Legend, Good thoughts, except subsidies are corporate welfare, and the small farmer gets little of it.. Socialism is for the benefit of all, public education, military, fire stations, roads, etc.. And I too, cannot understand minorities voting for a bigot...
I have said for years that there are countless numbers of people that are Republicans that should be Democrats. I fully understand that if you are in the 1% that you might want to be Republican. The Republican Party only works for the 1%. If you are not in the 1% you should be in the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party has always been for the 99%. And what is with Black Male voters voting for Trump? Not to mention Lantino's. The Republican Party brings in voters with a few key issues. Guns, abortion and socialism. Hope that Republicans enjoyed watching so called militia's waving assault rifles on the streets. The genie is now out of the bottle and you will see a lot more of it. I am sure the vote counters needed the gun toting protestors outside the door demanding to get in yesterday. Roe v Wade is now 50 years old. Republicans want to protect the rights of a fetus but not a child. They use keywords like Socialism a billion times and make it a scare word. 20 years ago it was LIBERAL. Yes our roads, libraries, schools, military and many many other things are socialistic. Nobody is proposing to make Apple a state run company. What is it when Trump hands out billions in subsidies to farmers, SOCIALISM.
Deepspace, Karl Rove joined the Trump Campaign as sort of an undercover consultant. He is the master of the vote change.
I have felt for years that the Democratic party dropped the ball for the middle class. They stood by while the GOP took over state and local offices and judgeships. Now here we are, strggling to remain relevant. And I believe the Right Wing hate media has brainwashed a major section of the electorate. It has happened in my own family and I am having trouble even remaining cordial to those people. But that is their plan divide and conquer, They got the divide down. but we can't let them conquer. Thanks for all you do Thom. I have learned so much from listening to you on Sirius radio, and watching of Free Speech TV. There is usually something I want to learn more about so I do some online searching for the answers.
I have felt for years that the Democratic party dropped the ball for the middle class. They stood by while the GOP took over state and local offices and judgeships. Now here we are, strggling to remain relevant. And I believe the Right Wing hate media has brainwashed a major section of the electorate. It has happened in my own family and I am having trouble even remaining cordial to those people. But that is their plan divide and conquer, They got the divide down. but we can't let them conquer. Thanks for all you do Thom. I have learned so much from listening to you on Sirius radio, and watching of Free Speech TV. There is usually something I want to learn more about so I do some online searching for the answers.
I myself was the news director of a local radio station, which used to carry your show. They also carried/carry the Limbaugh/Hannity propaganda programming bloc. The station owner loved to talk about how fair and balanced his news/talk station was.
Fair? A portion of the Thom Hartmann show was pre-recorded and aired weekdays at 6p. Portions and often the whole show was pre-empted by the sports shows in the Fall, and other programming year-round, while the propaganda programming was NEVER pre-empted. Do the math. The propaganda programming aired prime hours 10a-4p for a total of 36 hours a week. Compared to the opposite viewpoint aired when listening is very low, often pre-empted. So, even if TH was airing without pre-emption, it would have been considerably less, about 12-18 hours. Generally, it was 12 hours or less per week.
I didn't mention that Laura also aired as did George Noory. So, the propaganda programming extended to every day part.
I was let go last November when the station was sold, I think because I wanted to get some staff and we could be a real news contender. Plus, I was insistent that something be done about the propaganda programming. Besides, you can not think that you are going to run news rooms with one or two people doing all the work. I had no help and got overwhelmed. The new owners, good Catholics ya know, don't mind at all the money they've been making airing Limbaugh on their group of stations across the state.
MSNBC does a pretty decent job, but they need to get rid of the likes of Chuck Todd. I did not appreciate him calling Indiana. That was so irresponsible. I thought his "reading" of the polls on election night did not seem to be based in any reality. He spent a lot of time proposing "if Trump wins this state and this state and this state"...and then he left them all red for hours.
I have a problem with him anyway, talks to fast, mumbles, NEVER finishes a sentence, interrupts his guests just as they are finally making their point.
Absolutely nailed the problem with the airwaves, Thom, but then you are an expert.
Trump has had a ball lying and taught his cult followers well. You know they will not answer polls honestly. Just watch C-Span. Every other caller on the Dems line says they are lifelong Dems that have decided to vote for Trump. It's so obvious it's just bull-shit.
Leslie Jones just told Seth this tension is like waiting for the results of your STD test. Ha!
Chris Hayes interviewed a pair of humbled pollsters on MSNBC's special election coverage tonight who were contemplating their navels trying to understand why the polls were so wrong. Greg Palast is no doubt all over this, but what if the polls were not that far outside their normal margins of error -- that is, in a perfect world where we conducted free and fair elections and every vote counted?
The unaccounted-for gap between what the long-trending polling averages indicated ahead of time and the mysterious "final" results reported after the polls closed could be a reflection of the degree of election fraud and voter disenfranchisement taking place behind the scenes. Since a record number of people voted absentee in this age of pandemic, perhaps the glaring discrepancy in pre-election polling is a better indicator of the infamous "red shift" than what normally reliable exit-polling has shown in the past.
There really is a huge blue wave breaking right now, but that's what it takes to overcome the equally huge wall of fraud erected by Republicans, never mind the Russians. There was a lot of carnage along the way just to reach a point to barely squeak by. Maybe it doesn't feel like it, but that's a truly great achievement in the uphill battle against fascism.
How many ballots didn't have a chance to factor into the so-called "totals" because they weren't delivered on time due to an average 30 % slowdown of mail in the swing states just in time (naturally) for the election? For instance, could Florida have flipped and decided the ultimate outcome early in the evening had the Post Office mailed all the ballots on time in Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach -- the biggest cache of Democratic votes?
How many legally registered voters have been unknowingly knocked off the rolls, or whose original ballots were rejected for frivolous reasons, and who will fail to "cure" their provisional ballots in time so that they can actually be counted? How many gave up standing in a brutal eight-hour line, also giving up their right to vote, for which their ancestors bled and died?
Pick any swing state and analyze their unexpectedly tight races in light of the widely unreported Republican war on voting, manifesting in many forms. Evidently, the pollsters are mostly ignoring this critical data input, which is badly skewing their models in the real world.
During the 2016 campaign I worked the Bernie campaign during the primary and then the Hillary campaign as an anybody other than Trump supporter. I did computer data input. Because of this I saw the results of the work. Phone banking is seriously poor and they will not admit to it. With caller ID people do not answer phones if they do not recognize the number. I do not either. I even have an app that recognizes phone spam. So you have a very limited number that you actually contact. This could partially explain the large gap between the polls and the final results. Or there is some serious cheating going on. We need an explanation because polls and results were terrible this election.
Does 50 states and 50 different methods and rules work? Seems like you could come up with a national standard. With computers and bar code readers why are we hand counting and taking days to get results? Alaska must be delivering ballots by dog sled. It is at 47% counted.
There are enough capable donors on the progressive side. It is time for them to help out. There needs to be a broad and deep progressive team representing the interests of 21st Century citizens.
This cannot be a rerun of the DLC, which ended up recycling many of the pieces from the non-progressives.
You do have a choice as to what you watch or listen to. I cannot stand Fox and its brain washing techniques. I do like MSNBC and its factual reporting. Prove me wrong if you object. It is more a matter of the choice of the listener. It is not just me that has the ability to see that Rush Limbaugh is a big fat liar. But this country has an incredible number of gullible voters.
I am equally suspicious of the counts and polls. Joe is in a squeaker and Several Senate Candidates did not even come close to the polls. Moscow Mitch blew out Amy McGrath. Joni Ernst won, when behind in the polls. Susan Collins won by large numbers. Lindsey Graham won by large numbers. Something does not add up. All were incumbents and incumbents are hard to beat. Still the pollsters need to give an explanation.
I have a hard time understanding why anybody, other than the 1%, would vote Republican. Wish that someone would explain it to me.
My thoughts: Biden was way ahead in the polls for weeks and his lead was growing. Now we have a squeaker of a race. Were the polls wrong, or the election results? If they tell us the polls were wrong, I'm going to be sceptical. A Biden blowout would not have been a moneymaker for the media - given how much they would prefer a dragged out, very close, horse race, which is what we seem to have right now. Coincidence? Or by design? THE way to beat Trump would have been to have an overwhelming turnout among Democrats to enable a large lead. Well, we've had a record turnout, which has USUALLY favored the Dems. So what gives? Where are those overwhelming numbers? I've read Greg Palast, I've read other books on how to steal elections and I AM VERY SUSPICIOUS right now! I know the Republicans want "permanent majority rule" so badly they will do anything to bring it about - so how are they doing it? And how do we get a real democracy back?
We had the Trump trains driving around yesterday. Flags waving and honking horns. I am sure that is part of Trump praising the one in Texas that tried to run a Biden bus off of the road. Plus, one old man standing on an overpass on I-25 waving a gigantic flag back and forth. You really wonder if he realizes that Trump is going to take away his Social Security that he lives off of.
Dow is up 800 today on the news that Biden is probably the winner.
This article contains incredible unique reasoning. The instructive substance here demonstrates that things aren't so highly contrasting. I feel more intelligent from simply understanding this. See More
Actually an incredible expansion. I have perused this heavenly post. Much obliged for sharing the data about it. I truly like that. Much appreciated so a ton for your gather. The Concrete Contractor
I agree that a "win" by a large margin in terms of crisis is preferable to a narrow win, which is more likely to be accompanied by a difference of opinion between electorate and popular vote and clearly will "describe" a divided or split society. Historically, societies that are divided in times of (real) crisis are already in the path of collapsing. Collapse has been some times quick (a decade or two) or other times slow (a couple of centuries).
I consider the new senate an d the new house, far more important than the WH. Senate and house combined can enforce good policies of a presidency and can postpone bad ones for ever. They can even impeach (successfully) if required.
Ironically, technology (traditionally funded by the State) has made us wealthy beyond the imagination of our parents. Ironically, the economy has evolved to a consumers' economy, which means the poor contribute to the economy much more than the few super rich, who tend to take their money out if the economy and into secure tax paradises. Taxing the poor (directly or indirectly) basically destroys the economy in the long term. In addition, economic injustice (a "black-and-white" issue) reinforces the image of social injustice (a "colored" issue). How can a country progress under such feelings? Not only, progress becomes impeded, but chances of collapse increase.
The idea that each American is entitled to a "freedom dividend" (i.e. a fair share of technology) seems radical, because it clashes with the deeply entrenched superstition that "Arbeit macht frei". While, this superstition worked well in the past, times have changed radically, and radical changes are required for the "fittest". USA is one of the exceptions where it is easier for a working person to get a high pay-rise rather than an extra paid day vacation. Much poorer countries have achieved the annual 4-week paid leave (for the employed ones, that is), but to the best of my knowledge this is still double of what USA has achieved. (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_minimum_annual_leave_by_country). Time is not simply money. Time is all we have left before we give up all our money.
Looks like Biden's got this. Looks like Trump's last-ditch strategy of only counting his votes is being laughed out of court. Now comes the fun part.
Republicans seem to really like crowd chanting. They should be chanting lock Trump up. He is robbing them blind.
Marnie Cook, Thanks for sharing, you did the right thing but those in power only see dollar signs.. It's where we are..unfortunately..
Legend, Good thoughts, except subsidies are corporate welfare, and the small farmer gets little of it.. Socialism is for the benefit of all, public education, military, fire stations, roads, etc.. And I too, cannot understand minorities voting for a bigot...
I have said for years that there are countless numbers of people that are Republicans that should be Democrats. I fully understand that if you are in the 1% that you might want to be Republican. The Republican Party only works for the 1%. If you are not in the 1% you should be in the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party has always been for the 99%. And what is with Black Male voters voting for Trump? Not to mention Lantino's. The Republican Party brings in voters with a few key issues. Guns, abortion and socialism. Hope that Republicans enjoyed watching so called militia's waving assault rifles on the streets. The genie is now out of the bottle and you will see a lot more of it. I am sure the vote counters needed the gun toting protestors outside the door demanding to get in yesterday. Roe v Wade is now 50 years old. Republicans want to protect the rights of a fetus but not a child. They use keywords like Socialism a billion times and make it a scare word. 20 years ago it was LIBERAL. Yes our roads, libraries, schools, military and many many other things are socialistic. Nobody is proposing to make Apple a state run company. What is it when Trump hands out billions in subsidies to farmers, SOCIALISM.
Deepspace, Karl Rove joined the Trump Campaign as sort of an undercover consultant. He is the master of the vote change.
I have felt for years that the Democratic party dropped the ball for the middle class. They stood by while the GOP took over state and local offices and judgeships. Now here we are, strggling to remain relevant. And I believe the Right Wing hate media has brainwashed a major section of the electorate. It has happened in my own family and I am having trouble even remaining cordial to those people. But that is their plan divide and conquer, They got the divide down. but we can't let them conquer. Thanks for all you do Thom. I have learned so much from listening to you on Sirius radio, and watching of Free Speech TV. There is usually something I want to learn more about so I do some online searching for the answers.
I have felt for years that the Democratic party dropped the ball for the middle class. They stood by while the GOP took over state and local offices and judgeships. Now here we are, strggling to remain relevant. And I believe the Right Wing hate media has brainwashed a major section of the electorate. It has happened in my own family and I am having trouble even remaining cordial to those people. But that is their plan divide and conquer, They got the divide down. but we can't let them conquer. Thanks for all you do Thom. I have learned so much from listening to you on Sirius radio, and watching of Free Speech TV. There is usually something I want to learn more about so I do some online searching for the answers.
I myself was the news director of a local radio station, which used to carry your show. They also carried/carry the Limbaugh/Hannity propaganda programming bloc. The station owner loved to talk about how fair and balanced his news/talk station was.
Fair? A portion of the Thom Hartmann show was pre-recorded and aired weekdays at 6p. Portions and often the whole show was pre-empted by the sports shows in the Fall, and other programming year-round, while the propaganda programming was NEVER pre-empted. Do the math. The propaganda programming aired prime hours 10a-4p for a total of 36 hours a week. Compared to the opposite viewpoint aired when listening is very low, often pre-empted. So, even if TH was airing without pre-emption, it would have been considerably less, about 12-18 hours. Generally, it was 12 hours or less per week.
I didn't mention that Laura also aired as did George Noory. So, the propaganda programming extended to every day part.
I was let go last November when the station was sold, I think because I wanted to get some staff and we could be a real news contender. Plus, I was insistent that something be done about the propaganda programming. Besides, you can not think that you are going to run news rooms with one or two people doing all the work. I had no help and got overwhelmed. The new owners, good Catholics ya know, don't mind at all the money they've been making airing Limbaugh on their group of stations across the state.
MSNBC does a pretty decent job, but they need to get rid of the likes of Chuck Todd. I did not appreciate him calling Indiana. That was so irresponsible. I thought his "reading" of the polls on election night did not seem to be based in any reality. He spent a lot of time proposing "if Trump wins this state and this state and this state"...and then he left them all red for hours.
I have a problem with him anyway, talks to fast, mumbles, NEVER finishes a sentence, interrupts his guests just as they are finally making their point.
Absolutely nailed the problem with the airwaves, Thom, but then you are an expert.
Trump has had a ball lying and taught his cult followers well. You know they will not answer polls honestly. Just watch C-Span. Every other caller on the Dems line says they are lifelong Dems that have decided to vote for Trump. It's so obvious it's just bull-shit.
Leslie Jones just told Seth this tension is like waiting for the results of your STD test. Ha!
Chris Hayes interviewed a pair of humbled pollsters on MSNBC's special election coverage tonight who were contemplating their navels trying to understand why the polls were so wrong. Greg Palast is no doubt all over this, but what if the polls were not that far outside their normal margins of error -- that is, in a perfect world where we conducted free and fair elections and every vote counted?
The unaccounted-for gap between what the long-trending polling averages indicated ahead of time and the mysterious "final" results reported after the polls closed could be a reflection of the degree of election fraud and voter disenfranchisement taking place behind the scenes. Since a record number of people voted absentee in this age of pandemic, perhaps the glaring discrepancy in pre-election polling is a better indicator of the infamous "red shift" than what normally reliable exit-polling has shown in the past.
There really is a huge blue wave breaking right now, but that's what it takes to overcome the equally huge wall of fraud erected by Republicans, never mind the Russians. There was a lot of carnage along the way just to reach a point to barely squeak by. Maybe it doesn't feel like it, but that's a truly great achievement in the uphill battle against fascism.
How many ballots didn't have a chance to factor into the so-called "totals" because they weren't delivered on time due to an average 30 % slowdown of mail in the swing states just in time (naturally) for the election? For instance, could Florida have flipped and decided the ultimate outcome early in the evening had the Post Office mailed all the ballots on time in Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach -- the biggest cache of Democratic votes?
How many legally registered voters have been unknowingly knocked off the rolls, or whose original ballots were rejected for frivolous reasons, and who will fail to "cure" their provisional ballots in time so that they can actually be counted? How many gave up standing in a brutal eight-hour line, also giving up their right to vote, for which their ancestors bled and died?
Pick any swing state and analyze their unexpectedly tight races in light of the widely unreported Republican war on voting, manifesting in many forms. Evidently, the pollsters are mostly ignoring this critical data input, which is badly skewing their models in the real world.
During the 2016 campaign I worked the Bernie campaign during the primary and then the Hillary campaign as an anybody other than Trump supporter. I did computer data input. Because of this I saw the results of the work. Phone banking is seriously poor and they will not admit to it. With caller ID people do not answer phones if they do not recognize the number. I do not either. I even have an app that recognizes phone spam. So you have a very limited number that you actually contact. This could partially explain the large gap between the polls and the final results. Or there is some serious cheating going on. We need an explanation because polls and results were terrible this election.
Does 50 states and 50 different methods and rules work? Seems like you could come up with a national standard. With computers and bar code readers why are we hand counting and taking days to get results? Alaska must be delivering ballots by dog sled. It is at 47% counted.
There are enough capable donors on the progressive side. It is time for them to help out. There needs to be a broad and deep progressive team representing the interests of 21st Century citizens.
This cannot be a rerun of the DLC, which ended up recycling many of the pieces from the non-progressives.
You do have a choice as to what you watch or listen to. I cannot stand Fox and its brain washing techniques. I do like MSNBC and its factual reporting. Prove me wrong if you object. It is more a matter of the choice of the listener. It is not just me that has the ability to see that Rush Limbaugh is a big fat liar. But this country has an incredible number of gullible voters.
I am equally suspicious of the counts and polls. Joe is in a squeaker and Several Senate Candidates did not even come close to the polls. Moscow Mitch blew out Amy McGrath. Joni Ernst won, when behind in the polls. Susan Collins won by large numbers. Lindsey Graham won by large numbers. Something does not add up. All were incumbents and incumbents are hard to beat. Still the pollsters need to give an explanation.
I have a hard time understanding why anybody, other than the 1%, would vote Republican. Wish that someone would explain it to me.
Postal votes were supposed to take time.Do the projections take these into account?
My thoughts: Biden was way ahead in the polls for weeks and his lead was growing. Now we have a squeaker of a race. Were the polls wrong, or the election results? If they tell us the polls were wrong, I'm going to be sceptical. A Biden blowout would not have been a moneymaker for the media - given how much they would prefer a dragged out, very close, horse race, which is what we seem to have right now. Coincidence? Or by design? THE way to beat Trump would have been to have an overwhelming turnout among Democrats to enable a large lead. Well, we've had a record turnout, which has USUALLY favored the Dems. So what gives? Where are those overwhelming numbers? I've read Greg Palast, I've read other books on how to steal elections and I AM VERY SUSPICIOUS right now! I know the Republicans want "permanent majority rule" so badly they will do anything to bring it about - so how are they doing it? And how do we get a real democracy back?
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We should also require a vote, like Australia and several other countries do.
We had the Trump trains driving around yesterday. Flags waving and honking horns. I am sure that is part of Trump praising the one in Texas that tried to run a Biden bus off of the road. Plus, one old man standing on an overpass on I-25 waving a gigantic flag back and forth. You really wonder if he realizes that Trump is going to take away his Social Security that he lives off of.
Dow is up 800 today on the news that Biden is probably the winner.
This article contains incredible unique reasoning. The instructive substance here demonstrates that things aren't so highly contrasting. I feel more intelligent from simply understanding this. See More
Actually an incredible expansion. I have perused this heavenly post. Much obliged for sharing the data about it. I truly like that. Much appreciated so a ton for your gather. The Concrete Contractor
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Меня тоже волнует этот вопрос. Вы мне не подскажете, где я могу найти больше информации по этому вопросу? ------ https://androidinfo.ru/obzory/tv-pristavki/222-obzor-tv-pristavki-x96-mini.html Поздравляю, эта замечательная мысль придется как раз кстати ------ https://modscraft.net/mods/2714-armorcraft-addon-mod.html f23cd Я считаю, что Вы не правы. Предлагаю это обсудить. Пишите мне в PM, поговорим. ------ https://www.aftereffectsworld.com/templates/titles/3d-object Я извиняюсь, но, по-моему, Вы не правы. Могу это доказать. Пишите мне в PM, поговорим. ------ https://muzod.net/2448-olga-buzova-problema.html хотела еще раз глянуть, но вот блин..не успела! ------ https://muzparty.net/4718-zveri-devochka.html Весьма полезное сообщение ------ https://nmuz.net/5084-pasha-proorok-tvoya-devochka-boleet.html Абсолютно с Вами согласен. В этом что-то есть и мне кажется это отличная мысль. Полностью с Вами соглашусь. ------ smm service Куда же Вы так надолго пропали? ------ аккаунт facebook цена Я извиняюсь, но, по-моему, Вы не правы. Предлагаю это обсудить. ------ пин ап играть согласна с тобой! ------ купить аккаунт vk ретвив
I agree that a "win" by a large margin in terms of crisis is preferable to a narrow win, which is more likely to be accompanied by a difference of opinion between electorate and popular vote and clearly will "describe" a divided or split society. Historically, societies that are divided in times of (real) crisis are already in the path of collapsing. Collapse has been some times quick (a decade or two) or other times slow (a couple of centuries).
I consider the new senate an d the new house, far more important than the WH. Senate and house combined can enforce good policies of a presidency and can postpone bad ones for ever. They can even impeach (successfully) if required.
Ironically, technology (traditionally funded by the State) has made us wealthy beyond the imagination of our parents. Ironically, the economy has evolved to a consumers' economy, which means the poor contribute to the economy much more than the few super rich, who tend to take their money out if the economy and into secure tax paradises. Taxing the poor (directly or indirectly) basically destroys the economy in the long term. In addition, economic injustice (a "black-and-white" issue) reinforces the image of social injustice (a "colored" issue). How can a country progress under such feelings? Not only, progress becomes impeded, but chances of collapse increase.
The idea that each American is entitled to a "freedom dividend" (i.e. a fair share of technology) seems radical, because it clashes with the deeply entrenched superstition that "Arbeit macht frei". While, this superstition worked well in the past, times have changed radically, and radical changes are required for the "fittest". USA is one of the exceptions where it is easier for a working person to get a high pay-rise rather than an extra paid day vacation. Much poorer countries have achieved the annual 4-week paid leave (for the employed ones, that is), but to the best of my knowledge this is still double of what USA has achieved. (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_minimum_annual_leave_by_country). Time is not simply money. Time is all we have left before we give up all our money.