From the first colonization of North America, guns have been the principle instrument to enforce white supremacy. This racialized violence isn't new. From the Slave Patrols of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries to the reincarnation of the Klan after the movie Birth Of A Nation came out early in the 20th century, to the Turner Diaries novel animating an entire new generation of white racist terrorists, The economic and political undercurrent of American culture and politics has always been one of white supremacy. It is not only rising in America right now, but in Europe and Australia as well.
Until this poisonous thought virus is defeated, it will continue to function like a cancer in our society. We need to make it as much a criminal act to advocate white supremacy as it is to advocate the cause of ISIS and Al Qaeda. Reasonable gun control, like regulating guns the way we do cars, is also an important first step."