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  • This Election WAS Rigged   4 years 10 weeks ago

    How did masks become such a political hit job. It is a mask and has been proven effective. Taiwan 24 million population, 450 cases total, 7 deaths total. They wear masks. Other aisian nations doing nearly as good. They wear masks. Are Republicans just plain Stupid? We are on the verge of another shutdown and destruction of our economy. The number 1 highest cases per capita is the White House! South Dakota is the worlds #1 hotspot. They ignored wearing masks. What is so FFFFing difficult to understand? My state masks are mandatory and everyday you see people wearing them below their nose, which renders it useless. WHY??? It is easy to wear it properly. Children are losing their education because of this. What does it take for Americans to figure it out????

    Today I met a person that said that Covid will end January 20th. I asked why? Because it is a Democratic hoax to win the election. How do you talk with someone like that? At least he admitted that Biden will be taking over.

  • This Election WAS Rigged   4 years 10 weeks ago

    The Democrats are too slow to catch up to GOP schemes. They need help to correct their errors.. To see what went wrong and how to prevent it.

    They can't think dirty enough, to see any possible way the GOPs are going to get back at them with any move the Democrats make.



    To make matters worse, there are about 16 people in the Democrat party who are NOT TRUE DEMOCRATS. I refer to them as GOP moles.

    These moles put a drag on the party's progress, and dampen new ideas.

  • Thursday 12 November '20 show notes   4 years 10 weeks ago

    Thom rattled off a series of statistics in the first few minutes of his 11-12-20 show regarding how poorly States led by Republicans are doing in a host of ways. I could not record that information as I was in my car. Is there some way to recover that broadcast for listeners?

  • This Election WAS Rigged   4 years 10 weeks ago

    Спасибо, давно искал _________________ iddaa kuponu parasД± nereden alД±nД±r

  • This Election WAS Rigged   4 years 10 weeks ago

    Спасибо, давно искал _________________ iddaa kuponu parasД± nereden alД±nД±r

  • This Election WAS Rigged   4 years 10 weeks ago

    We absolutely need an Amendment that not only makes voting a right for our citizens, but includes a qualifier that says we get to have our votes counted accurately.

    Unfortunately, until corporations no longer can exploit our citizens' rights nor use unlimited money to control our elected officials, we will continue to experience election fraud and voter suppression, and live in a country that is rapidly devolving into oligarchy.

  • This Election WAS Rigged   4 years 10 weeks ago
  • This Election WAS Rigged   4 years 10 weeks ago
  • This Election WAS Rigged   4 years 10 weeks ago

    Продать виниловые перчатки с доставкой до Вашего региона. Стоимость упаковки от 610 р/100 шт., Компания Азия-Трейдинг, тел 8 (4236) 776-066

  • This Election WAS Rigged   4 years 10 weeks ago

    Продать виниловые перчатки с доставкой до Вашего региона. Стоимость упаковки от 610 р/100 шт., Компания Азия-Трейдинг, тел 8 (4236) 776-066

  • Two Things Could Be Going On With Trump's Refusal To Acknowledge the Election   4 years 10 weeks ago

    Biden needs to get off his butt, and every day, start tweeting WHAT his plans are, to fight COVID-19, and uplift the economic possibilites for the American working classes. Make the MSM carry his tweets, just like they've enabled DJT and his twisted tweets for these past years.

    Messaging works., but the Dims suck at it. By design, I'm thinking. It's not easy pretending you're for the working folks, while sucking up to the donor classes.

    Mixed economies, not full on Socialism, is the way forward. Someone SHOULD mention that, EVERY TIME the other side calls Biden a Socialist.

    But, they won't, it might work.....

  • This Election WAS Rigged   4 years 10 weeks ago

    So we sue don't we???

    We got more lawyers than any country on the planet... don't we?

  • Two Things Could Be Going On With Trump's Refusal To Acknowledge the Election   4 years 10 weeks ago

    A third reason for Trump's refusal to concede: Gain more time to destroy records and other evidence of the corruption, malfeasance, and incompetence of this administration over the entire four years.

  • Is Trump About to Commit his Ultimate Treason?   4 years 10 weeks ago

    The president built himself a cult of Branch Trumpidians acting in direct opposition to the United States, it's Democracy and it's people, even secured himself a couple of isolation bunkers. Well if he and his republican party want to play out the enemy of the state scenario, they should probably consider whether they are prepared to be listening to Nancy Sinatra music and rabbits being slaughtered, because that arrogance didn’t work out so well for David Koresh where he and innocent women and children paid the price for his arrogance. Pity the ignorant's who followed him!

  • Is Trump About to Commit his Ultimate Treason?   4 years 10 weeks ago
  • Is Trump About to Commit his Ultimate Treason?   4 years 10 weeks ago

    Here is a good one for Deepspace. South Dakota patients that die denying that they have Covid-19. Can't happen to me! Is that not the State that had 450000 bikers for the Sturgis Rally and the Republican Governor has refused any controls such as masks? Gee they are now at the top of the list for Covid cases. What goes around comes around!

    Meanwhile not well covered. China just made a huge trade deal with a big chunk of the rest of the world. Trumps tariffs and tough talk evidently mean nothing. Farmers are screwed by Trump again.

  • Is Trump About to Commit his Ultimate Treason?   4 years 10 weeks ago

    It seems my money was wasted with ineffectual messaging.

    Maslow's Hierarchy:

    1) food, water, shelter 2) safety 3) belongingness 4) esteem 5) self-actualization

    Four years ago, in 2016, as soon as Hilary Clinton's "deplorables" comment became public, her bid for the presidency was doomed. Even people without a PhD know when the elites are looking down on them. Over 70 million Americans voted for Donald Trump. Until the Democratic elites want to know why (instead of assuming), elections will be close or lost like the 2020 down-ballot races. Not all 70 million are racists.

    To the self-actualized Democratic establishment in DC, things like integrity, racism, sexism, birtherism, grift, and children in cages are the most relevant issues. For 70 million Americans who are on Maslow's bottom rungs, their experience does not change by voting for Democrats. The moral high ground is a luxury. Unfortunately, whether a Republican or mainstream Democrat is in charge, they are still shafted by the system.

    Food, water, shelter: Working class jobs have been outsourced overseas in Republican and Democratic administrations. Real wages corrected for inflation are lower than in the 1970s. Drive from Chicago to St. Louis and count the closed strip malls. The job creators (Capital) used to need the wealth creators (Labor) but not anymore. Now the wealth creators are going homeless.

    Safety: If all the news you hear is telling you that Antifa is coming to get you, your safety is at stake. 91% of talk radio in the United States is conservative. Why is it so hard to believe that people feel unsafe enough to decide to vote Republican if all their sources of information are from conservative propaganda? How safe does it feel when all the jobs are disappearing? There is no job security and little housing security.

    Belongingness: Everything used be white, male, Christian and predictable. Now, if you listen to mainstream media and Democratic Politicians, the contrast with the old days might make it seem that they never mention any of the issues important to the white working class. If your needs for shelter, safety and belonging are not met, you will not be self-actualized enough to care about the difficulties people of color or LGBTQ+ or immigrants. Whites with privilege have the luxury of accepting that institutional racism exists, those whose standard of living has gone down for 50 years are less likely.

    Esteem: There is an almost religious belief in American exceptionalism. Patriotism has been used so that the lower classes will sacrifice their lives for country while the well-off get their bone-spur deferrals, or like me, get college deferrals. When liberals point to the Native American genocide or U.S. imperialism or slavery as a moral failing not a difference of opinion, we become the enemy that is trying to tear down American esteem. Americans hold to their myths of a meritocracy where Trump earned his wealth and the DeVos family is wealthy because they are favored by God.

    Even though their faith was built on myths, the working classes have lost jobs, safety, belongingness and esteem. The Democrats need to listen them and address their needs and figure out ways to restore those things so that they are not susceptible to jingoism or racism or the next Trump.

  • Is Trump About to Commit his Ultimate Treason?   4 years 10 weeks ago

    Good idea! If you are a Republican you will not be admitted to a hospital. Notice the lack of masks in the Million MAGA March (actually about 5000. claimed to be a million) last weekend.

    A friend sent me an article from a Georgia Newspaper where they interview people about why they voted for Trump. It showed that Trumps constant lies worked. They believed everyone and literally quoted them back. No ability to seek the truth.

  • Is Trump About to Commit his Ultimate Treason?   4 years 10 weeks ago

    Der Präsident Scheissekopf is a wannabe Nazi at heart -- an incurable fascist who fundamentally does not believe in democracy. That's his whole political and economic life in one sentence.

    It follows: "Stop the Steal" is a classic psychological projection on a massive scale. Herr Drumpf's storm troopers love to wrap themselves in the American flag -- and, yes, you can bet your prized Luger pistol that they're also carrying a bible somewhere on their mail-order tactical vests. Yet, Überkommandant Scheissekopf's good little Nazis are equal parts unAmerican, irreligious, and howling-at-the-moon mad. How about let's just throw out every single one of their obviously fraudulent and unpatriotic ballots?

    I must confess that my capacity for empathy runs dry when Trump's fools, who are basically pleading with Mother Nature to contract a deadly disease, finally, inevitably get the disease, duh. So why are these stupid assholes who asked for it taking ICU beds away from the innocent patients who deserve them? At the point when hospitals reach beyond capacity, when people are left to die unattended in the hallways and waiting rooms, when bodies are stacking up in refrigerated food trucks, the ethics of triaging patients should error on letting suicidal Republican nutballs die first. Good thing I'm not a doctor, eh?


  • Is Trump About to Commit his Ultimate Treason?   4 years 11 weeks ago

    We've tried responding to such requests before, without response. I have to admit, I haven't worked out what they are really after. Any ideas?

  • Is Trump About to Commit his Ultimate Treason?   4 years 11 weeks ago

    Maybe some of our Republican friends can help Jannanhk find the moderator or administrator?

  • Is Trump About to Commit his Ultimate Treason?   4 years 11 weeks ago

    Where is moderator?? It is about advertisement on your website. Regards.

  • Is Trump About to Commit his Ultimate Treason?   4 years 11 weeks ago

    Where is moderator?? It is about advertisement on your website. Regards.

  • Is Trump About to Commit his Ultimate Treason?   4 years 11 weeks ago

    Deepspace, Controlling the virus in America is difficult asssignment considering how wide spread the Republicans have spread it. Yes a vaccine is around the corner. A very difficult vaccine to administer. Has to be kept in cyrogenic containers. Has to be injected twice, a week apart, Is reported to have serious side effects and distribution is currently being managed by the same people that managed the testing and PPE programs (hint: The Republicans). Trump has all ready threatened to cut off New York. We have to innoculate 330 million. We currently have a raging Fall wave with Winter coming. We have states that still have very little mask wearing because it is against their freedom. We still have large gatherings. We still have a POTUS that plans Super Spreader rallies. Even my state, where masks are mandatory you see lots of people wearing the mask below the nose, which makes it useless. We are approaching 200000 cases per day. If it stays that low, there will be 13000000 cases between now and when Biden takes over. Hospitals will be way past overflow.

  • Is Trump About to Commit his Ultimate Treason?   4 years 11 weeks ago

    Can I contact admin?? It is about advertisement on your website. Thank.

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