Thom's Blog

We Need To Defeat the White Supremacy Virus

Thom plus logo From the first colonization of North America, guns have been the principle instrument to enforce white supremacy. This racialized violence isn't new.

The Media Doesn't Want Democrats to Have Big Bold Ideas but Republicans Can....

Thom plus logo The Republicans have some big bold ideas. At least 17 million voters were purged nationwide between 2016 and 2018, according to a study by the Brennan Center for Justice, because Republicans have the big idea that only white people should vote. Here's another.

We Need to Get Profit-Seeking Parasites Away From the Public Good

Thom plus logo CNN and so-called conservatives keep worrying about how we're going to "pay for" things like Medicare for all and free college at the Democratic Debates. It's the completely wrong frame and question.

Can America Claim to Be Civilized?

Thom plus logo Supposedly Stalin said, " A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic."

How To Fight Trump?

Thom plus logo Tim Wise, who helped run a campaign against David Duke, points out that when they tried to talk about the issues and ignored Duke's appeal to racism, it depressed the white anti-Duke Vote.

What Do Democrats Really Want?

Thom plus logo Thomas Friedman, the confused billionaire, told us decades ago that "free trade" is what made the Lexus a successful product when, in fact, it was decades of Japanese government subsidies and explicit tariffs that did so.

How a Trojan horse project to rewrite our Constitution could actually happen if Trump wins in 2020

Thom plus logo It's often said that if Trump is reelected, it'll be the end of democracy in America. But how could Trump get reelected, and how could democracy get wiped out in the USA?

Turns out, there's an actual project to rewrite our Constitution, turning America into a corporate-run oligarchy.

Will Racism Backfire on Trump...Or not?

Thom plus logo Trump's son Eric said on Fox News that he's loving the Democrats being upset about Trump's racist language. He argued that it's playing right into their hands.

How Has the Right Wing Takeover of the GOP and the Media Changed America?

Thom plus logo On Tucker Carlson's show, David Horowitz said, "The creation of America was probably the greatest gift given to Black people in 3,000 years..." He added that "the people who hate America on the left, and this embraces so much of the Democratic Party these days, have conducted a 50-year, 60-year attack on Christianity in this country."

Social Media Has Created the "Hive Mind" & Let It Loose Into America

Thom plus logo America has always been a racist country, but until recently (in the modern era) we didn't discuss it in "polite" company. Now, social media has created a "hive mind" among us, so the racism that was always there is clear and obvious. And Trump knows it, and is using it to connect with others in his part of the hive.

Is America no longer "the great melting pot"?

Thom plus logo Edmund Burke is often quoted as saying that all it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.

Conservatives are silent as Trump's tweet telling women of color to go back to their ancestor's country amplifies the sort of thing that people like David Duke and the Klan have been saying forever.

It's just as explicitly racist and fascist as was his "very fine people on both sides" comment.

How Do We Help the Victims of This "Reality Star" President?

Thom plus logo When Donald Trump was doing a reality show for NBC, he was messing with a few peoples lives - and apparently delighting in it - but the impact was minimal. Now he is quite literally running a daily reality show out of the White House and messing with the lives of all Americans and the planet more broadly.

Is America the First Developed Country to Begin Moving Backwards?

Thom plus logo Russian president Vladimir Putin recently suggested that "liberal democracy" is "obsolete." He may be onto something, at least from the point of view of conservatives and neoconservatives in the United States and Europe. Indeed, a liberal democracy has been under attack for sometime.

Trump and the GOP are blatantly encouraging foreign dictators to hack the 2020 election

Thom plus logo It looks like Donald Trump and the leadership of the GOP are encouraging other countries to hack our upcoming 2020 election.

The New Horror Awaiting Us If the GOP Is Successful

Thom plus logo Trump and the Republican Party have been screaming about the horrors of Obamacare ever since it was passed in the early years of the Obama presidency. Today, their lawsuit to completely destroy Obamacare is being heard in a federal appeals court, and may well go from there to the Supreme Court.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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