Can Humanity Be Saved?

Thom plus logo As the Amazon is on fire and the Democratic Party refuses to hold a debate focused on climate change, an Australian think tank has come out with a report suggesting the possibility that climate change could destroy human civilization within as little as 30 years. Climate change has already destroyed civilization in Syria; as it expands across the planet, it could take the rest of us with it. Considering this chaotic possibility, governments need to reconfigure both their political and their military positions to radically reduce the chance of nuclear disaster and focus on completely decarbonizing our economy. This is a massive project and absolutely necessary: literally reconfiguring the world in order to save humanity.



Kilosqrd's picture
Kilosqrd 5 years 2 weeks ago

Climate change is a scam, Thom.

"a report suggesting the possibility that climate change could destroy..."? Talk about nuanced language.

If climate change is such a threat, why would Pres. Barack Obama (the hero of many on the left) plop down $14.8 million on a beachfront mansion on Martha's Vineyard if it is going to be wiped out by rising sea levels in 10-20 years? How much sense does that make? I guess that makes BHO a climate denier.

SueN's picture
SueN 5 years 2 weeks ago

So you would take Obama's judgment over that of the vast, vast majority of scientists? He's a politician, not a climate scientist. I, at least, took the trouble to get a degree in environmental science to look at the evidence, and there is overwhelming corroboration from a wide range of sciences.

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