By Thom Hartmann A...
It's looking increasingly like Donald Trump has had zero or negative net worth ever since the 1980s or 90s, according to the tax reports released by the New York Times yesterday. He's been a grifter all along, running a huge con on America. He was broke when he wrote Art of the Deal, and he was broke when he was on The Apprentice. He's almost certainly broke now.
So, what do Americans do as we realize that the guy in the White House is a world-class grifter and compulsive liar who is so broke that he is willing to sell out his country in exchange for cash flow from his businesses in Turkey, the Philippines, and the $1 billion opportunity in Moscow that he was negotiating and lying about throughout the campaign?
So, what do Americans do as we realize that the guy in the White House is a world-class grifter and compulsive liar who is so broke that he is willing to sell out his country in exchange for cash flow from his businesses in Turkey, the Philippines, and the $1 billion opportunity in Moscow that he was negotiating and lying about throughout the campaign?