Recent comments

  • More than 20 states take a stand for unions!   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Mark I know lots of guys that would rather work work out side of the Union. If you are really good at what you do you will always want to work piece work. You make way more. Yes we have illegal workers in Canada the difference is if you get caught in Canada they deport you. Look Mark like I said have your unions just don't make me collect the dues.

  • More than 20 states take a stand for unions!   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Kend, WTF? There virtually are no working people, people who work for someone else rather than own a business, who wouldn't rather join a union just as there are none who wouldn't rather have better pay and conditions of work and fair, decent treatment on the job. They only exist in the right wing PR imagination.
    It's like the righty Obama Care argument, essentially, "But what if people don't WANT better, more affordable health insurance?"

  • More than 20 states take a stand for unions!   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Ou812, that Sherk article is from the OPINION pages of the NYT. He's a right wing hack from the Heritage Foundation who first published his article in the Daily Signal and other right wing rags.
    That is suspect enough and I don't trust his recounting of Meany's words without a big twisting but, even so, why do you think that we lefties think George Meany - or, for that matter FDR - walked on water? Because it might work for another one of your ploys?
    George Meany was against affirmative action and supported racist, discriminatory practices - which is in large part why African-Americans were long suspicious of the labor movement. He supported the Viet Nam war effort and was hardly the most progressive (don't forget, although the labor movement was initiated by lefties they were purged from it in the McCarthy era), in fact, quite the Archie Bunker, blue collar conservative. He was not a hero of lefties. Rather, he represented the selling out of the labor movement after McCarthyist purges and the NLRB.
    FDR, heroic as he was, wasn't Jesus either. He refused to bomb the railheads to the concentration death camps or even to accept Jewish refugees. He had said, "America is a Christian, Protestant nation and Jews and Catholics are here under sufferance.". He had Japanese-Americans interred and so on.
    You know, we once believed the Earth was flat and the Sherk article contains nothing but the same bogus arguments I vociferously refuted in my earlier post, just bogus, twisted logic. That not the voters themselves but their elected representatives are negotiating with public employees, that Sherk thinks is so significant, is an irrelevance. Since when do we live in a direct democracy and I, for one, would not vote for someone adversarial to public employees. If I'm an employer I'm not a rogue scoundrel or exploiter.

  • This is what institutional racism looks like.   9 years 16 weeks ago

    My opinions ate your opinions with lots of onions.

  • This is what institutional racism looks like.   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Ou812, I give you facts, I give you leads - not links. Everything isn't on the internet and just because there isn't a link to it doesn't mean it doesn't exist and many links are to authoritatively dressed up falsehoods - as you well know ;^)).
    I'm an old school oldster and do things the old fashioned way, from memory. You don't have to accept it at face value but I challenge you to refute or disprove it.
    Anyway, my opinions are much better founded, and I cite facts to back them up, than the purely unfounded conjecture of the racists in this thread.
    Anyway, what are your sources? My opinions are better founded than the contrary ones.

  • More than 20 states take a stand for unions!   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Kend, that is another incredibly out of touch statement you have made. Canada has MANY, MANY undocumented workers. I knew many personally who had done it for years. One was an American who simply wandered across the border and got a job and nobody ever asked him if he was legally allowed to work, even after they heard him pronounce "out".
    But there are MANY undocumented immigrants in Canada and it is, in fact, one of the easiest countries to sneak into and stay in or simply overstay your visa. It is, in fact, very lax on immigration as its population is very sparse it just is not a great priority. I heard a thorough CBC report on it about 10 years ago
    As for "every other country in the world" Western Europe has a MASSIVE population of undocumented immigrants and it is, in fact, why their cities are currently so overcrowded. Just like in the United States, undocumented immigrant labor is tolerated by the governments because the business community so covets it because the undocumented are so easily exploitable. It's a massive racket in trafficking.
    I recommend a movie called "Dirty Pretty Things" - not what the title seems to imply so don't get all hot thinking about it - that illustrates the issue of undocumented immigration and labor in Europe. I spent 9 years organizing undocumented workers in Chicago and I can tell you it's a good illustration of the issue of undocumented immigration and labor, not only in Europe where the movie is set but also North America and everywhere.
    Illegal immigration and labor is an issue everywhere, not only in the developed world. South Africa has many undocumented Angolan immigrant laborers, for example - if I have the exact nations involved right, I'm quoting from memory what I read but my example is definitely of the region.
    That your employees are on commission is a good arrangement - if the commission is fair. I don't think union/management adverserialism is the ideal but more employee owned businesses. It's all about fair percentage of the profits and employee ownership, a little like commissions, are a great motivator. The model works very well, it can be amazing how motivations change when vested interests change.

  • More than 20 states take a stand for unions!   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Attacking Public Employee Unions is just another distraction brought to you by the Fascist Party. That way the continuing extreme concentration of wealth can proceed with sly discretion. Their god damn free trade laws already broke most of our private sector unions. If you're anti union, you're anti democracy.

    Why no discussion about the billions in tax money going to non union private sector companies, and sub contractors....aren't they working for all of us too? I feel like I have no say in how much a freaking bomb costs....if I wanted one to begin with. Like I said, the Fascists have already broke most of the private sector unions with free trade and they're pissed that almost all Public Employee Unions support they simply want to figure out how to break those unions too.

  • More than 20 states take a stand for unions!   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Unions should be mandatory in any company with 50 or more employees.

  • More than 20 states take a stand for unions!   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Saulys, calm down and tell me what part of what I said is wrong. Public employees work for the taxpayer. I'm a taxpayer, public employees are working for me (and other taxpayers). "It's impossible to bargin collectively with the government "--George Meany, former president AFL-CIO.

  • This is what institutional racism looks like.   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Saulys unless you cite sources, everything you wrote here is your opinion

  • More than 20 states take a stand for unions!   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Mark I am a Canadian, we don't have undocumented workers. We put people that are here illegally in handcuffs and send them home like every country in world does except the US. All of my employees are on some type of commission so the better the company does the better they do. I said I have no problem with unions but I don't believe I should have to collect their dues for them.

  • More than 20 states take a stand for unions!   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Unions are a business. They offer a service. Employees can vote them in or out. Republicans want to screw with them while at the same time, they're calling for less government interference in our lives. So which is it?

  • More than 20 states take a stand for unions!   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Ou812, you're fulla shit and you damn well know it. That doesn't follow at all. It's one of those business talking point frauds to get you, another poor laborer or blue collar worker, to think of yourself as an "employer" as a taxpayer. I guess that makes you feel rich, if just for a moment, when you should be thinking of yourself as their fellow worker and when you screw them - or vote to have them screwed - you're screwing yourself. Just another bogus strategy of division to undermine the unity - and thus the political power and bargaining power - of workers to get them to think of themselves as employers when they're just poor working schmucks like their "employees".
    Your logic is a completely laughably absurd attempt at your right wing fraud. It is undemocratic for public employees' unions to be denied their right to associate and represent themselves and bargain collectively. This superstition you try to get people to adopt that because they are public employees that is somehow nefarious is just anti labor horse shit sham.

  • Full Show 11/19/15: Who Killed Kennedy?   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Lamar does an excellent job of explaining the Mafia part in the assassination. But the mafia was only a part. The maifia didn't have the means to cover up the crime. The CIA and other parts of the Intel/military industrial complex have shown their gulit by refusing to release their files. The mafia and the CIA are so intertwined as to be one and the same. The winners of the coup d'état, the dark state, are still in power. Daniel Sheehan puts all the pieces together in his JFK class.

  • More than 20 states take a stand for unions!   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Hartmann's post is about public service unions. Aren't public service unions for government employees? So my neighbor, who may be a government employee, is allowed to negotiate a pay raise that I, a taxpayer, will have to pay. What ever happened to one person one vote? This stupid proposal in effect gives union members more power than tax payers who pay public employees salaries.

  • This is what institutional racism looks like.   9 years 16 weeks ago

    And yes, African-Americans have been denied education for generations and continue to be - in the ways I mentioned, the institutional ways.
    Do you read what I write?

  • This is what institutional racism looks like.   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Kilosqrd, that is one of the most obtuse comments I have ever seen. I just told you what happens in Chicago, dude.
    Thom said that the denials of loans are largely because of race and that's provable, demonstrable and true. You, because you have a bad opinion of black people, have decided that it's because they all have bad credit.
    That would also be provable and demonstrable if it were true and nobody, no liberals or lefties, would be taking issue with it. Liberals and lefties don't make those kind of unsupportable arguments. Only right winger racists and frauds do.

  • More than 20 states take a stand for unions!   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Kend, don't you ever hire professional negotiators, lawyers and such? Well, a union will provide you, a poor, lowly schmuck laborer or blue collar worker just trying to make it on his labor and back work, with all that. And yes, when you are just a poor laborer a professional will negotiate for you much better than you can and, much more importantly, even if your union was very poor and couldn't afford lawyers and professionals you are much better off with a union, uniting with your coworkers and bargaining collectively. Otherwise, the power imbalance between a single, individual, poor, lowly laborer and a giant corporation, or even so smaller business, is much too great for you to ever be able to negotiate a free, fair deal with them by yourself.
    And it's THAT that you business people are afraid of, you don't want to pay your people a fair percentage of the profits - and that's NOT the least you can get away with paying them!

  • More than 20 states take a stand for unions!   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Kend, that is nonsense. Is that why undocumented workers are so highly paid? They work like the dickens but you business people take full advantage of them and pay them as little as you can get away with paying them.
    You just want to talk about "individual merits" of a worker so you can divide them and break up their unity because you know that's where their negotiating power lies.

  • More than 20 states take a stand for unions!   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Mark you are assuming that the union can negotiate better for me than I can. If I am a much better, harder worker than the average I will probably be able to do much better on my own. Of course if I am a lazy unproductive employee sign me up for the union

    With that said, if my employees what to get together and form a union and negotiate as a whole, that is fine with me. But why does it become the employers responsibility to collect the dues. That is just wrong.

  • More than 20 states take a stand for unions!   9 years 16 weeks ago

    I question how safe it is to assume that members of the govenment much less the Supreme Court actually do desire " a stong middle class".

  • This is what institutional racism looks like.   9 years 16 weeks ago

    "Also, African-Americans have been denied education for so many generations..."

    Been denied? What are in the 1930's? Look around dude, black people and all other races have never had it better as far as educational opportunities. I see people of all races in hgh places of authority, business, politics etc. How did they achieve their status/position? Oh, I guess they had white privelege.

  • This is what institutional racism looks like.   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Mark, reread Thom's piece. Thom claims blacks are being denied loans strictly on race. I will not deny that it is a possibility in some cases. However, he completely overlooks the other criteria as if those are non factors or don't exist at all. You did it too.

  • Full Show 11/20/15: Donald Trump Goes Full Fascist   9 years 16 weeks ago

    Synopsis of the News

    {… a limerick …}

    Hell is fuming and bubbling

    with shrdlu very troubling.

    ‘Ere long we’ll be rubble,

    minced meat, shredded stubble, -

    - as troubles double their doubling.

    … … …

    {“Shrdlu” is a Mad Magazine non-word.}


  • Full Show 11/20/15: Donald Trump Goes Full Fascist   9 years 16 weeks ago

    America’s Id

    {… a rhyme …}

    We ought to be ashamed

    of our America’s Id, …

    … now vigorously inflamed

    by Rightists who bid

    to get acclaimed

    as leaders amid

    the turgid turmoil

    which threatens to foil

    the good which America again could be. -

    - Oh, were our Self from our Id to be free.

    . . . .

    Personifications of the American Id:


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