Recent comments

  • Full Show 11/9/15: Exposing the Disastrous TPP   9 years 16 weeks ago

    I've got this question about the potential far-reaching effects of the TPP:

    Given that the TPP can sue any government for interfering with its "expected profits", what happens if a candidate who promises to lower or abolish the minimum wage gets elected President? Any corporation in the TPP might then 'expect' that wages actually be lowered and sue our government to make up for the anticipated loss, even if our own government overwhelmingly votes against lowering or abolishing the minimum wage. We would then have to pay those corporations the difference of what they 'expect' the wage would be and what it actually is for every hour worked in every industry that falls under the domain of the TPP. This would add tremendous external pressure to lowering the minimum wage such that it wouldn't matter how much the American people oppose it, it would have to pass or else we'd end up paying for that lawsuit (including the ridiculously tremendous court costs that I'm sure will occur considering how well the TPP pays the arbiters [hourly pay at a corporate CEO's rate] and what little incentive the TPP provides for any form of a speedy trial) in our taxes, anyways. More frigtheningly, that same strategy could also be applied to virtually any aspect of our government regulations including environment, food safety, medicine, military, education, etc. Am I right to be terrified by this?

    I highly respect your political expertise, Mr. Hartmann, and I sincerely hope you have the time to look into this (hopefully incorrect) corncern of mine.

  • Republicans: Please Stop Helping ISIS   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Sorry Thom you are wrong again. Your way is what we have been doing for years look where it has us. I am so sick of being told to be tolerant. Give them what ever they want. Honestly. The world was a lot better off before this multicultural experiment my generation got sucked into. Lock down the borders and let's get back to the good old days.

  • Republicans: Please Stop Helping ISIS   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Article by Reza Aslan

    People don’t learn their values from religious teachings, according to Reza Aslan. During an appearance Wednesday night on The Daily Show, the religious scholar argued the situation was reversed — people infused scripture with their own personal values.

    “There is obviously a serious problem with religious violence, and particularly with Islam and in the Middle East,” he remarked. “But if you’re going to blame religion for violence in the name of religion, then you have to credit religion for every act of compassion in the name of religion, you have to credit religion for every act of love in the name of religion, and that’s not what people usually think. They focus very much on the negative.”

    “Part of the problem is that there is this misconception that people derive their values from their scriptures,” Aslan added. “The truth is it is more often the case that people insert their values into their scriptures. I mean, otherwise, every Christian who read the Bible would read it exactly the same way. In this country, not 200 years ago, both slave owners and abolitionists not only used the same Bible to justify their viewpoints, they used the same verses to do so. That’s the thing about scripture, it’s power comes from its malleability. You can read it in any way you want to.”

    “If you are a violent misogynist, you will find plenty in the Koran or in the Bible to justify your viewpoint. If you’re a peaceful feminist, you will find just as much in those scriptures to justify your viewpoint.”

    “What if you’re a Jew who loves a bacon egg sandwich?” host Jon Stewart interjected.

    “I would recommend the Book of Mormon,” Aslan jokingly replied. “The point is that without interpretation scripture is just words on a page, it requires somebody to read it, to encounter it for it to have any kind of meaning, and obviously in that transaction you are bringing yourself, your views, your politics, your social ideas into the text. How you read scripture has everything to do with who you are. God did not make you a bigot, you’re just a bigot.”

    In the extended portion of the interview uploaded online, Aslan said trying to completely divorce religion from violence was also wrong.

    “We need to resist saying ISIS has nothing to do with Islam or that violence in the name of religion has nothing to do with religion. Of course it has to do with religion. If ISIS calls itself Muslim, we should probably take them seriously,” he said.

    “I’m OK with you saying ISIS is Muslim as long as you realize that the tens of thousands of people that they kill are also Muslim, and the tens of thousands of people fighting them are also Muslims. So if ISIS is Muslim, and their victims are Muslim, and the people fighting them are Muslim — that doesn’t really say anything all that interesting about Islam itself.”

  • Republicans: Please Stop Helping ISIS   9 years 16 weeks ago

    stecoop Very well said

  • Republicans: Please Stop Helping ISIS   9 years 17 weeks ago

    Alas for Us: We have Rightists

    {… a long-ish rhyme …}

    It’s EXACTLY what Islamicists want:

    that Rightists vigorously flaunt

    their self-righteous wrath,

    and march on war’s path

    as of drum-beats of war they {boast} vaunt.

    … …

    Stupidly, our Right helps THEIR side!! -

    - as the world’s tense cultures collide.

    … …

    Alas for us: -

    - It’s a war of cultures

    in which WE are regarded as vampire-like vultures.

    So it’s WE who’re thought of as rapaciously evil.

    Alas for us: -

    - it’s a war asymmetric,

    so we can’t cope with their methods so hectic,

    which they design for our internal upheaval.

    … …

    The Rightists don’t know the above,

    so they steam-roll and push and shove

    so stubbornly to our Own defeat.

    They’re with stupidity replete.


  • Obama on ISIS: Our Strategy is Going to Work   9 years 17 weeks ago

    Was that Barack Obama, the guy who bagged Osama bin Laden, or a reincarnation of Britain's supreme architect of appeasement, PM Stanley Baldwin addressing that bunch of reporters in Turkey this a.m.?

  • Republicans: Please Stop Helping ISIS   9 years 17 weeks ago

    committee of 300, club of rome agenda

  • Republicans: Please Stop Helping ISIS   9 years 17 weeks ago

    Every weekend US has more gun murders than the Paris tradgedy.

    See for real time update in your neighborhood.

    How about giving all immigration a couple years rest until we can reduce the

    human carnage and return to a civil society.

    Delusional to import more problems at this time.


  • Republicans: Please Stop Helping ISIS   9 years 17 weeks ago

    For more than 100 years, the United States, and other western nations, have been meddling in the affairs of the Middle Eastern countries, for various goals; and THAT, in my humble opinion, is why the Middle Eastern countries hate us.

    It is long past time for us to apologize to the Middle East for all of this meddling, and pull out COMPLETELY. They need to solve their problems themselves; outsiders have not been able to solve those problems and never will. Even if the entire middle east self-destructs in a nuclear haze, it is preferable to continued interference by nations who don't have a clue about the people and cultures of the middle east.

    I, as an American citizen, apologize to the entire Middle East for all the damage my country has caused; I also apologize for the fact that WE, THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, have lost control of our government; I hope we will soon regain control.

  • Daily Topics - Monday November 16th, 2015   9 years 17 weeks ago

    I believe we are looking at ISIL the wrong way. Despite Bernie's analysis based on global warming and our aversion to saying anything candid about religion it is beyond me why we skirt around the fact that ISIL is bent on "religious" control of the world and therefore the "rational" conversations fall short. Just as we stand in shock to recent comments from a Christian pastor in Arkansas that overtly said gays should be killed (paraphrasing), we need to focus our thinking more around the use of religion in general to deal with ISIL and for that matter conservatives. Oil, that's the real game in the middle east, and ISIL knows it and is using, much like conservatives do, religion to bully others and arouse emotion in its followers. Its religion that is poisoning our politics here and in the world.

  • Daily Topics - Monday November 16th, 2015   9 years 17 weeks ago

    This article on ISIS is very long but amazingly helpful in understanding Da'esh.

  • Daily Topics - Monday November 16th, 2015   9 years 17 weeks ago

    I have to miss half an hour of the show every day. Has there been any analysis of the November 8th election in Myanmar in which Aung San Suu Kyi's party won a majority of both houses of the parliament?

  • Friday 13 November '15 show notes   9 years 17 weeks ago

    Although Hillary notes that most of her contributors are female, what is the attributed sex of the Wallstreet superpacs which contribute multi-millions of dollars to her campaign? How many female contributors does Bernie have vis-a-vis Hillary?

  • Why Do The Kochs Get Welfare?   9 years 17 weeks ago

    The Kochian Deception

    {… a rhyme …}

    Not merely “latent”

    is the Kochian deception,

    but flat-out “blatant”. -

    - Yet the Rightwing’s perception

    is one of reception

    of stuff which’s beyond

    a Progressive’s conception.

    Of the Kochs the Right tends FOND!!



  • Politics Panel - Seriously - Who Are the Fascists?   9 years 17 weeks ago

    My MID-SEVENTIES students agreed with academics’ thinking that America was tending FASCIST. This was 'way BEFORE the later-blooming techniques of our USofA’s Fascism, such as: √ Rightist media {deceiving big swatches of the public}, - √ Stark power of moneyed interests {corporations-etc} in politics-hence-governance, - √ Highly-weaponized jack-booted {authoritarian} “citizens”, - √ Huge Militarization of our international dealings, - √ etc, Etc, ETC. … ... Among the Right’s bottom-line Lies is that it’s SOCIALISM which is endangering us.

  • Will SHAFTA undo our Internet victories?   9 years 17 weeks ago

    I can readily see that the suppression of internet freedom will be the cornerstone of the TPP, which as stated many times has little to do with trade, it is mostly about increasing the reach, power and domination of the Globalist corporate dictatorship.

    Too much "anti-government activity" on the internet. Sure ISP's will be ordered to blockade "undesirables" from using the internet. Claim that "copyrighted material" was downloaded. A crime which every internet user will be guilty of, but only critics of our corrupt fascist governments will be blocked.

    No doubt, increased "anti-terrorism" legislation will also be used to silence dissent. Very convenient how our corrupt Western governments seems to be doing everything in their power to destabilize the Middle East and create a giant terrorist playground there. And use that excuse to further erode our rights and freedoms.

  • Will SHAFTA undo our Internet victories?   9 years 17 weeks ago

    The “Deadliest Man on Earth”

    The TPP/TTIP/TiSA “trade agreement” initiatives were initiated by the Obama Administration (while Hillary was Secretary of State), so if implemented, the responsibility for the dreadful consequences of those so-called “trade agreements” (which are actually TREATIES that would require a two-thirds majority approval in the US Senate in order to be CONSTITUTIONALLY implemented) rests squarely on President Obama’s “head.”

    Obama’s dishonestly promoted “trade agreements” will grant a new authority to greedy multinational corporations (and investors) to SUE all three levels of our government for alleged “losses of future expected profits” resulting from laws, regulations, or court decisions made by that government. Those Obama-authorized lawsuits would be adjudicated in corporately run multinational tribunals that can change the criteria for awarding damages whenever they choose to do so, and the taxpayers in the targeted level of government will be forced to pay the multi-million-dollar or billion-dollar fines levied by those tribunals. This means that corporate profitability will become the sole criterion for the continued existence of ALL or our laws and social safety-net programs. If implemented, it will just a be matter of time until such Obama-authorized lawsuits will bring an end to our Social Security Program, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamp program, welfare programs, labor union protections, minimum wage laws, food safety laws, etc. The same will happen to all of the other countries that “sign up” to those so-called “trade agreements.”

    So, if implemented, President Obama’s so-called “trade agreements” will impoverish and/or KILL hundreds of millions of people worldwide (including a majority of US citizens) thereby giving President Obama the legacy of being the “Deadliest Man on Earth” so far in this century!

    Christopher C. Currie, Pascoag, RI (Feel free to publish this)

  • Today's Republicans Aren't Conservative   9 years 17 weeks ago

    Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while, and the Republicans do have a valid point about one unintended consequence of Dodd Frank. It is driving smaller banks to sell out to larger ones. It's about economy of scale.

    The cost of additional overhead to comply with Dodd Frank isn't all that much less for small banks than for large ones. But small banks have less business over which to spread that additional cost. Complex regulaltions always favor big over small. And lenders seem to favor large insitutions over smaller ones under Dodd Frank. Lenders give better interest rates to big banks giving them a big advantage.

  • Daily Topics - Friday November 13th, 2015   9 years 17 weeks ago

    For Thom's edification, Elton John has a song called "Saturday Night's All Right for Fighting"

  • Daily Topics - Friday November 13th, 2015   9 years 17 weeks ago

    A good story can be mapped onto the three stages of Hegel's dialectic, or the four stages in the cycle of the scientific method, or Elizabeth Kübler-Ross's five stages of grief.

  • Could Trump pick Christie as his running mate?   9 years 17 weeks ago

    TAs far as speculation, even for off-season inside baseball "what if..." talk goes, this is a stretch. There's no way the American public will go for two of the biggest representative public figures in the GOP who just also happen to be the faces of New York City (not upstate) and New Jersey. I'm a Yankee fan, but I know how hated they are outside the greater Tri-State population base. And when the KC Royals beat the Mets, few people were reaching for their tissue boxes across most of the country.

    This would be Claire McCaskill's ideal GOP ticket for her fav Hillary Clinton to face, notwithstanding the fact that the Democrats have long been The Northeastern Liberal party for decades. But Hillary Clinton does have midwestern roots and served as First Lady in Arkansas for 12 years.

    A Trump/Christie or Christie/Trump ticket would be more problematical for Bernie Sanders because if the voters are so sick of the Republicans and see "nawtheast" in both of their top guys, that'll hurt voter turnout and the Democrats need a solid tuirnout, period. Especially if the GOP manages to get the public to overlook the regional disparity in a GOP ticket favoring an aleady well-off quarter of the country so many other Americans living outside of it have long been resentful of all the attention it gets. It matters not a whit that it's the oldest part, the most urbanized, the most powerful in terms of media power ... the simple fact that our nation's population as a whole has long shifted westward for decades ... that alone should send enough warning lights for any GOP ticket balancing pollster to drop the idea as if it was radioactive. Politically speaking, it is.

    Even more so for the Democrats since Hillary Clinton is now a New Yorker and represented the state in the Senate for 8 years. And Bernie Sanders has built his entire political career in Vermont, in addition to being a Brooklyn native. How New York can you get besides Manhattan's Trump?

    True, Bill Clinton picked his neighbor Al Gore from TN to be his running mate for both terms, but a look at the map provides Bubba some cover: Just look at the swath of mileage of turf where their constituents lived in at the time and how centrally located both Arkansas and Tennessee are for geographical and demographical reasons. You're really talking about Middle America with Branson in Arkansas and Nashville in Tennessee.

    Geographical ticket balancing might seem as old hat to a lot of our more bean-counting oriented and poll-taking politicos in this insta-media impacted time ... but never underestimate the regional esteem and pride of voters across the land. And one more thing ... personalities. Even if the voters like the positions of the team, two very brash representatives of the same region will be overkill. Even if some Democrats get a similarly "bright idea" of proposing a Hillary/Bernie or Bernie/Hillary ticket ... it'd still be seen as a lopsided NY-favored deal since both Clinton and Sanders are from neighboring states ... even if Vermont and Upstate NY seem as far as Mars from Manhattan compared to the Guv from Joisy and the Big Mouth of Manhattan.

    One last thing, Vermonters would just as soon slit their wrists than see Bernie have to settle for second place on a ticket headed by a New Yorker, no matter who it was. This would be as bad or insulting as having to settle for second place to a New Hampshire-ite, no matter how progressive. They might tolerate a Bay Stater to their south like Jim McGovern, but McGovern's district, covering parts of western Massachusetts, remains too close for the rest of the nation's usual desire to see more distance between their President and Veep's home turf.

    Wow, I'd just hate to see the wrangling and political eye-poking and finger pointing that'd go on if THE BRIDGE was ever shut down during the final week of the campaign if any of these possible "too close for comfort tickets" was just able to catch the other party's pair, especially if it, too, was just another nawthustern pay-uh.

    I've been a native New Englander all my life. But I've lived elsewhere as a military dependent and college student in Miami-Dade ... and all I can say is ... The more I thought about all the negatives by the time it came to close out ... I hope to hell the Republicans are dumb enough to do it!

  • Today's Republicans Aren't Conservative   9 years 17 weeks ago

    Real citizens standing as one will provide testicular fortitude to throw off Elite who would destroy our planet and enslave us. We must stop living on our knees and rise to our feet to look them in the eye and say we have had enough. We would rather do this peacefully, but we are willing to die on or feet to throw off these chains to create a more fair and equitable society. We will tolerate the present system no more. #feelthebern

  • Full Show 11/12/15: Another Major Union Endorses Bernie Sanders   9 years 17 weeks ago

    For Prez: Bernie

    {… a rhyme …}

    Bernie has himself ingratiated

    vis-a-vis us, who are satiated

    by what he says.

    Let’s make him Prez.

    He’s SO much better’n the emaciated

    souls of the Right

    which don’t shine so bright

    and which with nonsense are permeated.

    … ….

    From Rightwingers’ souls it’s Evil which emanates,

    and Intelligence their brain completely decimates. -

    - Bernie’s their opposite. A Progressive celebrates

    the values and policies which Bernie explicates.


  • Full Show 11/12/15: Another Major Union Endorses Bernie Sanders   9 years 17 weeks ago

    Trump Tramples Trumpeting

    - an exercise in mixed metaphors -

    {… a rhyme …}

    Trump, he tramples like an elephant rogue.

    Some natives cheer; - his stomps are in vogue

    with their sen-ti-ments;

    the rogue is their Prince

    of Darkness.

    Trump trumpets snorts against this and for that,

    while his noise and his feet are knocking flat

    our nation’s already-faltering engine, -

    - making our sparkplugs [in my {opinion} opinjin]

    all the more sparkless.

    . . . . .


  • Today's Republicans Aren't Conservative   9 years 17 weeks ago

    How far back do Republicans want to go in history to find the "good old days" Is it the pre World War two economy and society that they want to create in 2016. We have progressed too far to return to a past that had too many faults to examine here. We need to continue to increase opportunities for people to be self-reliant. Think about it. If we could create an economy where people could stay employed, housed, and more self-suficent we would not need a large government safety-net. or

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