Thom you're right. The right to vote HAS to be protected at all costs. Trump is history, there must be a GOD. Now, it's time for Biden and Harris to work for the working class.
Number one should be working on COVID-19, and it's effects on the economy by proposing a massive relief package for workers and SMALL business. Next, protecting the vote is paramount. Hopefully, Biden and Harris can rise above their inclinations to assist the nations corporate oligarchs, and work for main st. instead of Wall st.
We'll know soon by the folks Biden picks for his cabinet and advisiors.
When the announcements were made today that Biden was truly elected there were masked celebrations in the streets in virtually every city. I do not remember celebrations for Trump. I really did not expect celebrations after the several days that it took to give the final count. I say masked because they were. They show a Trump protest and of course they were unmasked. We have had more than double the number of cases of the next highest country, India, this week. India is 4x our population. Trump is planning super spreader rally's.
@deepspace May I argue that it is both "ways around"? Fascists of any kind are born, breastfed, educated and supplied by followers by the same society that ends up being run by and under them. Ditto for revolutionaries. Often, a fascist starts as a true revolutionary intending to change the corrupted swamp, but on the way to achieving it, he gradually becomes more and more authoritarian, since time is limited, and "pretty soon" he is a 100% fascist promoting actively (and forcefully) the "good" of the people, the society, the country etc (depending on the rhetoric). Evolution, unlike revolution, is a stepwise and rather slow process yet hardwired in the human species (homo erectus vs habilis vs sapiens etc). I agree that hrdwired are also the basic senses of fairness (justice),democracy (equality, fraternite) and individuality within a group (altruism is half the story). The strength and weakness of our species lies in the latter paradox. "Fighting" each other we (the survivors) refine and strengthen our skills. United we have achieved small "miracles" in "everything" (philosophy, arts, science, technology, even in the magical realm of metaphysics). Evolution is action in the time dimension. So to evolve (at a personal or collective level) we need to act. But even if we live on amphetamines, actions should be accompanied with pauses. Pause to evaluate one self, to reconsider and reinterpret beliefs.
Yodas saying can be, and should be, generalized in (almost) anything. I am happy that empathy can flourish in others, since i have tried and failed. I think (hope) thta i have been more successful in analyzing stuff, something useful to some people. Plurality in the form of diversity makes Nature and us evolve possibly faster, than othewise.
The 'die hard' Dems must be very happy. Biden is, and has been on their conservative side. Kamala is pretty much the same, except for the "race issue" on which she is more liberal. The senate remains Red to control the fliw of money, keep the current status quo, allowing some nominal "democratic" superficial changes.
Real change is as difficult, if not more, as 4 years ago. The real issue is that the technology and the access to it, which has been mostly funded by the taxpayer, should be affordable to all, as COVID is showing. We all deserve a (natural) minimum of moden technology, like a minimumm of health support, education and living standard. Can a presidency of Biden achieve it? I hope so,but the future will show. If not, next time around a rising star, like AOC, may have more chances. It willbe time to rock and rock hard-not appropriate for the faint hearted or others with similar underlying cardiovascular illnesses.
Once again yesterdays Thom Hartmann radio show was ruined by unintelligible phone ins and constant excuses about it. It ruins the show. If you are having telephone issues stop the call ins.
@Stopgap @Suze O True that voter suppression exists and Republican a-holes exist. Suppression accounts for Biden getting 70 million votes instead of perhaps 75 million. Not all 68.5 million Trump voters are a-hole racists. There were 17 million POC Trump votes. What are the issues that determined 68 million votes?
Каждому, кто любит хорошее секс видео со пристарелыми и молоденькими девченками, а так же симпатичными юношами, русский и буржуйский порно инцест - смотреть русское порно сын трахает маму - милости прошу на мой уютный сайт . У нас здесь класно и постоянно множество новых возбуждающих порно видеоклипов в HD качестве бесплатно и без регистрации.
Каждому, кто любит хорошее секс видео со пристарелыми и молоденькими девченками, а так же симпатичными юношами, русский и буржуйский порно инцест - смотреть русское порно сын трахает маму - милости прошу на мой уютный сайт . У нас здесь класно и постоянно множество новых возбуждающих порно видеоклипов в HD качестве бесплатно и без регистрации.
As long as there are fascist leaders, there will always be fascist followers. Or is it the other way around? };--))
Fascism like socialism is an amorphous word that can mean different things to different people, depending on their conditioning. Politically/economically, the classic interpretation à la Mussolini is that the interests of big business become one with the interests of the state. In other words, the "guvmunt" becomes the enforcement arm of a tiny class of economic elite pursuing self-interests at the expense of the vast majority of citizens/customers, who are compelled to buy the products, pay the taxes, and provide the bodies for resource wars.
A small professional class, an even smaller ruling class, and a huge class of working poor (we the fools) is a historically recurring economic system, supported by a connected class of revolving-door politicos, that has been traditionally the most stable and reliable way that society can be ordered -- for the one percent. But that doesn't make it right; ergo, the other recurring theme for untold thousands of years: Viva la revolución!
Outwardly in society, a mindset of authoritarianism has been realized in many forms by many leaders since the days of hunting and gathering and mud huts. Inwardly, the innate fear of insecurity -- something we all share as survivalists on planet Earth -- drives certain badly damaged individuals to insane levels of greed and hedonism, ever satisfying voracious appetites for egomaniacal power and glory unimaginable and unattainable to most "normal" people, who only exist as mere objects to a narcissistic psychopath.
But that same primal fear can drive other wounded souls with lesser ambitions and resources to follow a seemingly strong and capable leader who promises to solve their problems and keep them safe, usually by scapegoating vulnerable minorities, which of course is a relationship that becomes highly delusional and dangerous, as Trump has proven. Fascist leaders and followers are a match made in Hell.
Religions love to hype our inner dichotomies as the ultimate battle between Good and Evil, but that's a cop-out, a lazy escape from hard reality. It's tough to look directly at ourselves as the cause of our own problems, individually and collectively. The most difficult "war" is first to recognize and understand the symptoms of fascism in our individual and collective psyches and then, as a natural reaction and repulsion, to do the hard work of eradicating this debilitating mental illness as much as possible from ourselves and from society.
Just as real as the evolution of the physical organism (a process that never ends, until it does ...when extinction ensues) is the evolution of the mind. Or at least we hope it's real. The basic senses of fairness, democracy, and altruism seem to be powerful, built-in, countervailing phenomena operating nearly everywhere in the natural world against the forces of selfishness and sadism, including in the human mind. Yet, as Yoda might say, "Not in everyone does empathy flourish."
Assuming the counting of votes is pretty much correct, does a 50:50 split country deserve progress in the correct direction? Will it not be consumed by bitterness and disappointment?
@MagnusRepo. Very reasonable interpretation(s). Not all Dems are "created" equal. At least some of them (despite their talk) act as Reps. Labels like words have shifted in meaning. It takes a lot of work and even longer time to find out who is worth voting for. At least nowadays there is a lot of info available (Ok, misinfo comes in larger quantities, but that has always been the case if absence of info is included in misinfo).
@Deepspace "the neverending war on fascism"... Maybe "neverending" instead of "continous" is optimistic, because a world that is not fighting fascism has ceased generating it. Imo it is all of us who give birth, nourish, nurture and occasionally vote fascists. Germany provided a test case example less than a 100 years ago.
Magnus…, since about 90 percent of the media is controlled by right wing corporatists, it’s not surprising that any Democratic message doesn’t “get out.”
But as Deepspace says, (I paraphrase…my own words) when these rightwing shitheads don’t have brains enough to come in out of the rain, what fucking message do you think these shitheads will ever understand? You can’t reason with a rabid dog or a bigot Republican.
Another thing. Voters should quit blaming politicians. Politicians only go where the voters lead them. Blame the voters that keep putting shithead, slime ball Republicans back into office. I’m sick of this bullshit of Democratic presidents that manage to get back into the Whitehouse and repair the damage of these corrupt Republicans, and then dumbass voters reward them by reelecting a bunch of scumbag, bigot Republicans that line the pockets of billionaires and try to take us back to the Middle Ages.
When about 50% of voters think like adolescents. Expect chaos!
The rhetoric sounds nice but you fail to explain how the ballot can remain secret: i.e. election officials do not know who voted for whom. Without a secret ballot the state can persecute anyone who doesn't vote for the leader in power.
Barrington Moore Jr. now desceased pointed out in his study of modernizing societies, "Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy" from Japan, and Germany and Spain and Italy that its a weak and declining middle class that leads to Fascist governments as opposed to England and the U.S. where democracies evolved. Hense Trump now. We should be concerned about U.S. evolution toward Facism. We are also lucky that Trump has not decided to declare war on the rest of the World. We should pay much more attention to the social origins of fascism and less to the cult of the "leader" who evolves. Indeed we have been lucky that Trump has been so unwarlike compared say to Hitler. A new more fascistic leader may be in order given the U.S. evolution into a plutocracy
That's the "fun" part, watching losers lose -- these ones anyway, who most deserve it. But once Trump dead-enders fade from the scene -- please! -- maybe the daily news cycles can make more room for the issues that matter the most. End-all climate destruction comes to mind.
What is Trump going to do for the next 74 days? Expect lawsuits. Rally's, he loves rally's, Super spreaders, really crank up resistance. He will never concide. He will not cooperate in a transition. He will resign near the end and Pence will pardon him. On the 75th day Don Jr. will announce.
The next major political battle in the neverending war on fascism is for control of the Senate in 2022, if that isn't accomplished after the most-expensive-ever Georgia runoffs coming up next (a long shot, IMO, but who knows).
Meanwhile, Democrats need to focus on reforming the mechanics of voting from top to bottom to make it much easier, maybe even mandatory, and to encourage more citizens to take part in THEIR democracy.
Needless to say, people are fed up with all the overwrought false drama always conjured up by Republicans every election season. If we don't fix what should be just the simple acts of voting and then counting the votes -- in a democracy, for chrissake! -- and wrestle the process away from the iron grip of the Republican Party's anti-democratic, psychotic obsessions (the fewer votes, the better their odds), then nothing else of consequence really matters, does it?
If the Republican-held U.S. Senate and red-state legislators don't play along with at least fixing our nightmarish election system (yeah, right!), then that abject failure of leadership should be one of the top-tier, bumper-sticker slogans that citizen-minded, liberal and progressive TV, radio, internet, and podcasting needs to hammer home every fcking day until the midterms, and forever after!
There have been many bad days. There will be many more to come. But today is not one of them.
Thom you're right. The right to vote HAS to be protected at all costs. Trump is history, there must be a GOD. Now, it's time for Biden and Harris to work for the working class.
Number one should be working on COVID-19, and it's effects on the economy by proposing a massive relief package for workers and SMALL business. Next, protecting the vote is paramount. Hopefully, Biden and Harris can rise above their inclinations to assist the nations corporate oligarchs, and work for main st. instead of Wall st.
We'll know soon by the folks Biden picks for his cabinet and advisiors.
Warren and Sanders most notably.....
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Where is moderator?? It is about advertisement on your website. Regards.
While everybody is celebrating and distracted Trump is starting the next 73 days of madness. He Fired the heads of the National Nuclear Security Administration, Federal Energy Regulatory Commision and USAID. The next 73 days are as unpredictable as any in history. I am sure that there will also be lots of pardons for family and friends,
When the announcements were made today that Biden was truly elected there were masked celebrations in the streets in virtually every city. I do not remember celebrations for Trump. I really did not expect celebrations after the several days that it took to give the final count. I say masked because they were. They show a Trump protest and of course they were unmasked. We have had more than double the number of cases of the next highest country, India, this week. India is 4x our population. Trump is planning super spreader rally's.
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@deepspace May I argue that it is both "ways around"? Fascists of any kind are born, breastfed, educated and supplied by followers by the same society that ends up being run by and under them. Ditto for revolutionaries. Often, a fascist starts as a true revolutionary intending to change the corrupted swamp, but on the way to achieving it, he gradually becomes more and more authoritarian, since time is limited, and "pretty soon" he is a 100% fascist promoting actively (and forcefully) the "good" of the people, the society, the country etc (depending on the rhetoric). Evolution, unlike revolution, is a stepwise and rather slow process yet hardwired in the human species (homo erectus vs habilis vs sapiens etc). I agree that hrdwired are also the basic senses of fairness (justice),democracy (equality, fraternite) and individuality within a group (altruism is half the story). The strength and weakness of our species lies in the latter paradox. "Fighting" each other we (the survivors) refine and strengthen our skills. United we have achieved small "miracles" in "everything" (philosophy, arts, science, technology, even in the magical realm of metaphysics). Evolution is action in the time dimension. So to evolve (at a personal or collective level) we need to act. But even if we live on amphetamines, actions should be accompanied with pauses. Pause to evaluate one self, to reconsider and reinterpret beliefs.
Yodas saying can be, and should be, generalized in (almost) anything. I am happy that empathy can flourish in others, since i have tried and failed. I think (hope) thta i have been more successful in analyzing stuff, something useful to some people. Plurality in the form of diversity makes Nature and us evolve possibly faster, than othewise.
The 'die hard' Dems must be very happy. Biden is, and has been on their conservative side. Kamala is pretty much the same, except for the "race issue" on which she is more liberal. The senate remains Red to control the fliw of money, keep the current status quo, allowing some nominal "democratic" superficial changes.
Real change is as difficult, if not more, as 4 years ago. The real issue is that the technology and the access to it, which has been mostly funded by the taxpayer, should be affordable to all, as COVID is showing. We all deserve a (natural) minimum of moden technology, like a minimumm of health support, education and living standard. Can a presidency of Biden achieve it? I hope so,but the future will show. If not, next time around a rising star, like AOC, may have more chances. It willbe time to rock and rock hard-not appropriate for the faint hearted or others with similar underlying cardiovascular illnesses.
Once again yesterdays Thom Hartmann radio show was ruined by unintelligible phone ins and constant excuses about it. It ruins the show. If you are having telephone issues stop the call ins.
Long time listener that never calls in.
@Stopgap @Suze O True that voter suppression exists and Republican a-holes exist. Suppression accounts for Biden getting 70 million votes instead of perhaps 75 million. Not all 68.5 million Trump voters are a-hole racists. There were 17 million POC Trump votes. What are the issues that determined 68 million votes?
Каждому, кто любит хорошее секс видео со пристарелыми и молоденькими девченками, а так же симпатичными юношами, русский и буржуйский порно инцест - смотреть русское порно сын трахает маму - милости прошу на мой уютный сайт . У нас здесь класно и постоянно множество новых возбуждающих порно видеоклипов в HD качестве бесплатно и без регистрации.
Каждому, кто любит хорошее секс видео со пристарелыми и молоденькими девченками, а так же симпатичными юношами, русский и буржуйский порно инцест - смотреть русское порно сын трахает маму - милости прошу на мой уютный сайт . У нас здесь класно и постоянно множество новых возбуждающих порно видеоклипов в HD качестве бесплатно и без регистрации.
2 QAnon supporter arrested in PA at vote counting center with weapons and fake ballots. FBI acted on informant info. Were they sent by Attorney General Bill Barr?
As long as there are fascist leaders, there will always be fascist followers. Or is it the other way around? };--))
Fascism like socialism is an amorphous word that can mean different things to different people, depending on their conditioning. Politically/economically, the classic interpretation à la Mussolini is that the interests of big business become one with the interests of the state. In other words, the "guvmunt" becomes the enforcement arm of a tiny class of economic elite pursuing self-interests at the expense of the vast majority of citizens/customers, who are compelled to buy the products, pay the taxes, and provide the bodies for resource wars.
A small professional class, an even smaller ruling class, and a huge class of working poor (we the fools) is a historically recurring economic system, supported by a connected class of revolving-door politicos, that has been traditionally the most stable and reliable way that society can be ordered -- for the one percent. But that doesn't make it right; ergo, the other recurring theme for untold thousands of years: Viva la revolución!
Outwardly in society, a mindset of authoritarianism has been realized in many forms by many leaders since the days of hunting and gathering and mud huts. Inwardly, the innate fear of insecurity -- something we all share as survivalists on planet Earth -- drives certain badly damaged individuals to insane levels of greed and hedonism, ever satisfying voracious appetites for egomaniacal power and glory unimaginable and unattainable to most "normal" people, who only exist as mere objects to a narcissistic psychopath.
But that same primal fear can drive other wounded souls with lesser ambitions and resources to follow a seemingly strong and capable leader who promises to solve their problems and keep them safe, usually by scapegoating vulnerable minorities, which of course is a relationship that becomes highly delusional and dangerous, as Trump has proven. Fascist leaders and followers are a match made in Hell.
Religions love to hype our inner dichotomies as the ultimate battle between Good and Evil, but that's a cop-out, a lazy escape from hard reality. It's tough to look directly at ourselves as the cause of our own problems, individually and collectively. The most difficult "war" is first to recognize and understand the symptoms of fascism in our individual and collective psyches and then, as a natural reaction and repulsion, to do the hard work of eradicating this debilitating mental illness as much as possible from ourselves and from society.
Just as real as the evolution of the physical organism (a process that never ends, until it does ...when extinction ensues) is the evolution of the mind. Or at least we hope it's real. The basic senses of fairness, democracy, and altruism seem to be powerful, built-in, countervailing phenomena operating nearly everywhere in the natural world against the forces of selfishness and sadism, including in the human mind. Yet, as Yoda might say, "Not in everyone does empathy flourish."
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Assuming the counting of votes is pretty much correct, does a 50:50 split country deserve progress in the correct direction? Will it not be consumed by bitterness and disappointment?
@MagnusRepo. Very reasonable interpretation(s). Not all Dems are "created" equal. At least some of them (despite their talk) act as Reps. Labels like words have shifted in meaning. It takes a lot of work and even longer time to find out who is worth voting for. At least nowadays there is a lot of info available (Ok, misinfo comes in larger quantities, but that has always been the case if absence of info is included in misinfo).
@Deepspace "the neverending war on fascism"... Maybe "neverending" instead of "continous" is optimistic, because a world that is not fighting fascism has ceased generating it. Imo it is all of us who give birth, nourish, nurture and occasionally vote fascists. Germany provided a test case example less than a 100 years ago.
Magnus…, since about 90 percent of the media is controlled by right wing corporatists, it’s not surprising that any Democratic message doesn’t “get out.”
But as Deepspace says, (I paraphrase…my own words) when these rightwing shitheads don’t have brains enough to come in out of the rain, what fucking message do you think these shitheads will ever understand? You can’t reason with a rabid dog or a bigot Republican.
Another thing. Voters should quit blaming politicians. Politicians only go where the voters lead them. Blame the voters that keep putting shithead, slime ball Republicans back into office. I’m sick of this bullshit of Democratic presidents that manage to get back into the Whitehouse and repair the damage of these corrupt Republicans, and then dumbass voters reward them by reelecting a bunch of scumbag, bigot Republicans that line the pockets of billionaires and try to take us back to the Middle Ages.
When about 50% of voters think like adolescents. Expect chaos!
34 Senate elections in 2022.
The rhetoric sounds nice but you fail to explain how the ballot can remain secret: i.e. election officials do not know who voted for whom. Without a secret ballot the state can persecute anyone who doesn't vote for the leader in power.
Barrington Moore Jr. now desceased pointed out in his study of modernizing societies, "Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy" from Japan, and Germany and Spain and Italy that its a weak and declining middle class that leads to Fascist governments as opposed to England and the U.S. where democracies evolved. Hense Trump now. We should be concerned about U.S. evolution toward Facism. We are also lucky that Trump has not decided to declare war on the rest of the World. We should pay much more attention to the social origins of fascism and less to the cult of the "leader" who evolves. Indeed we have been lucky that Trump has been so unwarlike compared say to Hitler. A new more fascistic leader may be in order given the U.S. evolution into a plutocracy
That's the "fun" part, watching losers lose -- these ones anyway, who most deserve it. But once Trump dead-enders fade from the scene -- please! -- maybe the daily news cycles can make more room for the issues that matter the most. End-all climate destruction comes to mind.
What is Trump going to do for the next 74 days? Expect lawsuits. Rally's, he loves rally's, Super spreaders, really crank up resistance. He will never concide. He will not cooperate in a transition. He will resign near the end and Pence will pardon him. On the 75th day Don Jr. will announce.
The next major political battle in the neverending war on fascism is for control of the Senate in 2022, if that isn't accomplished after the most-expensive-ever Georgia runoffs coming up next (a long shot, IMO, but who knows).
Meanwhile, Democrats need to focus on reforming the mechanics of voting from top to bottom to make it much easier, maybe even mandatory, and to encourage more citizens to take part in THEIR democracy.
Needless to say, people are fed up with all the overwrought false drama always conjured up by Republicans every election season. If we don't fix what should be just the simple acts of voting and then counting the votes -- in a democracy, for chrissake! -- and wrestle the process away from the iron grip of the Republican Party's anti-democratic, psychotic obsessions (the fewer votes, the better their odds), then nothing else of consequence really matters, does it?
If the Republican-held U.S. Senate and red-state legislators don't play along with at least fixing our nightmarish election system (yeah, right!), then that abject failure of leadership should be one of the top-tier, bumper-sticker slogans that citizen-minded, liberal and progressive TV, radio, internet, and podcasting needs to hammer home every fcking day until the midterms, and forever after!