It seemed that Hillary would achieve a big lead after each debate. I wonder if this was because this was almost the only time a large group of Americans got to hear her.
I think that in poorer and rural America the right often has pretty much monopolized the media especially with the "poorly educated" and the elderly. Talk radio is nothing but right wing in most of the country. Data and smart phones cost money and often older Americans aren't comfortable using them. Internet is expensive and not always available. And again older less educated Americans are not always comfortable using computers. And Fox news is, I'm told, available on basic cable and CNN and MSNBC are not.
If she wasn't heard, and the right can tell any lie they want, it doesn't matter what she said.
Thom, I left you when you abandoned Bernie and started shilling for Clinton, the pathological liar, war hawk, moral and fiscally corrupt and yes, incompetent.
You are no progressive, just an opportunist
There is now a revolution th an can succeed. Control of two legs of the Government and soon SCOTUS too, the 3rd leg
I haven't seen a consumer based boom since the early 70s, I'm not sure you've actually seen one. It was before shareholders changed wall street. Recent booms came at a price. Back then, booms came because we taxed the rich and they were just a tax cycle away.
The biggest surprise of this season was that the right was willing to vote for Sanders but none of them though to change their party affiliation, so they could have a better person. Their lazyness and ignorance stuck them in the Trump or nothing rut.
The 2nd biggest was that smaller states that were strong for HRC, flipped in the final hours. I suspected the architect would go that route. In fact is was the last plan from the Trump team.
The 3rd was finding out, 90 million eligable voters weren't even registered.
The system robbed us of our FDR. I'm thankful that I'm retired.
Cheeky, Gore lost because he couldn't carry his home state of Tennessee. With 11 electorial votes. Gore 277 Bush 260. Florida shenanigans would not matter.
Is it Donald Trumps's ascent to the White House, or is it Mike Pence's ascent? A lot can happen in a couple months, like a fraud conviction, or who knows??? I'm thinking the Fascists would much rather have Pence in their back pocket.....and if that's what they want, they'll make it happen.
So what are all those red state voters going to do when Trumpence fails to build his wall, bring back manufacturing jobs, deport immigrants, lower working class taxes, lock up Hillary, ban muslims, release his own taxes, repeal NAFTA...etc etc. ?????? They gonna blame the liberals and then go shoot something in the backyard????
Did anyone really think the corpse media would give up it's citizens united gravy train? .
Back in February they were conducting "general election scenario" polls: "If the general election were held tomorrow, who would you vote for: Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders?" and "If the general election were held tomorrow, who would you vote for: Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?" In these "scenario" polls, Bernie beat Trump by 8 to 12 points. Clinton vs. Trump was a dead heat. What happened yesterday was evident back in February if you were paying attention. Almost nobody was. When I would discuss this with people, I lost them at the word "scenario." They didn't get it. They still don't. They've run head-first into the rock face with the tunnel painted on it and they still don't get it.
Going into this election the electorate were vehemently anti-establishment. They were in a "throw the bums out" mood. Trump was the Republican anti-establishment candidate and Bernie was ours. Our candidate was far better, but we didn't nominate him. Instead we nominated one of the bums that the electorate wanted thrown out. Guess what.
Besides being as establishment as politicians come, Hillary Clinton was---is---hated with the heat of a thousand suns by white working class males. I'm not saying that's right for them to do or that every single one of them feels that way, but . . . true story: The last two places I worked had a few less than two hundred employes. About half a dozen of the 180-or-so people self-identified as democrats. That's a piss-poor percentage, folks. The rest were rabid republicans who proudly referred to themselves as "tea partiers." The Tea Partiers hated Hillary Clinton as I have said, but they also hated---really hated---political correctness and affirmative action. All of the "social progress" that social liberals think they have made since the '80s is skin deep, if that. White working class America never accepted these mores; they tolerated them because they had no choice; they could literally lose their jobs if they voiced their true feelings.
Well Trump tapped into this subterranean sea of hatred while Hillary and the Media pretended it didn't exist. Guess what.
It reminds me of when one of us kids would say something mean and a parent or grandparent would say, "Don't say that. You don't mean that." Hillary was the adult in a room full of kids sick and tired of adults. Guess what. Yeah, we said it, yeah we mean it, and, no, we're not taking it back.
All progressives should be very happy! "The revolution will not be televised" We now have "Change We Can Believe In" an we are in for BIG changes. The DEM's put up BOB V 2.0 and her corrupt history bit her is the ass as well is should have. All HRC can hope for now is a pardon from BOB, and I am sure that will come on 1/19/17. The message was loud and clear.....the days of DC as it has been are over hopefully. It will be very interesting to watch the next 6 months. I am not optimistic for America, BUT, American does have the opportunity to re-estabish our unique and freedom loving people if we all keep the pressure on the elected members of government. Lets get back to the America we all love and cherish. FREEDOM from Tryanny!!
Whether there is a Democrat or Republican in the White House, whether there is a Democratic or Republican majority in the Congress, we have and will continue to experience cycles of economic boom and bust. The reason is not because this is a natural outcome of human relations. The reason is because our society (every society, really) suffers from the presence of systemic problems going back centuries. Neither social democracy nor state socialism address these systemic problems. The cause is found in property laws and methods of raising public revenue that fail to conform to a truly just distribution of income and wealth. The just source of public revenue is what political economists from Adam Smith to Henry George identified as "rent." Rent is that share of what we produce (or its monetary equivalent) that occurs because of locational advantages provided by nature or because of societal infrastructure. When rent is untaxed or lightly taxed, it is capitalized by market forces into a selling price for land -- whether building lots in towns and cities, resource-laden lands, or licenses that award monopoly control over water -- and land-like assets, such as the broadcast spectrum or takeoff and landing slots at airports.
Powerful landed interests have always been successful at preventing the societal collection of rents. Instead, governments raise revenue by taxing earned income, capital goods (e.g., buildings and machinery) and commerce. Such taxes impose what are called "deadweight losses" on economic output. The path to a full employment society and an end to credit-fueled, speculation driven cycles is to abandon these taxes and simply collect the economic rent.
The last time a Republican President was elected with GOP house and Senate was 1953. The House of Representatives was 221 Republicans, 213 Democrats. The Senate was 48 Republicans, 46 Democrats, 2 independents. The President was Dwight Eisenhower.
I blame media including free speeh channecl and all claiming to be progressive failure discuss elephant in he room since 9/11 facts like how does two planes demolish three separate high rises building seven and he twin towers and damage building six excuse me his was controtlled demotlition.
Now is the time to kiss your personal freedoms and individual rights goodbye. Big business will get much bigger, the rich will get much richer, and the poor will begin to die off in droves. Obamacare - gone. Equality - gone. Truth and justice - gone. And TRUE religious freedom - gone.
The United States I was born in and grew up with is gone.
Dems can't blame Comey for Clinton's loss. Hillary & the DNC did that themselves when it's been proven they forced a primary win for Clinton over the popular candidate, Sanders! Sanders could have beaten Trump because like Trump, he tapped into the anger of the voters & he was also against the trade deals like Trump.
Also, experts say the vote has been hacked ever since HAVA began--the MSM uses one company that does exit polls & that company changes the exit polls to fit the election results! There are lots of experts that claim this is true--& we KNOW Dubya got elected in 2000 with the Katherine Harris/Bush purge of poor voters by the thousands from the voter rolls. The Dems know this but refuse to talk about it.
It's time to stop supporting the Dems since they are hopelessly inept & begin putting our support behind developing a third party that has clout, like the Greens.
I confess that I am worried about what happens next.
There are problems that have been deliberately ignored. Trump will take the problems head on, and as we saw with real estate, when a bubble pops it isn't pretty.
But, cans can only be kicked so far down the road. At some point fiscal responsibility needs to kick in.
That said ... I will bet that this is looked back on as a huge win for black and Hispanic communities. Trump will make huge inroads on jobs and lifting people out of poverty.
It may not seem like it .... but I think this was a victory for all Americans. Or, I hope it was!!! We shall see.
Does anyone really believe the polls in all those swing states were off by that much???? Oh yeah votes got flipped too.... that's not just sour grapes. happened.
evil rich guy: With Teapublican/Fascist control of all branches of government, you're party will now have no place to hide and no one to blame when the second great economic depression settles in....not even fox news can save your sorry ass now. It's too bad it's going to take a global crash for the same truth Bernie was communicating to finally reach Teapublican idiots like your KKK.
The Democrats have never been able to win the the corpse media fight's always kept them in a defensive stance....I've warned and warned about this propaganda machine.
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
Trump’s Debut
{… 1.60 limericks …}
Long has the trouble been brewin’.
It boils now to bring us to ruin: -
- Trump’s debut in
the White House, eschewin’
the rational ways of doin’.
This augers ill,
so take a pill:
Hell-to-pay is accruin’.
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
The People’s Uprising
{… a rhyme …}
The People’s Uprising
is not so surprising, -
- but under Trump it’s all busted.
It’s in Bernie that we should have trusted.
Better if for Bernie had risen the yeast,
and not for Donald the yuugely-bad beast.
It seemed that Hillary would achieve a big lead after each debate. I wonder if this was because this was almost the only time a large group of Americans got to hear her.
I think that in poorer and rural America the right often has pretty much monopolized the media especially with the "poorly educated" and the elderly. Talk radio is nothing but right wing in most of the country. Data and smart phones cost money and often older Americans aren't comfortable using them. Internet is expensive and not always available. And again older less educated Americans are not always comfortable using computers. And Fox news is, I'm told, available on basic cable and CNN and MSNBC are not.
If she wasn't heard, and the right can tell any lie they want, it doesn't matter what she said.
Thom, I left you when you abandoned Bernie and started shilling for Clinton, the pathological liar, war hawk, moral and fiscally corrupt and yes, incompetent.
You are no progressive, just an opportunist
There is now a revolution th an can succeed. Control of two legs of the Government and soon SCOTUS too, the 3rd leg
You SHIT in your mess kit Thom.
I haven't seen a consumer based boom since the early 70s, I'm not sure you've actually seen one. It was before shareholders changed wall street. Recent booms came at a price. Back then, booms came because we taxed the rich and they were just a tax cycle away.
But Eisenhower was Progressive and respected. Did the Republicans actually contribute that much to our country becomming great?
This isn't a Hallelujah moment.
The biggest surprise of this season was that the right was willing to vote for Sanders but none of them though to change their party affiliation, so they could have a better person. Their lazyness and ignorance stuck them in the Trump or nothing rut.
The 2nd biggest was that smaller states that were strong for HRC, flipped in the final hours. I suspected the architect would go that route. In fact is was the last plan from the Trump team.
The 3rd was finding out, 90 million eligable voters weren't even registered.
The system robbed us of our FDR. I'm thankful that I'm retired.
Most of those things are already happening. The sun will rises, the network programs are back on.
The only difference is the campaign ads are gone from the air waves. I survive 8 years of Bush I think I can handle 4 years of Trump.
Cheeky, Gore lost because he couldn't carry his home state of Tennessee. With 11 electorial votes. Gore 277 Bush 260. Florida shenanigans would not matter.
Hallelujah cheaters never win!
Hillary should have been disqualified for rigging the primary. Bernie should have been the nominee and President-Elect today.
Is it Donald Trumps's ascent to the White House, or is it Mike Pence's ascent? A lot can happen in a couple months, like a fraud conviction, or who knows??? I'm thinking the Fascists would much rather have Pence in their back pocket.....and if that's what they want, they'll make it happen.
So what are all those red state voters going to do when Trumpence fails to build his wall, bring back manufacturing jobs, deport immigrants, lower working class taxes, lock up Hillary, ban muslims, release his own taxes, repeal NAFTA...etc etc. ?????? They gonna blame the liberals and then go shoot something in the backyard????
Did anyone really think the corpse media would give up it's citizens united gravy train? .
I wonder if Trump will grab Debbie Wasserman-Schultz by the [bleep] when he announces her cabinet appointment.
Back in February they were conducting "general election scenario" polls: "If the general election were held tomorrow, who would you vote for: Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders?" and "If the general election were held tomorrow, who would you vote for: Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?" In these "scenario" polls, Bernie beat Trump by 8 to 12 points. Clinton vs. Trump was a dead heat. What happened yesterday was evident back in February if you were paying attention. Almost nobody was. When I would discuss this with people, I lost them at the word "scenario." They didn't get it. They still don't. They've run head-first into the rock face with the tunnel painted on it and they still don't get it.
Going into this election the electorate were vehemently anti-establishment. They were in a "throw the bums out" mood. Trump was the Republican anti-establishment candidate and Bernie was ours. Our candidate was far better, but we didn't nominate him. Instead we nominated one of the bums that the electorate wanted thrown out. Guess what.
Besides being as establishment as politicians come, Hillary Clinton was---is---hated with the heat of a thousand suns by white working class males. I'm not saying that's right for them to do or that every single one of them feels that way, but . . . true story: The last two places I worked had a few less than two hundred employes. About half a dozen of the 180-or-so people self-identified as democrats. That's a piss-poor percentage, folks. The rest were rabid republicans who proudly referred to themselves as "tea partiers." The Tea Partiers hated Hillary Clinton as I have said, but they also hated---really hated---political correctness and affirmative action. All of the "social progress" that social liberals think they have made since the '80s is skin deep, if that. White working class America never accepted these mores; they tolerated them because they had no choice; they could literally lose their jobs if they voiced their true feelings.
Well Trump tapped into this subterranean sea of hatred while Hillary and the Media pretended it didn't exist. Guess what.
It reminds me of when one of us kids would say something mean and a parent or grandparent would say, "Don't say that. You don't mean that." Hillary was the adult in a room full of kids sick and tired of adults. Guess what. Yeah, we said it, yeah we mean it, and, no, we're not taking it back.
All progressives should be very happy! "The revolution will not be televised" We now have "Change We Can Believe In" an we are in for BIG changes. The DEM's put up BOB V 2.0 and her corrupt history bit her is the ass as well is should have. All HRC can hope for now is a pardon from BOB, and I am sure that will come on 1/19/17. The message was loud and clear.....the days of DC as it has been are over hopefully. It will be very interesting to watch the next 6 months. I am not optimistic for America, BUT, American does have the opportunity to re-estabish our unique and freedom loving people if we all keep the pressure on the elected members of government. Lets get back to the America we all love and cherish. FREEDOM from Tryanny!!
Its a shame Hillary could not have set aside her blind ambition, and endorsed Bernie or Elizabeth Warren who could have energized the Dems.
Now we must hope Trump is more of a practical Independant than a Repub.
Whether there is a Democrat or Republican in the White House, whether there is a Democratic or Republican majority in the Congress, we have and will continue to experience cycles of economic boom and bust. The reason is not because this is a natural outcome of human relations. The reason is because our society (every society, really) suffers from the presence of systemic problems going back centuries. Neither social democracy nor state socialism address these systemic problems. The cause is found in property laws and methods of raising public revenue that fail to conform to a truly just distribution of income and wealth. The just source of public revenue is what political economists from Adam Smith to Henry George identified as "rent." Rent is that share of what we produce (or its monetary equivalent) that occurs because of locational advantages provided by nature or because of societal infrastructure. When rent is untaxed or lightly taxed, it is capitalized by market forces into a selling price for land -- whether building lots in towns and cities, resource-laden lands, or licenses that award monopoly control over water -- and land-like assets, such as the broadcast spectrum or takeoff and landing slots at airports.
Powerful landed interests have always been successful at preventing the societal collection of rents. Instead, governments raise revenue by taxing earned income, capital goods (e.g., buildings and machinery) and commerce. Such taxes impose what are called "deadweight losses" on economic output. The path to a full employment society and an end to credit-fueled, speculation driven cycles is to abandon these taxes and simply collect the economic rent.
Edward J. Dodson, M.L.A.
School of Cooperative Individualism
Reagan 2.0 (for another 36 years)
The last time a Republican President was elected with GOP house and Senate was 1953. The House of Representatives was 221 Republicans, 213 Democrats. The Senate was 48 Republicans, 46 Democrats, 2 independents. The President was Dwight Eisenhower.
I blame media including free speeh channecl and all claiming to be progressive failure discuss elephant in he room since 9/11 facts like how does two planes demolish three separate high rises building seven and he twin towers and damage building six excuse me his was controtlled demotlition.
Now is the time to kiss your personal freedoms and individual rights goodbye. Big business will get much bigger, the rich will get much richer, and the poor will begin to die off in droves. Obamacare - gone. Equality - gone. Truth and justice - gone. And TRUE religious freedom - gone.
The United States I was born in and grew up with is gone.
Dems can't blame Comey for Clinton's loss. Hillary & the DNC did that themselves when it's been proven they forced a primary win for Clinton over the popular candidate, Sanders! Sanders could have beaten Trump because like Trump, he tapped into the anger of the voters & he was also against the trade deals like Trump.
Also, experts say the vote has been hacked ever since HAVA began--the MSM uses one company that does exit polls & that company changes the exit polls to fit the election results! There are lots of experts that claim this is true--& we KNOW Dubya got elected in 2000 with the Katherine Harris/Bush purge of poor voters by the thousands from the voter rolls. The Dems know this but refuse to talk about it.
It's time to stop supporting the Dems since they are hopelessly inept & begin putting our support behind developing a third party that has clout, like the Greens.
I confess that I am worried about what happens next.
There are problems that have been deliberately ignored. Trump will take the problems head on, and as we saw with real estate, when a bubble pops it isn't pretty.
But, cans can only be kicked so far down the road. At some point fiscal responsibility needs to kick in.
That said ... I will bet that this is looked back on as a huge win for black and Hispanic communities. Trump will make huge inroads on jobs and lifting people out of poverty.
It may not seem like it .... but I think this was a victory for all Americans. Or, I hope it was!!! We shall see.
Does anyone really believe the polls in all those swing states were off by that much???? Oh yeah votes got flipped too.... that's not just sour grapes. happened.
evil rich guy: With Teapublican/Fascist control of all branches of government, you're party will now have no place to hide and no one to blame when the second great economic depression settles in....not even fox news can save your sorry ass now. It's too bad it's going to take a global crash for the same truth Bernie was communicating to finally reach Teapublican idiots like your KKK.
The Democrats have never been able to win the the corpse media fight's always kept them in a defensive stance....I've warned and warned about this propaganda machine.