Thom's Blog

Here's What the Framers of the Constitution Had to Say About Impeachment

Thom plus logo There has been much discussion about what the framers of the Constitution thought about impeachment of the president, particularly given the wide range of impeachable things Trump has done, and the debate around whether impeaching him is consistent with the thoughts of the men who wrote the Constitution's impeachment clause.

Will America Allow the Slaughtering of the Kurds for Profit?

Thom plus logo It was bad enough that Donald Trump was making decisions like trying to steer the G7 to his Doral property in Florida, or keeping the Trump Hotel in DC when the lease with the Park Service forbids it, just to enrich himself.

Is America Ready for a Lawless President?

Thom plus logo President Andrew Jackson, whose picture hangs by Trump's desk in the Oval Office, defied the Supreme Court twice. When the Court said he couldn't slaughter or relocate the Cherokee Indians with the Trail of Tears, he said words to the effect of, "Supreme Court Chief Justice Marshall has made his ruling.

From Nixon to Trump: Here's how ideologues and partisans seized the Court

Thom plus logo After Brown v. Board and its subsequent supporting decisions in the 1950s, and Roe v. Wade in 1973, Republicans concluded that they needed to curb-or seize-the power of the Court.

How Do We Take America Back From the Suckers & The Uber-Wealthy?

Thom plus logo Christopher Wiley, the guy who worked at Cambridge Analytica under Steve Bannon, has laid out how they identified potential Trump voters. They looked for the same type of vulnerabilities in white people who the military had previously been profiling among American muslims as vulnerable to indoctrination or radicalization by groups like ISIS.

Why is Trump Allowing Our Allies to Be Slaughtered?

Thom plus logo The Kurds got screwed at the end of World War I, And lost their dream of an independent Kurdistan. There are large Kurdish communities in northern Syria, southern Turkey, and northwestern Iraq, and they have long dreamed of pulling back together into one country.

Ronald Reagan launched an attack on the middle class. We must reverse it to save our democracy

Thom plus logo The destruction of the middle class is destroying democracies and paving the way for authoritarian rule.

Is Trump's Call For Civil War Really a Call For a Race War?

Thom plus logo Donald Trump has suggested that South and Central American refugees fleeing gang violence and starvation from climate change should be shot in the legs as they approach the US border to ask for asylum.

Our Republic Is At Risk

Thom plus logo We just learned that attorney general Bill Barr, who engineered the 1992 cover up of Iran Contra on behalf of Reagan and Bush, was in Italy last week trying to find evidence that the Mueller investigation, the FBI, and US intelligence agencies were corrupted by the Clinton campaign.

Is Trump Encouraging Civil War?

Thom plus logo Over the weekend, Donald Trump used words like "treason" and "Civil War" in his tweets, and called for the imprisonment of the US congressman who is leading the impeachment inquiry. Clearly, he is willing to put personal political survival above the good of our country, which is all the more reason he needs to be impeached right away.

Would You Rat Out A Mob Boss?

Thom plus logo Donald Trump essentially called for the whistleblower and his sources to be put to death, accusing them of being spies and telling his employees at the United Nations that we used to deal with spies differently.

Our Republic Hangs in the Balance

Thom plus logo Donald Trump, with the help of Mike Pompeo, Bill Barr and Mike Pence, has clearly tried to force a foreign government to find or manufacture dirt on his political opponents. This is impeachable. This is literally the definition of "High Crimes" defined in the Constitution.

How The Republican Party Responds to Corruption Says It All

Thom plus logo At this moment when it appears certain that Donald Trump has used the power of his office for corrupt political purposes, the larger question that we will all live with for years is how will the Republican Party respond.

Time To Clean House?

Thom plus logo Trump's Ukrainian extortion scandal is metastasizing across his administration. It's now apparent that his Chief of Staff played a role in stopping the money that Congress had appropriated for Ukraine to defend itself, and that Mike Pence communicated part of the implied threat, to the Ukrainian president.

Call Congress & Demand Trump Be Impeached Now

Thom plus logo In trying to solicit help for his presidential campaign from Ukraine, Donald Trump committed a unique crime: one that he could only do because he was president of the United States. Using your political office for your own personal and political advantage is the most severe form of political corruption possible.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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