Thom's Blog

America Needs To Recognize Fox-So-Called-News As Propaganda

Thom plus logo Donald Trump arrived in London and immediately tweeted about how upset he was that he couldn't watch his beloved Fox News and attacked CNN.

Trade & Immigration - Trump's Re-Election Campaign Rolls Forward...

Thom plus logo Donald Trump is basing his reelection on two primary issues: trade and immigration. At their core, both are being sold as jobs issues, and, historically, both have been. American workers know that employers have given many of their jobs to non-citizens who are willing to work cheaper.

If Democrats want to beat Trump, they better not nominate a ‘free trade' candidate

Thom plus logo "[Americans'] patriotism would certainly prefer its [tariffs'] continuance and application to the great purposes of the public education, roads, rivers, canals, and such other objects of public improvement as it may be thought proper to add to the constitutional enumeration of federal powers."

Our President Is A Crook & A Psychopath - When Will We Impeach Him?

Thom plus logo The only reason Donald Trump isn't facing a prosecutor and time in prison right now is because back in 1973 Richard Nixon's Department of Justice said that they could not indict Nixon because the job of being president was so important.

Bigger Tornados Are Powered By Fossil Fuel Billionaires

Thom plus logo All across Europe, when weather is severe and absolutely record-breaking, typically news reports point out that this is one of the predicted results of the current level of global warming.

Trump & GOP - Welcome To The End of The World...

Thom plus logo Donald Trump and the entire Republican Party are so committed to keeping their billionaire donors happy, particularly those who make their money from fossil fuels, that they are not only deny science but now they are wrecking it.

How Do We Take Back the Military From the Billionaire Owned Military Industrial Complex?

Thom plus logo Democrats (Bernie & Lee) in the senate proposed legislation saying what the Constitution already says: that Trump can't go to war with Iran without congressional authorization. Every Republican on the committee, except Rand Paul, voted against it.

How our republic could die in the age of Trump - in a stunning parallel to the fall of Rome

Thom plus logo The American republic could die, just like Rome. Wavering for some time on the verge of becoming a complete oligarchy, America is on the verge of flipping from a democratic republic to a strongman or autocratic form of government, something that's happened to dozens of democracies in the past few decades, but never before here.

Imagine this scenario.....

Thom plus logo -- Congress opens impeachment hearings

Demands documents and testimony

-- Trump refuses.

-- Supreme court orders him to do it.

-- He cites Andrew Jackson and says enforce your own decision.

-- Congress demands that the witnesses show up.

-- He says, "enforce your own decision."

Should Mega Tornado Cities and Homeowners Send Their Bills to the Fossil Fuel Industry?

Thom plus logo Climate change is making the weather more severe. From arctic cyclone bombs bringing freezing damage to the country, to severe thunderstorms destroying homes and communities, this is all being made worse by climate change.

The GOP Is on the Road to Mass Lockups for Women Who Have Miscarriages

Thom plus logo The Republican Party's attack on women's reproductive rights has put the nation on a terrifying path

The GOP's Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice is on its way.

How To End The Constitutionalist Crisis

Thom plus logo Pundits are saying that Trump is leading us into a constitutional crisis because Barr will slow-walk every effort of Congress to do oversight, and the court proceedings will drag on past the elections.

How Does America Protect Itself From a 24/7 Billionaire Funded Propaganda News Outlet?

Thom plus logo Back 2011, a study from Farley Dickinson University found that people who watch Fox News are actually measurably less likely to know facts about current events and more likely to believe things that are not true. Now a new poll of Fox viewers versus those who watch everything else confirms that it still the case.

What Does America Do With the Grifter President Who is Actually Broke?

Thom plus logo It's looking increasingly like Donald Trump has had zero or negative net worth ever since the 1980s or 90s, according to the tax reports released by the New York Times yesterday. He's been a grifter all along, running a huge con on America.

Mueller Report: Why Won't the Media Report That Barr's Redactions Are to Protect The Trump Crime Family?

Thom plus logo Coverup General Bill Barr has said that he redacted information in the Mueller Report "that would unduly infringe on the personal privacy and reputational interests of peripheral third parties." He's also made it clear that Donald Trump was not a "subject" of the investigation, which means that Donald Trump himself is a "third-party."

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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