Can The 25th Amendment Be Used to Stop the "2nd Coming of God"?

Thom plus logo Since the mass executions in El Paso by a white nationalist citing Donald Trump, six other right wing terrorists have been stopped and their guns taken away before they could commit crimes. One posted a statement of his purpose: "I Thank God everyday President Donald John Trump is President and that he will launch at Racial War and Crusade to keep the N***ers, Spi*s, and Muslims and any dangerous non-White or Ethnically or Culturally Foreign group 'In Line.' By 'In Line' it is meant they Will either be sent to 'Concentration Camps' or dealt with Ruthlessly and Vigorously by the United States Military."

Trump's reelection strategy is to activate and encourage his neo-Nazi base, but it is placing the rest of Americans at huge risk, and his concentration camps are destroying the lives of refugees seeking asylum.

And now that he has tweeted that he might be the second coming of God, it's even less likely he'll listen to any kind of advice, so it's getting even weirder. He needs to stop it and fire Steven Miller, or his cabinet needs to intervene using the 25th amendment, or both.


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