Recent comments

  • Is the Deep State Trying to Pick our President?   8 years 16 weeks ago


    Get ready, if all those who said they would leave the USA for Canada if Trump wins, keep there word ( I doubt if They will). Canada will be inidated with losers.

  • How Do We Protect Our Vote?   8 years 16 weeks ago

    An amazing victory by Trump!!

    I hope that America got it right and that the devisiveness of the last eight years is behind us.

    May the healing begin.

    (Formerly "Evil Rich Guy" but booted off the board for an unknown reason)

  • How Do We Protect Our Vote?   8 years 16 weeks ago

    Obama acceptance speech 2012: He thanked everyone who had to stand in long voting lines and then quickly added, " by the way we have to fix that".

    Obama has had plenty of opportunity to call a press conference over the last couple years and point out the damage the Supreme Court has done to voting rights. 868 polling places closed! Why didn't he at least speak out? Why hasn't he spoke out about all kinds of injustice? He's had the bully pulpit, " The White House," for eight years but has refused to use it.

    In the primary when Bernie finally got the chance to speak out about economic and social injustice, the citizens listened and a national movement took hold.

  • Are Republicans Plotting Sedition?   8 years 16 weeks ago

    What the Senate is doing (or not doing, really) is not sedition, which is to incite to rebel against authority. What the Senate, or the Majority Leader or the head of the judiciary committee, would be charged with would be violating the circuit judiciary act of 1869, which set the number of Supreme Court justices at nine. More broadly, since these people took an oath to uphold the Constitution, they could conceivably be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors in their inaction and collusion, although I believe the impeachment process may have to be done at the state level. Alternatively, the Senate could be forced to hold hearings on a recess appointment, assuming the Senate goes on recess. Finally, since the Senate is abdicating its responsibility to advise and consent, the nominee might be sworn in with the consent of the Senate implied, since silence usually implies consent, legally. of course, in the words of David Letterman, "I'm no legal eagle."

  • How Do We Protect Our Vote?   8 years 16 weeks ago

    I want a constitutional amendment giving me the un-impeded right to vote!

    I want a constitutional amendment requiring one polling station for every 5000 people!

    I want a constitutional amendment requiring paper-only balloting!

    The first political party that makes ALL THREE happen, I'll join.

  • How Do We Protect Our Vote?   8 years 16 weeks ago

    We all want honest elections.

    Surely a necessary guarentee of this is a voter ID card.

    They are used routinely in many countries around the world.


  • Daily Topics - Tuesday November 8th, 2016   8 years 16 weeks ago

    Long lines at polls

    On Monday, Thom said waits at polls longer than an hour is suppression. Likely, but conceivably there could be higher than expected turnout, fewer resources in some locales. Maybe a more distinguishing criterion should be whether the long waits are across the board, and particularly the degree of disparity --- e.g. 15 minutes in some areas while hours in others. Such disparities need to be investigated and dealt with. While voting is not a constitutional right and absent that it might be difficult to make a case on constitutional grounds; a case can be made for equal opportunity --- e.g. people who only wait 15 minutes to vote, are more able to vote than those who have to wait 4+hours. Those who have shorter wait times, are getting more democracy than those with hours-long waits.

    San Diego

  • Is the Deep State Trying to Pick our President?   8 years 16 weeks ago

    Smash and bleach phones.

    The comment that an innocent person doesn't smash devices with a hammer or soak hard drives in bleach; is someone not keeping up with current events. Devices that are no longer used --- such as when you get a new replacement; are required to be destroyed as I understand it. And nobody is soaking hard drives in bleach; it is software; look up BleachBit.

    Dan, San Diego

  • Is the Deep State Trying to Pick our President?   8 years 16 weeks ago

    This is very concerning to me. The attitudes of leadership filter throughout an organization.

  • How Water Bottles Destroy the Planet...   8 years 16 weeks ago

    Here is a secret the oil industry does not want anybody to know : anything made from hydrocarbons in oil could just as easily be made from carbohydrates in vegetable crops .

    Like HEMP......

    It's crazy and sucidal to use oil to make everything in our society.

    We can move to producing most of our products directly from the soil ...Hemp can replace so many non renewable resources and is carbon neutral .Giving of pure oxygen and making the sky's blue again .

  • Did Comey Kill Dem Senate Hopes?   8 years 16 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
    p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica; color: #4787ff}
    span.s1 {text-decoration: underline}

    Frumps for Trump

    {… a limerick and an image …}

    The ladies were dressed quite frumpily

    as irately they scolded quite grumpily

    that Hillary is Satanic:

    “Like the Titanic,

    we’ll sink unless governed quite Trumpily.”

    … …. Image, - at a John Birch Society banquet:


  • Are you going to vote tomorrow/have you already voted?   8 years 16 weeks ago

    Going early tomorrow to vote.

  • Is the Deep State Trying to Pick our President?   8 years 16 weeks ago

    It is becoming evident, no matter how the election goes, there will be a presidential assassination, or at least the attempt at one, before 2018.

    How crazy and unstable this country has become. Imagine how nervous China and Russia must be if the United States falls apart, and her humongous nuclear arsenal falls into the hands of a bunch of unstable small nation states.

    The ancient Chinese curse ("May you live in interesting times.") is upon us all.

  • Are Republicans Plotting Sedition?   8 years 16 weeks ago

    ... Stunning.

    So, is it sedition, if it is so deeply woven into the infrastructure of the culture? Or, is it the status quo?

  • Is the Deep State Trying to Pick our President?   8 years 16 weeks ago

    Thank you, Thom! You have, however, only scratched the surface of the fascist hydra that controls every aspect of our lives, including the political "choices" we have. My interest, however, is in humanity and the deterioration of the biosphere, which has gained some prominence of late in the new movie, "Inferno". Today, we "modern" humans (actually we are simply hunter-gatherers in a human "built" world) are 1233 times as many as our predecessors of 10,000 years ago. Mother Nature is trying mightily to trim our numbers through Malthus' "misery and vice", sickness and disease, pestilence and war, but our unequalled mammalian altruism, produced by our near genetic identity among all humans on earth today, drives our medical and public health efforts to the contrary. The uber-rich at the top of our inevitable status hierarchies will always "rig the game" in their favor, but, even they will not be able to escape the neuro-endocrine cataclyism that awaits us, if we do not voluntarily begin an immediate, sustained effort to reduce human populations on earth back to 1950 levels of 2.5 billion by 2100, which one-child families can achieve. Otherwise, population density stress and, ultimately, the "kill-switch" will do Mother Nature's job for Her and us. God help us!

  • Is the Deep State Trying to Pick our President?   8 years 16 weeks ago

    An innocent person doesn't smash iPads and BlackBerry's with a hammer or soaked her hard drives in bleach and claim I have nothing to hide.

    It is funny though that Thom had laryngitis when Debbie Wasser Schultz rigged the primary and screwed Bernie Sanders. Nothing from Thom on Donna Brazille giving Hillary an advanced copy of the debate questions. Or her meltdown after Matt Lauer asked her an inconvenient question. She was so livid that she wanted Matt Lauer fired and called Donna a brain dead water buffalo. Hillary has anger management problems. I just wish her staff would get her on video.

  • Is the Deep State Trying to Pick our President?   8 years 16 weeks ago

    Most industry male dominated workers will be voting for Trump. They ignore tha advantages of being Union. They are willing to shoot themselvles in the foot in ignorance.

  • Is the Deep State Trying to Pick our President?   8 years 16 weeks ago

    I think that the Attorney General's office should investigate the FBI's emails and bring charges against the criminal agents. Thatwould be sweet irony!

  • Is the Deep State Trying to Pick our President?   8 years 16 weeks ago

    I thought working for FBI required some sort of college education???? I seriously doubt Comey was pressured into releasing his propaganda by uneducated and foxmerized rogue agents. Holding on to the Supreme Court is much bigger than that. Comey has done what was asked of him......keep the Senate under control of big money.

    The Fascists don't work in the government ...they own it.

  • Are you going to vote tomorrow/have you already voted?   8 years 16 weeks ago

    already voted.

  • Is the Deep State Trying to Pick our President?   8 years 16 weeks ago

    It is concerning. The FBI should be there to do their job. Their personal biases, religious beliefs, personal issues are to remain at home. Additionally, it seems there is enough concern Trump has ties to Russia. How does this time into their wanting Trump as President? Those pursuing this agenda of getting Trump elected should be investigate. Is there a bigger concern here?

  • Is the Deep State Trying to Pick our President?   8 years 16 weeks ago

    I am disgusted and worried....what possible impact can we have on the DOJ or FBI? We must organize to change our political system. We need truth from the media, money out of politics, no more citizens united etc. etc. etc. Where do we start? What is the best avenue for action that can influence outcomes? more questions than answers but I have a willingness to be involved.

  • Is Comey's Sabotage Working?   8 years 16 weeks ago

    Comey was general council of Lockheed Martin while Clinton was Secretary of State. LM wanted to sell Planes to the Saudis, and needed State Dept approval. Clinton gave that approval, LM donated to the Clinton Foundation, and Comey made 6 mil in salary that year. He didn't disclose this relationship even though he swore under oath that he would during the Senate investigation.

    During that investigation he admitted she comitted felonies: violations of the offical secrets act, and obstruction of justice. Yet he chose not to prosecute.

    Comey is deep in the Clinton pocket.

    This about-face isn't sabotage, it's backpeadling. Whatever was in those 30,000 recovered emails on Huma & Weiner's laptop was so incriminating that Comey just can't carry water for her anymore. All the Democratic party loyalists like Thom are in total denial about these relationships, and the corruption. So now the narrative is that Comey is violating the Hatch Act and sabotaging and so on.

    In reality he's saving his own skin.

    Thom has been pro-protectionism and anti-free trade for decades, but he's also been a Democrat for decades. He just can't wrap his mind around the concept of his most natural ally being an R, and everything he despises running as D. Even though The Don has completely bulldozed everything the GOP used to be.

    In Thom's brain, the GOP is still Jesse Helms and George Bush. In reality it's over for those people. That era is at an end. Just like his precious Bernie Sanders and the pipe dream of a Scandinavian-style welfare paradise. Which is ashes in Scandinavia now, too.

  • Are Republicans Plotting Sedition?   8 years 16 weeks ago

    Yesterday in a speech Paul Ryan was asking the crowd if they want a president that is constantly being investigated? What a scheme. The Republican Party constantly investigates the Clintons for 40 years on Trumped up charges and then says do you want a president that is constantly under investigation.?

  • How Globalism is Rigged To Make the Rich Richer   8 years 16 weeks ago

    I have no doubt President Obama believes that the Trans Pacific Partnership is a great deal for us. That's probably what his advisors are telling him. I doubt he has read the entire agreement. His advisor(s) may have some skin in the game, you know they may personally stand to profit off of it. That could be the reason they are telling him it's great and the reason he's telling us it's great. Then again, it may be a good deal or it could be a bad deal. I don't know for sure.

    Personally, I haven't read it. Have you? I understand it's lengthy and complicated and somewhat secretive. I would like to have some college professors check it out for us and congress so they could tell us what they think about it after they have studied it. We and congress need to know what's bad about it and what's good about it. We need to know if it's a bad deal or a good deal. We need these findings made public. I've written my 2 Mississippi US senators and asked them to reject it if it's not good for all of the people of Mississippi and to accept it if it is. They wrote me back and said they will take my concerns into consideration when they make their decisions on it. Anyone can do this. Have you?

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