Trump Is Gutting "The Web of Life" in the Name of Profits

Thom plus logo The endangered species act, signed by Richard Nixon in 1973, has been one of the most successful defenses of the great web of life in the history of American legislation. It has prevented extinction for 99 percent of species under its protection and accomplished a 90 percent recovery rate in more than 100 species throughout the United States. As the Center for Biological Diversity notes, "The Act has allowed the designation of millions of acres of critical habitat, which is crucial to species' survival and recovery."

Which is exactly why Donald Trump's billionaire developer, drilling, and mining buddies want to gut it. When Louise and I were in Alaska recently, we saw over 100 bald eagles; these birds were on the brink of extinction before the act helped ban DDT and bring them back.

Biodiversity is the foundation on which all life depends, including humans. It provides our water, food, shelters and health. It's the air we breath, the nutrients we take in and the soil that our food is grown on. Now, with Trump's attack on the Endangered Species Act, the web of life is more at risk than ever before. All in the name of more profits for Trump's rich friends. What Trump and other corporatists don't understand is that biological diversity is natural capital that we must protect.

It's the best life insurance for everything.


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