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  • Americans Need To Stand Up To The GOP   4 years 10 weeks ago

    Is it possible ex-president trump mistook the Covid outbreak map (which is totally red) for a map of his supporters?

  • Americans Need To Stand Up To The GOP   4 years 10 weeks ago

    Why are we no longer talking about Putin's potential role in all this? He seems to be the one gaining the most from Trump's actions. The erosion of Democracy, division of the country, etc.

  • Racist Billionaire Grifters: It's time to call the Republican Party what it is   4 years 10 weeks ago

    Too bad the NEWS is blind to the money that goes to the GOP..

    AND! The dirty things that the GOP does...

    Is the NEWS becoming a New Branch of the rich, like the GOP?

  • This Election WAS Rigged   4 years 10 weeks ago

    Thom and others make many many relevant points daily, to push back on the direction the Republican party and DJT are devolving this nation. Problem is, MOST of our "leadership" refuses to inform the nation via whatever platforms they have access to.

    Messaging works, but, if you can't inform rank and file Americans, knowledge is useless...

  • The "Freedom" America's Billionaires Are Selling Is Killing Us   4 years 10 weeks ago

    I let my thinking on all problems revolve around "The Spirit Level" by Richard Wilkenson and Kate Pickett. They might say something like income inequality provides the soil for misinformation to grow. Also, the value of those percentages is strongly correlated to income inequality. It seems that the Green New Deal would solve so many problems we are not aware of.

  • The "Freedom" America's Billionaires Are Selling Is Killing Us   4 years 10 weeks ago

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  • The "Freedom" America's Billionaires Are Selling Is Killing Us   4 years 10 weeks ago

    согласна с тобой! --- Нет. fifa 15, fifa 15 или fifa 15 скачать fifa

  • The "Freedom" America's Billionaires Are Selling Is Killing Us   4 years 10 weeks ago

    Thom is so great at defining a problem. I would say all of this is in the percentages. The ones that Bernie brought to our attention and others. Those others are the percentage of society that will steal when given the opportunity, the percentage that have magical thinking, the percentage with low self esteem, the percentage that suffer from untreated trauma, the percentage.....

    One of the big "slap in the face" moments I just saw was a nurse on the front lines describe people literally dying while saying that it couldn't be happening to them because the virus was a hoax. I don't think there is a starker example of the damage misinformation and little or no leadership can do. There is honor in fighting against both, and we need to teach our youth it takes politics to do it.

  • The "Freedom" America's Billionaires Are Selling Is Killing Us   4 years 10 weeks ago

    Barack's statement (sort of under his breath) that the bill of rights is a set of negative rights put my brain into a run loop. After a couple of years I came up with this.

    The framers of our constitution (AKA our founding fathers) were all about freedom. Yet, in the constitution the word freedom does not appear once; nor does the word liberty, except in the preamble. The appearance of liberty in the preamble enforces the belief that the framers were all about freedom. The essential right that the constitution provides is the right of “We the People” to make up the rules for the society. The people get to define the rules that guide the society. They decide on the rules that define the market place, property ownership, the economy, etc.. Oh yea, "we the people" get to create the rules about wearing a face mask. The only rules we do not get to define are those restrictions put on us by the Bill of Rights. For example, we the people, do not get to make a rule about the freedom of the press. Hence, the right of freedom of the press is a negative right.

  • The "Freedom" America's Billionaires Are Selling Is Killing Us   4 years 10 weeks ago

    Решила настрочить в ветку форума, прошу булыжниками не закидывать, Вашему вниманию сайт: порно онлайн для ночь короче посмотреть ) Надеюсь понравится он =)

  • The "Freedom" America's Billionaires Are Selling Is Killing Us   4 years 10 weeks ago

    Решила настрочить в ветку форума, прошу булыжниками не закидывать, Вашему вниманию сайт: порно онлайн для ночь короче посмотреть ) Надеюсь понравится он =)

  • The "Freedom" America's Billionaires Are Selling Is Killing Us   4 years 10 weeks ago

    As Thom mentioned on the broadcast this morning, there is a decided difference between "freedom to" and "freedom from". Here is where our Bill of Rights mostly emphasizes the "freedom to's". So what is "freedom from"? An example is in the preamble of the United Nation's Declaration of Human rights which states,"human beings shall enjoy (the) freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people."

    So if another person's perceived freedom to, for example, not wear a mask during COVID infringes on my right of freedom from fear, logic dictates this then is not a right of the person not wearing their mask to do this.

    There is a wonderful short 'Deans Letter' from 2017 by Sandro Galea, MD, DrPH, Boston University School of Public Health at which illustrates this better than I ever could.

  • The "Freedom" America's Billionaires Are Selling Is Killing Us   4 years 10 weeks ago

    "Freedom" for these people always refers to their own personal delusion of "freedom"
    rather than cumulative ideas of freedom that works for the human collective. Their ingrained
    solipsisms need to be ignored as much as possible in the same way that you would ignore
    a child who constantly screams, "Mommy! Watch this!" It's difficult, but it can be accomplished.

  • The "Freedom" America's Billionaires Are Selling Is Killing Us   4 years 10 weeks ago

    "They argue that the real meaning of 'freedom' is more tax cuts for billionaires and more poison and pollution for everybody else. "

    The kicker here is that law and Supreme Court decisions give rich people the "freedom" to buy elections and elected officials, and thus to have the laws changed to give them ever more money (tax cuts) and power (fewer regulations on pollution and finance). They use their money to buy more power and their power to bring themselves more money. That's the vicous circle that has to be broken,

  • Racist Billionaire Grifters: It's time to call the Republican Party what it is   4 years 10 weeks ago

    Politicians telling lies is going to get worse. Trump and the Repblican Party has proven that it works. Their media does not call them out on it. Trumps is somewhere around 25000 lies and still got 70+ million votes. Telling lies works.

    Best advice that I have seen in a long time.

  • Is Trump About to Commit his Ultimate Treason?   4 years 10 weeks ago

    High time for the Dems to get into the messaging game by using Twitter. Or, is it beneath them? Social media works well to inform, try it Joe...

  • How Can America Prevent Republicans From Stealing the 2024 Election & Installing a Fascist?   4 years 10 weeks ago

    On Thom's show today ( 11/17/20), the term Socialism was discussed. Another chance to mention the words MIXED ECONOMY, which of course never came up. Mixed economies are the driving force of all the first world nations, and the perfect come back for anyone accused of being a full on Socialist, the handle pinned on the Biden/Harris folks by the Republican hacks.

    This nation, by the way, is a mixed economy.

    Grab a clue please...

  • Racist Billionaire Grifters: It's time to call the Republican Party what it is   4 years 10 weeks ago

    Biden needs to never forget two things: 1. Politicians are rarely rewarded for the good things they do.

    2. The past is the future. Also, whatever happened to “we can walk and chew gum at the same time.”

    If Biden wants to unite the country. The best thing he can do is show that no man is above the law by holding the Trump administration accountable for their treason, corruption, graft and the many other crimes committed by Trump and his abettors. Biden has to resolve the past by seeing that Trump and his Republican cult are held accountable, or no matter what good he does, it can and will be undone by the next wave of Republican extremists, and probably sooner than later, even more extreme and possibly once and for all.

    This talk by Biden of wanting to look forward and not having his administration hamstrung by hearings and keeping Trump in the news, is exactly the opposite of what he should be thinking. He should want to remind Americans every day, what a monster from hell Trump and his fellow Republicans are, what crimes they committed, what corruption they are guilty of, and their total ineptness. And not just Trump, everyone associated with him, from the White House to the local legislators abetting his crimes.

    Politicians should do what is best for the nation but do it because it is the right thing to do. However, don’t expect that it will guarantee that constituents will understand what you do or reward you with another term.

    Republicans campaign every day and usually on the public’s dime. They constantly use the powers of government to tarnish, smear, undermine and weaken their Democratic opponents. That’s what all the crap and hearings regarding Hillary is about. To tarnish the Democratic party thereby helping them to win elections.

    If Democrats are able to take control of the Senate, the House and the White House, it will be their duty to insure the security of the nation. The best way to do this is to crush the Republican Party once and for all. Only they will be doing their duty. Not just campaigning!

  • Racist Billionaire Grifters: It's time to call the Republican Party what it is   4 years 10 weeks ago

    If only we could blink and be ahead 20 years taking us to a time when minorities are an equal number to whites in this country. It will happen and although it won't solve corruption and racism, it will marginalize some of the source. When alliances are formed by a good percentage of people from every camp, we will get to a better place.

    The time period Thom speaks about has been a real and hard education, especially because it included the internet. We know exactly how far the modern right will take things. We have the numbers to take them on, but just barely when you factor in our election system. We have fought for truth, voting rights, and have fought racism. The beautiful inclusivity of Millennials and Gen Z didn't just happen. They were taught empathy and given empathy. The answer is to keep teaching and gather the troops.

    Dorsey said today exceptions have been made to let the public hear from their elected officials on Twitter's platform. After January 20th maybe playtime won't be quite the same for Citizen Trump. One has to be at least 13 years old to have a Twitter account; too bad they don't use people's emotional age.

  • Racist Billionaire Grifters: It's time to call the Republican Party what it is   4 years 10 weeks ago

    В жизни всякого человека случается обстановка, когда потребуются вспомогательные средства. К огорчению денежных ресурсов практически всякий раз не хватает, и что есть первопричина: как правило, подъем наших прибылей, увеличивается значительно медлительнее цены нашей жизни.

  • Racist Billionaire Grifters: It's time to call the Republican Party what it is   4 years 10 weeks ago

    В жизни всякого человека случается обстановка, когда потребуются вспомогательные средства. К огорчению денежных ресурсов практически всякий раз не хватает, и что есть первопричина: как правило, подъем наших прибылей, увеличивается значительно медлительнее цены нашей жизни.

  • Racist Billionaire Grifters: It's time to call the Republican Party what it is   4 years 10 weeks ago

    Republicans R pro life it may B short but pro life we will all C how long they can

    yell pro life with out their oxygen tube and no face mask

    "Eat, drink, and be merry, because tomorrow my policies may kill you."


    In his latest anti-science appeal to Americans, White House coronavirus adviser Dr. Scott Atlas on Monday night called on families to ignore the guidance of public health experts who say the holiday season should not include indoor gatherings—suggesting to Fox News that families should take the risk even for elderly or sick relatives this Thanksgiving because they will no longer be alive next year

  • Racist Billionaire Grifters: It's time to call the Republican Party what it is   4 years 10 weeks ago
  • Thursday 12 November '20 show notes   4 years 10 weeks ago

    They're in his blog.

  • Racist Billionaire Grifters: It's time to call the Republican Party what it is   4 years 10 weeks ago

    America "might figure it out" but plenty of people still support this monster. But then plenty of people kept giving money to the mythical Nigerian princes who promised them fortunes too. I don't know what it will take to bring this country together, Biden is a good man for that but the perceived divisions have gotten deeper and deeper thanks largely to the Republican machinations. Personally I don't get McConnell, Graham and the others' mindset that puts inhumane objectives over the good of the country and its people, but then folks like that have always been around. Like Peronism, neo-Facism, and those waiting for an exiled king to return, such movements harking for a strong leader to make it all right will always continue. But playing into them is a fool's game.

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