For several reasons (all regularly discussed by Thom) our elected officials do not meet their Constitutional purpose as proposed by Alexander Hamilton 1788 (it's more elegantly contructed than the Preamble yet addresses the same intent):
"We are attempting by this constitution to abolish factions, and to unite all parties for the general welfare."
James Madison described what was meant by "factions" in Federalist 10, when he wrote that they are "A number of citizens" who do things "adversed to the rights of other citizens or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community."
It is abundantly clear that our government has neither abolished factions nor united us for the general welfare. The Constitution offer a remedy for these two grievance, but sadly, because our democracy is being destroyed by factions (especially the big ones like the oligarchs of money, war, and carbon), and their control over our goverment, we can't rely on our elected officials to work with our citizens to solve our problems. Therefore, that leaves our fellow Americans and what is left of the free press to make it happen. If only there was a way for us to unite for our general welfare by compelling our elected officials to meet their purpose, instead of serving the factions so they can get reelected.
The Long Goodby is a 1950's book with the perfect title for what has just begun. No doubt there will be several methods concerning the money and the power plays of the Trump crime consortium during this time. The motivation and goals are basic enough; it's destroy your enemies, take jobs away, put incompetent people in their places, and pardon all that should be held accountable. You know the drill, the old scorched earth thing.
It really is like breaking it off with any abuser. When they finally know they won't get their way and you're not going back, that's the point when they are most dangerous.
Joe handled the transition questions well today. I urge folks to look at the footage. My favorite part is when he laughed at Mike Pompeo, because that asshole really deserves it.
kenocc12, Believe me, I hope you are right and you certainly sound authoritative, though vague on specifics. I’d say rumors already abound. And did Gen. Flynn receive this training too?
I’m not trying to be flippant, but the assumption that a coup is not possible, by its nature, leaves the door wide open for just such an event. I’ve yet to hear from any of the top brass assuring me that they would intervene to thwart such a coup. Even the fired Gen. Mattis has been relatively mute regarding Trump’s abuses of power. And we know we can’t rely on Republicans to counter a takeover by Trump. They are running like scared rats when confronted by the media.
In fact, Republicans have shown a remarkable disdain for Democratic institutions. McConnell is busy trying to turn the country into a theocracy by filling the courts with evangelical judges with the full blessing of Congressional Republicans.
Again, I hope you are right, but so far, while Trump’s ambitions may occasionally be stymied by the Democratic institutions that govern our country, he has yet to be held accountable for his many abuses of power.
Anyway, thanks for the comforting analysis. Still, I would like to see factual assurances that a coup is not possible and I think ignoring that possibility could be very problematic. Better to err on the side of caution!
The US military will not cooperate in any coup attempt by Trump. They will arrest him if he attempts any such actions. Even if Trump installs civilian leaders who are loyal only to him, the military will not cooperate. Right down to the level of the ordinary sailor, soldier, marine. This is the result of the training changes made after the Vietnam War. Any such effort would not even prompt a violent conflict as the military would clamp down tight on even rumors of such efforts. Even placing this possibility aside Trump can still create one hell of a mess by scrambling funding, giving direct aid and comfort to Russia, etc. in efforts to undermine the US, and creating riots across the country. A situation that might take years to clear up. It would essentially hobble the Biden Administration and possibly even lead to US military/intelligence defeats in direct confrontations with Russian allies (but not Russia itself).
Of the two choices offered in today's blog, extremist Republican legislatures and governors signing onto one-sided legislation that would fundamentally alter the honor-bound tradition of faithfully assigning electors according to voters' wishes, with the in-your-face intention of reversing the outcome of a legitimate election, would probably be the least likely. Call me Pollyannish, but even the most fascistic Republicans in the reddest of states might have trouble ramming that one through in this highly charged political atmosphere where almost 150 million voters are laser-focused on the fairness and integrity of elections. Never say never though.
But it is entirely likely if not absolutely positive that Donald's lizard brain knows full well he lost the election and has reflexively reverted to the basic instinct of survival by juicing his lame-duck denial of defeat for all the money it's worth, fleecing his gullible cultists for all they're worth. He will certainly need a helluva lot of the big-bucks to hire lawyers in his private life since his acute litigious addiction will no longer be supported on the taxpayers' dime.
Donald John Trump breathes, eats, and shts money, first, foremost, and forever. The magic $cha-ching$ arouses his flaccid mind more than anything else -- just ask Melania. In fact, it's highly probable that money even trumps Trump's enormous ego, God forbid, or that both are so tightly entwined it's impossible to tell them apart. Nothing happens in Trumpworld without lots of cash, preferrably OPM (other people's money).
Two startling facts keeping floating back to the surface of the swirling swamp sewage of the last four years, constantly being flushed down the memory hole to make room for more: 1) corporate media has virtually created the Trump brand from the very beginning during his early rise to stardom in New York City right up to today's news cycle; 2) the Republican Party has wholeheartedly embraced a mentally ill authoritarian who is actively destroying our democracy.
"The more things change, the more they stay the same." - Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr
As they drain ever more wealth away from the working class, Republicans' Wall Street benefactors have declared war on the little people and on the Democratic Party, which dares to defy the "Masters of the Universe" and to threaten their iron grip on the real political power behind the scenes. Massive tax giveaways for the one percent, who continually abdicate their share of responsibility in helping to maintain a functioning society as they continually concentrate the nation's wealth into their own hands, have further impoverished the rest of America. Massive deregulation of the one percent's monopolized industries has further poisoned our air, land, water, and food.
Yet, when Wall Street's political forces lose elections, even decisively as they did this time around, corporate media begins almost immediately to broadcast loudly the logical fallacy that the winners must bend their thinking toward that of the losers -- you know, in the great patriotic crusade to "unite the country."
Yeah? Why is that? And why does it never seem to work in reverse?
Is not the real story that the losers should have to re-think their own out-of-step politics, which has been resoundingly rejected by a strong and undeniable majority of real live people (not just ballot statistics), who are royally pissed off at the outrageous behavior of the l-o-o-o-s-e-r-s?
How do Democrats compromise with Trump's 25,000 + obvious lies? How do sane people "meet in the middle" with crazed zealots so far gone that they truly believe their political opponents secretly belong to a worldwide ring of godless, satanic pedophiles who drink the blood of babies on sacrificial altars during sex orgies? How exactly does one negotiate intelligently with Republican leaders who give a wink and a nod to such ridiculous nonsense, cowards who live in mortal fear of angering their repugnant base of white-nationalist freaks lest they get primaried out?
No, for the nation to heal, it's time for the 70 million Republican fools who voted for outright fascism to get off their high horse and to come back into the fold of genuine democracy. Democrats did their patriotic duty. Republicans, at long last, must now do theirs.
And if they can't be genuine, then maybe they could at least fake it. (That's a joke, son, a flag-waver.) They're good at pretending if nothing else.
Thom, There is a third scenario. Trump is installing loyalists in key posts at the pentagon…Mark Esper, “God Help Us.” When I see reporters asking Republican senators and congressmen why they haven’t congratulated President Elect Biden. The question they should be asking is: If Trump attempts a military coup, will you support it? So far, based on the spineless responses of Republicans. The answer is yes.
It amazes me that the media doesn’t even consider this a possibility, when most warning signs are pointing to just that. I think it’s naive to think that the conservative leaning armed forces, that conservative leaning law enforcement officers, would defy Trump. It’s naive to think that they would never align themselves with a Trump coup. Does the media think this has never happened before. “Heil Hitler!!!”
It happens all the time. It is usually the rule, rather than the exception. Ultimately, it’s not who wins the election. It’s who controls the reins of power. Right now that is Donald J. Trump…and about half of the USA, 70 million voters, agree. So far Trump’s actions point ominously in that direction.
Does anyone think that Trump will willingly subject himself to the reality that prison awaits him if not in power? Think again!
Snowflake2005 is correct--at least from everything I have read recently on the subject. The states have to pass a law on how their Electors are slated. Federal law says this must be done before the election.
I thought that in the past year, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states cannot lawfully cast any of their Electoral Votes except as directed by State law.
IF a state's law says only for the winner of the popular vote in that state, then that's how the Electoral Votes must be cast.
I cannot imagine the mood of this country should Trump somehow remain in office past January 20th. Effectively we'd have two presidents, almost like the historical Great Schism of the Papacy where every Catholic had to decide who to follow. Maybe a real civil war, or at least military coup, would come out of this. Nobody knows.
It is also possible most of this is Trump just thrashing on the end of the line like a fish with a hook in its mouth. This garbage has been able to slither out of every mess he ever made, betraying his creditors, investors, wives, contractors and finally the American people. But this time he has no place to run and his failure is exposed to the world. Most people learn resilence through occasionally losing. But like an instititonalized person he has always been sheltered from such reality. No longer. He may blame everybody else on the planet but at the end of the day he is still the loser. And that must really hurt.
yesterday I wanted to comment on someone who said Mr Biden had not accomplished much, he was one representative and one senator among a lot of other people. When he was vice president the senate was held by the republicans who blocked almost everything he and Mr. Obama tried to accomplish.
I have a local businesswoman who thinks culling the minks in Denmark and racoon dogs in China is a distraction. This is the sort of mental capacity we deal with when speaking to republicans. They think any effort at mitigating the Covid19 spread is against their personal civil rights even in a foreign nation. Gaia is pissed at such stupidity and we all are suffering.
Here's what's really stupid. I have pen in hand, ready to donate checks to Georgia Senate races but the only option on ACTBLUE or BlackVotesMatter is PAYPAL. Stupid.
It will be nice to not hear daily lies and train wreck scandals. Hope that Trump will quietly disappear. Anthony Scaramucci suggested that he move to FL and play golf. But he will probably be a loud mouth "I could do better" type. Hopefully Twitter bans his account. They recently banned Steve Bannon.
The Republicans, the ones that enabled this monster for 4 years are still very strong. A friend of mine that was a vote counter said that a lot of ballots had Biden and straight Republican the rest of the way. They took several Congress seats and so far still have control of the Senate. The voters of Kentucky screw this country a lot by keeping Moscow Mitch in office. Hopefully a couple of Senators will realize the power that they have by crossing over, but I doubt it. Thus we have 2 more years of Mitch Blocking everything. Worse of all getting away with it, with little media coverage. The Right Wing Media machine will swing into action.
I find it interesting that my neighborhood still has a lot of Trump signs up. Maybe 50% were taken down. Kind of like advertising their stupidity. Do you think that Trump will run in 2024? I doubt it. They have a huge number already hinting. Kamala is the presumed front runner for the Dems. I am not a great Joe fan but he was probably the best candidate to run against Trump. I doubt that he will run at 83. I like a lot of the others that were in the field but they would have been torn apart by the Trump machine. We have a lot of hate in this country. Joe's experience and recognition won. As usual he is inheriting a terrible mess from a Republican Administration.
Deepspace, thanks to the Republican dealings with Covid, we cannot move to Canada. The border is closed. Very few countries will let us in. We have Kooties. We are considered diplomatically a high risk country. You cannot even vacation in other countries. You cannot even visit New Mexico without a 14 day quarantine.
Alaska Governor had to publically denie that they are using dog sleds to deliver the ballots. Democrat Gross still stands a chance. Plus, a nut case right winger 3rd party is pulling 5% of the vote. We think of Alaska as a nowhere place, but 2 Senators is very powerful. It takes 22 smaller states to add up to California's population. They get 44 Senators, California gets 2.
MSNBC just reported that 55% of White Women voted for Trump.
There are Democrats and Democrats. Those who wanted Hillary over Sanders and promoted Biden over the others, are happy to see that the Senate is still at the hands of Republicans. Biden was the "breaks" for Obama and the senate will be the "breaks" for Biden. Hopefully, Biden will be able to deliver some real as opposed to superficial solutions to the ever increasing problem of inequality within USA society. (Inequalities in all kind of situations: financial & educational opportunities, health access, the rights to life, liberty and the pursuiut of happiness). And to the Dems who did not and still do not like Sanders: If Biden fails, then perhaps next time around they will have to deal with someone like AOC! Nighty-night....
Amen to Terry and Thom. Anywhere from 1% to 3% of society have no conscience. That's a lot of people in America. They rise to the top roles in corporate or political circumstances because of their brain pathology. Psychopaths and sociopaths are not who the uninformed think they are. It is not a CHOICE nor is it EVIL. However, without a doubt they can do evil things. I have been studying too. Dr. Robert D. Hare writes for the layman.
For those already lamenting that we may not get rid of Moscow-Mitch as Majority Leader, please look-up what is happening in 2022. If we keep working and get some good results, that could be our year. I hope so because we really need that public option! A whole bunch of bills are already written and have passed the House, maybe Joe will be able to get Mitch the Bitch to bring the infrastructure ones to the floor. Jobs, jobs, jobs. Look at me, I said something hopeful. Isn't that quaint? It reminds me of Barrack; it was so good to see him. I think that may happen more often. He finished his book.
If you didn't see Saturday Night Live, you really must, because it was brutal but epic. Chappelle took everyone to church.
Thom, back on or about Oct. 28, you opened a segment of your show talking about sociopaths. I believe this to be the most important subject of our time!
On January 1, 2021, I will be 77 years old. For most of my early life, I had but a passing interest in politics. That dramatically changed with the murder of President John Kennedy on November 22, 1963! A few weeks later, after I saw Life Magazine’s detailed color pictures of the Zapruder film showing the President’s head and brains being blown BACKWARD after being shot in the face, and NOT being shot from behind – as declared fact by the Warren Commission Report – I began my personal search to find out who, why, and how my government was intentionally lying to all of us then, and forward to this very day.
Initially, since there was no Internet for the first three decades, my search was slow and labor intensive. However, with the advent of the Internet, my searches became much more productive. I attempted to find answers relating to politicians, other governments, the CIA, the Mafia, bankers, etc., and was about to give up on finding a satisfying answer until, about a dozen years ago, I found and read an article titled, Beware The Psychopath, My Son.
After reading that article, I came to the forehead slapping realization that for all of those years I was expecting to find my answers among groups of people and all the while it was the commonality of the mental composition– of specific powerful menWITHIN those groups! It was the key which almost instantly answered so many more questions than I had ever even begun to consider. It answered political questions, economic questions, legal questions, historical questions, sociological questions, racial questions, religion questions, media questions, sexism, rationalizations for wars and so much more!
I have spent the last decade confirming and expanding on my “discoveries” and last year I began what has become a three webpage explanation for all to read, absorb and then hopefully help usher through Congress a very specific bill into Federal law. So now, I would sincerely appreciate any feedback, criticism, questions, support and/or – at least pass this short introduction along to someone who may find it of interest.
Note: The above mentioned article, upon which all of my studies are based, is the first link on the first webpage listed below. That link begins with, “Research studies have shown …”.
Wolves in sheep clothing are really just lame ducks in disguise. Haha, sorry, I just like animal metaphors. Trump is a cornered rat, and his cult is a bunch of lemmings going over a cliff into the pit of hell. C'est la vie. The almighty Steve Kornacki has spoken.
We'll still have to be "obsessively checking the news every 10 minutes to see what new fresh hell [McConnell] has unleashed." The Republican Leader for Life is going to do everything in his power to block Biden and the Democrats at every turn. That's how Republicans incite their angry and hateful base. And, good god almighty, do they ever need their loony tunes to come out in force for the two Senate runoffs in Georgia!
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They called Democrat sore losers in 2016! There is no dispute, that Trump has lost the Popular Vote twice. 1670 hours of total chaos left.
For several reasons (all regularly discussed by Thom) our elected officials do not meet their Constitutional purpose as proposed by Alexander Hamilton 1788 (it's more elegantly contructed than the Preamble yet addresses the same intent):
"We are attempting by this constitution to abolish factions, and to unite all parties for the general welfare."
James Madison described what was meant by "factions" in Federalist 10, when he wrote that they are "A number of citizens" who do things "adversed to the rights of other citizens or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community."
It is abundantly clear that our government has neither abolished factions nor united us for the general welfare. The Constitution offer a remedy for these two grievance, but sadly, because our democracy is being destroyed by factions (especially the big ones like the oligarchs of money, war, and carbon), and their control over our goverment, we can't rely on our elected officials to work with our citizens to solve our problems. Therefore, that leaves our fellow Americans and what is left of the free press to make it happen. If only there was a way for us to unite for our general welfare by compelling our elected officials to meet their purpose, instead of serving the factions so they can get reelected.
The Long Goodby is a 1950's book with the perfect title for what has just begun. No doubt there will be several methods concerning the money and the power plays of the Trump crime consortium during this time. The motivation and goals are basic enough; it's destroy your enemies, take jobs away, put incompetent people in their places, and pardon all that should be held accountable. You know the drill, the old scorched earth thing.
It really is like breaking it off with any abuser. When they finally know they won't get their way and you're not going back, that's the point when they are most dangerous.
Joe handled the transition questions well today. I urge folks to look at the footage. My favorite part is when he laughed at Mike Pompeo, because that asshole really deserves it.
kenocc12, Believe me, I hope you are right and you certainly sound authoritative, though vague on specifics. I’d say rumors already abound. And did Gen. Flynn receive this training too?
I’m not trying to be flippant, but the assumption that a coup is not possible, by its nature, leaves the door wide open for just such an event. I’ve yet to hear from any of the top brass assuring me that they would intervene to thwart such a coup. Even the fired Gen. Mattis has been relatively mute regarding Trump’s abuses of power. And we know we can’t rely on Republicans to counter a takeover by Trump. They are running like scared rats when confronted by the media.
In fact, Republicans have shown a remarkable disdain for Democratic institutions. McConnell is busy trying to turn the country into a theocracy by filling the courts with evangelical judges with the full blessing of Congressional Republicans.
Again, I hope you are right, but so far, while Trump’s ambitions may occasionally be stymied by the Democratic institutions that govern our country, he has yet to be held accountable for his many abuses of power.
Anyway, thanks for the comforting analysis. Still, I would like to see factual assurances that a coup is not possible and I think ignoring that possibility could be very problematic. Better to err on the side of caution!
The US military will not cooperate in any coup attempt by Trump. They will arrest him if he attempts any such actions. Even if Trump installs civilian leaders who are loyal only to him, the military will not cooperate. Right down to the level of the ordinary sailor, soldier, marine. This is the result of the training changes made after the Vietnam War. Any such effort would not even prompt a violent conflict as the military would clamp down tight on even rumors of such efforts. Even placing this possibility aside Trump can still create one hell of a mess by scrambling funding, giving direct aid and comfort to Russia, etc. in efforts to undermine the US, and creating riots across the country. A situation that might take years to clear up. It would essentially hobble the Biden Administration and possibly even lead to US military/intelligence defeats in direct confrontations with Russian allies (but not Russia itself).
Of the two choices offered in today's blog, extremist Republican legislatures and governors signing onto one-sided legislation that would fundamentally alter the honor-bound tradition of faithfully assigning electors according to voters' wishes, with the in-your-face intention of reversing the outcome of a legitimate election, would probably be the least likely. Call me Pollyannish, but even the most fascistic Republicans in the reddest of states might have trouble ramming that one through in this highly charged political atmosphere where almost 150 million voters are laser-focused on the fairness and integrity of elections. Never say never though.
But it is entirely likely if not absolutely positive that Donald's lizard brain knows full well he lost the election and has reflexively reverted to the basic instinct of survival by juicing his lame-duck denial of defeat for all the money it's worth, fleecing his gullible cultists for all they're worth. He will certainly need a helluva lot of the big-bucks to hire lawyers in his private life since his acute litigious addiction will no longer be supported on the taxpayers' dime.
Donald John Trump breathes, eats, and shts money, first, foremost, and forever. The magic $cha-ching$ arouses his flaccid mind more than anything else -- just ask Melania. In fact, it's highly probable that money even trumps Trump's enormous ego, God forbid, or that both are so tightly entwined it's impossible to tell them apart. Nothing happens in Trumpworld without lots of cash, preferrably OPM (other people's money).
Two startling facts keeping floating back to the surface of the swirling swamp sewage of the last four years, constantly being flushed down the memory hole to make room for more: 1) corporate media has virtually created the Trump brand from the very beginning during his early rise to stardom in New York City right up to today's news cycle; 2) the Republican Party has wholeheartedly embraced a mentally ill authoritarian who is actively destroying our democracy.
"The more things change, the more they stay the same." - Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr
As they drain ever more wealth away from the working class, Republicans' Wall Street benefactors have declared war on the little people and on the Democratic Party, which dares to defy the "Masters of the Universe" and to threaten their iron grip on the real political power behind the scenes. Massive tax giveaways for the one percent, who continually abdicate their share of responsibility in helping to maintain a functioning society as they continually concentrate the nation's wealth into their own hands, have further impoverished the rest of America. Massive deregulation of the one percent's monopolized industries has further poisoned our air, land, water, and food.
Yet, when Wall Street's political forces lose elections, even decisively as they did this time around, corporate media begins almost immediately to broadcast loudly the logical fallacy that the winners must bend their thinking toward that of the losers -- you know, in the great patriotic crusade to "unite the country."
Yeah? Why is that? And why does it never seem to work in reverse?
Is not the real story that the losers should have to re-think their own out-of-step politics, which has been resoundingly rejected by a strong and undeniable majority of real live people (not just ballot statistics), who are royally pissed off at the outrageous behavior of the l-o-o-o-s-e-r-s?
How do Democrats compromise with Trump's 25,000 + obvious lies? How do sane people "meet in the middle" with crazed zealots so far gone that they truly believe their political opponents secretly belong to a worldwide ring of godless, satanic pedophiles who drink the blood of babies on sacrificial altars during sex orgies? How exactly does one negotiate intelligently with Republican leaders who give a wink and a nod to such ridiculous nonsense, cowards who live in mortal fear of angering their repugnant base of white-nationalist freaks lest they get primaried out?
No, for the nation to heal, it's time for the 70 million Republican fools who voted for outright fascism to get off their high horse and to come back into the fold of genuine democracy. Democrats did their patriotic duty. Republicans, at long last, must now do theirs.
And if they can't be genuine, then maybe they could at least fake it. (That's a joke, son, a flag-waver.) They're good at pretending if nothing else.
Thom, There is a third scenario. Trump is installing loyalists in key posts at the pentagon…Mark Esper, “God Help Us.” When I see reporters asking Republican senators and congressmen why they haven’t congratulated President Elect Biden. The question they should be asking is: If Trump attempts a military coup, will you support it? So far, based on the spineless responses of Republicans. The answer is yes.
It amazes me that the media doesn’t even consider this a possibility, when most warning signs are pointing to just that. I think it’s naive to think that the conservative leaning armed forces, that conservative leaning law enforcement officers, would defy Trump. It’s naive to think that they would never align themselves with a Trump coup. Does the media think this has never happened before. “Heil Hitler!!!”
It happens all the time. It is usually the rule, rather than the exception. Ultimately, it’s not who wins the election. It’s who controls the reins of power. Right now that is Donald J. Trump…and about half of the USA, 70 million voters, agree. So far Trump’s actions point ominously in that direction.
Does anyone think that Trump will willingly subject himself to the reality that prison awaits him if not in power? Think again!
Snowflake2005 is correct--at least from everything I have read recently on the subject. The states have to pass a law on how their Electors are slated. Federal law says this must be done before the election.
I thought that in the past year, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states cannot lawfully cast any of their Electoral Votes except as directed by State law.
IF a state's law says only for the winner of the popular vote in that state, then that's how the Electoral Votes must be cast.
I cannot imagine the mood of this country should Trump somehow remain in office past January 20th. Effectively we'd have two presidents, almost like the historical Great Schism of the Papacy where every Catholic had to decide who to follow. Maybe a real civil war, or at least military coup, would come out of this. Nobody knows.
It is also possible most of this is Trump just thrashing on the end of the line like a fish with a hook in its mouth. This garbage has been able to slither out of every mess he ever made, betraying his creditors, investors, wives, contractors and finally the American people. But this time he has no place to run and his failure is exposed to the world. Most people learn resilence through occasionally losing. But like an instititonalized person he has always been sheltered from such reality. No longer. He may blame everybody else on the planet but at the end of the day he is still the loser. And that must really hurt.
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yesterday I wanted to comment on someone who said Mr Biden had not accomplished much, he was one representative and one senator among a lot of other people. When he was vice president the senate was held by the republicans who blocked almost everything he and Mr. Obama tried to accomplish.
I have a local businesswoman who thinks culling the minks in Denmark and racoon dogs in China is a distraction. This is the sort of mental capacity we deal with when speaking to republicans. They think any effort at mitigating the Covid19 spread is against their personal civil rights even in a foreign nation. Gaia is pissed at such stupidity and we all are suffering.
Here's what's really stupid. I have pen in hand, ready to donate checks to Georgia Senate races but the only option on ACTBLUE or BlackVotesMatter is PAYPAL. Stupid.
It will be nice to not hear daily lies and train wreck scandals. Hope that Trump will quietly disappear. Anthony Scaramucci suggested that he move to FL and play golf. But he will probably be a loud mouth "I could do better" type. Hopefully Twitter bans his account. They recently banned Steve Bannon.
The Republicans, the ones that enabled this monster for 4 years are still very strong. A friend of mine that was a vote counter said that a lot of ballots had Biden and straight Republican the rest of the way. They took several Congress seats and so far still have control of the Senate. The voters of Kentucky screw this country a lot by keeping Moscow Mitch in office. Hopefully a couple of Senators will realize the power that they have by crossing over, but I doubt it. Thus we have 2 more years of Mitch Blocking everything. Worse of all getting away with it, with little media coverage. The Right Wing Media machine will swing into action.
I find it interesting that my neighborhood still has a lot of Trump signs up. Maybe 50% were taken down. Kind of like advertising their stupidity. Do you think that Trump will run in 2024? I doubt it. They have a huge number already hinting. Kamala is the presumed front runner for the Dems. I am not a great Joe fan but he was probably the best candidate to run against Trump. I doubt that he will run at 83. I like a lot of the others that were in the field but they would have been torn apart by the Trump machine. We have a lot of hate in this country. Joe's experience and recognition won. As usual he is inheriting a terrible mess from a Republican Administration.
70 days or 1694 more hours with Trump. Good luck!
Deepspace, thanks to the Republican dealings with Covid, we cannot move to Canada. The border is closed. Very few countries will let us in. We have Kooties. We are considered diplomatically a high risk country. You cannot even vacation in other countries. You cannot even visit New Mexico without a 14 day quarantine.
Alaska Governor had to publically denie that they are using dog sleds to deliver the ballots. Democrat Gross still stands a chance. Plus, a nut case right winger 3rd party is pulling 5% of the vote. We think of Alaska as a nowhere place, but 2 Senators is very powerful. It takes 22 smaller states to add up to California's population. They get 44 Senators, California gets 2.
MSNBC just reported that 55% of White Women voted for Trump.
There are Democrats and Democrats. Those who wanted Hillary over Sanders and promoted Biden over the others, are happy to see that the Senate is still at the hands of Republicans. Biden was the "breaks" for Obama and the senate will be the "breaks" for Biden. Hopefully, Biden will be able to deliver some real as opposed to superficial solutions to the ever increasing problem of inequality within USA society. (Inequalities in all kind of situations: financial & educational opportunities, health access, the rights to life, liberty and the pursuiut of happiness). And to the Dems who did not and still do not like Sanders: If Biden fails, then perhaps next time around they will have to deal with someone like AOC! Nighty-night....
Amen to Terry and Thom. Anywhere from 1% to 3% of society have no conscience. That's a lot of people in America. They rise to the top roles in corporate or political circumstances because of their brain pathology. Psychopaths and sociopaths are not who the uninformed think they are. It is not a CHOICE nor is it EVIL. However, without a doubt they can do evil things. I have been studying too. Dr. Robert D. Hare writes for the layman.
For those already lamenting that we may not get rid of Moscow-Mitch as Majority Leader, please look-up what is happening in 2022. If we keep working and get some good results, that could be our year. I hope so because we really need that public option! A whole bunch of bills are already written and have passed the House, maybe Joe will be able to get Mitch the Bitch to bring the infrastructure ones to the floor. Jobs, jobs, jobs. Look at me, I said something hopeful. Isn't that quaint? It reminds me of Barrack; it was so good to see him. I think that may happen more often. He finished his book.
If you didn't see Saturday Night Live, you really must, because it was brutal but epic. Chappelle took everyone to church.
Thom, back on or about Oct. 28, you opened a segment of your show talking about sociopaths. I believe this to be the most important subject of our time!
On January 1, 2021, I will be 77 years old. For most of my early life, I had but a passing interest in politics. That dramatically changed with the murder of President John Kennedy on November 22, 1963! A few weeks later, after I saw Life Magazine’s detailed color pictures of the Zapruder film showing the President’s head and brains being blown BACKWARD after being shot in the face, and NOT being shot from behind – as declared fact by the Warren Commission Report – I began my personal search to find out who, why, and how my government was intentionally lying to all of us then, and forward to this very day.
Initially, since there was no Internet for the first three decades, my search was slow and labor intensive. However, with the advent of the Internet, my searches became much more productive. I attempted to find answers relating to politicians, other governments, the CIA, the Mafia, bankers, etc., and was about to give up on finding a satisfying answer until, about a dozen years ago, I found and read an article titled, Beware The Psychopath, My Son.
After reading that article, I came to the forehead slapping realization that for all of those years I was expecting to find my answers among groups of people and all the while it was the commonality of the mental composition– of specific powerful menWITHIN those groups! It was the key which almost instantly answered so many more questions than I had ever even begun to consider. It answered political questions, economic questions, legal questions, historical questions, sociological questions, racial questions, religion questions, media questions, sexism, rationalizations for wars and so much more!
I have spent the last decade confirming and expanding on my “discoveries” and last year I began what has become a three webpage explanation for all to read, absorb and then hopefully help usher through Congress a very specific bill into Federal law. So now, I would sincerely appreciate any feedback, criticism, questions, support and/or – at least pass this short introduction along to someone who may find it of interest.
Note: The above mentioned article, upon which all of my studies are based, is the first link on the first webpage listed below. That link begins with, “Research studies have shown …”.
Terry Sneller aka, Tarry Faster
Let the door hit you in the ass! Sure can't miss that gigantic target.
Wolves in sheep clothing are really just lame ducks in disguise. Haha, sorry, I just like animal metaphors. Trump is a cornered rat, and his cult is a bunch of lemmings going over a cliff into the pit of hell. C'est la vie. The almighty Steve Kornacki has spoken.
Hey, all you Trump dead-enders, in case you missed the viral video: "Stay the fuck away from Canada!"
We'll still have to be "obsessively checking the news every 10 minutes to see what new fresh hell [McConnell] has unleashed." The Republican Leader for Life is going to do everything in his power to block Biden and the Democrats at every turn. That's how Republicans incite their angry and hateful base. And, good god almighty, do they ever need their loony tunes to come out in force for the two Senate runoffs in Georgia!
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