Recent comments

  • Full Show 11/17/15: Why Wall Street Loves Hillary   9 years 16 weeks ago


    {… a rhyme …}


    crows the Repugnantan rooster.


    crows the ISIS-war booster

    and the sipper of trickle-down tea.

    Oh, that of these we were free.

    May Congress vote refusal

    to whatever Trump-or-Cruz’ll

    do, -

    - if in the White House residing

    and to our nation’s ruination presiding.



  • You Can Get Away With Murder But You Can't Lie To Rich People...   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Google the name Poul Thornsen. He's on the OIG's most wanted list. A crime against humanity pales in comparison to skimming a little off the top.

    Unlike Blankenship, however, this scociopath is living high on the hog in Denmark (I think).

    Open letter to General Lynch:

    Please, please, please!!!

    Extradite Poul Thornsen!

    Repeal the NVICA enacted by Reagan in 1986! Give American parents back the courts!


  • You Can Get Away With Murder But You Can't Lie To Rich People...   9 years 16 weeks ago

    How about incorporating your family.

    Get a lawyer, pay the fees to incorporate, and acquire amazing

    legal protection.

    You too can then kill people without prosectuion.


  • Hillary Clinton Receives Another Big Union Endorsement   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Unions are desperate. Triangulated = Strangulated

    And Hillary WILL betray the spirit and intent of unions very very existence if she makes it in the White House <poutie>

    Is this article an obvious show of support for Hillary by the Hartmann folks?

  • You Can Get Away With Murder But You Can't Lie To Rich People...   9 years 16 weeks ago

    This reminds of the Deepwater Horizon Macondo BP affair

    Hardly every hear about those 11 guys who died there

    Was anyone ever charged?

  • Hillary Clinton Receives Another Big Union Endorsement   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Undeserving in every sense of the word. But of course, it all depends on what we're supposed to mean by the word "undeserving" if we're not supporters of the Clinton machine. Sorta like her hubby's dilemna with another word in the dictionary that most people who aren't lawyers or cleverer by a half political wordsmiths aren't as enlightened as La Famiglia Clinton.

  • Daily Topics - Tuesday November 17th, 2015   9 years 16 weeks ago

    We may need a comparison of CEO stock options, which seem bad, and ESOPs for lower-level employees, which I'm on the fence about.

  • Republicans: Please Stop Helping ISIS   9 years 16 weeks ago

    This place seldom changes. My friend Brian suggested I read this. Nevil Chamberlin started the thread by saying that confronting a group of people who took arms, confiscated large land areas in soverign nations, perpetrated genocide against native Coptic Christians, beheaded captives, drowned people in cages, gang raped women, set people on fire and finally attacked and killed hundreds in france should not be provolked by reacting to them militarily.

    All righty then. Go agead and support the afore mentioned crimes against humanity. That's not my style. People who do those things are a cancer on humanity. To suggest that their ideology will change by the actions of a weak president who believes that bombing them only five times a day instead of twelve hundred that was the standard under the previous administration, is fantasy. Good luck with that.

  • Republicans: Please Stop Helping ISIS   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Marl1. The US and Canada needed immigrants previously, that is why they where tolerant. We built railroads that went to nowhere to nobody. For decades no one was unemployed. It is completely different now. The US has a massive homeless, healthcare and debt problem. The immigrants need us we don't need them. It would make more sense to help them on their own soil. I just liked it better when I could go to a movie or a sporting event and didn't have to worry about getting blown up.

  • Republicans: Please Stop Helping ISIS   9 years 16 weeks ago

    When was the U.S so better off? Without tolerance for law abiding citizens of every faith you void the very essence of our U.S. Constitution. Our U.S. borders have always been open to refugees and immigrants from all over the world...that is the basis on which the country was born and nurtured. Tolerance is what this country has been built on. Tolerance is the very basis of Christianity. Lest you forget!

  • Republicans: Please Stop Helping ISIS   9 years 16 weeks ago

    When was the U.S so better off? Without tolerance for law abiding citizens of every faith you void the very essence of our U.S. Constitution. Our U.S. borders have always been open to refugees and immigrants from all over the world...that is the basis on which the country was born and nurtured. Tolerance is what this country has been built on. Tolerance is the very basis of Christianity. Lest you forget!

  • Daily Topics - Tuesday November 17th, 2015   9 years 16 weeks ago

    John Malcolm implied that the sanctuary city programs are done without federal approval. Is that the case? Even if it's not official, it seems that those programs wouldn't really be in effect if the federal government weren't going along with them.

  • Daily Topics - Tuesday November 17th, 2015   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Rep. Luis Gutierrez just spoke in Congress, saying what Thom did in his daily post yesterday: Republicans, don't overreact and give Da'esh what it wants.

  • Daily Topics - Tuesday November 17th, 2015   9 years 16 weeks ago

    I started thinking yesterday that if any of the pathetic Republican candidates gets elected President, I would have to consider democracy a mistake. Then I realized that this fits exactly what Republicans do with every aspect of government: break it, then declare that it's so broken we have to get rid of it. It actually serves the right-wing agenda to put up such unpresidential candidates, regardless of their policies,

  • Obama on ISIS: Our Strategy is Going to Work   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Meacham's new biography of GHW describes the insideous actions of Cheney. W gets the blame because he didn't stop Cheney. W was a pushover for Cheney offering to search for a VP candidate and the list had one name. Cheney always wanted more power for the executive branch feeling the post watergate Church hearings had restricted the president too much. Dick had a parallel presidency established right under W's nose. History will likely assign Cheney a position above criminal, but below used car salesman.

  • Obama on ISIS: Our Strategy is Going to Work   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Meacham's new biography of GHW describes the insideous actions of Cheney. W gets the blame because he didn't stop Cheney. W was a pushover for Cheney offering to search for a VP candidate and the list had one name. Cheney always wanted more power for the executive branch feeling the post watergate Church hearings had restricted the president too much. Dick had a parallel presidency established right under W's nose. History will likely assign Cheney a position above criminal, but below used car salesman.

  • Will This Movie Change How You See the World?   9 years 16 weeks ago

    You have highlighted very nice points, i have really enjoyed the little bit of it. Movies are the best source of entertainment especially helpful to get rid stress. I also used for this purpose especially at weekends. A today's high Internet will allow you to avoid and various freezes during the session. You do not need to worry about the fact that you missed the another film premieres and pick up free time to go to the cinema. Naturally, the evening at the cinema and will be for many people, the tradition, and that no one disputes. Anyways, thanks for sharing the nice stuff with us.

  • Republicans: Please Stop Helping ISIS   9 years 16 weeks ago

    A Fringe off their Hinge

    {… a rhyme …}

    Increasingly frenzied is the widening fringe

    of lunatic-ery where off their hinge

    swing Rightwingers’ minds on a Looney Tunes binge.

    It gives a sane man a painful twinge.


  • Full Show 11/16/15: Dear Republicans, Stop Helping ISIS!   9 years 16 weeks ago

    A Fringe off their Hinge

    {… a rhyme …}

    Increasingly frenzied is the widening fringe

    of lunatic-ery where off their hinge

    swing Rightwingers’ minds on a Looney Tunes binge.

    It gives a sane man a painful twinge.


  • Full Show 11/16/15: Dear Republicans, Stop Helping ISIS!   9 years 16 weeks ago


    {… a rhyme …}

    Tragedies not yet fully told

    are quickly to further unfold:

    √ Wars between cultures.

    √ Corporate vultures.

    √ We denature Mother Nature.

    √ Our Rightwing legislature

    is to sanity averse,

    so they make all this worse.

    √ Et cetera ad infinitum;

    so many a tragedy item.


  • Republicans: Please Stop Helping ISIS   9 years 16 weeks ago

    To the people of France -- to all people who inhabit a small, obscure planet circling a life sustaining star, may we find our way from the infliction of terror perpetrated by but a small and otherwise insignificant number of deranged people posturing with hiving up their lives for fifteen minutes of fame and through their insanity stirred up the winds of hysteria, uncertainty, and trepidation as the bombs again fall in cities, the names of which we never before heard their names.

    Humanity has long followed tribal ritualism which some call religion -- though the ages have twisted even the best of the diety's teachings to which conflict and war are the ways of the ancients to bring clarity in the face of the death of the other.

    I wish I could find an optimistic note of hope but find it difficult to rise abov the mantra espoused by the news corporations and politicians to be afraid; to cast the fate of hundred thousand people to the wind; and fodder the return of neo-fascism in Europe.

    It is time that the countries in the region formulate a strategy for peace. If net, tell them we want back all the Planes, tanks, and economic subsidies.

  • Republicans: Please Stop Helping ISIS   9 years 16 weeks ago

    As long as we remain addicted to oil, as our Bankster/Oil Baron overseers demand, we will be constantly at war in the Middle East, Islamic Terrorism will continue to rise, there will be more Oil wars, more failed states, more mass migrations.

    Oil has been called "The Devil's Tears". So much pain and suffering has occured in this world due to our totally unnecessary capitulation to the Bankster/Oil Barons and their noxious product.

  • Will climate change spawn more violence and unrest?   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Is A better than B?

    ---- Yes: A is super.

    ---- Yes: B stinks.

    This is getting really old.


  • Republicans: Please Stop Helping ISIS   9 years 16 weeks ago

    I'm in agreement with Thom. The misery index has to be quite high for an individual to want to join ISIS, and the Republican White House wannabes want to crank it up even more with the "kill em all and let our God sort them out" rhetoric.

    They're simply pandering to "Merica's" foxmerized baser other words, the citizens who vote themsevles into poverty so they can provide the billionaires with lawless deregulation at all levels in addition to more tax cuts.

  • Will climate change spawn more violence and unrest?   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Bernie is right, but the other answer has some truth to it as well.

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