The propaganda in the textbooks is just another way to manipulate youthful minds, more evidence the Fascists are gaining control, or should I say out of control, and have undermined our liberty. Any teacher allowing these books in his or her classroom should be ashamed of themselves.....these sixth graders are facing a horrific post modern dark age.
Time for community book burnings as peaceful protest. Maybe the parents could do a class action lawsuit against the publisher. One way or another, we progressives need to fight back. It's no longer just about economic and social injustice issues, the survival of the planet is at stake. This all because a few think they need countless billions, and are using these billions to install Fascism, and thus thwart all political efforts to curb climate change.
Where the hell is our representative government? Since when did the state government of California of all places start allowing Fox News for content in sixth grade textbooks???? You would think the drought out there would cause outrage over these books!!!
Progressives are all for using education for social engineering, when it fits their world view. I would argue that the switch from "education as job-readiness" to "education as social engineering", that began in the 60s, is one of the primary causes of failed public school systems around the country.
When discussing anything about education, you should first ask yourself:
1. Do I have a child at this school?
If your answer is "no", then what difference does it make to you?
If your answer is "yes", then you could and should get active in the PTA and school board. And if you still don't like what they're teaching your child, you should be able to move your child, and the tax money attached to that child, to the school of your choice. Even if that school is private.
Students education shouldn't depend on religious ideology either, but there's lots of that going on as well; until we have an educational system the teaches FACTS only (leave theoretical teachings for the college level) we will have people who are confused about the facts and the truth, and unable to think for themselves or make good decisions. I point to our current crop of republican politicians as shining examples.
mathboy - I was being facetious, however, this year there have been 4 police cruisers stolen in Indiana - three in Indianapolis and one in Fort Wayne(?). According to local news media, that's at least a 300% increase over previous years. I'm just hoping the thieves were victims of civil forfeiture laws.
What can be done Thom? Deniers are still prolific and troll many sites. DKos, Huffpo, the Gaurdian, etc... I read all these. Taking time for deep denier sites isn't productive. Reading or discussing with them is spinning wheels or game playing trolls desire wasting time.
I thought everyone agreed that climate change was occurring. That the disagreement was over the causes. Natural hot / cold Earth cycles, or CO2 emissions.
What gets me is the sheer irony of this. As Marc has pointed out: “Somehow the right managed to sell the idea that it was wrong for people to profit off of drug sales.” Yet they’re perfectly fine with life-saving medications priced out of reach of most people. I don’t know about you but I find this crazy-making.
I haven't heard of any increase in police car theft, stecoop01, but your hypothesis depends on either 1) some organization teaching widely scattered people to do the same thing without being noticed, or 2) those people independently reacting to the same situation in the same way at about the same time.
Allow me again to re-repeat: - Not a-tall helpful, your panel’s Rightists who: {a} Skirt the issues which you raise, … and … {b} Re-state nonsenses which one hopes to by-pass when viewing your show.
Monsanto has a facility close enough to where I reside and I can assure you that it is a wasteful, desolate area. However, workers abound making a "living?", While in their trailers and motel rooms etc.
I assure you that driving through this area of Soda Springs Idaho is an abomination on the environment!!!!!!! I so wish others would concur.
Thank you for the info, DeAnneMarc; it looks like the "war on drugs" continues to broaden the collateral damage, taking out far more "friendlies" than "enemies".
This is weird. The Wikipedia article on George Gurdjieff, cited in today's newsletter, mentions a "Thomas de Hartmann" (1885-1956), natively named Фома́ Алекса́ндрович Га́ртман (Foma Aleksandrovich Gartman). I know "Фома́" is the cognate of "Thomas", and "Га́ртман" is surely an attempt to transliterate "Hartmann", though usually they use "Х" instead of "Г" to approximate the /h/ sound.
Quote stecoop01:I wonder if the recent increase in the theft of POLICE CARS(!) might be retaliation for the civil forfeiture laws. How the heck did legalized theft by law enforcement personnel come about in this country?
This whole problem evolved because of the War on Drugs. Somehow, the right managed to sell the idea that it was wrong for people to profit off of drug sales. They created the idea of drug dealers driving expensive cars and living in homes they bought with cash. Of course, there was already a mechanism in place to tip off authorities if anyone was purchasing expensive goods with cash. Nevertheless, this wasn't enough. Ill gotten assets needed to be seized; and, it had to happen quickly, legally, and easy. Somehow, at the root of this illegal, unConstitutional notion, it was worked in that the accused never had to be convicted of doing anything wrong in order for the assets to be 'considered guilty.' Assets are 'considered guilty' upon 'suspicion' only. It's quite amazing how that really works. We've had a well known drug house in our neighborhood now for 8 years. In that time, several times, the police have raided the place and seized drugs. Once, someone was shot there. Still, the people continue to live there. Their cars and assets are not confiscated. They are back on the streets within days and the house is back in business as usual within a week. Of course I live in California. Perhaps it is different from state to state. Or, perhaps drugs isn't what some officials are really targeting. Perhaps 'drugs' are merely a pretense to commit a worse act of crime. Regardless, taking someone's property for any reason is theft. It a is clear violation of Constitutional rights. It is a problem that sorely needs to be attended to and reckoned with.
When the police AND banks are the robbers, we have a SERIOUS PROBLEM in this country. I've been outraged by this issue for literally decades already and am at a loss as to what to say or do about it... other than resorting to violence. When all else fails...
Reply to #4: campaign contribution laws (so-called "Citizens United") is indeed a major factor in citizens' loss of any substantive influence over Congress. However when they don't bother to vote in the midterms, it exacerbates the problem that much more.
Both are correct,as parents should be able to stay home, and care for their new child, and bond with them without having to worry about loosing their job, income etc.
False Flag policies have been the practice of our Govvernment for some time.
It has been clear for several years that The people have lost control of Congress due to the campaign contribution laws approved by the Supreme Court. As this corruption grows into absolute power it corrupts absolutely.
You can talk all you wish about it but it will not be listened to by Congress,. The fed rakes care of the budget deficit for Congress so they do not have to increase your and my taxes, which would get them a lost election next reelection.
"Terrorism Is The Best Political Weapon For Nothing Drives People Harder Than A Fear Of Sudden Death" Adolf Hitler"
What do I think. Well I think as the collapse of citizenship escalates, and more and more of the responsibility incumbent on the citizen is passed on to the "governments" care and maintenance, then the concern for siezure of private property is a mute issue. Takings will be necessary to fund the collapsing basis to the economy that once could generate the taxes necessary to fund the public sector. You can think of it as the natural progression of the public sectors purpose to fulfill the wishes of the community........and becasue they "work so hard at it", breaking a sweat continuously as they toil hour after hour, day after day, month after month, maybe even year after year, the search for ever more "booty" to sustain the progression..........well it is obvious. As Plato explained, it just can not work out well when you put the government employee in charge of the purse strings determining how public funds are dispersed, now can it. But, of course, all this is at their peril........fundamentally they are essentially stealing, and at bottom they are stealing money, which further devalues, or clarifies the relative worth of the money. This is especially distructive when the value assigned to the money is being defined by the very same crew that is printing it, so to speak. Of course, we are already well past the point where those that print the money can actually do so, in fact, the paper and ink necessary are beyond the reach of the current finances of the existing regime. Thus, as the money value declines, then it is necessary to steal even more just to maintaing parity..........sort of a downward spiral into a state that not only has no funding, but it can not be funded at any level...........since those that define the value of the money no longer assign any meaningful value to it..........hi ho hi ho its off to steal we go........but then this is old news, very old news. Although I must admit it has become so glaringly obvious I marvel at the thing, i.e. "the State", still continuing as it does. I think you can say they have managed to reach bottom when you see government takings of say usable human tissues, necessary to sustain the individuals that government deems most vital to the security of the nation, either by consumption or open market sale. Thats what I think. What do you think?
I wonder if the recent increase in the theft of POLICE CARS(!) might be retaliation for the civil forfeiture laws. How the heck did legalized theft by law enforcement personnel come about in this country?
Who knows. Maybe everyone is half right. Maybe Earth is going thru a natural hot/cold cycle and carbon emissions are enhancing the effects of that natural cycle. I think we're somewhere in the middle between gloom and doom and, no changes at all. I also think we should concentrate on dealing with it's current effects and phase in the big ticket control efforts after more people are on board with this.
There is something SERIOUSLY F'D UP with the SUPER RICH! What is it with them they want to KEEP PEOPLE into SLAVERY?
For THEY could NOT DO, Wwith the WEALTH they have, WITHOUT the LABOR of UNDER PAID Worker's!
Yet these EVIL, GREEDY SOB'S BELIEVE they are to HAVE IT ALL on the backs of our Worker's! Because if they they have the PHYSICAL LABOR of their WORKER'S, NO WAY could they make the evil money they do!
When are the American Worker's going to get the CLUE, if they did NOT PERFORM, NO WAY could these EVIL GREEDY MAKE THE MONEY THEY DO!
Yes, this needs to be changed so that they can be properly educated. And while they're at it, how about fixing the problem history textbooks as well?
He has also received nearly a million donations, most averaging 30 bucks.
The propaganda in the textbooks is just another way to manipulate youthful minds, more evidence the Fascists are gaining control, or should I say out of control, and have undermined our liberty. Any teacher allowing these books in his or her classroom should be ashamed of themselves.....these sixth graders are facing a horrific post modern dark age.
Time for community book burnings as peaceful protest. Maybe the parents could do a class action lawsuit against the publisher. One way or another, we progressives need to fight back. It's no longer just about economic and social injustice issues, the survival of the planet is at stake. This all because a few think they need countless billions, and are using these billions to install Fascism, and thus thwart all political efforts to curb climate change.
Where the hell is our representative government? Since when did the state government of California of all places start allowing Fox News for content in sixth grade textbooks???? You would think the drought out there would cause outrage over these books!!!
Progressives are all for using education for social engineering, when it fits their world view. I would argue that the switch from "education as job-readiness" to "education as social engineering", that began in the 60s, is one of the primary causes of failed public school systems around the country.
When discussing anything about education, you should first ask yourself:
1. Do I have a child at this school?
If your answer is "no", then what difference does it make to you?
If your answer is "yes", then you could and should get active in the PTA and school board. And if you still don't like what they're teaching your child, you should be able to move your child, and the tax money attached to that child, to the school of your choice. Even if that school is private.
Students education shouldn't depend on religious ideology either, but there's lots of that going on as well; until we have an educational system the teaches FACTS only (leave theoretical teachings for the college level) we will have people who are confused about the facts and the truth, and unable to think for themselves or make good decisions. I point to our current crop of republican politicians as shining examples.
mathboy - I was being facetious, however, this year there have been 4 police cruisers stolen in Indiana - three in Indianapolis and one in Fort Wayne(?). According to local news media, that's at least a 300% increase over previous years. I'm just hoping the thieves were victims of civil forfeiture laws.
What can be done Thom? Deniers are still prolific and troll many sites. DKos, Huffpo, the Gaurdian, etc... I read all these. Taking time for deep denier sites isn't productive. Reading or discussing with them is spinning wheels or game playing trolls desire wasting time.
I thought everyone agreed that climate change was occurring. That the disagreement was over the causes. Natural hot / cold Earth cycles, or CO2 emissions.
What gets me is the sheer irony of this. As Marc has pointed out: “Somehow the right managed to sell the idea that it was wrong for people to profit off of drug sales.” Yet they’re perfectly fine with life-saving medications priced out of reach of most people. I don’t know about you but I find this crazy-making.
I haven't heard of any increase in police car theft, stecoop01, but your hypothesis depends on either 1) some organization teaching widely scattered people to do the same thing without being noticed, or 2) those people independently reacting to the same situation in the same way at about the same time.
Ha, no. That would insinuate that the intersts of the refugees was the real issue.
Duck ye, ye Nations
{... a rhyme ...}
Duck ye, ye nations, or thou shalt be struck
by pol-i-ticians running {amok} amuck,
as if thou hath been smitten by a four-ton truck
and impaled by a quickened hocky puck
which are driven erratically by an absolute schmuck.
Allow me again to re-repeat: - Not a-tall helpful, your panel’s Rightists who: {a} Skirt the issues which you raise, … and … {b} Re-state nonsenses which one hopes to by-pass when viewing your show.
Et Cetera
{… a rhyme …}
Too many are praisin’
the Rightwing’s brazen
misogyny, xenophobia, et cet.
Thus do they aid and abet
our nation’s phasin’
into things we’ll regret.
... ... ...
The “et cetera” includes so much!!
Et greed’s inequities and such.
Et guns and et anti-black.
Et knocking civilization off-track.
Monsanto has a facility close enough to where I reside and I can assure you that it is a wasteful, desolate area. However, workers abound making a "living?", While in their trailers and motel rooms etc.
I assure you that driving through this area of Soda Springs Idaho is an abomination on the environment!!!!!!! I so wish others would concur.
Thank you for the info, DeAnneMarc; it looks like the "war on drugs" continues to broaden the collateral damage, taking out far more "friendlies" than "enemies".
This is weird. The Wikipedia article on George Gurdjieff, cited in today's newsletter, mentions a "Thomas de Hartmann" (1885-1956), natively named Фома́ Алекса́ндрович Га́ртман (Foma Aleksandrovich Gartman). I know "Фома́" is the cognate of "Thomas", and "Га́ртман" is surely an attempt to transliterate "Hartmann", though usually they use "Х" instead of "Г" to approximate the /h/ sound.
This whole problem evolved because of the War on Drugs. Somehow, the right managed to sell the idea that it was wrong for people to profit off of drug sales. They created the idea of drug dealers driving expensive cars and living in homes they bought with cash. Of course, there was already a mechanism in place to tip off authorities if anyone was purchasing expensive goods with cash. Nevertheless, this wasn't enough. Ill gotten assets needed to be seized; and, it had to happen quickly, legally, and easy. Somehow, at the root of this illegal, unConstitutional notion, it was worked in that the accused never had to be convicted of doing anything wrong in order for the assets to be 'considered guilty.' Assets are 'considered guilty' upon 'suspicion' only. It's quite amazing how that really works. We've had a well known drug house in our neighborhood now for 8 years. In that time, several times, the police have raided the place and seized drugs. Once, someone was shot there. Still, the people continue to live there. Their cars and assets are not confiscated. They are back on the streets within days and the house is back in business as usual within a week. Of course I live in California. Perhaps it is different from state to state. Or, perhaps drugs isn't what some officials are really targeting. Perhaps 'drugs' are merely a pretense to commit a worse act of crime. Regardless, taking someone's property for any reason is theft. It a is clear violation of Constitutional rights. It is a problem that sorely needs to be attended to and reckoned with.
When the police AND banks are the robbers, we have a SERIOUS PROBLEM in this country. I've been outraged by this issue for literally decades already and am at a loss as to what to say or do about it... other than resorting to violence. When all else fails...
Reply to #4: campaign contribution laws (so-called "Citizens United") is indeed a major factor in citizens' loss of any substantive influence over Congress. However when they don't bother to vote in the midterms, it exacerbates the problem that much more.
Both are correct,as parents should be able to stay home, and care for their new child, and bond with them without having to worry about loosing their job, income etc.
False Flag policies have been the practice of our Govvernment for some time.
It has been clear for several years that The people have lost control of Congress due to the campaign contribution laws approved by the Supreme Court. As this corruption grows into absolute power it corrupts absolutely.
You can talk all you wish about it but it will not be listened to by Congress,. The fed rakes care of the budget deficit for Congress so they do not have to increase your and my taxes, which would get them a lost election next reelection.
"Terrorism Is The Best Political Weapon For Nothing Drives People Harder Than A Fear Of Sudden Death" Adolf Hitler"
What do I think. Well I think as the collapse of citizenship escalates, and more and more of the responsibility incumbent on the citizen is passed on to the "governments" care and maintenance, then the concern for siezure of private property is a mute issue. Takings will be necessary to fund the collapsing basis to the economy that once could generate the taxes necessary to fund the public sector. You can think of it as the natural progression of the public sectors purpose to fulfill the wishes of the community........and becasue they "work so hard at it", breaking a sweat continuously as they toil hour after hour, day after day, month after month, maybe even year after year, the search for ever more "booty" to sustain the progression..........well it is obvious. As Plato explained, it just can not work out well when you put the government employee in charge of the purse strings determining how public funds are dispersed, now can it. But, of course, all this is at their peril........fundamentally they are essentially stealing, and at bottom they are stealing money, which further devalues, or clarifies the relative worth of the money. This is especially distructive when the value assigned to the money is being defined by the very same crew that is printing it, so to speak. Of course, we are already well past the point where those that print the money can actually do so, in fact, the paper and ink necessary are beyond the reach of the current finances of the existing regime. Thus, as the money value declines, then it is necessary to steal even more just to maintaing parity..........sort of a downward spiral into a state that not only has no funding, but it can not be funded at any level...........since those that define the value of the money no longer assign any meaningful value to it..........hi ho hi ho its off to steal we go........but then this is old news, very old news. Although I must admit it has become so glaringly obvious I marvel at the thing, i.e. "the State", still continuing as it does. I think you can say they have managed to reach bottom when you see government takings of say usable human tissues, necessary to sustain the individuals that government deems most vital to the security of the nation, either by consumption or open market sale. Thats what I think. What do you think?
I wonder if the recent increase in the theft of POLICE CARS(!) might be retaliation for the civil forfeiture laws. How the heck did legalized theft by law enforcement personnel come about in this country?
Who knows. Maybe everyone is half right. Maybe Earth is going thru a natural hot/cold cycle and carbon emissions are enhancing the effects of that natural cycle. I think we're somewhere in the middle between gloom and doom and, no changes at all. I also think we should concentrate on dealing with it's current effects and phase in the big ticket control efforts after more people are on board with this.
There is something SERIOUSLY F'D UP with the SUPER RICH! What is it with them they want to KEEP PEOPLE into SLAVERY?
For THEY could NOT DO, Wwith the WEALTH they have, WITHOUT the LABOR of UNDER PAID Worker's!
Yet these EVIL, GREEDY SOB'S BELIEVE they are to HAVE IT ALL on the backs of our Worker's! Because if they they have the PHYSICAL LABOR of their WORKER'S, NO WAY could they make the evil money they do!
When are the American Worker's going to get the CLUE, if they did NOT PERFORM, NO WAY could these EVIL GREEDY MAKE THE MONEY THEY DO!