Thom's Blog

Will The Media "Dean Scream" Bernie?

Thom plus logo Back in the 2004 election, when Howard Dean was running in the Democratic primary, he did an interview with Chris Matthews and said that if he was elected president he would work to break up big corporate monopolies, including the big media companies.

For the Planet to Survive We Must Control Corporate Power

Thom plus logo While the Amazon is on fire, reporter Lee Fang details how Republican lobbyists in the United States are helping organize American multinational corporations to exploit that rain forest. Reporter Judd Legum tells us that fossil fuel lobbyists inside the DNC voted to kill a Democratic Party climate debate.

Can Humanity Be Saved?

Thom plus logo As the Amazon is on fire and the Democratic Party refuses to hold a debate focused on climate change, an Australian think tank has come out with a report suggesting the possibility that climate change could destroy human civilization within as little as 30 years.

How Did the America Media Miss the "Pro-Life" Movement Isn't about Saving Life - But - Is About Women Under the Thumbs of Men?

Thom plus logo Anti-abortion groups want you to believe they're all about saving "unborn" human lives, but a new poll shows that, for the majority of abortion rights opponents, that's a lie. The "pro-life" movement, it turns out, is fundamentally about keeping women down - a sentiment that's even shared by a majority of women who support forced pregnancies.

Can The 25th Amendment Be Used to Stop the "2nd Coming of God"?

Thom plus logo Since the mass executions in El Paso by a white nationalist citing Donald Trump, six other right wing terrorists have been stopped and their guns taken away before they could commit crimes.

Prison for Miscarriages?

Thom plus logo Mike Pence's and the GOP's war on women took a sinister turn this week when Planned Parenthood was forced to abandon Title X funding; they can no longer get payment for serving low income women for cancer screenings and STD treatments.

Could An Extinction Event Save the Humans & the Planet?

Thom plus logo While most conversations about global warming end with concern about the possible extinction of the human race, long before that happens, nation after nation around the world will collapse, leading to a larger collapse of civilization itself.

The Problem Isn't a "Trade War" - The Problem Is Trump

Thom plus logo The United States needs to protect its domestic economy. We need to protect jobs in manufacturing. We need to rebuild manufacturing. But this needs to come from a comprehensive, coherent, multifaceted strategy that may well include tariffs.

Trump Is Gutting "The Web of Life" in the Name of Profits

Thom plus logo The endangered species act, signed by Richard Nixon in 1973, has been one of the most successful defenses of the great web of life in the history of American legislation. It has prevented extinction for 99 percent of species under its protection and accomplished a 90 percent recovery rate in more than 100 species throughout the United States.

The right-wing love affair with Ayn Rand ties conservatism to one of the most disturbing sociopathic killers

Thom plus logo There's a direct link between a sociopathic killer in 1927 and the GOP's willingness to embrace a sociopathic president like Trump. That link runs through the work of Ayn Rand.

The Jeffrey Epstein Case is Weird

Thom plus logo Epstein was hired by Bill Barr's father to teach high school girls, the same Bill Barr's father who wrote a novel about sex slavery. Epstein goes on to prosper in the sex trafficking business.

The Economic Winds Are Howling...

Thom plus logo In 2008, we saw the result of three decades of neoliberalism in the United States and Europe, what we used to call Reaganism and Thatcherism, damage and shake the world financial system.

Trump Goes After Brown Workers for the Crimes of Wealthy White Bosses

Thom plus logo In one of the most vivid examples of the year, Donald Trump's ICE has shown us how this administration protects the interests and lives of the wealthy while attacking people who are poor, defenseless, and powerless.

The Death of the Middle Class & The Rise of Racism

Thom plus logo According to new data from the federal reserve, if current trends of the rich getting richer and the middle class getting poorer continues at their current rate, in 33 years the top 10% of Americans will own one hundred percent of all American wealth. Everyone else will be in poverty and in debt.

The disturbing link between modern-day mass shootings and slave patrols

Thom plus logo While, in the wake of the El Paso murders, the media and most of our politicians are acting shocked-"shocked, I tell you!"-that there are armed racists in America who are trying to terrify people of color, the reality is that it's pretty much always been that way here in the United States.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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