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  • Jom Comment Test   9 years 17 weeks ago

    There’s a lot more than meets the eye to shopping for a handbag. You might think that the most important factor is the material it’s made from (leather is more durable than canvas, for example), <a href="">styleundercovermagazine</a>

  • Full Show 11/10/15: Understanding Climate Change: A Conversation with Michael Mann   9 years 17 weeks ago


    {… 1.60 limericks …}

    Mankind is bringing about

    conditions for more then more drought, -

    - in large part because

    the Rightwingers pause

    in figuring such things out.

    They shout their doubt

    as nonsense they spout.

    It’s stupidity which they tout.


  • Full Show 11/10/15: Understanding Climate Change: A Conversation with Michael Mann   9 years 17 weeks ago

    Hi Thom. Thank you for covering this rarely discussed topic. Great expose. I would only add more emphasis on overpopulation. Strong scienific consensus is that the earth can only feed clothe and house around 2 billion people. But we are already over 7 billion and still growing. We need to keep raising awareness about over pop issue because if we could get back to 1 or 2 billion then it would be much easier to resolve the climate change and many other pollution problems as well as low wages, lack of clean water, housing shortages, etc. Personal note I am 49 and chose not to have children because of over population. If we raise awareness others may chose to have no more than one child per couple. If everyone takes precautions we could dial back population to 1 billion before the year 2100. Of course we also need to reduce our carbon footprints along the.

  • Would "Democracy Vouchers" make a difference?   9 years 17 weeks ago

    A voucher doesn't do a thing to change the system. It keeps money as a huge factor in campaigns. Publicly funded races with equal time on our publicly owned television and radio airwaves is the only way elections would be truly democratic.

  • Would "Democracy Vouchers" make a difference?   9 years 17 weeks ago

    "It's the policies, stupid." For whom would you vote, if no party/pol represented you or your leading priorities? Republicans represent the rich, Democrats and third parties today represent the middle class. For whom could the rest of the country vote -- the poor, and those who get why unrelieved poverty matters? As the record shows, it is Democrats (since B. Clinton) who have steadily worsened conditions for the jobless poor, the elderly poor and the disabled. I can't support that. Many of us can't support that. No matter how much you tinker with things before Nov. 2016, Democrats already lost the election.

  • Full Text of TPP Shows it's A Bad Deal For All.   9 years 17 weeks ago

    Nope, I don't dislike President Obama. As a grown up, I didn't expect Obama to deliver rainbows and unicorns. I am grateful that he restored benefits for disabled workers, which Bill Clinton had slashed, though I regret that the Dems in Congress have resumed targeting disabled workers on Social Security. I am also aware that Obama was able to reverse years of steady job losses, so that the country has seen steady job gains. Obama actually did deliver most of what our liberal bourgeoisie demanded as well, but it hasn't stopped their whining.

  • Full Text of TPP Shows it's A Bad Deal For All.   9 years 17 weeks ago

    This is what liberal media have been promoting via their excessive promotion of (neoliberal) Hillary Clinton. Obviously, since liberals want Clinton, they must support the TPP. And since Democrats and liberals support the TPP, it would defy logic for President Obama to oppose it.

  • Full Text of TPP Shows it's A Bad Deal For All.   9 years 17 weeks ago

    Before launching her pre-campaign speaking tour, Hillary Clinton was working hard at promoting the TPP, a "natural" next step to Bill Clinton's NAFTA. The media marketed to middle class libs went all out throuigh 2015 to sell H. Clinton, even while railing against the TPP. This certainly is a bizarre era of contradictions.

  • Full Text of TPP Shows it's A Bad Deal For All.   9 years 17 weeks ago

    I hope Thom sees this piece. I had it in my favorites and read it from time to time. The section on NAFTA is really telling:

    The Clinton administration also have erred in its staunch support for NAFTA. Not only does the agreement put further downward pressure on U.S. wages, thereby increasing the income inequality at the heart of Country anger at government, but in aggressively pursuing passage of the agreement, the Clinton administration put itself in conflict with organized labor. By attacking one of the Democratic party’s most important constituencies, the administration succeeded in further weakening the Democratic coalition and exacerbating the party’s organizational decline. Also, the time and resources spent by the White House and labor lobbying for and against the agreement would have been better spent on measures of benefit to both groups, such as lobbying for health care reform, an overhaul of campaign finance, or upgrading the organizational capacity of the Democratic party.

  • Would "Democracy Vouchers" make a difference?   9 years 17 weeks ago


    I just want to correct you on 1 (one) thing. SeaTac not Seattle was the first city in this nation to implement the $15.00 PER HR. MIN WAGE. Seattle then followed suit later on.

    Sincerely Al Alpert

  • Should all voting be done on hand-counted paper ballots?   9 years 17 weeks ago

    Why people Don't vote
    1. Have you seen the lineup of pathological liars on the Rebublican ticket? There isn't one of them that deserves one vote. I have come to the conclusion that the men in black need to get them under control. There is something alien about Cruse ,Rubio,& Walker they just look like a character from the movie. They obviously don't live on this planet. When I see Trump he reminds me of the pawn shop guy where they blow his head off and it just grows back.
    2 On the Democratic side we have Hillary Probably already had her for 8 years some might have forgot. Lets see Crooked Politician From the past that just doesn't know when to give up
    I understand she has already bought enough delegates to give her the nomination. Sounds like politics as usual.
    3. Reason to vote
    Bernie Sanders Would like very much to vote for him but the crooked political system won't allow a decent man to be elected. So stick a fork in it this country is DONE

  • Daily Topics - Monday November 9th, 2015   9 years 17 weeks ago

    If a "normal" church can deny employees girl-part insurance, can the LDS and Christian Scientist churches refuse to allow any of their employee's to have insurance for anything since they in faith healing?

    What if the employer believes in snake handling or voodoo for health care? Or perhaps herbal or homeopathy?

  • Full Text of TPP Shows it's A Bad Deal For All.   9 years 17 weeks ago

    Chris Currie, Your comment should be in every American paper for any, if there are any, people that might be in favor of the trade deals.

  • Full Text of TPP Shows it's A Bad Deal For All.   9 years 17 weeks ago

    So, what is wrong with Obum? He is behind and promoting TPP with all he's got. Change we can believe in alright. The change I'd like to see is TPP down the drain along with the idiot in the W.H. How does the guy sleep at night knowing so many of us dislike him. Cheering African dictators at the W.H. was enough for me. Maybe he will retire there, good riddance. Actually he'll try the paid speech approach to pad his bank account like ole Bill has done for the Clinton Foundation.

  • Full Show 11/9/15: Exposing the Disastrous TPP   9 years 17 weeks ago

    I'm sitting here listening to this GIVE-AWAY and my head is spinning; I'm literally feeling DIZZY listening to this RIP OFF of the American Taxpayers!

    I SWEAR, President Obama has become The Manchurian Candidate//Denzel Washington Movie, 2004!

    Our Media LIE, or do NOT COVER, which is, to me, just as bad as LYING, to try to CONVINCE the American People, CRIME IS DOWN, HOW THEY COVER UP THE BIG LIE! My greatest HOPE is they EXPERIENCE, what EVERYDAY AMERICANS are suffering .... GETTING ROBBED AT GUN POINT, WHERE THEY LIVE, after getting off of WORK with their MEAGER WAGES!

    For when you listen to your local news, all you hear about are the Home Invasions, Convenient Stores, Gas Stations, and people literally getting rob, in their apartment complex, after getting off of work ... WHY? Because too many Americans are OUT OF WORK, can't find COST OF LIVING JOBS, therefore, they stoop to lowest form of SURVIVAL, by STEALING from their brothers and sister's, who are more than likely, STRUGGLING just as much as they are!

    We are STILL suffering from Drug Store thefts, individuals hooked on PRESCRIPTION MED's, therefore robbing stores, that carry these "legal" drugs! It happens every week, if not every day. This is NEWS that should be in our NATIONAL NEWS, whenever we listen to CNN, MSNBC and FOX LYING NEWS!

    It is so bad here in Tulsa OK, I am literally AFRAID to go out after DARK ... and I DO NOT!

    Now they want to REHIRE all the Police they laid off 5 years ago, all while Mary Fallon is trying to get rid of the STATE TAX! She is literally trying to make OKLAHOMA, into TEXAS, KANSAS, all the States who are suffering greatly, giving the 1% tax breaks and credits then placing the BURDEN on the LOCAL CITIZENS, whose living of FIXED INCOMES, and LESS than MINIMUM WAGES!


  • Full Text of TPP Shows it's A Bad Deal For All.   9 years 17 weeks ago

    The Primary Objective of Obama’s TPP/TTIP/TiSA dishonestly labeled “trade agreements!”

    Proponents of President Obama's dishonestly promoted TPP/TTIP/TiSA "trade agreements" will dream up just about any argument that they believe will help to get those so-called "trade agreements" passed in Congress. Their primary goal is to AUTHORIZE multinational corporations and investors to sue all three levels of our government (and other country's governments) for the "loss of expected future profits" that they allege has resulted from laws, regulations, or court decisions made by those governments. Once they have been granted that authority (i.e. POWER), those multinational corporations and investors will be use multi-million dollar or billion-dollar lawsuits (adjudicated by corporately controlled international tribunals) to OVERRIDE ALL national judicial systems in order to abolish (or at least eviscerate) all laws, regulations, or court decisions that infringe on their efforts to "maximize their profits." This will include our social safety net programs (Social Security Program, Food Stamp Program, Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, Planned Parenthood, etc.), all of our laws to protect labor unions and worker's rights, all of our laws to protect our environment, all of our minimum wage laws, all of our worker safety laws, all of our food safety laws, all of our labeling laws, copyright laws, internet laws, etc. With that kind of power "under their belt", the rest of the provisions in Obama's dishonestly promoted TTP/TTIP/TiSA initiatives will become irrelevant (as will the US Constitution) for most practical purposes, because our laws to support our programs and objectives described above will no longer exist!

  • Full Text of TPP Shows it's A Bad Deal For All.   9 years 17 weeks ago

    Reply to #9: Branski, middle class "myopia" (as you call it) has existed since long before Clinton's presidency. Clinton simply boosted it along.

    Reply to #10: Obama as "fascism's trojan horse..." brilliant analogy, tellio!

  • Daily Topics - Tuesday November 10th, 2015   9 years 17 weeks ago

    The GOP Voter Fraud Meme is caused by psychological Projerction. They want to do it - so they assume progresssivs want to also.

    Republicans cannot believe so many people vote and hold views so contrary to their own, ie. Liberal and Progresssive, that "it must be because of voter fraud" whenever the Liberal wins.

    The Kentucky example is "If we are thinking od doing it they must be thinking of doing it too - or already ARE, therefore we Republicans should do it too, because The Ends Justify the Means."

    And the long history of caging, false electioneering, fraud and abuse in America only bolsters the mindset of the GOP.

  • Full Text of TPP Shows it's A Bad Deal For All.   9 years 17 weeks ago

    What a Hell has been Wrought

    {re the TPP}

    {… a limerick …}

    What a Hell has been wrought; -

    - even Worse than what we had thought.

    Corporations have brought

    a scheme we have fought

    as equitable economics we’ve sought.


  • Full Show 11/9/15: Exposing the Disastrous TPP   9 years 17 weeks ago

    What a Hell has been Wrought

    {re the TPP}

    {… a limerick …}

    What a Hell has been wrought; -

    - even Worse than what we had thought.

    Corporations have brought

    a scheme we have fought

    as equitable economics we’ve sought.


  • Hillary Clinton's 'Nixonesque' Comment on Big Banks...   9 years 17 weeks ago

    Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) also termed as loan repayment insurance, loan protection or credit insurance is a loan or debt that you can get from an insurance company in case of any incident, loss of job or if someone fails to earn an income anymore due to some disability.

  • Hillary Clinton's 'Nixonesque' Comment on Big Banks...   9 years 17 weeks ago

    Due to our modern living standard we are creating trap for our next generation; that is with the pollution we are also taking part to destroy forest to create forest of concrete. Not only that;

  • Jom Comment Test   9 years 17 weeks ago

    Being happy is the desire of every person. People arrange different occasions where they gather to celebrate their lives and share their life experiences with their friends. With the plentiful instances of stressful moments,

  • Jom Comment Test   9 years 17 weeks ago

    Many people will not allow their children to toil hard in their higher education programs and deny them recognition. It will be wrong to do that as a parent. The best thing you can do is to organize for a good graduation ceremony for your child.

  • Full Text of TPP Shows it's A Bad Deal For All.   9 years 17 weeks ago

    Obviously we need "redirected consumerism" aka buy locally using organic markets..grow our own food and buy NOTHING to eat that is imported. As we speak the language of business and money is lost..those who engineered SHASTA will get the messahe.

    Time for victory gardens.

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