The German woman's name "Gisele" is pronounced /GHEE-zuh-luh/. That happens to have been the name as my high-school German teacher. Of course, I'm presuming I have the spelling right. There's also the French name "Giselle", which is /zhee-ZELL/.
I love Danielle's trick with the Gisele Feldman story. As much as Republicans like to talk about Hitler, they really don't think in terms of what actually happened in that era.
Our struggle against Da'esh depends on getting most of the Muslims in the world on our side. There's a reason that Da'esh calls greater Islam "the Grey Zone". They consider those Muslims to be salvageable from sin and apostasy, whereas pagans are not and must simply be killed. Our task is to convince those Muslims that they don't need to be saved by Da'esh. If mistreat the "greys", we cannot get them on our side.
Oh, okay, donna. No hassle. I just didn't know if you were going for some sort of effect or something. I misinterpreted "so" as indicating purpose, rather than logical consequence.
"If we don't strengthen our fight against climate change, one hundred million more people may be pushed into extreme poverty within the next 15 years."
This while a few Fascist global warmers like the Kochs gain extreme wealth!!!!
Of course we need to accept them, that will help our reputation throughout the Middle-east. If we would have helped them in the first place we wouldn't be in the mess we are in now. And we don't need their oil as we have plenty.
Perhaps many people remember the run-up to the Iraqi invasion with the defense by the Neo-Cons that we can't treat terrorists as criminals, but have to go "to war" with them; in looking back at the death and destruction in the Middle East in the aftermath of our invasion of Iraq, it sure doesn't seem like military action alone is the way to "solve" the terroism issue.
Terrorists are criminals and should be treated as such; in reality, Daesch or ISIS is nothing more than a gang; sure, they have a lot of firepower and a lot of money behind them, but in combating their tactics, we really need to shift to a more law enforcement type approach. When cities or counties have a severe gang problem, they usually look to cut off the monies supporting the gang activities, while at the same time, those communities that have had the most success against gangs also focus on offering alternatives for those who would normally join a gang. We need to do the same thing in the Middle East; cut off the funding and go after those who do financially support terrorists, catch or kill as many individual leaders of the movement, while offering to those who might consider joining an alternative so they can support their families.
The only people who stand to gain if we continue our war machine effort at combating a tactic are those who will profit by more and more war being made, i.e., the miliatry contractors and suppliers, all the while our enlisted military personal will suffer the brunt of any further invasions or fighting. Use the military in a coordinated manner using law enforcement techiniques to cut off the funding, go after the leadership, and protect those who suffer at the hands of those practicising terrorism tactics.
There is no Marie Le Pen to speak of. There's Jean-Marie Le Pen, and there's his daughter Marine Le Pen. When someone mentions a Marie Le Pen, I don't know who they mean.
Why bother? Much like al-Qaeda they are accomplishing the same thing. Get the U.S. to ramp up the security state and get U.S. boots on the ground in Syria.
The German woman's name "Gisele" is pronounced /GHEE-zuh-luh/. That happens to have been the name as my high-school German teacher. Of course, I'm presuming I have the spelling right. There's also the French name "Giselle", which is /zhee-ZELL/.
I love Danielle's trick with the Gisele Feldman story. As much as Republicans like to talk about Hitler, they really don't think in terms of what actually happened in that era.
Our struggle against Da'esh depends on getting most of the Muslims in the world on our side. There's a reason that Da'esh calls greater Islam "the Grey Zone". They consider those Muslims to be salvageable from sin and apostasy, whereas pagans are not and must simply be killed. Our task is to convince those Muslims that they don't need to be saved by Da'esh. If mistreat the "greys", we cannot get them on our side.
Oh, okay, donna. No hassle. I just didn't know if you were going for some sort of effect or something. I misinterpreted "so" as indicating purpose, rather than logical consequence.
Trojan Horses
{… a rhyme …}
Be wary of Trojan {horses} harses,
such as immigrants including ISIS.
We’ve already had Tea Party arses
as Trojans in the Republicans’ crisis, -
- sneaking in, invading,
then militantly fiercely parading
while as sane people masquerading.
Please check out or
Persistent Mantra
{… a rhyme …}
Ain’t the Repugnantans astonishing?
Their “trickle-down” mantras persist
through decades of Progressives’ admonishing
that Reaganomics the Facts resist.
Snidely about the Right
{… a rhyme …}
We marvel at the Right’s ferocity.
It arouses our curiosity:
How do their pols maintain such a pace
as so fast and furiously they embrace
the junk in the minds of their nitwitted base?
Loudly in high velocity
they spew the ridiculosity,
the sociopathic monstrosity,
the economic atrocity,
the hypocritical religiosity.
Wow!! What a wondrously marvelous feat,
thus diligently their base’s lines to repeat.
The question is
"why US, Saudi Arabia and Turks all in cooperation create and still support ISIS ?"
Would love to have transcriptions of your posts. This one in particular. Is this a feature that you could add, Thom?
Audio Transcription Made Simple
Millions of Minutes Transcribed
$1 per minute 24 hrs turnaround 99% accuracy
"If we don't strengthen our fight against climate change, one hundred million more people may be pushed into extreme poverty within the next 15 years."
This while a few Fascist global warmers like the Kochs gain extreme wealth!!!!
Thom, these polls are getting ridiculous.
"paranoid and a loon"
what a nice person you are...not
Not sure if it would post up, many sites don't.
Sorry for any hassle
Of course we need to accept them, that will help our reputation throughout the Middle-east. If we would have helped them in the first place we wouldn't be in the mess we are in now. And we don't need their oil as we have plenty.
If americans vote for this person they will most certainly look back with deep regret
If americans fall for her they deserve what they will get
One evil person that has no understanding of american people lower than her corporate buyers of influence
...yearning to be free. My heart breaks for these displaced persons. The GOPPERS are dead wrong with all of the hateful rhetoric they spew.
Paranoid... the desired effect of these loons
Perhaps many people remember the run-up to the Iraqi invasion with the defense by the Neo-Cons that we can't treat terrorists as criminals, but have to go "to war" with them; in looking back at the death and destruction in the Middle East in the aftermath of our invasion of Iraq, it sure doesn't seem like military action alone is the way to "solve" the terroism issue.
Terrorists are criminals and should be treated as such; in reality, Daesch or ISIS is nothing more than a gang; sure, they have a lot of firepower and a lot of money behind them, but in combating their tactics, we really need to shift to a more law enforcement type approach. When cities or counties have a severe gang problem, they usually look to cut off the monies supporting the gang activities, while at the same time, those communities that have had the most success against gangs also focus on offering alternatives for those who would normally join a gang. We need to do the same thing in the Middle East; cut off the funding and go after those who do financially support terrorists, catch or kill as many individual leaders of the movement, while offering to those who might consider joining an alternative so they can support their families.
The only people who stand to gain if we continue our war machine effort at combating a tactic are those who will profit by more and more war being made, i.e., the miliatry contractors and suppliers, all the while our enlisted military personal will suffer the brunt of any further invasions or fighting. Use the military in a coordinated manner using law enforcement techiniques to cut off the funding, go after the leadership, and protect those who suffer at the hands of those practicising terrorism tactics.
There is no Marie Le Pen to speak of. There's Jean-Marie Le Pen, and there's his daughter Marine Le Pen. When someone mentions a Marie Le Pen, I don't know who they mean.
What exactly was the point of the spaces, donna?
What's wrong with this?
isis info PLEASE read
www . justice . gov/opa/ file/769556 /download
I have spaced this website so you will have to type it into your browswer w/o spaces.
Seems Bibi is up to no good????
What do you think?
can you please let me know how to get a transcript of this segement? Its hard to get people to watch a video; much easier to read. Thanks.
Why bother? Much like al-Qaeda they are accomplishing the same thing. Get the U.S. to ramp up the security state and get U.S. boots on the ground in Syria.
Hillary’s Artillery
{… a rhyme …}
Money is Wall Street’s artillery
for helping hypocrite Hillary
face Two-faced her critics’ pillory.
She is the Street’s main auxiliary.