By Thom Hartmann A...
In trying to solicit help for his presidential campaign from Ukraine, Donald Trump committed a unique crime: one that he could only do because he was president of the United States. Using your political office for your own personal and political advantage is the most severe form of political corruption possible. The Founders and Framers referred to it as a "High Crime" because it involved the exploitation of high office, whether or not it exists in the criminal code. It is not just impeachable; it is exactly what the impeachment remedy was designed for.
All across America today, concerned citizens are calling their member of Congress at 202-225-3121 and demanding that Donald Trump be impeached. Let's hope Democratic leadership is listening.
All across America today, concerned citizens are calling their member of Congress at 202-225-3121 and demanding that Donald Trump be impeached. Let's hope Democratic leadership is listening.