I have said it earlier that the Covid virus is almost the perfect virus for the Republicans, in their eyes. It eliminates the elderly (Social Security) and blacks (welfare). Let it run its course is their attitude. It is obvious that they rally's are meant to spread it. The disdain for masks (proven effective) is meant to spread it.
Познания, какие вам казаться не отыщете в горизонтах путы интернет, таким образом равно как они закодированы/ заархивированы во клеточках вашего рассудки. [url=http://akademiya-centr-sveta.ru]http://akademiya-centr-sveta.ru[/url] С носителя ко носителю причина познания переходят с помощью активации Первоначальной клеточки памяти, с через телепатической коммуникации также инициаций. Данное ваша Первичная комната памяти водит вам ко синхронизации со ней, для того воеже повернуть новейшую жизнедеятельность, переключиться тама, в каком месте вам вконец рады. Бросьте корректировать всетаки без исключения в таком случае, то сколько вам никак не удовлетворяет во существования. Возьмите совершенно без исключения со симпатией также переключаетесь. Вам ожидает сполна новейшая жизнедеятельность, абсолютная магии во активном Наличии Помощи, Влюбленности также опеки об Вам Верховными Мощностями.
Познания, какие вам казаться не отыщете в горизонтах путы интернет, таким образом равно как они закодированы/ заархивированы во клеточках вашего рассудки. [url=http://akademiya-centr-sveta.ru]http://akademiya-centr-sveta.ru[/url] С носителя ко носителю причина познания переходят с помощью активации Первоначальной клеточки памяти, с через телепатической коммуникации также инициаций. Данное ваша Первичная комната памяти водит вам ко синхронизации со ней, для того воеже повернуть новейшую жизнедеятельность, переключиться тама, в каком месте вам вконец рады. Бросьте корректировать всетаки без исключения в таком случае, то сколько вам никак не удовлетворяет во существования. Возьмите совершенно без исключения со симпатией также переключаетесь. Вам ожидает сполна новейшая жизнедеятельность, абсолютная магии во активном Наличии Помощи, Влюбленности также опеки об Вам Верховными Мощностями.
Is much of anything caused by one factor? I definitely believe Thom is onto something, but as we well know Trump is crazy and disorganized. Surely by then, they were already experiencing buyer's remorse concerning the quarantine effect on the economy.
I wonder if Trump and his crime family thought the left would actually back off him in the time of a national emergency. That might have happened to a certain extent if he had created an actual logical national plan to fight the virus. He just pitted the Governors against one another purchasing PPE. It would also have required him to quit Tweeting vitriol, act presidential, listen to the scientists, and get to work for us. Instead he whined, pissed and moaned, and bragged.
Sane people should not support crazed leaders, so we didn't. This could have been his ticket to re-election by picking-up the uncommitted in a WWII type moment. Some karma comes 'round sooner rather than later. His hatred, racism, and lack of decency is about to bite him and his associates right in the ass. Some have already paid. It's time for a metaphorical Red Wedding not a Red Wave.
A little too dramatic an ending. If Biden wins we may have turned the nadir on this dreadful period. People may be expecting too much from a vaccine, but at least we have someone who won't go out of his way to lie to us, and who betrays everyone who trusts him. (Apparently McConnell and Graham never read Frankenstein.) But this throwing the poor (who were not discussed in the debates) and people of color under the bus is nothing new. When he was killed MLK was beginning to link poverty, racism and the Vietnam War together. I'm sure environmental issues would eventually have gotten in there too.
In fairness perhaps all this is moot; a recent article that I've seen no follow-up on noted that Russian scientists were seeing methane bubbles coming up from the Laptev Sea's continental shelf. If that is accurate and the release continues to accelerate then it's game over, or at least the surviving people of a near-extinction climate change event will be living like 12th century European peasants, if not worse. Trump's continued shennanigans as a chaos-inducing scientific illiterate will only bring that day closer. Maybe it can be turned around, maybe not.
Historically, throughout the world, sociopathic leaders are the norm rather than the exception. Therefore it’s not surprising that people like Trump and his fellow Republican politicians are always a threat to enlightened and progressive ideals.
I think the real question here is, what has triggered this tsunami of pathological loyalty to Trump and the irrational behavior of the 60 million or so of his supporters, individuals that in many ways are caring, generous, intelligent, responsible people, that have now suppressed their better angels to rabidly embrace such an extreme sociopathic ideology.
No doubt, backlash from having the first black president is a factor that triggered a reawakening of deep seeded prejudice among many of the Trump cult. But there are likely other factors.
External threats like overpopulation and even the real documented and visible effects of Climate Change are threats that all humans feel, whether subconscious or not and likely weigh on and affect the judgement and reasoning of all individuals.
Do we deal rationally with the threats to our long range betterment and survival of the planet…this is always the question? Are we wild animals or are we thinking human beings? Do we go back? Or do we go forward? Do we embrace rational thinking that has made the world a civilized place to live? Or are we doomed to a “dog eat dog” mentality that is inevitably unsustainable.
Trumpers have chosen the “dog eat dog” path to survival. The question is why?
No conscience-no empathy hardly describes the whole party. What Trump has done is given people that have some of each the license to squelch the best part of themselves. The very part that makes us human.
Please do a little research on the net, and you will find that empathy has a genetic component. It is taught and nurtured as well. So there you have what is going on, not just here, but in many other countries too. When the person at the helm can't be empathetic everybody suffers. Things are even worse if your leader openly fosters hatred; the result can be no justice or peace and most certainly no progress.
Man's inhumanity to man is a very old concept. I agree we should isolate the real sociopaths. We have to keep pushing our fellow human beings and nurture and teach them empathy. We will progress with or without the Republicans. It's happening before your very eyes in our party and with independents. BELIEVE
RE: "The Republican Party, starting in 1980, has brought that sociopathic worldview to politics, and made it a cornerstone of policy as well as a criteria for elective office."
I keep wondering why commentators don't mention that through much of U.S. History, it was impossible to know election results except for ultra-local races on election night.
For instance, California joined the Union in 1850, so it first participated in the Presidential election of 1852. Can anybody imagine that with communications & transportation in the state they were in 1852, plus California still being full of wilderness, that the Presidential votes of all of California were known in the state capitol, even at noon the next day?
In 1796, when George Washington was concluding his 2nd term, just 13 states along the Atlantic Seaboard were voting. And, just the few white male landowners who could vote in person were voting. Despite the small number of voters, can anybody imagine that votes from all over Georgia and South Carolina had already reached the tiny village that was being created to be our nation's capital before dawn the next day?
What about votes from New Hampshire, then the northern-most and eastern-most state, and all across vast New York State and Pennsylvania? How ridiculous that votes would have been fully counted when relying on horseback couriers and paper with no duplicate copies, etc. Remember, back then, things really closed down soon after dusk and then got going again with dawn -- no attempting to have things finished at midnight!
In 2020, with Daylight Time ending just before the General Election, Hawaii will be back to just 5 hours behind Eastern Time. That means that Hawaii would have to close its polls & rush all the results into the public domain before 7 PM local time to meet the midnight deadline in the nation's capital. Ludicrous & absurd !
From a spaceship, it looks like an entire species is struggling with basic sanity. Will they achieve long-term survivability? Will they ever find some kind of workable balance in their self-made hell that's completely out of sync with nature? This nearly invisible "pale blue dot" is lost in a lonely black void, failing to sustain an avarice people left to their own devices with no help to save them from themselves coming from the galactic cavalry. They had better come to their senses fast, or pray harder and hope their gods are listening and in a benevolent mood. Miracles and magic are in short supply.
Never before seriously contemplated until the deleterious effects of the carbon explosion of the industrial era became too hard to ignore, the extinction of the human race is no longer outside the realm of real possibility. Homo sapiens, for whatever reasons, seem to be losing their innate pragmatism and essential flexibility to adapt to a rapidly changing environment while greedily consuming resources faster than Earth can replenish herself, like germs reproducing exponentially in a Petri dish until there's nothing left to eat and drink, drowning in their own wastes and poisons, inevitably drying out and turning into dust. ("...for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.") So much for the great "thinking ape."
Although you're 100% correct, you overlook the simple fact that you could easily add Pelosi or Hillary to that list of sociopaths. Hey, even Obama. Did you not see what he did, what he said to the poor people of Flint? Zero emphathy or remorse. Still, Obama, to his credit, did admit he was more the 80's republican than a democrat. I've come to the conclusion that all US presidents, with the possible exception of JFK and Carter, were sociopaths. Seems it's the requirement for the job now or any high office. Empathy not required, or wanted.
I agree thom, they must be sociopaths (psychopaths really). Because they never come around on an issue until it hits their family or a loved one personally (even then some of the more religious-nuts just double down on the hate)..
After listening to Ann Nelson on Thoms show today,10/28/20, and hearing how pervasive the radical anti-democratic forces are around the nation, I've come to believe that IF J. Biden wins, it's only because our real rulers have decided to throw DJT under the bus.
Big organised $ has captured our nation, and IMO, there's no going back.
To an unqualified layman on complex constitutional matters, it just seems like simple common sense that the Framers would have granted the legislative branch broad latitude to regulate the judicial branch, as Thom enumerated above, probably for the exact reason now playing out in real life, or for any other similar scenario that would obviously threaten the balance of power and core principles of the Constitution, or, mainly, for the interests of good governance that represents the People's will (Remember us?) if for nothing else.
So here we have the leader of the Senate, soon to be buried in the minority (Pray to God, sacrifice a goat, self-flagellation, or whatever ya gotta do to make that happen ...after voting!), who has been aggressively flooding the federal court system with highly partisan Judges tilted ninety degrees to the right on virtually every weighty issue.
Moscow Mitch is a petty conman, smarter perhaps but at the core no different from Trump when it comes to morality and decency. He is crudely abusing a sacred leadership position of public trust with gross misrepresentation, rank hypocrisy, and glaring lies recorded for posterity in the Congressional Record. Besides lavishly enriching himself with public largesse in his private life, Dear Leader loves to pull ridiculously lopsided Senate "rules" out of his butt while furthering the great Republican crusade for one-party government in the pocket of the one-percent -- the essence of fascism.
Take the mandate and put it to work immediately. Make the first 100 Days an eternity for the other, "evil" side!The WORK really begins when (and if) Democrats/Progressives (read: "thinkers with foresight") take majorities and Executive branch. Our recent history, legislatively, has been to sit on our hands and wait for the Conservative/"Libertarian" (read: Corporate leaders) to do the decent thing by the PEOPLE (individuals). THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN! Democrats must get off their butts and LEAD, rouse the sleeping giant of Individuals' Rights to protection--in ALL its various forms, including Equality--by the Federal Government. Start by ending the filibuster use the bully pulpit(s) to inform and rouse the PUBLIC to FIGHT for INDIVIDUALS OVER CORPORATIONS DON'T WAIT EVEN ONE MINUTE!
this is a new browser you will get 50 usd per installation to any wallet the number of codes is limited promo codes FrankMUQAQ-QvCtr6XPOBdpojY FrankMUQAQ-WUtKif9KDQyRsQE FrankMUQAQ-vQnIyLE1eAFYxvc FrankMUQAQ-1b2XTM9RkSRFGgF FrankMUQAQ-JwGYozNsp2vb7ip FrankMUQAQ-lNBale0kyk3o5UF FrankMUQAQ-OBhVeFU2mhldrhP FrankMUQAQ-RBoq8J388Bgm7p7 FrankMUQAQ-AkZ1RcRPf4mVuZW FrankMUQAQ-jVNGvVyhXrR0LQo you also get bonuses for the brought friend https://anonfiles.com/ZfDan3kdp3/new_browser_1.3_rar
this is a new browser you will get 50 usd per installation to any wallet the number of codes is limited promo codes FrankMUQAQ-QvCtr6XPOBdpojY FrankMUQAQ-WUtKif9KDQyRsQE FrankMUQAQ-vQnIyLE1eAFYxvc FrankMUQAQ-1b2XTM9RkSRFGgF FrankMUQAQ-JwGYozNsp2vb7ip FrankMUQAQ-lNBale0kyk3o5UF FrankMUQAQ-OBhVeFU2mhldrhP FrankMUQAQ-RBoq8J388Bgm7p7 FrankMUQAQ-AkZ1RcRPf4mVuZW FrankMUQAQ-jVNGvVyhXrR0LQo you also get bonuses for the brought friend https://anonfiles.com/ZfDan3kdp3/new_browser_1.3_rar
You are right and people should remember that clause. The problem is the current Senate will do nothing, and the new Congress does not meet until the 3rd of January. Now that is 17 days before the president is inaugurated, but what happens if the old has stood by and let the Court declare Trump the winner? The new Congress cannot retroactively demand a do-over or take the power away from the Court for what it has already ruled on. Then we have the nightmare of two persons claiming to be president, almost an 1861 situation and certain to get violent fast. My big worry (aside from Trump clearly losing and going crazy) is that Trump loses and the court somehow reverses it. I cannot imagine the people quietly accepting such an outcome, or our having a functional national government after that.
I have said it earlier that the Covid virus is almost the perfect virus for the Republicans, in their eyes. It eliminates the elderly (Social Security) and blacks (welfare). Let it run its course is their attitude. It is obvious that they rally's are meant to spread it. The disdain for masks (proven effective) is meant to spread it.
Познания, какие вам казаться не отыщете в горизонтах путы интернет, таким образом равно как они закодированы/ заархивированы во клеточках вашего рассудки. [url=http://akademiya-centr-sveta.ru]http://akademiya-centr-sveta.ru[/url] С носителя ко носителю причина познания переходят с помощью активации Первоначальной клеточки памяти, с через телепатической коммуникации также инициаций. Данное ваша Первичная комната памяти водит вам ко синхронизации со ней, для того воеже повернуть новейшую жизнедеятельность, переключиться тама, в каком месте вам вконец рады. Бросьте корректировать всетаки без исключения в таком случае, то сколько вам никак не удовлетворяет во существования. Возьмите совершенно без исключения со симпатией также переключаетесь. Вам ожидает сполна новейшая жизнедеятельность, абсолютная магии во активном Наличии Помощи, Влюбленности также опеки об Вам Верховными Мощностями.
Познания, какие вам казаться не отыщете в горизонтах путы интернет, таким образом равно как они закодированы/ заархивированы во клеточках вашего рассудки. [url=http://akademiya-centr-sveta.ru]http://akademiya-centr-sveta.ru[/url] С носителя ко носителю причина познания переходят с помощью активации Первоначальной клеточки памяти, с через телепатической коммуникации также инициаций. Данное ваша Первичная комната памяти водит вам ко синхронизации со ней, для того воеже повернуть новейшую жизнедеятельность, переключиться тама, в каком месте вам вконец рады. Бросьте корректировать всетаки без исключения в таком случае, то сколько вам никак не удовлетворяет во существования. Возьмите совершенно без исключения со симпатией также переключаетесь. Вам ожидает сполна новейшая жизнедеятельность, абсолютная магии во активном Наличии Помощи, Влюбленности также опеки об Вам Верховными Мощностями.
Is much of anything caused by one factor? I definitely believe Thom is onto something, but as we well know Trump is crazy and disorganized. Surely by then, they were already experiencing buyer's remorse concerning the quarantine effect on the economy.
I wonder if Trump and his crime family thought the left would actually back off him in the time of a national emergency. That might have happened to a certain extent if he had created an actual logical national plan to fight the virus. He just pitted the Governors against one another purchasing PPE. It would also have required him to quit Tweeting vitriol, act presidential, listen to the scientists, and get to work for us. Instead he whined, pissed and moaned, and bragged.
Sane people should not support crazed leaders, so we didn't. This could have been his ticket to re-election by picking-up the uncommitted in a WWII type moment. Some karma comes 'round sooner rather than later. His hatred, racism, and lack of decency is about to bite him and his associates right in the ass. Some have already paid. It's time for a metaphorical Red Wedding not a Red Wave.
A little too dramatic an ending. If Biden wins we may have turned the nadir on this dreadful period. People may be expecting too much from a vaccine, but at least we have someone who won't go out of his way to lie to us, and who betrays everyone who trusts him. (Apparently McConnell and Graham never read Frankenstein.) But this throwing the poor (who were not discussed in the debates) and people of color under the bus is nothing new. When he was killed MLK was beginning to link poverty, racism and the Vietnam War together. I'm sure environmental issues would eventually have gotten in there too.
In fairness perhaps all this is moot; a recent article that I've seen no follow-up on noted that Russian scientists were seeing methane bubbles coming up from the Laptev Sea's continental shelf. If that is accurate and the release continues to accelerate then it's game over, or at least the surviving people of a near-extinction climate change event will be living like 12th century European peasants, if not worse. Trump's continued shennanigans as a chaos-inducing scientific illiterate will only bring that day closer. Maybe it can be turned around, maybe not.
(submitted twice in error)
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Historically, throughout the world, sociopathic leaders are the norm rather than the exception. Therefore it’s not surprising that people like Trump and his fellow Republican politicians are always a threat to enlightened and progressive ideals.
I think the real question here is, what has triggered this tsunami of pathological loyalty to Trump and the irrational behavior of the 60 million or so of his supporters, individuals that in many ways are caring, generous, intelligent, responsible people, that have now suppressed their better angels to rabidly embrace such an extreme sociopathic ideology.
No doubt, backlash from having the first black president is a factor that triggered a reawakening of deep seeded prejudice among many of the Trump cult. But there are likely other factors.
External threats like overpopulation and even the real documented and visible effects of Climate Change are threats that all humans feel, whether subconscious or not and likely weigh on and affect the judgement and reasoning of all individuals.
Do we deal rationally with the threats to our long range betterment and survival of the planet…this is always the question? Are we wild animals or are we thinking human beings? Do we go back? Or do we go forward? Do we embrace rational thinking that has made the world a civilized place to live? Or are we doomed to a “dog eat dog” mentality that is inevitably unsustainable.
Trumpers have chosen the “dog eat dog” path to survival. The question is why?
No conscience-no empathy hardly describes the whole party. What Trump has done is given people that have some of each the license to squelch the best part of themselves. The very part that makes us human.
Please do a little research on the net, and you will find that empathy has a genetic component. It is taught and nurtured as well. So there you have what is going on, not just here, but in many other countries too. When the person at the helm can't be empathetic everybody suffers. Things are even worse if your leader openly fosters hatred; the result can be no justice or peace and most certainly no progress.
Man's inhumanity to man is a very old concept. I agree we should isolate the real sociopaths. We have to keep pushing our fellow human beings and nurture and teach them empathy. We will progress with or without the Republicans. It's happening before your very eyes in our party and with independents. BELIEVE
RE: "The Republican Party, starting in 1980, has brought that sociopathic worldview to politics, and made it a cornerstone of policy as well as a criteria for elective office."
We are living and dying in the Authoritarian Nightmare!!! We need to cage our authoritarian threat NOW!
I keep wondering why commentators don't mention that through much of U.S. History, it was impossible to know election results except for ultra-local races on election night.
For instance, California joined the Union in 1850, so it first participated in the Presidential election of 1852. Can anybody imagine that with communications & transportation in the state they were in 1852, plus California still being full of wilderness, that the Presidential votes of all of California were known in the state capitol, even at noon the next day?
In 1796, when George Washington was concluding his 2nd term, just 13 states along the Atlantic Seaboard were voting. And, just the few white male landowners who could vote in person were voting. Despite the small number of voters, can anybody imagine that votes from all over Georgia and South Carolina had already reached the tiny village that was being created to be our nation's capital before dawn the next day?
What about votes from New Hampshire, then the northern-most and eastern-most state, and all across vast New York State and Pennsylvania? How ridiculous that votes would have been fully counted when relying on horseback couriers and paper with no duplicate copies, etc. Remember, back then, things really closed down soon after dusk and then got going again with dawn -- no attempting to have things finished at midnight!
In 2020, with Daylight Time ending just before the General Election, Hawaii will be back to just 5 hours behind Eastern Time. That means that Hawaii would have to close its polls & rush all the results into the public domain before 7 PM local time to meet the midnight deadline in the nation's capital. Ludicrous & absurd !
From a spaceship, it looks like an entire species is struggling with basic sanity. Will they achieve long-term survivability? Will they ever find some kind of workable balance in their self-made hell that's completely out of sync with nature? This nearly invisible "pale blue dot" is lost in a lonely black void, failing to sustain an avarice people left to their own devices with no help to save them from themselves coming from the galactic cavalry. They had better come to their senses fast, or pray harder and hope their gods are listening and in a benevolent mood. Miracles and magic are in short supply.
Never before seriously contemplated until the deleterious effects of the carbon explosion of the industrial era became too hard to ignore, the extinction of the human race is no longer outside the realm of real possibility. Homo sapiens, for whatever reasons, seem to be losing their innate pragmatism and essential flexibility to adapt to a rapidly changing environment while greedily consuming resources faster than Earth can replenish herself, like germs reproducing exponentially in a Petri dish until there's nothing left to eat and drink, drowning in their own wastes and poisons, inevitably drying out and turning into dust. ("...for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.") So much for the great "thinking ape."
Although you're 100% correct, you overlook the simple fact that you could easily add Pelosi or Hillary to that list of sociopaths. Hey, even Obama. Did you not see what he did, what he said to the poor people of Flint? Zero emphathy or remorse. Still, Obama, to his credit, did admit he was more the 80's republican than a democrat. I've come to the conclusion that all US presidents, with the possible exception of JFK and Carter, were sociopaths. Seems it's the requirement for the job now or any high office. Empathy not required, or wanted.
I agree thom, they must be sociopaths (psychopaths really). Because they never come around on an issue until it hits their family or a loved one personally (even then some of the more religious-nuts just double down on the hate)..
After listening to Ann Nelson on Thoms show today,10/28/20, and hearing how pervasive the radical anti-democratic forces are around the nation, I've come to believe that IF J. Biden wins, it's only because our real rulers have decided to throw DJT under the bus.
Big organised $ has captured our nation, and IMO, there's no going back.
Love to be wrong on this, we'll soon see.
To an unqualified layman on complex constitutional matters, it just seems like simple common sense that the Framers would have granted the legislative branch broad latitude to regulate the judicial branch, as Thom enumerated above, probably for the exact reason now playing out in real life, or for any other similar scenario that would obviously threaten the balance of power and core principles of the Constitution, or, mainly, for the interests of good governance that represents the People's will (Remember us?) if for nothing else.
So here we have the leader of the Senate, soon to be buried in the minority (Pray to God, sacrifice a goat, self-flagellation, or whatever ya gotta do to make that happen ...after voting!), who has been aggressively flooding the federal court system with highly partisan Judges tilted ninety degrees to the right on virtually every weighty issue.
Moscow Mitch is a petty conman, smarter perhaps but at the core no different from Trump when it comes to morality and decency. He is crudely abusing a sacred leadership position of public trust with gross misrepresentation, rank hypocrisy, and glaring lies recorded for posterity in the Congressional Record. Besides lavishly enriching himself with public largesse in his private life, Dear Leader loves to pull ridiculously lopsided Senate "rules" out of his butt while furthering the great Republican crusade for one-party government in the pocket of the one-percent -- the essence of fascism.
You can't fix stupid.
Open carry! What could possibly go wrong? One right winger found out that you do not take pepper spray to a gunfight. But 1st degree murder was not in the plan. Whose idea was this? Should we have to risk our life to vote? Don't mind those people with the Weapons of Mass Destruction????
Take the mandate and put it to work immediately. Make the first 100 Days an eternity for the other, "evil" side!The WORK really begins when (and if) Democrats/Progressives (read: "thinkers with foresight") take majorities and Executive branch. Our recent history, legislatively, has been to sit on our hands and wait for the Conservative/"Libertarian" (read: Corporate leaders) to do the decent thing by the PEOPLE (individuals). THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN! Democrats must get off their butts and LEAD, rouse the sleeping giant of Individuals' Rights to protection--in ALL its various forms, including Equality--by the Federal Government. Start by ending the filibuster use the bully pulpit(s) to inform and rouse the PUBLIC to FIGHT for INDIVIDUALS OVER CORPORATIONS DON'T WAIT EVEN ONE MINUTE!
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this is a new browser you will get 50 usd per installation to any wallet the number of codes is limited promo codes FrankMUQAQ-QvCtr6XPOBdpojY FrankMUQAQ-WUtKif9KDQyRsQE FrankMUQAQ-vQnIyLE1eAFYxvc FrankMUQAQ-1b2XTM9RkSRFGgF FrankMUQAQ-JwGYozNsp2vb7ip FrankMUQAQ-lNBale0kyk3o5UF FrankMUQAQ-OBhVeFU2mhldrhP FrankMUQAQ-RBoq8J388Bgm7p7 FrankMUQAQ-AkZ1RcRPf4mVuZW FrankMUQAQ-jVNGvVyhXrR0LQo you also get bonuses for the brought friend https://anonfiles.com/ZfDan3kdp3/new_browser_1.3_rar
@ # 6; Yep, think we all miss em', and their lame defence of COVID-45.
Maybe, just maybe, our uber wealthy elites have had enough, and gotten enough, out of DJT and his merry band of grifters to throw him under the bus.
Then, we can begin to build a fire under Biden, and force his admin., to actually help the American working classes.
We'll see shortly....
You are right and people should remember that clause. The problem is the current Senate will do nothing, and the new Congress does not meet until the 3rd of January. Now that is 17 days before the president is inaugurated, but what happens if the old has stood by and let the Court declare Trump the winner? The new Congress cannot retroactively demand a do-over or take the power away from the Court for what it has already ruled on. Then we have the nightmare of two persons claiming to be president, almost an 1861 situation and certain to get violent fast. My big worry (aside from Trump clearly losing and going crazy) is that Trump loses and the court somehow reverses it. I cannot imagine the people quietly accepting such an outcome, or our having a functional national government after that.
Beware of Fox News. In 2000 they quickly called the election for W. This affected nation wide perception - that Gore was trying to steal the election.