenty of negative comment about Clinton, so there should be very little discrepancy to the accuracy of exit polls, as found elsewhere in the world.

    Main news agencies are ignoring this argument.

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    "Is that all there is?" Peegy Lee

    Is there, in truth, an election when the election is fraudulent? Do we have, in truth, a democracy if there is no election? Is there a democracy if it exists only as a mass delusion in the minds of our citizenship? Every 4yrs we have a string of 'chat' and accept for a few tweets now and then the board goes silent. I have been listening to this thread for 16yrs. Is that all there is? Is that all there will be; a sound of discontentment followed by silence?

    Disturbed - The Sound Of Silence [Official Music Video]

    (Apologies to my Simon and Garfunkel generation, but I find that there are less of us every year)

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    Their rallying cry was "Not My President".

    Remember when we laughed at the Tea Party and Beck's 9/12 types who shouted the same thing after the Obama inaguration?

    Shoe's on the other foot, now.

    I guess it didn't sink in deep enough at the end of the primaries, but it's going to sink in sometime before spring: Bernie Sanders just doesn't matter anymore.

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    TomDorr's analysis is no doubt correct that this election was largely a referendum on the fact that the Democratic establishment elite abandoned the middle class for the donor class. However,his -- and certain others' -- hope that somehow any good will come out of it, in regards to the really important issues like anthropogenic climate disruption, war, healthcare, and the myriad of issues important to workers and their families, seems a little too Pollyannaish considering the track records of the reprobates just handed all the key levers of power.

    Reading through the rest of the thread, the points expressed by ikeberltersen, ajackson23, 2950-10k, Janet Cruz, Suze O, Legend, and so many others, implying that we must resist, each in our own way, should better light the way forward out of this dark place. Being half Irish (the angry half), and knowing their long, sad history resisting the English occupiers, my first thought was, godamnit, armed rebellion! But the peacenik side of my schizophrenia realizes peaceful resistance is far more powerful and lasting.

    I can't bear all the hand wringing on the inter-tubes by Democratic bloggers, pundits, and failed strategists, so the following is my own postmortem liberal lament. Anyway, the energy of anger and disgust is better directed into words than sticks and stones, or punching out the windows of my petrol-mobile with arthritic knuckles.

    As a likely tail-end-charlie on a long thread, I don't really expect to get any eyeballs -- and this post will probably end up being impossibly long. But for the sake of whatever (or for the typing practice), here goes anyway:

    I'm getting too old and lazy to hassle with all the paperwork of seeking asylum in an actual democracy -- one envisioned by the Founders; not the bastardized hellscape cobbled together by the Constitutional untruths and misquotes of goofball "intellectuals" to the right of Jefferson Davis. So I've decided to stay put and hurl politically incorrect insults at the brain-dead zombie hordes of "conservative" (What a misnomer!), grab-em-by-the-p---y, mostly white, religious hypocrites.

    Or, as I prefer, "radical Christianist terrorists." A label so well deserved shouldn't offend sham followers of the "Prince of Peace," considering that their last great savior instigated an unlawful, immoral religious war of choice in the wrong countries. FYI for dummies: The bulk of 9/11 conspirators came from and were funded largely, albeit indirectly, by our staunch (ha ha) ally, Saudi Arabia, harboring Wahhabi "princes of war" squandering their oil wealth derived from American rednecks driving gas hogs. Radical Salafist killers are still supporting asymmetric terrorism (as opposed to our variety of state-sponsored terrorism), and clueless American taxpayers are still funding the more mainstream Sunni wars engulfing the Middle East, ensuring an ever increasing supply of new terrorists.

    Why? Because of oil -- the same oil destroying Earth's climate. Why? Because of the for-profit, mega-corps defense industry -- a "defense" destroying Earth's civilization. Why? So that billionaires can suck up all the good times for themselves. As Smedley Butler said, "War is a racket."

    Neither do I cut any slack for Obama's and Hillary's culpability for following suit; still, George Choke-on-a-pretzel Bush's signature achievement and lasting ... and lasting ... legacy is a senseless, futile conflagration that has slaughtered far more Muslims than Christians -- a Nuremburg-worthy war crime of the highest order. That's the chickens--t (not sure if I can cuss on this blog) reason the village idiot pulled America out of the World Court. Does anyone seriously think the latest, greatest Republican messiah, sporting his phony head of hair and 330-word vocabulary, can bluster his way out of this neocon, self-induced quagmire? No, I didn't think so!

    Trump. My God! Duh, let's toss the nuclear football to a total narcissistic, reality-show media creation/sensation -- a small-minded, loudmouthed, schoolyard bully who made his political bones disseminating a rightwing, fever-swamp lie about Obama's damn birth certificate and then fanned the flames of Hillary's damn emails. The compliant corporate media gifted this fool two-plus billion dollars of free exposure (Bernie almost none), never mentioning the fact that the "Dubya" Bush Administration deleted over twenty-two million emails -- and, yes, from a private server! The double standard and selective outrage is breathtaking! Sure, Trump had a lot of bad press; but then, remember what P.T. Barnum said about publicity, "I don't care what they say about me, just make sure they spell my name right!"

    He also famously said, "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people." Stupid people vote for, well, stupid people. Ignorance is not necessarily stupidity, but willful ignorance certainly is. Being the shameless, self-centered showman he is, Trump correctly identified the mood of the populace, filched Bernie's truth, and out-maneuvered Hillary's poorly run campaign. If you think this greedy huckster will go to bat for us, watch the Scottish documentary by Anthony Baxter, "You've Been Trumped Too."

    "Dumbocrats" used to be the party of the average working stiff, but over decades of compromising with the "Republi-cons" and lusting after wealthy donors, they abandoned their base for corporate-minded ideology and so-called "free" market principles. Nothing is free! The horrible cost of this titanic shift was a rapid transplantation of America's manufacturing base -- the true wealth of a nation -- to low-wage countries mostly free of laws regulating pollution, and an irresponsible down-scaling of our lunch-bucket citizens without college degrees and without any realistic fix. It's no wonder they hate the party that sold them out. (TomDorr is absolutely right about this!)

    However, going for Trump was just plain stupid. He and his minions of orcs are a basket of unwitting fascist chumps. The historically accurate definition of fascism is the melding of corporate interests with the militaristic and police state powers of government, a concept first introduced by Mussolini and later adopted by Hitler (as Thom so often reminds us). The road to ruin is a distinct sequence of events, and America is nearing the end of Naomi Wolf's ten steps to fascism. (Think Standing Rock, Dakota Access Pipeline, and broken treaties.)

    Instead of holding hands and singing Kum bay ya with Herr Drumpf to "Make America Great Again," as Hillary and Obama suggested in their spineless, defeatist concession speeches, I'm rooting for this sick version of "Ameerkkka" to fail utterly. The world needs it to fail! Otherwise, we'll be the generation that allowed rapacious scavengers to feed on the rotting corpse of our once great Republic. I hope they choke!

    A paraphrased quote, oft misattributed to Sinclair Lewis but nevertheless reflecting one of his salient points, shouts out to us, "When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." Indeed.

    Okay...that's enough; back to running guns south and drugs north. Hey, Homeland Security snoops, I'm kidding!

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    Chuck thanks for the read. I think the left is way off on Trump. Trump is not coming out of a recession like "Raygun". He is not going to spend he is going to cut and cut big. The economy is going to explode because poeple with money will feel comfortable investing with a business man in power. Old rich white guys are opening their wallets right now. Look at the stock market right now. The best thing I heard Trump say is "I am running for President of the United States not President of the world" great news for America not so good for the rest of the world. Trump is a long way from Reagan

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    Chuck thanks for the read. I think the left is way off on Trump. Trump is not coming out of a recession like "Raygun". He is not going to spend he is going to cut and cut big. The economy is going to explode because poeple with money will feel comfortable investing with a business man in power. Old rich white guys are opening their wallets right now. Look at the stock market right now. The best thing I heard Trump say is "I am running for President of the United States not President of the world" great news for America not so good for the rest of the world. Trump is a long way from Reagan

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    kend - It would be interesting for you to understand the "two Santa Claus" policy proposed by Jude Wanniski. If T-Rump and the repugs, would apply the policy it would improve the economy, but would increase out of control spending. It is what Raygun used. People liked the economy and ignored tripling the debt. As a consequence there is an analysis that shows the repugs are responsible for 93% of our current debt (as of Nov 12, 2016). You can find the analysis at

    Jude's policy is discussed at the following link.

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    Ajackson23 -- Thanks for the reference. What makes it even worse is that the exit polls cannot include the voters who gave up trying because of the long lines in North Carolina at the polls, the long lines at the DMV in WI, etc.

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago on the exit polls is getting scrubbed...dem underground got hacked etc. Thom found some info on it and mentioned it...that's about it. The corpse media of course isn't saying a word....they know this info will turn the country inside out. I suspect our own government is active in much of the suppression. The dem underground hacker was a Trump nut. The link you provided should be front page news!

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    The hypocracy of the Republicofascists knows no bounds. Instead of protesting he is not my president, they should be protesting a stolen election. All of the the States that engaged in blatant voter suppression should be shutdown by protest until either people's votes are counted or the electors annull this farcal election.

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago
  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    I don't understand why Thom and a few others want Keith Ellison to be the new DNC chair. While Mr. Ellison may be a great Guy and a fine legislator, is it really a good stategic idea to have a muslim represent the party? I can see that as a protest against Islamophobia, but it really paints a target on the DNC's back as the true secret Muslim party. Howard Dean has proven he can get the job done. Protesting is fine but is it really working?

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    Thanks ajackson!!! People spend way too much time talking about symptons and not the cause.

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago



  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    Bring the voting machine to court. Case: voting machines are incapable of doing their job. Bring in expert witnesses in statistics s to attest to the scientific and mathematical validity of statistical analyses and expert witnesses in industrial engineering to demonstrate how a statistical analysis is used in machinery design and capability studies. Prof. Douglas Montgomery of Arizona State would be a good place to start.

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    Not much left to say. Masses of the poor, and those who get why it matters, voted for President Obama on the chance that he could launch a legitimate discussion about our poverty crisis, and begin reversing the anti-poor agenda implemented by the Clinton administration. It was worth a try. Many are keenly aware of the role Hillary Clinton played in formulating that agenda. Others were aware of Clinton's long record of support for military aggression, and for corporate empowerment. In 2016, the only choice for these people was to vote third party or withhold their votes.

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    DNC to blame for fixing the primarfies and homHatman for not taTlking about ele/hant in the room controtlpled demolition at \world trade center and a cruise missile strike allo\wed by mega \war /profiteer Dick Cheney so sad and so predictabCle as HRC a neocon warhawk ought never beeen permitted to steal primary.

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    Reference exiting polling results:

    The science of statistical analysis led the revolution into modern agriculture in the study of seed test plots and the revolution into modern manufacturing in the development of machine capability. If the statistical results were ignored then as they are in today’s polling results, modern agriculture and manufacturing would not exist. To ignore the science of these results is equivalent to ignoring climate change and its science. As we honor the Veterans who gave their lives for our democracy, we dishonor them with our apathy. Our nation has suffered a coup d’état of third world proportions. Yet we as a nation cower to those who too readily speak of the Constitution and the right to vote while actualizing fraud and contempt for these instruments of democracy. Has our nation become so blind, deaf, and dumb that it will just acquiesce to today’s demigods of power and corruption? Have we become a nation so ignorant of truth and reason that we placidly subjugate ourselves and our nation to people who have no interest in democracy but for how it can be manipulated to serve as a means to their own ends? The science and truth of these exit polls have brought no uproar, no outrage, no calling for a re-election with paper only ballets. The science and truth of these exit polls shout of fraud, insurgency and treason. Our nation now stands on the gallows and the perpetrators of our demise are pulling the lever. Millions of people have suffered horrible deaths over the centuries to bring the ideals of democracy and freedom to birth within our mass consciousnesses and actualized in the formation of The United States of America. We have put great energies and effort to develop a vast military to protect our very existence. But we are now being devoured from within by parasites who perceive our great nation as nothing but fodder for their own feast. We do nothing about the enemy within; within our borders and within ourselves. We have been very cleverly wooed to sleep by people who speak of service and concern yet act to dominate and control. Will we wake up? Will we come to our senses? Will we perceive the deceptions woven around us? I fear I may have only lived to see us die.

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    I'm still wondering if Clinton's delay in her concession speech was related to a decision on whether or not to contest the massive swing state election fraud? It appears she decided to honor the history of presidential election fraud with Dem candidates handing the country over to the Fascists without even a whimper?

    Thom is right about interstate cross check fraud, but in addition the Fascists facilitated a huge amount of digital flipping too. This is normally a 5% flip every election, but if went much higher this time, and guess what, Obama and his administration have been briefed on this, and they accept it.

    The Obama's and Clinton's have plenty of wealth so the possibility of civil war breaking out if they were to do the right thing is far less desirable than just relaxing at the country club. So, "We the People," have to do the right thing and fight back against a Pence presidency....yes, Cheney has come back to rule!

    Refuse to file taxes, and if you know your employer voted for Trump, sabotage his business by slowing down productivity, hassle Fox News reporters any chance you get, anytime Trump does the opposite of what he promised the Reds, post it online. Constantly repeat Comey, Comey, Comey, Giuliani, Giuliani, Giuliani, the same way the Reds repeated Bengazi, Bengazi, Bengazi, emails , emails, emails. Constantly talk about Trumps rape charges and his two fraud trials. Follow Portland's example and get in the streets and recognize Bernie as our rightful leader.

    The thing that gauls me the most about this election is that in terms of economic reality, the Reds would have won if the Dems took power, but we all get fffed now because the Reds bought into the lies once again and voted against not only themselves, but 99.9 percent of us.

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    A sobering thought. What if Trump does "make America great again". If he does bring back mfg. jobs, improves. health care, stops the out of control spending spree and government corruption. Etc. It could be the end of the lefts socialists movement. I think the world is extremely worried that America is going to look after it self for a change As a Canadian I am. 75% of our exports go to the US and it looks like an additional 800,000 barrels a day of oil once keystone is approved. Interesting times to come

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    Tomdorr, The Tea Party was formed as a protest to the Obama administration. Fox News then grew it into a national organization. Look it up.

    At the same time the Birther movement started. A rascist movement whose goal was to remove him from office.

    Cuba? Did you not learn your lessons from Vietnam? The horrible communist regime that was the stepping stone for communism to spread into America, is now a trading partner.

    I do not understand how you can predict what Trump will do. 91% of what he says is lies.

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    Hey Thom, did you buy Louise 11 roses for your anniversary?

  • Mr. Trump Goes to Washington   8 years 15 weeks ago

    If you think the election was rigged or you are concerned about our future sign this petition for the electors to vote for the candidate who won the popular vote:

  • Obama Betrays Standing Rock   8 years 15 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
    span.s1 {text-decoration: underline}

    Trump Vacates His Promises

    {… a rhyme …}

    It’s hard to tie

    Mister Trump to his lie, -

    - since his lie was just a bargaining position

    to trick himself into a transition

    to the cherished Presidency,

    to a White House residency.

    Yuuge ambition.

    Truth’s in attrition.

    No contrition.

    Gummint’s in a yuugely terrible condition.


  • Obama Betrays Standing Rock   8 years 15 weeks ago

    Merely Wistful?

    {a rhyme}

    May Bernie-ite thinking be more than just wistful

    that we might succeed in our efforts resistful, -

    - that Trumpism’s thrusts can be constrained

    before these errors become engrained.

    May resistance be Real, and not merely wishful.


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