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  • Will America Embrace or Reject Fascism in 2020?   4 years 12 weeks ago

    Betty, if Thom has ranted on the subject of his blog during the show, which he usually does, I try and find sources and put them in the stack in the newsletter and at

  • Will America Embrace or Reject Fascism in 2020?   4 years 12 weeks ago

    Well, Trumpster's you have had 4 years to see the light. You are now officially the biggest losers. It is bad enough, that you were stupid enough to elect him. But you believed daily blatant lies for 4 years. You watched as 52 Senators voted against impeachment (the only remedy for a sitting POTUS that has comitted crimes) although they admitted that he had committed crimes. Then you believed him when he claimed that the Mueller Report had exonerated him. Which even the redacted version (only one released by his Toddy Bill Barr) did not. Trump has lied to you every day. Yesterday he said that our Covid numbers were so low (in fact, highest in the world) because his wall had stopped the Mexicans. He has added 3 miles to a 1950 mile border. The Mexicans no longer want to come here, have closed the border and the only way that you can go there is by illegally crossing. The economy is in the tank. He has destroyed the Social Security funding. The Pandemic is totally out of control. Foreign relations are a joke. His medical plan is still coming, So is infrastructure week. Plus the check from Mexico for the wall. By the way, no other countries will let us in so you are stuck here. But he has made tons of money with his resorts. Where he does not just collect off of our government (your tax dollars). Corporations and foreign countries funnel bribes to Trump through his resorts. If he should win, you have given him a get out of jail for free card. It will take years, but if he loses he will be in courts for the rest of his life. Hopefully jail, but our judicial system is hopelessly broken. Do not feel too bad if he loses, you always have Don Jr running in 2024, with Ivanka as VP. Then Eric, followed by Baron. Putin will still be around to help you get them elected.

    Obama vs Trump economy.

  • Should we have a federal right to vote?   4 years 12 weeks ago

    ["I am amazed that this is a question!"]

    Interesting concept, "responsibility" to vote. . with consequences. . like a fine? Or incentives, like a tax-break? Never happen though.

  • Should we have a federal right to vote?   4 years 12 weeks ago

    ["Agreed. Not just the "right", the responsibility."]

    One would think so, and points out my observation, that every American believes this is top of the list, unless they have a "convenient" argument the R-party uses.

  • Should we have a federal right to vote?   4 years 12 weeks ago

    While the right to vote will always be on the top of individual rights, it seldoms come to mind, because 1) we vote (sometimes) less than once a year, and 2) we assume it's automatic. There is no "right to vote". . ( and people don't understand this just like they always assumed majority vote always wins, state electors have to follow the state's majority vote, and many other traditions not written into law, that sadly we're learning due to the evil party on the right, who will cheat, lie, win at any cost.

    Unfortunately like so many mis-interpreted or absent constitional rights/laws, it takes a "constitutional amendment" . . i.e. 2/3 of Congress + 3/4's of the states to ratify a constitutional amendment, and while the R-party of "originalists" would never allow this when it works against their agenda, we have to have end-around laws passed in states, like the National Popular Vote Interstate Pact to fix this ancient, false Electoral College. I would like to hear Thom's take on how we could pass a Federal (some states won't cooperate) law that protect every person's right to vote, at the consequence of Federal fines and imprisonment.

  • Will America Embrace or Reject Fascism in 2020?   4 years 12 weeks ago

    Денежные ролики - это легкая система заработка без сложных схем и без вложений. Система создана для работы с телефона или планшета. Доступная для новичков. Подробнее о курсе Система отлично подойдет: - Студентам, должникам и безработным Нуждаетесь в деньгах? Просто запустите все так как показано в коротких уроках и начните зарабатывать прямо с вашего телефона. - Для пенсионеров Отличная прибавка к пенсии и простая система доступная всегда с любого устройства, не требуется специальных умений и высокой компьютерной грамотности. - Для мам в декрете Дополнительный источник доходов в семью, Который не займет у вас больше 1 часа в день. Весь процесс сводится к двум простым действиям. Вы сами можете выбирать когда вам работать, а когда отдыхать. - Для наемных работников Возможность сформировать дополнительный доход не требующий много времени, при этом вам не нужно увольняться с основной работы. Скачать Денежные ролики Курс построен таким образом чтобы Вы могли максимально быстро его изучить и применить на практике и начать зарабатывать. Длительность уроков курса 5-10 минут. Для того чтобы зарабатывать по моей системе вам нужно не более одного часа в день! Работать по курсу можете где угодно и когда угодно, чтобы начать зарабатывать нужен только смартфон. Все действия из курса сводятся к простым основным шагам: Скачать готовый ролик из одного сервиса и загрузить в другой. Такие ролики популярны и нравятся многим поэтому они и будут приносить нам доход. Атор курса Cергей Жданов. На протяжении нескольких лет зарабатывает в интернете, за это время перепробовал много различных способов заработка. Среди них были, как успешные проекты, так и те которые закончились полным провалом. Пройдя через все трудности он вывел для себя несколько успешных проектов которые мне приносят постоянный доход через интернет. Курс "Доходные ролики" это один из тех курсов, который прост в освоении и при этом не требует от вас каких либо технических навыков. Вся работа идет с телефона или планшета вам даже не нужен компьютер. Курс разработал таким образом, чтобы он был понятен большинству людей, от студентов до пенсионеров или новичков в интернете. Все что Вам нужно будет сделать это посмотреть уроки, которые идут 5-10 минут, выполнить шаг за шагом все действия и начать зарабатывать до 70 000 в месяц. Работать по системе Вам нужно будет не более одного часа в день! Если входе изучения курса у вас возникнут трудности, то вы всегда можете обратиться за помощью. В кратчайшие сроки вам постараются помочь и ответить на все ваши вопросы. В чем суть заработка? - 2 метода заработка Из курса вы узнаете два простых способа заработка на готовых видеороликах. Просто повторяете и получаете результат. - Скачиваете готовые ролики Скачиваете готовые короткие ролики на телефон, планшет или компьютер. - Загружаете короткие ролики Загружаете скаченные ролики на другой сервис. - Начинаете зарабатывать Тратите не более 1 часа в день на работу системы и зарабатываете от 500 до 2000 руб в день. Почему курсе ДЕНЕЖНЫЕ РОЛИКИ это идеальный вариант для Вас? Не требуется вложений. Без сложных технических настроек. 2 метода заработка по системе. Возможность масштабирования. Для работы нужен только телефон или планшет. Не более 1 часа в день чтобы зарабатывать до 70 000 в месяц. Работать можно из любой точки мира. Нужен только интернет. Гарантированный заработок и поддержка. Смотреть обзор на курс ДЕЙСТВУЕТ 100% ГАРАНТИЯ ВОЗВРАТА СРЕДСТВ! Если система заработка окажется не работоспособной, автор вернет вам все деньги потраченные на покупку курса.

  • Will America Embrace or Reject Fascism in 2020?   4 years 12 weeks ago

    Денежные ролики - это легкая система заработка без сложных схем и без вложений. Система создана для работы с телефона или планшета. Доступная для новичков. Подробнее о курсе Система отлично подойдет: - Студентам, должникам и безработным Нуждаетесь в деньгах? Просто запустите все так как показано в коротких уроках и начните зарабатывать прямо с вашего телефона. - Для пенсионеров Отличная прибавка к пенсии и простая система доступная всегда с любого устройства, не требуется специальных умений и высокой компьютерной грамотности. - Для мам в декрете Дополнительный источник доходов в семью, Который не займет у вас больше 1 часа в день. Весь процесс сводится к двум простым действиям. Вы сами можете выбирать когда вам работать, а когда отдыхать. - Для наемных работников Возможность сформировать дополнительный доход не требующий много времени, при этом вам не нужно увольняться с основной работы. Скачать Денежные ролики Курс построен таким образом чтобы Вы могли максимально быстро его изучить и применить на практике и начать зарабатывать. Длительность уроков курса 5-10 минут. Для того чтобы зарабатывать по моей системе вам нужно не более одного часа в день! Работать по курсу можете где угодно и когда угодно, чтобы начать зарабатывать нужен только смартфон. Все действия из курса сводятся к простым основным шагам: Скачать готовый ролик из одного сервиса и загрузить в другой. Такие ролики популярны и нравятся многим поэтому они и будут приносить нам доход. Атор курса Cергей Жданов. На протяжении нескольких лет зарабатывает в интернете, за это время перепробовал много различных способов заработка. Среди них были, как успешные проекты, так и те которые закончились полным провалом. Пройдя через все трудности он вывел для себя несколько успешных проектов которые мне приносят постоянный доход через интернет. Курс "Доходные ролики" это один из тех курсов, который прост в освоении и при этом не требует от вас каких либо технических навыков. Вся работа идет с телефона или планшета вам даже не нужен компьютер. Курс разработал таким образом, чтобы он был понятен большинству людей, от студентов до пенсионеров или новичков в интернете. Все что Вам нужно будет сделать это посмотреть уроки, которые идут 5-10 минут, выполнить шаг за шагом все действия и начать зарабатывать до 70 000 в месяц. Работать по системе Вам нужно будет не более одного часа в день! Если входе изучения курса у вас возникнут трудности, то вы всегда можете обратиться за помощью. В кратчайшие сроки вам постараются помочь и ответить на все ваши вопросы. В чем суть заработка? - 2 метода заработка Из курса вы узнаете два простых способа заработка на готовых видеороликах. Просто повторяете и получаете результат. - Скачиваете готовые ролики Скачиваете готовые короткие ролики на телефон, планшет или компьютер. - Загружаете короткие ролики Загружаете скаченные ролики на другой сервис. - Начинаете зарабатывать Тратите не более 1 часа в день на работу системы и зарабатываете от 500 до 2000 руб в день. Почему курсе ДЕНЕЖНЫЕ РОЛИКИ это идеальный вариант для Вас? Не требуется вложений. Без сложных технических настроек. 2 метода заработка по системе. Возможность масштабирования. Для работы нужен только телефон или планшет. Не более 1 часа в день чтобы зарабатывать до 70 000 в месяц. Работать можно из любой точки мира. Нужен только интернет. Гарантированный заработок и поддержка. Смотреть обзор на курс ДЕЙСТВУЕТ 100% ГАРАНТИЯ ВОЗВРАТА СРЕДСТВ! Если система заработка окажется не работоспособной, автор вернет вам все деньги потраченные на покупку курса.

  • Will America Embrace or Reject Fascism in 2020?   4 years 12 weeks ago

    Why do we use nice intellectual names for Trump? He is a Dictator!

  • Will America Embrace or Reject Fascism in 2020?   4 years 12 weeks ago

    The more disgusting and stupid Trump acts, it seems the more his supporters identify with him. Clearly a portion of society thinks this is how you insult their version of the "elites". There are also those who vote only their pocketbooks or the abortion issue. There is no critical thinking involved, and when you add these folks together you have maybe 40% of the voters.

    The words fascist as well as socialist have been bandied about in so many iterations, I question how useful it is use them anymore. I am for less labels and intellectual discussion and more for what was in the letter described above: "We must encourage coalitions organized across differences of race, class, gender, religion and caste, while respecting the perspectives and experiences of others. We need to reveal and denounce any and all connections between those in power and those vigilante and militia forces using political violence to destabilize our democracies." Once we coalesce further and win enough seats, we can try to control the corporations and balance the American equation. It is time; the climate, health, and unequal justice crises won't wait.

  • Will America Embrace or Reject Fascism in 2020?   4 years 12 weeks ago

    Betty, try this link

    No fan of the Guardian I'm afraid

  • Will America Embrace or Reject Fascism in 2020?   4 years 12 weeks ago

    Sorry but you have taught me too well. What is the source of the open letter, may I read it for myself, do those who wrote it have credentials other than opinion?

  • Will America Embrace or Reject Fascism in 2020?   4 years 12 weeks ago

    Интересует экологически чистая стильная и доступна мебель в прихожую массив дерева . Тогда наше предложение для вас! Мы уже более 7 лет занимаемся изготовлением великолепной мебели. В качестве материала мы используем только натуральную древесину. Лавки из массива дерева прослужат долгие десятилетия, выглядят эстетично и, главное, являются абсолютно экологически чистыми! Наши мастера работают с деревом уже много лет, имеют огромный опыт в этой сфере и способны создавать настоящие шедевры столярного искусства. Мебель из массива дерева дуба в отличие от других материалов имеет целый комплекс преимуществ: - долговечность; - возможность реализовывать идеи неповторимого дизайна; - экологичность. Чтобы купить стильную отделка массива дерева в мебели ручной работы, звоните по нашим телефонам или оставляйте заявку на сайте!

  • Will America Embrace or Reject Fascism in 2020?   4 years 12 weeks ago

    Интересует экологически чистая стильная и доступна мебель в прихожую массив дерева . Тогда наше предложение для вас! Мы уже более 7 лет занимаемся изготовлением великолепной мебели. В качестве материала мы используем только натуральную древесину. Лавки из массива дерева прослужат долгие десятилетия, выглядят эстетично и, главное, являются абсолютно экологически чистыми! Наши мастера работают с деревом уже много лет, имеют огромный опыт в этой сфере и способны создавать настоящие шедевры столярного искусства. Мебель из массива дерева дуба в отличие от других материалов имеет целый комплекс преимуществ: - долговечность; - возможность реализовывать идеи неповторимого дизайна; - экологичность. Чтобы купить стильную отделка массива дерева в мебели ручной работы, звоните по нашим телефонам или оставляйте заявку на сайте!

  • Will America Embrace or Reject Fascism in 2020?   4 years 12 weeks ago

    The Trump Train jumped the tracks.

  • Will America Embrace or Reject Fascism in 2020?   4 years 12 weeks ago

    Jump on the Trump Train

  • Will America Embrace or Reject Fascism in 2020?   4 years 12 weeks ago

    IMHO, we need to expect more from voting in American democracy:

    NO taxation without PROOF of representation! ...

    Every voter deserves to know that their vote has been counted correctly in the final tabulation.

    The government demands we prove our income to the penny every year, we pay taxes from our paychecks twice a month. It's reasonable to demand that just once every 2 years, that we each get proof that our vote has been counted correctly. That's not too much to ask, or demand in our voting and from our government. Consider this: No one reading this knows for sure if their vote has been counted correctly, ever. There is no way to know this with any of the current voting systems. But it is possible. If voting were as sacred as money in this country, we could know our votes were counted correctly, and most importantly, all votes would be respected. Our banking systems are able to process billions of dollars every day, the transactions are secure, private, accurate, verifiable, auditable, and accurate to the penny - every day. The life blood of our economy is money, and we handle it effectively every day.

    We can and must have the same process for our sacred votes - the life blood of democracy. It is time to put "teeth" into our voting process. Require the governent to prove to an individual that their vote has been counted correctly in the final tabulation. Failure by the government to do so causes a penalty to the government - that individual does NOT have to pay taxes until the next election. This "get tough behind our voting" would make governments shape up, and would also substantially boost voter participation. So, we have the technology to meet and exceed all issues in our voting, as we see the banks do all of this every day, with no fraud, suppression, intimidation, plus accuracy to the penny and private information known only to the account holder and the bank's computer.

    Time to do this - for the life blood of our democracy.

  • Was April 7 the Day that Sealed the Fate of America?   4 years 12 weeks ago

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  • Was April 7 the Day that Sealed the Fate of America?   4 years 12 weeks ago

    It seems like the media makes it a closer and closer race as it dwindles down to the end. Watching Steve Kornacki on MSNBC play with his touchscreen yesterday put me in panic mode. Joe is going to win the popular vote by a lot. Something that will make Hillary's 3 million look small. The Electoral is all that counts. And when Kornacki clicks on the various states (I have worked in most) you start thinking about the quality of education, The media that they watch, their well proven inability to conduct an election, The Racism and (as you say) magnitude of corruption. Look at how Georgia fits that. Or Arizona with its well oiled Republican control in a state that should be heavily Democratic. Florida with its huge senior population that will lose their Social Security if Trump is re-elected and still wave his flags. Or Pennsylvania with Philadelphia on one end, Pittsburgh on the other and Alabama in between. Kornacki shows the model of Trump winning the Electoral. It is very possible that we will still have Trump after Tomorrow.

    Or it is Joe. Last election was very close and somehow they managed to call it by 11 PM RMT. But this one will go on for weeks and months. The next 2 months 20 days will be pure chaos. I heard that Costco is a mob scene again. They say it is because the virus is surging. It also has the election results factored in.

    As Bill Maher closed his show on Friday "I'll see you on the other side".

  • Was April 7 the Day that Sealed the Fate of America?   4 years 13 weeks ago

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There are only a few surviving data of that conquest, so all we all know for sure is that it ended with a Chichimec king on the formerly [url=]CANADA GOOSE CZ[/url] Toltec throne, and the remainder of the Chichimecs were the brand new nobility ruling a Toltec underclass. Did not know that. Unhappy really whenever you think about it. I love ducks and your video are nice. My daughter is nearly 2, she loves watching the duck video you included.

  • Was April 7 the Day that Sealed the Fate of America?   4 years 13 weeks ago

    Bomber jackets can be found for any local weather or social scenario. However there are exceptions, like Canada Goose. Canada Goose parkas, originally manufactured for Canadian Rangers, police departments, and municipal employees, are available worldwide for discerning customers in search of insulated and waterproof parkas for challenging winter environments. Given that the zoo spans over seven hundred acres of land, it's clever to plan your journey in order to cowl as much as potential or cowl solely these pavilions that you simply and your family are really curious about. Zoo is always a beautiful place to go to and a "gate" to a distinct world from which we can learn so much! BowWowBear: Thanks much [url=]CANADA GOOSE千駄ヶ谷店[/url]! Initially I had used my pictures which had been hosted on Flickr, however with the Flickr module difficulty, I've used Pinterest with HTML. Thanks for enabling this virtual visit! Thanks for the superb tour! Thanks for together with the Toronto Zoo on my tour this morning. Lady Lorelei: That is a terrific approach to get a virtual tour all over the world via Squidoo. No sooner had I reached the lake, the big male Mute Swan, the Lord of the Manor launched himself at the 2 intruders from the far facet of the lake, resulting in the pair taking flight quickly not to be seen once more. This style stops at or above the waist and looks great with a pair of denims and boots. That sounds like an important factor to have! I wouldn't have lasted lengthy either in a haunted home. I am such as you I do not want to stay in a haunted house but I like the tales. I am considering they may need to attempt recording the ghosts. Smaller people may want to contemplate a special kind of fabric for their [url=]CANADA GOOSE 2018[/url] jacket that's not as heavy. I like hearing any such story. I really like reading about other individuals's paranomal experiences. As an illustration I have a couple of areas which I tend to give attention to: tarot playing cards, arts and crafts and, strangely, stalkers (put it right down to my love of psychological thrillers and the fact that I have a pet stalker of my own). She went downstairs to the opposite bathroom. They went to the entrance door which she had locked. We had our 50th wedding anniversary initially of Oct. We went to dinner with household and a few mates. I was with my mother when she died a number of months in the past and though she had been in numerous ache following surgical procedure, she seemed (to me) to mouth the phrase Mother (whom she dearly cherished) and died shortly thereafter with a smile on her face. Maybe someone died on the railroad tracks. When she observed somebody within the bathroom (pondering it was her mother). One evening her daughter bought as much as go to the bathroom. One night [url=]CANADA GOOSE OUTLET[/url] she was on the deck with a neighbor and the light was on in the kitchen shining out over the deck. The neighbor asks who was in her home. The home is now On the market. I remember shaking my head and saying to Paula that we should always head again- a glance at my phone revealed it to be gone 9 pm, and the park was now virtually totally cloaked in darkness. Now she would not know what to think. Let me know if you happen to need any assist with it. I keep it up north and when i have to run out it's my go-to coat. I'm trying forward to sporting it with my North Face coat. Let's face it. Shopping for a mens winter coat shouldn't be enjoyable. The native Inuit people (don’t name them Eskimo’s!) wore a thigh length pullover coat with a fur-trimmed hood known as a “parka”. Provide top quality at inexpensive costs in Canada geese Solaris coat. A singular front design, it has a wealth of pockets, after all, Canada geese have develop into cheaper worth, and iconic design and years.Canada goose expedition heat winter coat, improve [url=]CANADA GOOSE AIRPLANE[/url] your character this chilly winter! The Canada Goose jacket rose to the top of the winter apparel sport with ease, to rugged staff and fashionistas alike. Everybody who lives in an space the place the temperatures dip down fairly low ought to personal a very heat jacket. You've got merely confirmed what I also learn about proof of an afterlife. The Toltec god of the solar and enlightenment, Quetzlcoatl, would often ask his worshippers to shed a small amount of their own blood as proof of the dominance of the thoughts over the body, but no more than that. They were additionally happy to make use of the abilities of Toltec craftsmen, but put them to work only serving and glorifying the brand new regime. There are only a few surviving data of that conquest, so all we all know for sure is that it ended with a Chichimec king on the formerly [url=]CANADA GOOSE CZ[/url] Toltec throne, and the remainder of the Chichimecs were the brand new nobility ruling a Toltec underclass. Did not know that. Unhappy really whenever you think about it. I love ducks and your video are nice. My daughter is nearly 2, she loves watching the duck video you included.

  • Democrats must prepare for the Supreme Court's second try at installing an illegitimate president   4 years 13 weeks ago

    Why is the debate either capitalism or socialism? Don't people realise all 1st world economies run on MIXED economies. Even countries we're taught are socialist, are in reality MIXED economies.

  • Was April 7 the Day that Sealed the Fate of America?   4 years 13 weeks ago

    Damn, the Ruskie trolls sure are kicking up a storm lately. Must be the election right around the corner. Once they pass basic training at the troll farm, the next step is to learn a little bit of English so as to appear slightly less stupid.

    Yeah, this election should not even be close. And it wouldn't be if it's actually conducted freely and fairly, if voters aren't illegally purged from the rolls, if whole categories of ballots aren't rejected en masse for frivolous reasons like slightly mismatched signatures or (intentionally) slow postal delivery, and if all votes are ultimately counted regardless of how many days or weeks it might take (until the certification date) and in spite of all the other voter-suppression tactics dreamed-up by freaked-out Republicans going down with the ship. Accuracy is more important than speed.

    Unfortunately, in American-style "democracy," pollsters and the media normally can't or won't factor into their prognostications the true magnitude of corruption, massive election fraud, and all-out cheating in every way possible by one major political party and its authoritarian leader desperately trying to cling to power in the face of dwindling odds. No one on the planet today doubts which party that is except of course its own brainwashed cult members.

  • Was April 7 the Day that Sealed the Fate of America?   4 years 13 weeks ago

    The only solution to Fox News and right wing radio is for the other networks to report on the false lies and methods that Fox and others use. The only media that really pushes back is It is just getting worse with Breitbart, Sinclair Broadcasting and a host of others. To me it is blatantly obvious how bad it is. If I watch Fox News (about 1 time per year) I am outraged in a matter of minutes at the techniques and lies that it employs. I guess that some are blind. Meanwhile, they are making Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and many others super wealthy.

    This election should not even be close. The Republican Party lies constantly. It is lead by the greatest liar in history. Some have called Trump followers deplorables. I think that gullible is a much better discription. They know that he lies. And they double, triple, down on it. The right wing media lies to them constantly and they love it. It is comforting to them. Some will say that both sides lie. It is not even close. There is no ligitimate comparison. Post one if you think that there is.

    "A group of Stanford University economists who created a statistical model estimate that there have been at least 30,000 coronavirus infections and 700 deaths as a result of 18 campaign rallies President Donald Trump held from June to September." Gullible is not a strong enough word to describe their stupidity.

    If Trump wins what have the Trumpsters suceeded in doing? Keeping him out of jail. Cost? Social Security for one.

    "During President Barack Obama’s final year in office in 2016, the US deficit was $585 billion. Here’s a look at how it has changed under Trump:

    • 2017: $665 billion

    • 2018: $779 billion

    • 2019: $984 billion

    • 2020: $3.7 trillion"

  • Because We Don't Have A Right to Vote...   4 years 13 weeks ago

    Essay writing will cease to be a problem when you can find yourself an assistant. I got myself a service assistant for writing essay I really like the fact that you can save a lot of time by using essay writing services.

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